New 4hz Binaural Beat

EDIT2: I’ve added a new page to my website showing some of the Hemi-Sync Binaural Beat products I’ve used over the years. I own them all and highly recommend everything on the list.
Recommended Hemi-Sync Binaural Beats

A couple weeks ago I created a new Binaural Beat using the BrainWave Gen program.

I’ve been using this one since then to great result and I wanted to share it with everyone.

Click the below link, and select “Save Link As…” (Firefox) or “Save Target As…” (Internet Explorer).


The file itself is a RAR compressed file. You’ll need to download a rar uncompressing programย  It’s 400mb compressed, and 600mb in it’s original WAV format.

It’s a 60 minute sound file in the WAV format… the Background Frequency starts at 32hz and works its way down to 4hz over the first 10 minutes… then over the next 40 minutes, it keeps you at that level and then takes you back up to 32hz over another 10 minutes.ย  The Binaural Frequency is 4hz.ย  There’s a nice, soft brown noise throughout for outside noise reduction.

As I said, it’s been giving me some great results when I use it in tandem with the Noticing Exercise, but you can freely use it for whatever you want.

Please do enjoy!!ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

EDIT:ย  At the request of someone on the Astral Pulse I’ve uploaded the BWGen file, it’s MUCH smaller (5 kb)… so if you have the BWGen program, you can simply download and import this into it to output your own Audio or to see how it’s created.ย  It’s a very simply designed Beat.

4hz-test BWGen File

Download, then go into your BWGen program and select FILE, then IMPORT.

EDIT2: I’ve converted the WAV into a 192k MP3. It retains all it’s Binaural awesomeness.



19 thoughts on “New 4hz Binaural Beat

  1. Faxman says:

    thanks Xanth but you may convert it to a MP3 : 320Kps (Constant Bit Rate – CBR – 44.1 Hz).
    I have been using and testing many, many, many different brainwave files for many, many years so despite the controversy, I know that the MP3 format also works if the encoding rate is high enough.

    • xanth18 says:

      Actually, the only reason it’s in WAV format was that’s the format that the Brainwave Gen program outputs in.
      I never really considered converting it over to MP3… I guess I could. And actually, you can reduce the bitrate quite a bit and still keep the Binaural Frequency fully intact. ๐Ÿ™‚

      I’ll give that a go and see how it works. It should decrease the file size a lot.

      Thanks Faxman! ๐Ÿ™‚

      EDIT: I converted it to a high quality MP3… 85mb now. I took it up to 192kps… I didn’t wanna go too much higher for file size purposes. I’ve listened to it at this rate and it works perfect. Currently uploading it. I’ll provide the link when it’s done uploading.

  2. Bachar says:

    Am very interested in astral traveling, medittaion & spiritual knowledge. But always afraid of listening to brainwave stuff. Iam downloading the beats now & thank you so much for it, but is it safe to listen? I mean some say u should be careful about ur thoughts during listening, but thoughts cant be controlled, best to witness them as osho said…. i believe these beats are for OBE?
    Thank you again & hope to read from you, thxxxxx:)

  3. Eric says:

    I can’t get the bwgen31.exe to run on win 7. Any ideas? It just sits there saying “extracting” but it never completes. Is there any free software out there that will convert bwg to .wav? Or do you know of another software that will place a .bwg file?


  4. Will says:

    I am starting to use Hemy-Sinc and downloading some stuff.

    Is the quality the same when the format is in MP3 than in .FLAC or WMV format?

    Thanks for your help.

    • xanth18 says:

      Flac is a lossless format, meaning it’s much better “quality” than mp3, however, the bits that are taken out for mp3 don’t effect the binaural at all.
      I think wmv is similar to Flac.

  5. Will says:

    Something else I forgot…

    I have the Gateway Experience, and in every CD, Robert Monroe says you should be hearing his voice just in one ear (the right one).

    What I don’t understand is that I am using stereo headphones, I have checked my computer to be sure the audio is in mode stereo, but I keep hearing the sound in both ears.

    There is a function in the computer audio to change the “balance”, so you can hear the sound ONLY in one ear… but then I wouldn’t hear the 2 different sounds of Hemy-Sinc in every different ear.

    Anyone found the same problem? Should I keep listening the sound in both ears?

    Thanks a lot!

    • xanth18 says:

      That means you’re not actually using stereo mode… OR, you’re not using an sound file that was done in stereo.
      When he says that, that’s exactly what you should be hearing. His voice in one ear, then the other… it’s a means of testing your equipment.
      You should verify your settings.

  6. Screaming Monkey says:

    I’ve found a lot of good BWGen files (.bwg), the only problem is that I CANNOT import any of them because I have an unregistered (trial) version that won’t let me import.

    I’d like to register it, but I don’t think the company exists any more ! At least, when you go to their website and click on their registration link, it gives you a page that simply says: “This product has been deleted from the system and is no longer available for purchase. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.”

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to either import or convert all the .bwg files I’ve downloaded from other users.

    – Thanks –

      • Screaming Monkey says:

        I did, thanks.

        But do you know how I can either register the software, or otherwise convert the .bwg files I’ve downloaded from the Preset Library site? I found about 6 that I wanted to import and try, but I don’t think the company (Noromaa Solutions ?) exists anymore.

        Any advise on how to register, or somehow import these files?

        – Thanks for your help –

        • Xanth says:

          Unfortunately no… if what you say is try about what happens when you true to register, it might be a hopeless cause.
          You should try heading over to Robert Bruces Astral Dynamics forum and ask around there. He helped develop the software. ๐Ÿ™‚


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