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Nameless' Everything Journal

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You made a new friend, Nameless! Awesome! What a great adventure! That makes me think what if I go to another planet and have to assume temporary their forms. How would I feel  :?  :-o
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


What an amazing experience Nameless!  I'm sure you have many of those but certain ones definitely stand out and are worth sharing with others here on the forum. 

Quote from: Nameless on December 16, 2020, 04:43:31
This was a very powerful experience. I only wish now I had gotten a name for her but the only thing that comes to mind is Straw. So Straw it is.

I always find myself asking for names because I always like to put a name to a face.  I know that is likely pointless in the NP since names aren't necessary but old habits are hard to break!

Thanks for posting!  :-)
The Adventure Continues...


I am never so happy as when I ask for and get a name. And get an experience such as this. I agree with what the others have said here, well done for making it back with this and my gratitude for your sharing of the report. These always trigger something wonderful in me.


Oh guys you are all so amazing. I find myself thinking what if...

What if the whole lot of us could experience something like this as a group.
THAT would so be something to look forward to

and somehow I feel as though perhaps we should look forward to something just like that.

I won't say I'm just dreaming because, well, you know ___


Quote from: Nameless on December 17, 2020, 01:08:49

What if the whole lot of us could experience something like this as a group.
THAT would so be something to look forward to

and somehow I feel as though perhaps we should look forward to something just like that.

I won't say I'm just dreaming because, well, you know ___

I would say not just look forward to, but work toward.

This in part is something I was open to observing through my recent year long consciousness experiment, 365 Days of Dreams.

The Idea was to create an impetus toward bringing forward with us as we wake into our daily state of awareness at least one dream, or dream fragment, or feeling. To 1 ) work the muscle required for recall and 2 ) observe any significant crossover in our concepts and experiencing. I myself was looking, perhaps more specifically for potential crossover as *evidence we may, as a direct result of our grouping be synchronizing in such a way as there is observance of our collective activity from within as a One-Consciousness; where-in our persons are entering the fields of each other. As I said in the PDF, during the course of the experiment I found clear evidence of this occurring within my own observation point with multiple of the experiment participants. We just have to keep working the muscle, expanding our sense of awareness in ways like this. So much is indeed occurring, juuust beyond our knowing, and therefore experiencing. Has this board ever opened a consciousness experiment up to the group? With the talent here I would suggest it.


Quote from: omcasey on December 17, 2020, 03:27:51
Has this board ever opened a consciousness experiment up to the group? With the talent here I would suggest it.
Yes and it always got the same results, "Failure". The same 3 or 4 people were interested. But then the thread just seemed to quietly disappear into what I call the "Astral Pulse Abyss", never to be heard from again. That is, unless one of the spambots here latches onto it.  :roll: :| :-P

I am listening to Billy Carson (a very motivating Speaker) right now on the Jimmy Church Radio show and he is saying the exact same thing. Everyone thinks things like this, (NP exploration), is very interesting and they want to do it. But then the work sets in and they lose interest. Casey, you know exactly what i mean. You have been experiencing this for years yourself. People think the idea of NP exploration is the coolest. Yet, they won't do the work necessary to achieve it. Where's the "App" for that, lol!  :-D
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I was just going to lurk but I felt my experience with LD'ing could add to the discussion.  When I was on this site oh, geez, 2008 or so.. I can't remember, I'll have to go look, I was having at least 4 to 6 dreams a day, now... I can barely remember two mins of one dream.  The key?  MEDITATION and DEDICATION.  I have not meditated in over a decade, I pray, but that's little snippits, nothing like the serious dedication I had back then.  I have grown, and you NEVER stop learning.  Fear stopped me for many years, and lately, spontaneous separation has been happening, but I'm still very hesitant. lol Anyhoo, just thought I'd add my two cents that meditation and dedication are really the key to success.



 Hello Nay and welcome back! I didn't know you here in the past, but I have read many of your past posts here and enjoyed them!  :-)
Quote from: NayII on December 17, 2020, 14:26:59
I was just going to lurk but I felt my experience with LD'ing could add to the discussion.  When I was on this site oh, geez, 2008 or so.. I can't remember, I'll have to go look, I was having at least 4 to 6 dreams a day, now... I can barely remember two mins of one dream.  The key?  MEDITATION and DEDICATION.  I have not meditated in over a decade, I pray, but that's little snippits, nothing like the serious dedication I had back then.  I have grown, and you NEVER stop learning.  Fear stopped me for many years, and lately, spontaneous separation has been happening, but I'm still very hesitant. lol Anyhoo, just thought I'd add my two cents that meditation and dedication are really the key to success.

What you say here is the truth. Daily meditation, (if you can find time to do it) and dedication are definitely vital to "continued" success. I know it's difficult to keep that up especially since "life happens". If people are serious about this, like they are with any other skill/Art they wish to learn, guitar, piano, etc., they will find the time. I stress this here all the time. You really get back what you put into this. But that's the same with any desired skill we wish to learn in life.  ...and like you say, you really never can undo what is already done. Once you start down this path a change in your own personal reality will occur. You grow, evolve and never really stop learning. I find that if it is meant to be, "it" will seek you out!

Last night on Coast to Coast AM, George's Guest was Ryan Hurd. His interview was in the second part of the show, that began at 2:00 am my time here in Minnesota. It was a fantastic interview and I was doing my head nod agreeing with what he said all the way through his interview. I liked that he avoided the "goading" that George is always known for, to go into the darker side of Sleep Paralysis and OBEs. Here is a link to Ryan's website for anyone interested:
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on December 17, 2020, 20:14:55
Hello Nay and welcome back! I didn't know you here in the past, but I have read many of your past posts here and enjoyed them!  :-) What you say here is the truth. Daily meditation, (if you can find time to do it) and dedication are definitely vital to "continued" success. I know it's difficult to keep that up especially since "life happens". If people are serious about this, like they are with any other skill/Art they wish to learn, guitar, piano, etc., they will find the time. I stress this here all the time. You really get back what you put into this. But that's the same with any desired skill we wish to learn in life.  ...and like you say, you really never can undo what is already done. Once you start down this path a change in your own personal reality will occur. You grow, evolve and never really stop learning. I find that if it is meant to be, "it" will seek you out!

Hi, and thank you! I've thought about this wonderful site over the years and finally had enough "pull" if you will to set up another account.  I was hoping to be able to get to my PM's, because I shared many of experiences that are getting harder to remember as I grow older, but alas, I don't think they exist anymore. 

I totally agree with, if it is meant to be it will seek you out.  Life did happen and continues to happen lol but I just didn't have the same drive and longing as I did and admittedly it can be almost an obsession and quite the distraction BUT for about 1yr or so I've been drifting back into the subject, spiritualism I guess you'd call it.  I never was good at tag and titles. lol Anyhoo, don't want to steal the thread, thanks again for the welcome. :)


Getting back on track or re-threading, as it were (nice to have you back Nay!)...Nameless mentioned a collective experience or a partnered-exploration. In my experience, it is real and possible but it does take dedication and determination and maybe a bit of collective timing.

I am certainly no expert at partnered exploration but have had some experience and some limited success.

At TMI, some of the sessions in Lifeline, X27 and all of Starlines involve partnered exploration. If you read Bruce Moen's books, you find that he learned a technique and accomplished this amazingly well. Six or so years ago, I initially doubted and rejected Moen's 'prime the pump' visualization technique as I read his first two books and put them aside; they just didn't fit with my experience at the time. After going to TMI for the first couple week-long courses, I learned the hard way that Moen's technique described what I was having difficulty with and proved to be one of the answers to my issues. After that, I read the rest of his Series and found it a map for my future Starlines course.

We have tried partnered exploration with Astral Pulse Island, with Bee's Barbecue at EIC, with very limited results. Personally, I didn't get much if anything. I think the reason may have to do with establishing a common Purpose or Intent.

At TMI, we had the common Intent to do a Retrieval or in Starlines to explore the galaxies. I definitely saw fellow members in my Retrievals. At Starlines, I recognized fellow members on the starship we collectively visualized; I had one experience with another participant that was simply undeniable of the fact. But beyond that it was incomplete...we explored the galaxies, but for those who remembered, it was solo journeying, as it was for me. And we just have to accept the fact that not everybody returns with the same memories or experience; it varies greatly for many unknown reasons.

Casey mentioned two conditions: One is learning to exercise our NP muscle memory (this is possibly a most important idea) and #2 is learning to recognize and accept what she calls 'crossover experiences'...I have to give this idea credit as it is what I've been doing for most of my life...if I couldn't make sense of my personal experience at the time, I had no choice but to relate it to the next nearest thing...this has its own price...this price and reconciliation can come decades later...

So, if we try this, I recommend a NP collection point and a definite Intent for a destination or action. We meet here, then we go there or do

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


You know the thing about a meeting place, is that if the participants of the experiment are not bringing back content daily, regularly, there is not enough data to work with. Everyone usually wants to go right to conscious projections. I would suggest beginning with dreams. Begin a group daily dream log like I did on my boards. The idea is to bring back content every day. It doesn't have to be a lot of content, it can be a single symbol, it just has to be something. Then look for crossover in the symbols participants are bringing back. This will spur everyone on. Remember - the more content is brought back every day, the more of your projections/OBEs you will also catch. What I was most interesting in discovering through my own experiment, is whether grouping itself, here in physical space would cause a grouping between some or even all of us in non-physical space and show in the data we collected. Although there were other participants on my boards, I was the only one with enough focused intent to carry on daily for the 365 days. I continue the practice even now, only now I report once each week with the weeks worth of dreams. Collecting content every day is not easy, but rewarding to say the very least.


OMG, it just hit me.
Got hung up again reading parts of this old thread due to Ev providing the link on another thread. So EV you strike again.

Reply #121 I am relaying an experience and settled on calling the main character Straw.

Now I did say how she was unnaturally strong etcetera but in my mind I kept actually picturing her as wearing a pair of iron pants.

Guys!!! I have been getting iron infusions the last 4 weeks and my legs don't feel like straw anymore. I actually walked around a large store today without feeling faint.

Now I do still have a lot of nerve pain but I could do me some walking!!

I know it seems like a little thing but I'm a walker, it has always been my favorite sport, meditation practice, way to explore and I could go on and on. I've done a LOT of walking in my life with some jogging and a bit of running. To see me today you would likely highly doubt that as I just don't look the part.

From straw to iron. WOW! You know I am not surprised by this I just totally blown away by how it all works!!!

Now, lets get that group thing going. I'm going to start a thread BUT I am not going to be sole OP on that thread. It will be a group thread so we all can take the lead or step back as we see fit. I will come back in a minute and put down a link.
Group Think;new#new


 Congratulations Nameless!  :-) 8-)

To others that may seem like a little thing, but to you it's enormous. I refer to the words of songs often in my reply because they seem to hold the truths. This time it's "Don't Know What You Got Till It's Gone". That is the title of a song by the 80's hair band Cinderella and is so so true.

Always sending healing thoughts to you my Dear!  :-)

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Thank you Lumaza and always appreciate healing energy. It's bee quite the battle for me so much hugs. I just love these insights simple as they sometimes seem.


Early this morning just before waking I found myself shopping in a little store. I purchased a little booklet or photo album or something along those lines. Walking out the door I run into a police officer, a friend, who asks me to come along with him. I shake my head no, get in my car and drive away.

Out on the highway I see him behind me and he pulls up beside me at a red light and motions for me to follow him. I nod and as he turns on his blue lights and makes a U-turn I simply turn on the cross road and continue on my way.

I go to the school where I find myself in a room looking at the little booklet when another friend enters and tells me our other friend, the officer is waiting for me. She asks if she can come with me. "Uhm, no, I'm not going with him"  I say with a smile. I leave and head home.


This was a very lighthearted experience. The officer was jovial and did not attempt to coerce me in any way. I was in a great mood and simply enjoyed the cat and mouse game we played on a friendly level.

But for those of you who don't see it (imagine most of you did) I passed up a wonderful opportunity.

The friendly police officer represented a guide. I was given several opportunities to follow him but chose not to go. I kind of regret that as my decision wasn't a hard no, I just felt like playing a bit and obviously this guide was up for the game and also seemed to be enjoying himself. I had already made up my mind to follow him soon as we were back in our cars but life did what it so loves to do and woke me fully and I lost it. Darn!!!


Early morning phase

I'm at home in a nice house with some family members present. There's a nice side porch/deck with railing. I go out and talk with a couple people. A few reporters show up out in front near the sidewalk and in the space between my house and whatever is on the other side. They are being very casual, they are not there for me or anyone in the house. They are simply on break and finding quiet spots to take a load off, a random garden chair here, a stump there etc.

The reporters are simply topping off or finishing up their reports (don't know what they were reporting on). I wave to a couple of them and they wave back calling out saying hi, just being friendly.

I go back inside and just as I begin to say something to family there is a knock at the door. I go to the door and it is now getting late but still plenty of light. There is a couple at the door. I have never seen people who looked like these two. At first I think they are dirty but perhaps not and their skin is naturally a darkish stippled color. Or maybe they didn't believe in baths (don't know). Their clothes are bland greyish looking. Could be dirty but also could be natural unbleached fibers. Not too tall, short black hair, round faces/heads, dark eyes.

I say 'yes' and am going to say more but they begin speaking. First the woman says something but I don't understand. Then the man begins speaking and the woman also speaks. They are both talking and I realize they are chanting or repeating some phrase that could be a curse or a blessing.

I look at the man and say I don't understand and he pauses and says 'sunni'. The woman also says 'sunni'.

I shut the door and pull the curtain. Turn to my family who are looking at me expectantly. They had been talking about the reporters and I was going to tell them not to worry as they always come around just to take a break in the shade. But now they are more interested in the couple at the door.

Before I can say anything I feel a slight vibration and my legs seem to have been lassoed. The lasso (metaphorically) wraps around my legs all the way up to my chin. My arms are crossed over my chest and I am whipped up and around the room.

The family are looking at me and seeing this but have no real response as if to say, well there goes mom. lol

I'm being whirled around the room and bumping into the walls and thinking 'damn did that couple curse me or something'. I think perhaps I should pray but I am not feeling any fear so know this is not a curse and I am fixing to have an adventure within an adventure.

Then I hear (telepathically) 'Sunni, sunni' in a gentle whisper.

Click - and I am awake and totally aware of what just happened.

I searched Sunni but only found references to Muslims. Looked at images but saw none like the couple. Don't know what to make of this exactly. Can anyone elaborate?


Not sure but it seems like a fairly significant NP event. Nice, comfortable beginning, family, but events quickly advance...that often happens.

'Reporters' indicate certain energies noticing, watching...

Was the pronunciation "sunny" or "soo-nee"...? They said it twice, which is probably important...


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Definitely "sue - knee". The man would say it and the woman would echo, so heard it 2x repeated each time.


Dream/Lucid Dream

Was in a house(?) Drab, colorless, cluttered. Went to restroom. While in there a little boy comes in. Everything was so washed out except that little boys hair which was so coppery red and shiny, it was beautiful. I said hi and felt he needed attention so we talked and I offered to comb his hair. His dad stood there looking and I could read his thoughts. He was happy someone was paying attention to his son and surprised his son allowed it.

I combed the child's hair. I can not describe the feeling just from combing that child's beautiful coppery locks. Then it was bed time and I asked the child if he would like me to lie down with him. He said yes. We stepped into what must have been a bedroom and lay down, me with the child curled into my belly. His dad lay on the other side and we slept a moment.

Shortly I was aware the dad and son were slipping out of the room. I waited till they were gone and got up and left.

Went into a restaurant and sat down, waited for a server. Over heard employees talking about patrons making lighthearted fun of some of their customers. I could clearly see around a slow curved barrier one such family being talked about. But all the colors were drab/muddy like.

After waiting a while I decided to go get my own coffee so left the table and walked around finding the coffee station meant for employees only. I found it and it too looked drab and colorless and a bit unkempt perhaps dirty. Hard to tell when everything is virtually the same color.

Employees nearby noticed me but continued to talk among themselves.

Forgoing coffee as none was made although a pot was steaming (?) I turned and noticed a buffet. I picked up a small plate with 4 items. Don't know what they were and decided to take a little stroll outside while the waitstaff got their affairs in order then I would wander back in a bit.

Walking down a side walk holding the little plate I began to eat them. The taste was reminiscent of food but can't really say what. I see a small kitty cat and I do see he is gray/white/black striped. I toss him one of the bits on my plate and immediately he lights up!

It is like he becomes a lightbulb but light is contained within his cat form. A lovely pale pink. Looking ahead there is a patch of trees and brush and I see all the animals there and they are all lit up in varying colors blue, green, yellow, pink, red. The light was all contained within their form in lovely pastels. I could see the trees and bush in normal color.

Next I sat at a small outdoor table under the trees and began eating. A child approached from behind and I offered her one, she took it and lit up. I was still wondering what the heck I was eating. But I looked back at the plate which had had only 4 bites to start and it was still full although I had given two away and eaten what seemed like a belly full. But now the food was also in color. I could see that two of the bites were little chocolate boot shaped things and were filled with colored candies. I heard a gaggle of young'uns approach from behind so emptied one of the boots onto the table where a LOT more candy came out than it could possible contain. I grabbed candy in both hands and laughing said do you all want some and threw it into the air over my head. I heard laughter and giggles. The kids thought they were sneaking up on me and were delighted that they hadn't fooled me.

Others came to the table and now the table is covered in small bites of food and candy all colorful like it should be. However everyone who ate lit up like self contained lightbulbs, all pretty pastels. A baby sat on the table wearing a white tee and black pants. I tickled his tummy and he giggled and laughed.

I've experienced muted drab colors before but here the coloring did seem representative rather than just a lack of clarity or being due to that being the actual colors scheme.

I am really amazed at the soft pastel light. That I have never seen before. When there are colors they are usually normal or vivid to extremely vivid. These were very soft and self-contained within each living being although the landscape surrounding them became normal in color.

I was obviously feeding them (what) joy, love? The (food) helped each of them turn on their inner light which in turn lit up their surrounding.

I woke up from this feeling good, happy but not with any of the overwhelming sensations that can often accompany our explorations. Just gently delighted and good, did I mention good, lol.

I can't believe that I was given the grace to accomplish such a feat. It makes me a little teary eyed. So thank you to the highest of all beings.

Also a shout out to EscapeVelocity.
Prior to this dream as I went to bed I stated/asked only this, "Show me my role, what can I do?"


What an uplifting message you received!  The loving and nurturing person that you are will be the rewards for anyone fortunate enough to find themselves in your path!  :-)

The Adventure Continues...


Thank you T. I will certainly strive even harder to be that person. Can't say I am great but now I know the potential is there. No denying it is joyous work.


Awe, I love that! My heart melts when people try my food and that makes them happy. I can imagine on a spiritual level how would that feel. Of course in your case you were feeding their soul and comforting them. But besides that, this LD has so may other interesting details that seem interconnected with the concept of nurturing others. And yes, if you have one clear question and ask before you go to bed, chances are you will be shown information. Sometimes, I give a bunch of questions and I get nothing at the end. but I am like, so I want to know this and that and umm oh that other thing lol, so I learned not to be greedy haha. Focus on one thing at a time. Which you did and the result is obvious. great job :)
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Thanks LB. I tend to ask too many questions as well. Last night I was feeling really clear headed so I think that made a difference. I think sometimes when we ask a lot of questions that maybe they do all get answered but they get weighed down with each new answer so all we manage to hang onto is the last one or the most vivid.


Sometimes, when we are able to slow things down a bit, slow the events and's not always clear and it can be an imprecise thing...we can ask the right question, and we actually get a useful answer...what a precious gift! That was an unquestionable metaphor going forward. No question in this case.

Nicely done Nameless, and deservedly so. What a beautiful message from your higher, inner self...and just what I see, having known you some years now; there is more. Like LB said, there are many nuanced insights buried within this experience; some you could continue meditation upon.

I remain an amazed fan,😆
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on February 28, 2021, 00:50:35
I remain an amazed fan,😆
I second that!  :-)

I find that "ask and you shall receive". But and it's a big "but", it won't necessarily be on your own time or even in a way that is expected. In the end though, the answers you seek will come in some way, shape or form.

In a way, your experience Nameless, could also be seen as a "Retrieval" of sorts. It also shows the true essence of who you really are!  :-)

I talk often about Annie Bessant's penning of the term "Invisible Helpers". Nameless you definitely one of them, not only in the NP, but this physical realm as well. This Forum is loaded with Invisible Helpers. From Adrian the owner who keeps the Forum going, to Xanth and the Moderators here that keep the site afloat, to the members here old and new that voluntarily help people understand more and share their own experiences. All of these people helping people  that they have never met before here in the physical realm. Volunteering their time in that effort. That's the definition of a Invisible Helper to me. It doesn't always have to be of a non physical nature. But often can be!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla