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Nameless' Everything Journal

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Wow! Nameless...
I just felt an urge also to come here to read something from you, I truly think that your are very connected to your physical realm, it shows in ways that you express here often and you also play with it innocently. I feel this from you that it is deep and maybe the most important quality that you have, and you do not take this approach with a technical skill that you  have learned, but actually listen to an inner voice that is yours and truly pure. It does not matter if you throw rocks or cards that you drew , it is that magical touch and a sense of wonderment that opens the flow for things to fall in place and for you to notice. I had the most incredible cards experiences that left me knowing that something is working behind.
The simple cards are often the best and the urge is a call , that has been my experience . The more you play with the call the more you let that line of communication become clear and strong. You have not just pick up a skill like that , its been many things that contribute to your trust and state of wonderment that is so important. Funny ,its natural for me to be in that state , I can see how hard it can be for some, easy though when you invest in the games of letting thing flow. The numbers that you also picked are powerful numbers" 3 " cards , it creates action and a relation that has movement. there is a story that can be started from just that number.
OH ...! MY am I getting some competition here  :roll: The more the better. anytime you want to talk about cards I am here for it.


Awww, thank you Plume for such sweet words. I've learned a lot just watching your progress. I love how you just look at whatever is going on and keep it simple. I much admire that quality. I doubt you'll get any competition from me, lol. BUT I have thought of inviting you to a throw down with the cards. Of course our support team will have to agree. I'm actually thinking they might just be delighted.


Plume, do you do remote readings?
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I would love to share my adventure with the cards, From my experience and I think you have that connection also, it has to be personal and the urges are important. Often the story will create a feeling and I had to express it to the person in question or what the focus is being revealed.
Sounds like we can do this but images do help and maybe you can be of some help if I have to post them with the reading , we are on the way to get this mystery figured out .
got to go will be back tomorrow ...


LightBeam, I do think it has alway been done from remote reading in some way. I only do it when its feel right.  I did do reading for the members when I started on The EIC and had such great fun. It was for energizing my abilities  and to force myself to write more. Now I do it for myself but if you happen to be in my story I will let you know for certain,  because it is pack I have to my cards or my communication line, never let the story be slip away or unwritten,  it has to be notice and shared. if I draw the cards on my table I have to write something at all cost...You know its a training for much more I think :-D don't ask me what  :roll: I have no idea , still just playing for now. but eh! never know I could have the urge to offer again some readings . I do have a pending friend here that I promise a reading with my Lenormand will happen in some way , I know :wink:
I do this all in fun and games but with some serious learning in ways that is still a mystery to me. A quest to know how is this possible, really.


This last week has been crazy on the otherwhere front. Having lots of dreams regarding my current mindset. Those I understand. Have been checking into cartomancy, trying to learn a bit about card reading. Doesn't hurt to try and keep the mind sharp learning something new. So far I am learning just how difficult it is to teach an old dog new tricks (wink).

But last night was truly disturbing. I expected dreams along the same lines as those I've been having this last week. I didn't expect to get pulled out and thrown to the wolves (so to speak).

I awoke being literally pulled out of body and thrown backwards into my past when I was a kid living in a haunted house and being visited by all manner of...

I know people talk about demons and I pretty much think they are creations or misinterpretations of our own fears when interacting with certain energy streams. However I knew where I was but can not figure out what I could have been so afraid of besides literally this little strong as crap creature with a death grip on my head (read that as brains). I wound up fighting this little creature tooth and nail and finally settled on suffocating him till he passed out. Then I duct taped him up real tight. Mom made a brief appearance to say something about a cord.

Anyway I woke up with tears in my eyes. I felt terrible for having suffocated the little guy despite the fact I didn't kill him. The moment he passed out the sucking pressure on my brain vanished.

I still can't quite fathom what this was supposed to represent but it left me feeling very sad and horrible about myself.


That sounds intense and scary. It seems to me that something from your childhood has not been resolved. Not necessarily a fear, it could be anything from relationships with your parents or relatives, to false believes, etc. This may be effecting your present life and now it's time to resolve it. You were taken back so you could deal with it. I think the little demon is just a symbolic representation of the issue that is holding you back. Don't feel bad about hurting it because this was not an attack on your part, but CHANGING energies, that will allow changes to take place in your life. Even if it seems that you are hurting someone, you are doing it for their best to change them for the best and transform the darkness into light. It takes courage to do so and maybe you need to learn to become more courageous to take actions of this sort and to exercise tough love for the good of others. See it as a positive thing.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Thanks LightBeam. I'm confused as usual. I honestly didn't/don't think I have any left over unresolved issues. It's weird for me as it seems perhaps I should have but I think I'm ok with my background and past. Maybe I'm just too stubborn or too dense to recognize myself.

As an example it's like that trip to the psychiatrist when he wants to take you back to your childhood and you just know he wants to uncover some vile trauma from your past and you tell him no, nothing like that, I'm just depressed apparently because I just am. lol. In other words does it always have to be some 'thing'? I'm not saying your wrong, matter of fact you are likely right. But I hold no animosity or desire for revenge or anything like that. My parents were faulty sure but great parents none-the-less.

But you mention beliefs. Now that might be something I should give more thought to. :-)

If it seems I'm using this journal as a sort of mental sofa it's bc I am. lol. I've found many times in life talking it out does make the ole brain turn creaky wheels. It just helps sometimes to have someone to talk it out with. Hey, even if no one else ever reads this in my head I can believe some one will and perhaps it will help them too.


Nameless, I think your initial read on the context of what's going on currently is correct. The dreams you were having may have been precursors to the experience you just described. It was a different experience than you are used to and possibly a significant one relative to your development. I think Lightbeam's interpretation is both insightful and accurate and takes the translation to a deeper level. I thought the same thing but initially lacked the wording to describe it as well as she did. The creature you 'choked out' may represent a belief or set of beliefs, or issues, including some fears, that you might have thought were dealt with and left behind in your past. Only you can really figure that part out. This experience may have shown you that it/they are still there, maybe in the manner of a thoughtform that displays a certain power and resiliency that we are unaware of; and in this experience you were pulled out and directed to confront it.

I know that you are currently reading Otherwhere and I think it's definitely possible that the material in there may have prompted your current dreaming trend which might have resulted in this obviously cathartic experience. That's how subtle and meaningful some of the ideas are in that book, despite the somewhat fantastical dramatization of his experiences, at least imo. The next book, MDH is much more into the fine tuning of these qualities. In fact, I was contemplating your experience last night while scanning Multidimensional Human and I came across a section where he talks about reaching a stage of development where this exact experience is described. Of course, I didn't mark it when I should have and now can't find it as I logged in for this reply...but I will find it and share it when I do.

The experiences that bring tears are especially bittersweet ones...nice work. :-)
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Thanks EV, I also think Otherwhere is acting as a prod of sorts on my subconscious. I would def like to know that passage you came across but it can wait. It'll present itself again in time.

More of the same on the dream front last night but the dreams seemed lighter, less intense. Unfortunately I can't remember a one of them.

Well tomorrow I will be making a huge pot of kick-butt Chicken Soup to kick-start the New year. By kick-butt I mean loaded with antioxidant, anti viral and anti anything else that ails the bod. It's not our usual fare for New Years but hey nothing wrong with breaking tradition and with streph and flu-like symptoms hitting hard on every one 'round here I reckon nothing could be better. So YA'LL come join us iffin you're feeling poorly!!


Electric current - Sunday evening. Upper body, warm and tingly
"Marla" - Monday morning


My eyes burned where the lady stuck her thumb into them. She was helping me see better, my eyes were cloudy, I was having trouble, everything seemed so foggy and washed out. She told me to open them wide so she could pull my vision out.

I did but each time she reached I pulled away. Natural reaction I reckon. But finally I was able to hold them open and she reached out and in a moment had flipped my eyelids up and over, with the wave of her hand a tattoo appeared on the inside of my lids. I could see this clearly and instantly the burning left, my vision cleared to an amazing clarity.

I could clearly see the tattoos on my turned up lids as well as my natural eyes, both very clear and prominent. Just as I began to wonder if others could see them too I realized they could not which I found comforting not wanting to look like a freak. Before I could explore this new found vision my door opened so I had to wake up and get the day started.

Last night I randomly woke and looked at my clock, it was at 11:11. I said okay, I'll be waiting and went back to sleep. I never know what my helpers have in store for me but always look forward to their interactions. Wish I had not been woken so I could have explored this new thing further but oh well, that's how it goes.

My eyes are feeling rather unusual today like I've been holding them open for too long but I've got to tell you the clarity is amazing and that's just physical sight.


What an eye opener, literally :)
This dream is so obvious that it doesn't need any interpretation. But you are the only one that can know what were your eyes opened to see. It could be many things, but we usually have that first intuition, whatever comes to mind first is most likely to be true.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


 :-D are you playing with cards :roll: maybe pull one out and just let the word flow, for me it opened a door to my imagination that does seems to be also part of a reality that could be hard to notice.  I have to put together a thread now on the crop circles  or snow circles..., I have some amazing news :roll: . there was a circles that appeared in England, an owl in the snow... just has I was working on one of my clay plaque which was an owl design . I know it may not make sense yet what I mean... all this will be all reveal to you here very soon. Need your magic touch my friends.


What a wild experience Nameless! Definitely an eye-opener! Nice!

This is another example of something I have slowly come to realize over many years- often these very strange dreams/experiences are actually healing experiences. The trouble for me is that they can be so strange and initially uncomfortable and unsettling that I often become resistant and abort the experience.

I was recently doing a course at The Monroe Institute and during one of the sessions I had the chance for a 'do-over' of a healing experience that I had rejected a few years ago; this time, I recognized what was happening and let the process follow through to completion, even though it was quite unnerving at first. My memory of it was sparked by the comment of another participant during the lunch that followed the session. She commented that she had literally been 'run through the wringer' in a bodily/energetic fashion. (A wringer is an old device: an attachment to a clothes-washing tub that consisted of two wooden rollers powered by a hand crank and you would feed the freshly-washed clothing through it to squeeze out the water). I remarked that I had gone through a similar process that I called the 'veggie chopper' where a square of translucent glass descended over me and a grid of metal slicers repeatedly 'sliced and diced' me. I felt my NP body fall into 32 chunks, then a second pass reduced me to 64, and finally what felt like 128...quite an odd feeling as my awareness lay on the floor of the cubicle in momentarily separate yet self-aware pieces, lol. The Trainer who was sitting at our table confirmed that these are forms of healing and methods for balancing our energies.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Two full fledged adult males, one older, the other younger but not young. Walking. Both dirty from having been out in the woods a while (perhaps hunting). Younger male eyes a yellow shirt hanging on line. Older male tells him to take it and leave his. Says mind the stories you tell.

Scene Two: Younger male is sitting with woman and half-grown boy telling them about the hunt. Older man walks by and interrupts. He tells younger male he can't tell that story. Younger male is a bit confused, as in why not. Older male tells him, You weren't wearing that shirt when that story took place. You can only tell the story of the clothing you are wearing.

Younger male is thinking but I've done nothing in this shirt yet And he thinks perhaps he should have picked something different or kept his own clothes.


Perhaps this means that you can truly understand something if you experience it first hand. Observation of someone else's experience doesn't make you fully understand. And this is the reason behind the necessity of multiple reincarnations as many characters experiencing everything, the good, the bad and the ugly, in order to fully imprint the lessons upon the spirit and make it expand with knowledge.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Agreed LightBeam.

Last night was weird and other than a few images the one thing I retained was a voice telling me to keep it close and hide it in my bra.

I'm pretty sure whatever was going on was very serious but THAT ^^^ just makes me laugh out loud. I mean, WTH?!!!


Haha, that is so funny. I guess it's something important to have to be hidden that well LOL
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Guess I'm gonna have to have a conversation with my nips, not sure how they would feel having to share space. Not sure how I feel about that either (rolling eyes). :-D


Quote from: Nameless on April 12, 2019, 21:32:10
Guess I'm gonna have to have a conversation with my nips, not sure how they would feel having to share space. Not sure how I feel about that either (rolling eyes). :-D

Thanks for the laugh, Nameless!  This is hilarious :lol:
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


My apologies to every one. While running back through this journal I realized there are times it seems the conversation gets dropped. I especially noted it here on this page where EscapeVelocity is talking about the veg-o-matic or the wringer.

I know everyone does this as sometimes the conversations get taken off-board and are discussed in private with different members. This in no way is meant to detract from this or any other topic, it's just a natural by-product of making friends and connections. And as often happens we sometimes forget to come back and back up our responses out in the open.

But I think every one would benefit from giving EVs comment above a little extra thought as I do agree that these sometimes very frightful moments are probably the most important ones.


Today I had the pleasure of meeting 3 of the Horse Heads. Another member here and I have discussed these particular entities. We, at least I am still a bit lost on their particular role so I'll just describe this latest exp which was half lucid dream and half ap.

I'm in another 'where' where the grass is significantly greener than here. The very physical action in this Otherwhere is that something urgent is happening and people are riding their horses, wagons and what-have-you to the action. (don't know what that was about). But I see 3 incredibly beautiful horses in a corral nearby and no one is noticing them. One of them really stands out, being uniquely colored. I can't quiet describe it.

I jump a fence and approach knowing I need to connect to this one particular individual/horse. But I can't seem to make the connection. So then I'm on the third story balcony of a really huge ranch house looking down at the 3 horses (?). I beckon to the one horse but first I have to ride one of the other ones. So that one with a really beautiful golden hide and lighter mane rears up on hind legs and literally jumps to the balcony, landing right in front of me. We ride off...

Then I'm back on the balcony and the second horse (?), grey with a white mane does the same landing delicately on the balcony. We ride off...

Then I'm back on the balcony and the third horse (?) with the indescribably coloring jumps to the balcony. I reach out to touch his mane and hurtle away... but I don't think I am exactly riding him.

Notes: These are clearly not terrestrial horses but the image fits well within my own translation table. They are however HUGE, very MUSCULAR and EARTHY. Contact, for me, for them or for all of us is however rather difficult. I appreciate the effort they put into making this communique possible. They showed dedication and extreme patience. For that I am grateful.

Although I have no recall (consciously) at this point of what we did or discussed during my click-outs I feel this was very significant.

The first time I met these particular beings they presented themselves on a strictly mental level. And no, they do not fully appear as horses. However since I have come to think of them as the "Horse Heads" they have clearly taken on the image to further our communication of which this latest experience was the first of those. They have clearly shown me that they are far more than just four legged beasts. Something I already knew but greatly appreciate the acknowledgement.


One thing I failed to mention in the above post was how these beings demonstrated their grace, balance and delicate precision. They truly wanted me to understand that they are not brutish or unrefined. I look forward to further contact.


 :-D I just read this but have no clue or experienced what you are describing , interesting though :-)