Projection Journal ** Looking for help analyzing/understanding them! **

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12 January 2021

Out of body experience - astral projection - lucid dream

Started off a bevy of strange and mostly nonsensical experiences this morning by projecting from a dream. Was dreaming that I was sorta flying around a bit. For whatever reason, while in the dream I said some words - they were a few syllabus strung together, I think four of them, each one monosyllabic. I don't know why, I think I was just experimenting. I saw what looked like a phoenix appear - like a majestic, flaming bird. It was visible only for a moment or two, then vanished again. Oddly, the sky turned dark and it began to rain. I thought this was weird, and also figured, heck, I seem to be in a position where I can project from here, I am not enjoying this rain business, so let's blow this pop stand!

I started saying my usual command, until I felt myself finally start to float up, and began to move. I seemed to be moving through some vastly large indoor space. I saw what looked like an elderly woman popping wheelies on a bike. Hmmm. Further on, there were lots of rooms, with people doing various activities. I don't know why but I got the sense of it being part of the afterlife somehow. I asked if it was the afterlife, and my helper said yes. I said I thought the afterlife would be outdoors, like in a beautiful forest, and asked if there were any of this that was outdoors, and was told again, yes. All the activities people were doing were things that they didn't get to do in their lives. Maybe due to fear or circumstance. I guess that explains the little old lady who was popping wheelies LOL

I figured, well, I've never asked to see any of my deceased relatives before, so if I'm here, why not? I put out that intention and saw what seemed to be my grandmother. It looked like she was part of some kinda sewing circle or whatever. She seemed happy, came over and hugged me and said "I'm so glad you're here!" I hugged her and cried.

I came to, and altho I felt drained, exhausted, and just wanted to fall asleep and/or have another experience, forced myself to write down my notes. Then, when that was done, I slipped into a very strange, nonsensical encounter with someone who said she was a blogger about chronic illness. She said I needed to "help her figure out X" (I FORGET WHAT IT WAS!) "and the woman will take you somewhere else," i.e., my helper will take me elsewhere once I help the blogger figure out whatever she wanted me to help her figure out. As usual I became obsessed with trying to make contact with another human being who was projecting, which I assumed this was (probably not), and asked her for her name. She said "Avenue" (odd), and I asked what her website was, and she said "oil booms", and that her website/blog was "old".

Well, none of that seems coherent, so I looked up what oil booms are, and they're those floating containment apparatuses that are used in oil spills. Like you see those orange floating barriers that try to keep the oil spill from spreading further. That's what those are. Strange.

Anyway, took down my notes, and laid down for my next experience which took place at a school for the blind. It was K-8th grade. As I found this all very confusing, I decided to ask exactly what the hell I was supposed to be paying attention to. As in, what am I supposed to learn or get out of this? Because it's really not clear to me what this experience is supposed to mean to me or do for me. The response was that I needed to pay attention to organizational stuff: like the walkways, the bulletin boards, what kind of notices could be put on those boards, things like that.

No idea what this was about, that's all I could remember. I came to, wrote down sleepy notes, and laid back down. I have no idea what I saw next, my notes ONLY say "mission has to do with anticipating what others need." That's all I wrote down for the next experience. So I think what happened is that I was having some strange experience, and I flat-out asked whatever helper was present to give me some clarity about what I was supposed to learn, or what my mission is, etc.

So that's all I got from that, I wrote down that one sentence, and laid back down (this was a very exhausting morning!). Wound up having another experience. There was a woman, and I wrote down her name as "Justyn" - very interesting, but I was told that she operated on my 2nd chakra, in a sense *removing* something. As if she removed the chakra itself. So this is was that last experience from a few days ago was about. It's possible I flat-out asked, Hey, WTF was up with that. I don't know what the conversation was that led to being told this. I got the sense that what happened last time was only Step 1 of, at minimum, a two-step process: the removing of something, and then putting something back still needed to happen.

At this point, I was pretty excited about this because I seemed to be getting good clarifying information about something that happened, so naturally I wanted to basically stay there forever and learn as much as I could, but felt myself lose focus and slip away, came to and took notes - unable, at this point, to project again.


Hey Grumpy  :-) What a beautiful sight it must have been to see a Phoenix and the happy souls experimenting new ideas.

It rained in my dreams last night too!

Really enjoyed your journal.

Take care.


Curious-er and curious-er.

15 January 2021

Out of body experience - astral projection - lucid dream

I think I projected from a dream. Said my usual. For some reason I asked to make a pit-stop to see a particular person I know who did hurtful things. My helper this time was a pretty Black woman. Maybe in her late 40s, looking. She appeared before me, and said in some way, Oh, giiirl.... Like hey, it's not a good idea, you know? I said yes, I know, but I need closure and if they would give me closure in Ordinary Reality then I wouldn't have to try to talk to them in Non-Ordinary Reality! We seemed to have a long back-and-forth conversation, which is unusual. She traced her fingers around, up and down, on my stomach, like the area between the sternum and the belly button. She seemed to be singing "Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head" as she did so - odd. I just looked up the lyrics and they seemed pretty appropriate. This somehow was supposed to cheer me up and clear up any sad thoughts and feelings. Then, she was going to insert some piercing. It was gold and big, two dimensional (i.e., flat) and very ornamental, circular. And I was like, what?! No! That will hurt! How am I supposed to get pants on with that thing there? As if this would affect my physical body, haha! I even asked her if there would be a physical complement to it in Ordinary Reality LOL She said "I don't know". Well, OK. She showed me something that looked like a flip-book with various levels. Like, level 1 through level 5 or 6 or something. She said I was only on Level 2! It's about what percentage of time you're operating on each level, that's where you're considered generally at. Most of the time she said I'm on Level 2 because I'm too "giggly." WTF does that even mean? Am I not supposed to have joy?! I was like...what are you even talking about. The very first time I projected did I ask to go for a joyride or fly around or visit friends or go into outer space? NO! I asked to see my spirit guides! I incessantly asked about my mission! Like, dude, I've been so serious about this, screw your Level 2 bovine excrement.

That's all I remember for that one. I had at least a half dozen other interlude sessions that consisted of me having asked, I think, to be taken directly to A- -- who I wrote about in a recent post, the entity I've encountered as my main guide during my shamanic journeys. Like seriously, they don't think I'm serious?! Screw that noise. So for the first time I asked explicitly to be taken DIRECTLY to him. I had asked so many direct questions about my mission and was stonewalled. And now they're all like you're too giggly and asking to be taken somewhere that isn't "serious" so friggin fine - TAKE ME TO MY MAIN GUIDE THEN. And honestly, I think I was given the run-around. A main helper acted like she was taking me somewhere - like she acted like she was taking me to him. I had a hard time keeping up with her. There was often one or so other people with us in our group. This usually manifested as going down subway steps to the train platform, like we're going to take public transit or whatever. The experience kept cutting off, and I was wanted to dive back in so this time, I decided to NOT take notes on every single one. I just kept diving back in, and kept winding up with the same helper, who acted like she was going to take me to him. I got the impression that the reason I wasn't successfully "being taken" to him was maybe because of something I was supposed to do that I wasn't doing. Like there was some task or something I needed to accomplish. At first, I thought it was because I was falling behind and couldn't keep up with her. I brought this up with her and she taught me a trick for how to increase my speed - I tried it and it worked! Not perfect but it helped (you push your hand/arm out in front of you and puuuush it into the air in front of you and move your hand in the direction you want to go. Like if the terrain is up and down (hilly) you would tilt your palm like that, like you're following along the terrain with your hand; the harder you push it out into the air ahead of you, the faster you go).

Also there were times when I couldn't see, or everything looked flat and 2D, more like watching a movie screen than actually "being there", and she was able to help each time. But she still wasn't taking me to A-. So after like a half dozen of these experiences, I was like OK, enough of this. I started to think maybe it wasn't because I was failing at doing something right; I started to think, no, I think they're just refusing to take me to him. It normally takes like 5-10 seconds max to be taken where I ask to go, usually. If they're *actually* going to take me somewhere, there won't be all this rigamorole.

And after chiding me for not being serious enough or whatever? That got my Irish up.

So the next time I got out, I absolutely insisted, over and over, TAKE ME TO A-. Finally I saw some images of humans who looked dressed in some kinda polynesian attire. It was kinda like an apparition of these people, they weren't actually "there" so to speak, even in Non-Ordinary Reality. I heard a voice, as if the voice of all these polynesians, booming around me, kinda like, OK, we're answering you because you were so insistent about talking to A-. They told me I have to "please instead of weep, find instead of weld."

Strange. I'm not sure if the first word, "please" is correct, but it is something meaning like "being kind and nice". Weird stuff, especially "find instead of weld."

They also said that I have to leave the U.S. and never come back. I'm not even joking. I have to "go home" as it were, like go to the place that is my true home. THEN, when I do that, I can talk to him directly.

This experience ended, I took notes, and dove back in again. I wound up with the same woman helper, I think, who was in all those intermediary experiences that I didn't take notes on. I asked her if, regarding leaving the U.S. and "going home", is it right, then, to want to go to New Zealand, and she said yes.

So, OK, like seriously? I was planning on going there for maybe like 3 years or so to get a break, but NEVER COME BACK?! We'll see about that. I don't see why they would tell me I can't talk to A- directly when not that long ago they JUST brought him into one of my projections! Not only that, but they chastise me for giggling too much, or whatever, meanwhile every time I ask to be taken to my spirit guides, especially A-, and whenever I ask for clarity about my mission, they put me off or stonewall me. Talk about setting me up for failure and then blaming me for it. Like you want me to be "more serious" or whatever? How about when I ask serious questions about serious things you FLIPPING ANSWER ME.

Not to mention, this makes no sense given what my channeler just said. If A-(and the rest of them) are the beings she said they are, and I am too, and my LITERAL JOB is to connect with them and communicate messages, why the bonk would they deny my request to talk to him in a projection, and tell me I can't do that until I leave the U.S.? Which I won't be able to do for another ~2 years anyway? I'm bonking "one of them" and they won't talk to me?

Man, I'm ticked.


Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on January 15, 2021, 19:01:21
So, OK, like seriously? I was planning on going there for maybe like 3 years or so to get a break, but NEVER COME BACK?! We'll see about that. I don't see why they would tell me I can't talk to A- directly when not that long ago they JUST brought him into one of my projections! Not only that, but they chastise me for giggling too much, or whatever, meanwhile every time I ask to be taken to my spirit guides, especially A-, and whenever I ask for clarity about my mission, they put me off or stonewall me. Talk about setting me up for failure and then blaming me for it. Like you want me to be "more serious" or whatever? How about when I ask serious questions about serious things you FLIPPING ANSWER ME.
She gave you your answer!
"She said I was only on Level 2! It's about what percentage of time you're operating on each level, that's where you're considered generally at. Most of the time she said I'm on Level 2 because I'm too "giggly."

Start there. Ask what it takes to move up a level.

I understand the "giggly" comment. For some reason there we seem to need to be "desensitized" there. Many of the tests I have had centered around me not using my emotions to accomplish the task at hand. I say "desensitize" but it's more like "de-humanize". To move up a level you need to learn to tame your Human/emotional/ego side.

"A" showed up in your earlier experiences because it was necessary at that time. Now, you have moved into a area where "A" isn't needed anymore, but "B" may be soon.

When I was new, I had a "A". He was my deceased brother in-law. He taught me quite a bit about not only my new surroundings, but also how to navigate them properly. When he had finished his teaching and I had learned what he came to taught me, he was no longer needed and because of that he never appeared again. In his place was "B" and when  B wasn't necessary anymore, "C" arrived and so and so on. I don't know where I am in the alphabet today, lol!   :-D:-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


That's just it! The whole "Level 2" thing came because I asked to do something "Personal" instead of "Cosmic" - "Cosmic" here I'm using to reference "big picture" stuff like ultimate meaning, one's mission, purpose, evolution, energetic growth, etc. Whereas "Personal" could be flying around, visiting friends, etc. At least 95% of the time I ask to do something Cosmic. The only reason I ever deviate from that and, every once in a while, ask to do something Personal, is because I try to do Cosmic and they put me off. So I'm like, OK, fine, I'll go do something else instead for 5 seconds, I guess. So I try to go do something else instead, and their reaction is... "you didn't pick Cosmic this time? Bad Rabbit!"; "I didn't pick Cosmic this time because you don't answer my Cosmic questions." And then the spirits are like, "Look what you made me do." Honestly spirit guides are starting to feel like an abusive relationship (just joking, but also, kinda not! LOL)

Is there an intelligible difference between "using" emotions in Non-Ordinary Reality and "having" emotions in Non-Ordinary Reality? Because it would seem like an impossible task to not "have" emotions because like it or not, we're human. Or do we lose points for simply having emotions while we're Out, too?

I don't think A- is the typical guide that I might advance beyond. It's supposed to be an entity my affiliation with which in part shapes my entire Mission. If I cannot blaze the lines of communication open, the Mission is impossible. Connecting with A- and the rest of them is a condition of the possibility of me doing what I am here to do in the first place. So there are some things that aren't adding up at the moment  :|


Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on January 16, 2021, 00:52:00
Is there an intelligible difference between "using" emotions in Non-Ordinary Reality and "having" emotions in Non-Ordinary Reality? Because it would seem like an impossible task to not "have" emotions because like it or not, we're human. Or do we lose points for simply having emotions while we're Out, too?
Here we are Human. There, we are consciousness. Well, here we are too, but we will save that conversation for another day. In other words. "change your mindset, changes your reality"! I say that often here on this Forum because it has been the one thing that I have definitely found to be the truth!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Okay GR, you've apparently traveled into some heavy weather here. Lumaza hit on the key, I was still struggling with various parts of your narrative, but I knew 'wiggly' was the key...still I couldn't bring it into focus...Lumaza did.

'Wiggly' is your interpretation and a personal term of their NP communication that you still need to recognize and understand a certain perspective of disconnection from the PR Human perspective in your reactions and responses on the NP level. This is an incredibly subtle and personal thing. It defies words and translation to a fair degree. Part of how incredibly subtle and personal our experiences can get, and how we become the only ones to figure them out. I'm repeating but that is my point to reinforce the idea. It's not exactly disconnection from the human condition or dehumanizing in the extreme sense...just a new orientation with regard to relation of these areas of understanding.

Level 1 or 2 or Levels 1 through 6...this is a subtle mention to your own internal reference system of where you feel you are. I would venture that you have had experiences from 1 to 6 but your subconscious is telling you where you are basically anchored...

Regarding Chakras, the area between the sternum and the belly button involves the third Chakra where I experienced a blockage which gave me very turbulent dreams/ that may be something to consider.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Personal versus doesn't seem to matter how I ask the question, I am disappointed with the answer. That may be a simple fact for some of us. I've gotten the same lack of answers that you have and I'm not happy about it.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on January 16, 2021, 01:09:09
but I knew 'wiggly' was the key

Technically it was "giggly" but gotta be honest, I like "wiggly" better!  :-D :lol:


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Whew, it's been a minute! Total dry spell these last couple months. Maybe because, per my last experience, I haven't "gone home" to New Zealand yet  :|


10 March 2021

Out of body experience - astral projection - lucid dream

I think I projected from a dream. I'd been having lots of weird dreams, achieved some degree of lucidity, and clawed my way up and "out". I said, Take me to my spirit guides! I had to say it a few times before I felt myself floating. I heard words in a strange language spoken in my left ear.

Let's just say, I was NOT taken to my guides. Floated along for a few moments, and then opened my eyes. Saw two female-presenting strange humanoid looking creatures to my right. Small eyes and mouths, and they didn't have noses. I think they were wearing cloaks. They were kinda unnerving to look at, but I tried to stay calm and not be scared. I've definitely been watching too much weird TV and I think it's affecting how things manifest. They definitely said stuff to me, but I can't remember what.

Then, I floated away from them - it seemed like I was being "separated" from them, and I'm not sure I wanted that to happen. I wound up in front of something that I can only describe as a very large "mother" creature. It was massive, like at least 20 feet tall. It wasn't humanoid, just...a weird creature. I was told there would be a procedure on me, something having to do with my reproductive organs.

Yeah, I didn't like the sound of that. I said, "I do not consent to this!" I tried to engage the mother creature in conversation, to learn the purpose of it. For some reason, I addressed it as "Lady". I said, "Lady, tell me, what is this for?"

I'm not sure what the answer was. As usual, there was more said than I can remember. But then she said (not in these exact words, but this is more or less the content), "Tell me, what is someone who you have sex with but is not your spiritual or energetic match?"

My response was, "A boyfriend."   LOLLOLLOL

Well, yeah, then they laughed. The mother creature laughed, and I heard a chorus of other laughter, too, but I don't know who else was there. Later, I turned to look back over my left shoulder, and there were a couple young men floating on their backs (like I was more or less floating on my back). The mother creature grabbed one of them by the ankle, and pulled him forward to where I was (the men looked kinda out of it, like they were more or less asleep).

The mother creature said more stuff, but I don't remember. I started losing my ability to see. "Lady, I can't see you..." I said. I couldn't see her, or the man, or anything anymore.

Then, it seemed like the procedure started. I didn't feel anything on my lower abdomen where my reproductive organs are, however. Instead, I felt as tho scalpels were going into each of my wrists (the underside of my wrists) and on the tops of both of my feet. It hurt, but I tried to let it happen in the hopes that this was a "good" thing.

While experiencing that pain, not being able to see anything anymore, I asked, "Lady, who was that boy?" (no idea why I referred to him as a "boy" when it was clearly an adult male).

The mother creature responded, "What's the rush?"

And that was IT.


On an energetic level you know a lot. It may take time but more will be revealed as your progress. I'm still making incredible discoveries.


Interesting timing in relation to LightBeam's intergalactic meeting experience the same night apparently.

Nice experience!
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


EV: Eh? Where is LightBeam's experience? I'm scanning but don't see it (??)

Nameless: If I know a lot on an energetic level, I always think, fat lotta good it does me most of the time LOL


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


LOL, I completely agree with that sentiment. Fat lot a good...


14 March 2021

Out of body experience - astral projection - lucid dream

Three inchoate, and relatively brief, experiences this morning.

First, I found myself dreaming that I was somewhat falling asleep standing up, and then someone lifted me up and carried me along - as if they were going to get me home. I opened my eyes and saw the ground and the person's feet walking, and it looked like we were outside and he was going to lay me in the backseat of his car to drive me home. I looked up, and saw what looked to be my grandmother. This is the second time I've encountered her, all without asking. Again, like the last time, I cried and hugged her. Then my grandpa was there. I reached out to him and took his hand. He looked at my hand holding his and said, "Her hands are the same." I told them both that I loved them and kept crying.

Then, I tried asking them, basically, where they wound up. Did they properly transition after they died? I asked them if they were in the afterlife, or heaven? I asked what it was like. Grandpa said, I think, "There are eleven sounds." He definitely said there are eleven SOMETHING. And I think he said "sounds". Then my grandma said, "It sounds like milk." I mean...OK?

That's all I remember from that experience.

I tried googling to see if I could find any references to "eleven sounds" in heaven, and I struck out; however, I did find this:

Wild! I somehow missed all the news about these weird sounds being heard in the sky all over the world. Wonder if NASA ever figured it out....


I took notes and then wanted to sleep some more because I was tired. I had more weird dreams, and then I became fully lucid and decided to see where I could go. I said my usual, Take me where I need to go, tell me what I need to know! I started floating along, and found that I was floating up, up, up! Into space. There were lots of stars, the higher into space I went, the more it seemed like there were millions of stars clustering to create weird shapes and designs. Then, I entered a wormhole and started zipping along. I've been through these tunnels many times. Literal tunnels, and on the inside there are all these colors. I've only ever opened my eyes to look around after I'd already entered one; this was the first time I was looking around and saw myself going into one.

One of the interesting things about this was that you could hop on/hop off. Like, hop into this wormhole, zip along, then get off, so you can then hop into this other wormhole over here. Like they were different highways. That's what happened - again, I'm just floating along, somehow being directed, I wasn't controlling this. I floated into one wormhole, zipped along, then "hoped out," only to go into another wormhole from there.

I wound up somewhere civilized, in a large, large, center or complex of some kind. Could be a research center, a political center (like the UN or whatever), I don't know. But it was big and impressive, lots of people (totally human looking) walking around. I was just looking around, wondering where I would be taken.

Then, I got to an elevator. There were a few other people waiting for the elevator, along with what looked like a UPS delivery man with a pushcart of lots of cardboard boxes. And I literally exclaimed: "There are BOXES in SPACE?!?"

Like...that's what amazed me? Encountering boxes LOL

We got into the elevator, which was surprisingly small and kinda old looking. It was rounded, like a pill capsule, instead of rectangular.

And that's all I remember, that experience ended.

I forced myself to sit up enough to take notes. By this point I'm just bone tired. I really just wanted to sleep! But I dipped back in and had another experience.

I don't remember how this one started. The first thing I remember is that I'm being carried along by someone huge - like, Thanos-huge. It was male. For some reason, it said it couldn't tell me who it was, yet. There was a reason for this, but I don't remember.

I asked, "Are you a spirit?"

He said, "As a form of a spirit."

That was interesting. I was're a FORM of a spirit? What does that mean....?

I asked: "How long have we known each other?" Because I got the impression this fella knew who I was, and was there to help me.

In response, he replied as though I had asked an entirely different question. He said, "Who are YOU?"

As in, he replied to me as if I had asked "Who am I?" and his response was to repeat my question back to me, "Who are *you*?"

And I was like, hmm, that's a much better question that I should have asked, knowing who I am would be much more interesting that knowing how long we've known each other!

So I said, "Yes!" Like, yeah, tell me the answer to THAT question!

Well, I shortly woke up after that.

There is one thing, however, that I know he also said. The problem is that I'm not sure WHEN he said it.

He said, "Centuries old". Chronologically, I remember him saying it last, at the very end. But I also remember vaguely that this content was something he was saying about himself. As in, I asked him if he's a spirit, he said he was a form of a spirit, and I was like, ..... A form of a spirit? And he indicated that he's centuries old.

That's what I think happened, but it's a bit foggy!


Wow Grumpy, that is beautiful. Your dream reminded me of an experience talking with my Grandmother who passed. The dream was in a car ride as well, I think she was in the backseat. It makes me happy to see your loving connection for them...

And really amazing details about space and the wormholes... Milk to me is very symbolic, and sound makes me think of creation/vibration. 11 is also a harmonious reflection of the inner and the outer.



22 March 2021

Out of body experience - astral projection - lucid dream

I don't remember this being a projection from a dream; it seemed like I was more awake - at least, I *thought* I was awake. I felt like I was in the right state, and stretched my arms up and out, feeling myself float upwards. Said my usual, Take me where I need to go, tell me what I need to know. Finally felt myself start to move, feeling some strong momentum/pressure.

Moving along, some glimpses of imagery, then see what appears to be an opened door, and a woman standing on the other side of it. She seemed really excited to see me, and indicated she had seen me before. Said she was waiting 24hrs/day till I came back.

I asked her why, but I couldn't hear/catch her reply.

She wanted me to follow her. We entered a stairwell, and she quickly walked down the stairs. I flew along behind her, but had trouble "aiming" my flight pattern to steer properly and had a hard time keeping up.

Down the stairs on the level/floor we were supposed to be at, there were a bunch of empty chairs on the stairwell landing, right outside another open door leading to a larger room. Whatever her intentions were for me seemed to have something to do with lots of makeup, etc. As if I were going to be given a makeover!

She went down to an even lower level and was taking out the trash. She asked me if anyone else was there yet - that is, on the above floor where there were the still-empty chairs. I said no.

Just then, another woman sat down in one of the empty chairs. I went over to that area to stand by the chairs and wait.

Then I came-to, that experience ended. I took notes and laid back down. Not really intending to have another experience, but I didn't feel like getting up yet and thought I'd just lay there and rest for a bit.

I wound up having another experience anyway. I don't remember it being a projection from inside a dream, and I don't even remember projecting at all. Maybe it was "Just" a dream, but I was there, it was 3D, and I had the same senses/sensations I do when I'm out.

This one was definitely more ambiguous, I think, and I'm not sure what was really going on and whether it was a dream or "more" than that.

Someone had brought me down to like a ground floor/basement level. Like a student or something. There was a classroom of students and a teacher who didn't seem to think I belonged there, and kicked me out. But the other students seemed to want me there, they seemed to think I had done something good (something that I couldn't remember).

The teacher seemed so rude, that altho I was now up some stairs and no longer in the classroom, I used all my strength and energy to tell him off, basically, to send my voice booming out with my thoughts, about how rude he was to me. Like hey man, I'm just a human on earth who is trying her best and who was brought here and is just trying to go with the flow and observe and learn.

I was so weak after doing this I was gasping for air, and slumped down on the floor, leaning against the wall, too weak to move or do anything else.

Then a cloaked/hooded figure arrived, with some sort of a mask over its face. He seemed like an evil figure. I had the feeling I'd seen this hooded figure before.

He said, "Isn't it time we shut down the basement?"

I tried to explain that I was very weak, I could barely talk, and I was too weak to talk to him more, or to do anything much, as I had just used all my strength to tell off that teacher!

He put his hand on my right side. I felt extreme pain on the top of my right hand, the top of my right foot, my right side, and under my right armpit. It almost felt like he was sticking his hand INTO my right side. It almost seemed like he was trying to tickle me awake, but there was so much pain, too.

I was so weak I couldn't do much. I asked for help. I tried to "thought→action" him away but it didn't work. Slowly, the hooded figure and the entire scene started to fade, becoming more indistinct, and finally I woke up.

Some things I noticed is that both of these experiences involve going down to a lower (deeper?) level of a building. And, in one of my last experiences in space, there was that elevator that I got into, and I had the sense it was going to take us down. The first experience today was a good one - my helper was that woman who (while I was out) I seemed to recognize, who seemed to recognize me, and the experience was suffused with a sense of safety.

The second experience was terrible! Other students bring me to a lower level classroom, I'm rudely kicked out, and then this cloaked figure with a real sense of evil causes me more severe pain. Very strange.


 Grumpy, it sounds like there is a real push here for you to not only be aware of your "basement", but also "clean it out" as well. Does that sound right? The "basement" is always viewed as lower part, almost negative part of our existence. It's usually about cleaning up possible "skeletons" that have been left down there. This normally leads to "forgiveness".
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I will offer a couple additional ideas to what I think Lumaza has insightfully pointed out. To me, 'basement' means subconscious. But your 'feel' of the situation is equally important, especially now as your experiences progress. In my interpretive model 'basement' or 'moving downward by elevators/floors/levels'  can also mean moving lower in awareness or frequency of the current energy body. If you 'feel' lower energy or awareness, a kind of fog or 'dumbed down' in some way...then that indicates for me that I may be in a form of Simulation and the Instructor has forced this condition on me to test and develop my instinctive NP ability.

If you didn't 'feel' that, then I go back to the idea that you are being shown an issue that resides in your subconscious, as Lumaza indicated.

The hooded/cloaked figure is fairly common when important information is being communicated. It could be a higher level Instructor and it is cloaked to not overwhelm you with its brilliance and power, which may only distract you. Or it could be hiding the fact it is your Higher Self, again not to distract you. So we often tend to misread it and infer evil of some sort.

I cannot explain the pain except that maybe it was 'pressing the point on you'. Maybe the pain indicates an issue with the 'right' side of you you feel you always have to be right? Or maybe it has to do with the right side dealing with emotion, expression or creativity...just some ideas to maybe meditate on. Or ask for some clarification.

Complex and very stuff! You'll work it out!

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Thanks, guys!

Lumaza: I think your interpretation of the symbolism makes sense. Especially with the helper taking out the trash - that one seems kinda heavy-handed, but I do need a little help figuring out what the hell they're trying to tell me, so... =) There are certainly some things that need to be "cleaned out" as it were - and maybe that's why the hooded figure said it was time to shut down the basement, like, hey, let's move on from all that, shall we? So that makes intuitive sense to me.

EV: there are definitely times when I feel like I'm "drunk" or otherwise in a lowered awareness fog (good to know what that might be about!) but I don't think that was this time. Is there some writing (either here or elsewhere) that discusses the common appearance of a hooded/cloaked figure in APs? Now that I've seen one I'd like to read about it a bit.

There do seem to be some common areas where I have felt pain. The first time, when I was basically electrocuted, the "device" was put on the right side of my face/head. But the feeling of pain was my ankles (both of them). Tops of feet, ankles, tops of hands, underside of wrists - these areas seem to be targeted more. And now right side abdomen. So, usually on both sides of body at once (i.e., both wrists, both ankles). But, this time the figure was standing to my right, so his hand touched my right side. Maybe that's why the pain this time was not bilateral on this occasion.

Whenever I have asked for clarification about the pain stuff, they don't give it to me. Am I asking the question wrong? Is there some way of phrasing the question that would be more likely to actually get me an answer?


Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on March 23, 2021, 12:58:46
There are certainly some things that need to be "cleaned out" as it were - and maybe that's why the hooded figure said it was time to shut down the basement, like, hey, let's move on from all that, shall we? So that makes intuitive sense to me.
"Moving on" is usually the byproduct/result of some kind of forgiveness, either "self or other"!  :wink:

From what i have seen, the "cloaked/hooded Being" can have a number of purposes. I have experienced it as the initial "welcome to the Astral World, Gatekeeper type". I have seen him as the "harbinger" of a approaching lesson and also a harbinger of bad news. I have experienced something similar in a few Retrievals I have had. Even though he is "hooded", it seems he can wear all kinds of hats!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Hey Grump, I'll add to the hooded cloak convo. I had a dream the night of your AP which ended with someone presenting a dark hooded cloak of armor and the name "Madoni" (pronounced like... mao-donny) was said before waking up.

In a separate experience, in my earlier years, I woke up in the in-between state and the appearance of a hooded/cloaked figure was floating down the hall outside my bedroom. The door was open and I saw him gliding. He had a gold and black aura about him and a misshaped head. He stopped to look at me. I couldn't see his face, in fact the whole environment felt fuzzy. I could only feel that he was looking at me. I am confident he directed a very loud metal screech in my head and I passed back out, waking up later in the day.

This probably only adds to the confusion/curiosity. But I hope you enjoy. I do like reading your experiences!

Until next time!   :-)