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Donut's Dream Journal

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Hello all,

   I have roughly 170 nights worth of dreams logged starting from my early teen years, it has long been a practice of mine. I skip a lot of logging lately, but I thought it would be fun to start sharing some new ones here.

   I won't flood the board with all of my dreams, haha.

   Here are some format notes before I make my first entry:

1: I will put notes in (parentheses)
2: I will replace names with {wife}, {friend} etc.
3: If there are multiple dreams from one night, I will separate them with lines (---------)
4: Date format is MM-DD-YY
5: Sometimes I might end with Thoughts

   Okay, here we go!

Dream Log 09-29-23

   A crew of five man a small fishing vessel on the ocean (I am not physically present, but observing in a cinematic way). The boat has only a single, covered deck, with a smaller boat hung in the rear. The boat is tiny for this many people, and crewmate proposes an idea to the captain:

"We can rebuild the deck, and get rid of the smaller dinghy." He says.

   The captain nods his approval, then returns to a chart he was observing at the helm. The yellowed paper depicts an island chain. A compass the captain set on the chart as a paperweight begins to spread a smoldering hole in the paper. He peers out ahead in grim acceptance of what is to come.
   The ocean drops off in a wall of waterfall that stretches to either end of the horizon, and the ship falls off the edge of the planet. ("How long can they fall?" I wonder, the only thought I have in this dream.)
   The ship arcs and crashes into the water, destroying the vessel. The captain and crew are immediately killed. At this instant, many miles away, a woman in a modern home collapses onto a tiled floor. She has miscarried.

Thoughts: It is rare for me to have a dream where I am not physically present, I wanted to share it for this reason.


 It's cool when you can discern what the experience was all about. The bad part is, that happens "after the fact", instead of live like we would like it to be. At least it happens though!  :-)

 Since you are sharing a cool ship experience, I thought I would share one too. It is at this link here. I don't want to type the entire thing again. Why I want you to go to the link is to see the great replies that members here on Pulse gave and the conversation that ensued.!/rogue-waves-and-consciousness/msg375653/#msg375653
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on September 29, 2023, 16:32:39Since you are sharing a cool ship experience, I thought I would share one too. It is at this link here. I don't want to type the entire thing again. Why I want you to go to the link is to see the great replies that members here on Pulse gave and the conversation that ensued.!/rogue-waves-and-consciousness/msg375653/#msg375653

  This topic was an excellent read, thanks for sharing! Out of curiosity I searched my dream log for any entries on/around 04-13-21, but had none within a month, darn!



Dream Log 01-29-22

  We approach a downed ship, and there is a helmet with a pointed visor on the path leading to it. Artifacts are found in the ship, and a character says he will have a particular group analyze it, afterword stating that's supposed to be classified but he does not care.

Thoughts: Okay, this one isn't much to read. I wrote it before I thought anyone but me would read it, haha. It sticks with me though, the ship was not alien. I'm gonna fly that thing one day  :-D


Dream Log 10-01-23

  A narration ensues over a cutaway of four towers. "...a magnetic field was activated from the outer towers, which to the researchers' surprise, coincided with the elevator like descent of the bedchambers in the inner towers..."

Thoughts: This was a fun dream, but I should probably stop watching Ancient Aliens so close to bedtime, lol.


  (I am laying awake in bed. Having set multiple timers at one hour increments, to attempt multiple projection techniques, I decide to improvise. I imagine/feel myself fly vertically upward about 10ft, stop, then fall back to my feet. At some point I lose consciousness.)
  I am standing on a freeway interchange, and float upwards about 10ft. "Flying again" I thought to myself, "this time speed is key". I rocket upwards, not as quickly as I can imagine, but much faster than 100mph.
  I breach the cloud layer, and the sky starts to darken around me. The clouds start to look small, and as I begin to see the curvature of Earth, all fades to black.

Thoughts: I am including this as a dream because it did not feel the way my experience feels as I type this. It was very dreamlike.