Projection Journal -*Advise, tips, suggestions and comments are welcomed*-

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Heya all, and welcome to Bob's Journal.

A little background:

Started having what I believe to be astral projections / out of body experiences as a kid around 5-6 years old. This went on for about a year, and then stopped. Since then, after learning what was going on, it's been an uphill battle trying to do it on purpose, with only about 20 experiences (stretched out over some 30 years) and of those ~5 being noteworthy. Have done a fair bit of lucid dreaming, and practiced meditation on and off since early 20s. Now after taking myself off the job market, and having the time, I've decided to give it a real shot and see where it leads. BTW I'm not native English speaker so bear with me.  :-)

200821 - end 18:50 (UTC+2)

Was lying down with closed eyes wearing headphones listening to Robert Monroe's 1992 interview. Focus on keeping my eyes still/relaxed and relaxing face muscles. Wasn't going for any kind of experience, just listening and working a bit on relaxing. Did this thing where I try and totally forget/shutdown the body and be/focus in my head.

Fell asleep. dreamed about being on some kind of craft with a crew(in space ?), where we were controlling something remotely (combat/military vibe).
Woke up/opened my eyes but didn't move, or dreamt I woke up ? Wasn't so clear, but it was my room I saw so maybe I did wake up, idk.. With open eyes a mild vibration stage started (thinking, oh this is really strange going from being awake into VBS, what the heck is going on), accompanied by a chaotic stream of high pitched angry voices that seemed to be directed at me. My vision then started to white out, a bit of shaking/vibrations/loud noise and I popped out.

Flew up high (100-200 meters) beautiful deep blue sky, looked down, lots of trees and lawns/fields, vivid green colors all over. Flew down, wasn't able to change direction so well while flying, so bumped into things grabbed on and pushed off to change direction. Slammed into a fence surrounding a park or stadium right behind this couple, the girl had a bun/ponytail, gave it a little tab to see if she would notice it, but no reaction, no one seemed to notice me (edit: and come to think of it, there wasn't any sound either). Flew down the road surrounding the stadium/park for a bit, then woke up.
Duration less then 2 minuets.

Following my eyes felt very tired, and a heavy feeling in the head, lasted about ½ hour.
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


Something tells me you have a treasure trove of journal entries to entice us with!  :)

I'll have to save this link for future reading.  ;)


Quote from: Xanth on August 24, 2020, 00:49:25
Something tells me you have a treasure trove of journal entries to entice us with!  :)

I'll have to save this link for future reading.  ;)

To come, maybe. I can only hope  :-). What little I had written down in the past was done on a phone and that got stolen, and of course no backup  :-(
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


Trying to AP. Dozed off and came to in the beginning of vibration stage, but it faded away.

200908 - end 09:50 (UTC+2) - Dream/semi lucid
Gave phasing a go after having read the first part of FRANK'S MODEL OF THE WIDER REALITY.

After a long time (guessing ~45 min) I started seeing some white lines/patterns, dozed off. Then watching a screen in my mind, that turned into me sitting on my couch in the living room watching the TV. Thought about stepping into the scene. The TV then started expanding filling my entire view, started resisting and thought I maybe had woken up. Walked to the dinner table and tried to push my hand through the top several times but couldn't, it felt very real could feel the cold granite and the texture, and my hand looked normal. At that point I was sure I was awake. The rest is a confusing blur. Walking up some stairs saw a kid lying in my bed in a big open empty room. Up some more stairs, another big empty room sister and former boyfriend sleeping in a bed, deceased family dog lying on floor sleeping, petted the dog he woke up. Fighting someone (don't know why). Woke up.

1 hour passed from lying down.

Feels like I'm going backwards, can't believe I chickened out/resisted when the TV was 'coming at me'  :-(
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd



200924 - start 05:15  end 06:30 - AP/lucid dream ?
Dozed off while reading a declassified CIA document about remote viewing, haven't done that since way back when, when studying for exams lol (but it was pretty boring, remote viewing is definitely not for me, or maybe it was just the way it was written). Body felt heavy, relaxed/loose and I had a slow pulsing vibration/waviness thing going on in lower legs, felt like a good time to try to AP.

Lying down wearing noise cancelling headphones and closed eyes, it was a lot easier than usual to quite down the monkey mind and I got to the point where there is this shift in consciousness (theta waves ?) pretty quick, within 5 minutes or thereabouts, dozed off for a sec. had a micro dream then drifted in and out of the shift in consciousness for some time, then "got out of body". Don't recall any vibrations or sound, but there was some white out of vision and the feeling of motion. I was in my room in the NP, and it felt like an AP.

Have had the intention of not trying anything crazy next time I "got out" since the last time, and the plan was to stay as long as possible to try and get use to being in the NP. Spend 5-10 minutes in the house standing still and looking around, picking up stuff and putting it down again, tasted/licked something but can't for the life of me remember what it was.
Opened/closed a door, pushed on the closed door with my hand, then pushed hand through the door, I still think it's pretty cool that just the thought/intent of what you want to happen has an instant effect.

Got bored of being in the house and decided it was time to have some fun, flew straight up through basement ceiling and roof, sunny outside with thin white cloud cover, got above the clouds but then started to get a little tingling in the stomach (I have a little acrophobia) so closed my eyes and kept flying up (going for broke, just to see what would happen), when I opened them again I was to high up for my liking got scared and "snapped back into my body". Opened eyes for a brief moment, was back in my room. Closed my eyes and quickly "got out" again, but this time I was outside on a madras somewhere that kinda looked like the place I lived before. The madras was beside a children's playground, there was a big sandbox (~10x10 meters) to the right of me with a wooden playhouse in bright colors and in the center a swing set, some little kids running around having fun. To the left a big lawn and then a 3 story apartment building, it was sunny but at the apartment building facade it was night, there was one room on the top floor with the lights on and two girls/young women standing at the window covering their mouth and whispering to each other, pointing down at me and giggling. They came down and one of them went into to sandbox playing with the kids the other sat down at the food of the madras with a devious smile, I closed my eyes and started meditating, the girl then sat on my legs I told her to get off, she asked why ? Because I'm meditating I said, she moved down to the food of the madras again, I continued to meditate. Then she started throwing small twigs at me, got annoyed and flew off.

Flew around the city for a while, had pretty good control could turn better this time and control the height, but hovering was a no go, noticed I was wearing a watch looked at it and it was 5:00 o'clock. Landed on a incline stone path where there was a lot of people walking, approached a cute Chinese girl walking in front of me, she was happy to see me like we knew each other, she felt very familiar to me. She invited me to dinner at her parents house, but that didn't go well at all. Was served vegetable soup, told the girl look at this waved my hand over the plate and turned it into two big square chunks of beef and one long vegetable of some kind, that didn't go over well, her dad flipped out and made it very clear I wasn't welcome there. There was a part where a Chinese man was throwing knives and meat cleavers at me (felt quite serious), I ducked/avoided them, picked them up and threw them back at him. The man was holding two chopping boards and when I hit them with the knives and cleavers he laughed at me at yelled very good, nice throw and stuff like that very strange, not sure if it was the girls father. After that my response was to fly straight into the ground to get away from there but there was too much resistance only got a few meters down. Then some guy who also felt familiar told me to 'get up here', he was up on a bamboo watch tower type building. Got up there and we then flew down through to floor from there and ended up in a martial art class with a bunch of white belts, had a conversation with the guy about my background/accomplishments in karate, guy then tells me, then this isn't for you, this is for beginners. We left the studio
and went outside (and this is where things get really strange).

At some point I looked at the watch again, and this time it was 5:40 o'clock.

While standing outside on the sidewalk I told the guy watch this, I put my hands together with the fingers spread touching the fingertips together, when I pulled them apart electric sparks started jumping between my hands, first little blue thin sparks then they got white and thicker and at 'full power' red orbs started appearing between the sparks. Some guy started harassing an old lady across the street with sparks from his hands, same kind I had just showed to the other guy. I threw some sparks his way to make him stop, then a whole group (approx. 10 people) appeared on the street from out of nowhere, some of them started yelling 'look he's like of us' (referring to me) others yelled 'no he can't be look he's got a beard', like having a beard was a very bad thing. Ran across the road to stop the guy that was attacking the elderly lady, I was incredibly angry with him. Me being angry then started affecting them like we where linked in some way, someone yelled 'he's angry, he's one of THEM, stop him', someone slapped a big metallic wristband on my left forearm and that stopped them from being affected. Went with the 'gang' or they took me with them somehow, we ended up in what looked like an ancient desert city. Was sitting down on a low stone wall and an old friendly man was doing something to the wristband, suddenly I got a feeling of déjà vu and asked the old man 'I've been through this before haven't I' ? He answered yes, but this time it's gonna end differently ? I asked him, he just smiled and kept tinkering with the wristband, like he knew exactly what was going to happen but didn't want to tell me. The old dude left and something made my anger towards the guy that had attacked the old lady come back, at that point I just wanted to hurt them all so I took the wristband off and ran right at him. But I was no match for him, while fighting him (more like him toying with me) he went on about all the types of martial arts he was an expert in and had trained for centuries, he put me in a triangle choke then told me he was my brother, and proceeded to open up my left arm from shoulder to palm and let go of me. I walked back to the stone wall hoping the old guy would be there to help me, while trying to hold the wound together, blood was pouring out, it was more black then red or very dark red, there was no pain and I was more intrigued with the color then focusing on anything else. An old guy with a staff came running and i thought yay he's going to fix me, but he was more interested in stopping the others which were now fighting among themselves. Then I finally woke up. The end.

The last part I was kinda just along for the ride. Was fully lucid through it all, but it was more like watching a movie from first person perspective then a 'normal' lucid dream/AP.

1 hour 15 minutes passed from lying down (felt like one long experience).

Following I felt refreshed.
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd



201113 (Lucid dream)

I have been taking a break from trying to AP because of totally messed up sleep cycle due to too much meditation/trying to AP throughout the day. Basically not being tired at night, and pushing the time I went to bed until night and day was switched around.

Anyway, had this weird LD. It started inside a house, a bunch of young people (late teens, and a bit shadowy) coming in through the walls and door, and starting to push me around. I tried to get them to stop but that didn't work, so I picked them up by their feet and slammed them against the floor and whatever was around. It felt like picking up a piece of foam no weight at all, they broke into many pieces when hitting something and their skin disappeared as they broke, leaving bloody parts on the floor kinda like broken glass, it felt a bit cartoonish.

Flew outside and then into a old wood house (single floor) that was nearby, it was much bigger inside with many floors with a opening in the middle of them. There was some sort of party going on, people everywhere some naked/half-naked. Met a cute girl and we started making out, we tried to find a empty room but there was people everywhere. Floated up through the opening and had a look at the different floors, one was open/empty with no furniture and had 6-7 naked girls lying in a circle on the floor with legs spread apart and their feet against each other in a star pattern, others had many people and rooms and felt crowded. Floated up to the top where there was a group of older Indian men sitting on the floor, got pulled into(merged with) one of them, a short heavy-set man that seemed to be the leader/elder. He was in control and I was along for the ride, it felt pretty strange, he floated down to the ground floor and tried to show/teach me something about some small metal plates/labels on a vertical wooden beam(red numbers), I think it was dates but didn't get the meaning of it, he floated back up and we separated.

Had some fun flying around the house very fast and making sharp turns, probably the best control I've ever had  :-). Went into a room with few people and started to talk with another cute girl, we began kissing and I thought we were about to get it on, but then she touched my left eye with her thumb that had some sticky stuff on it, started seeing this amazing bright twisting multicolored spiral but only with the left eye, having this only happen to one eye felt so strange that I woke up. It was like being two places at once with no connection between the two.

That's it for now, until next time!
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


201123 (semi lucid dream)

A crowd was standing in a circle around something I was in the back and couldn't see what it was, I wanted to see what they where looking at, but didn't want to be rude and go in front of anyone so hesitated for a while. Eventually the curiosity got the better of me, and I moved to the front. It turned out to be me in bed, was not expecting that. I interlocked fingers with the person standing behind me and leaned back on the crowd, it felt AWESOME! I slowly came too, the crowd I was leaning on turned into my bed and the holding hands into my hands with interlocked fingers resting on my stomach, so it was a very smooth transition. I felt great the rest of the day, full of energy  :-)

A very short one, but absolutely wonderful!
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd



Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


201214 - (semi lucid dream)

Was being shown around In a messy house, crowded with young people/teens. Someone showed me to a room I could sleep in, and told me my dog was there. The dog turned out to be a grey wolf, but it felt like he was a long deceased family dog but in a wolf's body. Was taken to another room and told to sit on a chair, a big crow like "bird" with head the size of a human head told me he was going to remove something from my hair, he then started picking at my hair with his beak, I closed my eyes and let him do his thing. Then he told me to open my mouth so he could do the same to my teeth, got a little freaked out by the thought of getting picked in the teeth by a giant bird creature, I opened my mouth and closed my eyes, and prepared for the worst. Luckily it didn't hurt, instead it tickled like crazy I couldn't stop laughing, my head was buzzing with this tickle sensation that spread to the whole body. Went for a ride on the back of the "bird", had a conversation with him while flying but the only thing I can remember is that his name was Treger/Tregar or something along those lines.

Back on the ground, saw a yellow and blue "UFO" that looked a bit like a cross between an osprey and quadcopter but without rotor blades, it was hovering over some houses without a sound and spraying something down at them, while flocks of small birds were circling around it.
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


201219 (Lucid dream)
Lying down on my back doing my morning meditation/practicing phasing while listening to (been using this one a lot lately).

Clicked out a few minutes after hypnagogic imagery started to appear about ½ hour in. Normally it's just white blobs, lines and tiny "stars", but this time there was a little color to the blobs, white in the center surrounded by purdy dark metallic purple (amethyst black). Clicked out a couple more times before deciding to turn on my side and take a little nap.

Became lucid while dreaming about fishing at a beach after casting out and looking down at the reel that just kept going and going, after ~20 sec. being puzzled why it didn't stop I looked out at the the sea, but the sea had turned into a hilly area, LOL. Did the "Where am I?", "Where am I going?", "How did I get here?" and "What am I doing?" from Ryan's book, been trying to "program" myself to do that for a few weeks now before going to sleep at night, so I'm happy to see that it's finally starting to work. Started to fly but next thing I know I'm on a bus, was about to fly of but settled on staying and see what would happen. No empty seats so sat down next to a girl, she began whispering to herself about people she had interacted with, what they had said, how she had responded and why she had responded that way, etc. This went on for a few minutes then I woke up.

Small progress, but progress nonetheless  :-).
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


Quote from: Bob_the_floater on December 19, 2020, 10:46:28
201219 (Lucid dream)
Lying down on my back doing my morning meditation/practicing phasing while listening to (been using this one a lot lately).
Very nice!  :-) It has me almost asleep here in my chair, lol! Thanks for the share. That one feels like it really creating the "lulling" sensation. It's a "slow roll", but effective!  :-) 8-)

I will share one that I am having great success with myself. It seems to take on more of a "mysterious" approach than it does relaxing you into submission. I like all kinds of Binaural beats, Isochronic Tones, basically any kind of Meditative music in general.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on December 20, 2020, 08:38:10
I will share one that I am having great success with myself. It seems to take on more of a "mysterious" approach than it does relaxing you into submission. I like all kinds of Binaural beats, Isochronic Tones, basically any kind of Meditative music in general.

Thanks for the link! Downloaded and added to my "meditation" library  :-)

Just had a very nice hour and 40 minutes session while listening to that one. After dozing off I had a sort of partial sleep paralysis, at one point it was like legs/feet, arms/hands and lower torso completely disappeared, then the head go a little bit "numb" and I started to get this pressure feeling on top of the head, tried to exit through there but no luck(it did intensify the feeling though). Is this what you describe as "exploding head" feels like ? I've experienced this before but without the pressure on top of the head, and every time upper torso and head to some degree "is always there and won't go to sleep"  :-(.
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


Quote from: Bob_the_floater on December 20, 2020, 14:54:18
Thanks for the link! Downloaded and added to my "meditation" library  :-)
I have one of those too!  :-) A Favorite's folders that I call my "Meditation Library!

QuoteJust had a very nice hour and 40 minutes session while listening to that one. After dozing off I had a sort of partial sleep paralysis, at one point it was like legs/feet, arms/hands and lower torso completely disappeared, then the head go a little bit "numb" and I started to get this pressure feeling on top of the head, tried to exit through there but no luck(it did intensify the feeling though). Is this what you describe as "exploding head" feels like ? I've experienced this before but without the pressure on top of the head, and every time upper torso and head to some degree "is always there and won't go to sleep"  :-(.
It sounds familiar. But I don't really understand the need to exit during it. I just passively observe it and allow the exit to commence when it wishes to. We show that we still wish to remain in control of everything when we attempt to "force" a exit. When you are experiencing the symptoms you are, you will find that the "exit" has already begun. This is when you can set a intended destination or kick "thought = action" into play.

I was chatting with EV lately and I told him the other day, while showering, I got shampoo in my eyes. It started to burn, so I pushed gently on my eyes with my two fingers on both hands (pointer and index) to relieve the pain. Immediately I began to experience almost the same sensation that I do during one of my "exploding head" experiences. I found that this description may be the closest the at I can explain the actual sensation I get.

If you do that, apply "very gentle pressure" to your eyes only for a second or two and you will kind of see what i mean.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


210106 (lucid dream)

Inside a building felt like the top floor/high up. Had sex with a "split woman", she sitting on a table/counter me standing up, but at the same time having a conversation with her standing to the right of me. Some people entered the room and she said let's go to the moon room, followed her outside and down a spiraling staircase. There where small square rooms without roofs floating in darkness along the staircase, got to the "moon room" at the bottom but it was occupied (was a bit puzzled as to why she had led me down the staircase when it was clear what rooms had people in them just from looking down from the top of the staircase).

We went back up and into the building, got the idea to test the "characters" a little, asked the girl what's 2 times 7 ? She just stood there with a blank expression on her face, asked again what's 7+7 ? After a while she answered 13  :?, tried the same with a guy in the room he answered 17  :?.

Suddenly it hit me why am I walking around when I could be flying/floating, tried to lift of the floor but no dice, felt very heavy and somehow anchored to the floor, while doing this I realized everyone in the room was staring at me like what the hell is he doing, then woke up.

Following I felt drained of energy, heavy feeling in the head almost like a headache.
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


That's awesome. Really interesting with the test you decided to give the characters.


Thanks tides, yeah was a nice little experience  :-)

Been thinking about the test, and if I may have influenced the outcome by subconsciously wanting a wrong answer. Tried to have no expectations to the outcome but I guess I can't rule it out. Would like to try this again, but next time ask something I don't know the answer to.

It just hit me that their answers are neighboring prime numbers.
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


210124 (vivid dream)

In a room with 3 beautiful woman, they wanted to have sex but I only wanted to be with one (not into group stuff). Went to a room with one of them and we started to make out, the woman then stopped and told me she wanted me to sign/make a contract saying that she would not loose her virginity before going any further. I thought that was a bit strange/contradictory but signed my name on a piece of paper, where the pen and paper came from I do not know, it was just there. The paper had raised dots all over(dimples on the other side) didn't think much about it at the time, other then it was a bit hard to write on because the pen would dip into the "holes", when I handed her the paper I asked if it was ok that the paper had all these dots on it and if only signing my name was ok ? She said it was fine, took the paper and we continued to make out. Nothing really happened after that besides more making out.

After waking up and going about my day and in the back of my mind trying to make sense of the dream it hit me, did I get tricked into signing a contract written in braille script  :?
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


210417 (lucid dream)

Had a fun one last night.

In an apartment with a girl, she was coming on to me but instead of the usual fooling around that's getting a bit old at this point, I asked her if she wanted to go flying instead. She told me she didn't have money for a plane ticket, explained to her that this was a dream and we didn't need a plane we could just go jump out the window and fly like birds, she didn't believe me so I lifted of the floor and floated between the floor and ceiling, she seemed chocked/surprised and didn't want to fly. So instead I suggested we changed size for fun, shrunk us down to miniature size guessing about 5cm in height, it was pretty cool being on the floor next to a couch and looking underneath it, where the lower part of it started seemed like it was a couple of meters up, had fun chasing each other around in the building running between chair legs and whatnot until I woke up.
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


210513 (phasing sensation)
When practicing phasing up until now it's gone like this:

After 5-15 minutes the usual white/dark purple swirling patterns starts to appear, then some small white flashes in the
peripheral "vision". Eventually a big flash that turns everything white and one of two things happen: either I get "knocked
out" of the meditative state or I click out(fall asleep).

But this time was different. I finally managed to stay conscious through it while relaxed in a meditative state. As the white
faded away I felt a single pulse of tingling sensation running from head down to lower torso, kinda like a mix of the feeling
of getting the chills and the buzzing sensation of e.g. hands being asleep, but more rough and electric. Then total darkness
with some 3d feeling to it, tried to go from there but with no luck. Felt pretty good being in the darkness, total relaxation
and not a care in the world  8-)
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


Quote from: Bob_the_floater on May 15, 2021, 23:03:18
210513 (phasing sensation)
When practicing phasing up until now it's gone like this:

After 5-15 minutes the usual white/dark purple swirling patterns starts to appear, then some small white flashes in the
peripheral "vision". Eventually a big flash that turns everything white and one of two things happen: either I get "knocked
out" of the meditative state or I click out(fall asleep).

But this time was different. I finally managed to stay conscious through it while relaxed in a meditative state. As the white
faded away I felt a single pulse of tingling sensation running from head down to lower torso, kinda like a mix of the feeling
of getting the chills and the buzzing sensation of e.g. hands being asleep, but more rough and electric. Then total darkness
with some 3d feeling to it, tried to go from there but with no luck. Felt pretty good being in the darkness, total relaxation
and not a care in the world  8-)
It sounds like you did indeed pass the veil/invisible barrier between here and there. I will be speaking more on this in depth in my Doorway thread later tonight. I love that "3D void" too. It is so peaceful.  It's a great place to contemplate life in general or you could just "be" and enjoy the silence. There is no "electrical" interference there at all.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on May 16, 2021, 18:51:17
I love that "3D void" too. It is so peaceful. It's a great place to contemplate life in general or you could just "be" and enjoy the silence. There is no "electrical" interference there at all.


Yes the silence (of the mind) there was awesome, hope to visit it soon again.
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


260513 (phasing practice - micro semi-LD)
Lying down in bed headphones on listening to some relaxing nature sounds.

Entered a dream state/semi-lucid dream. A entrance/door, inside a pyramid ? Me down in a gully up to my neck. A guy and girl in front of the door, everything sand colored. Throwing a couple pebbles past the guy to get his attention, he was looking through some kind of apparatus/glasses, jumping around waving hands/peace signs, girl next to him sees me, end.

Back to noticing/looking into the darkness, but the entrance/doorway remained in front of my eyes, tried zooming/going into the doorway, instead of me moving towards it, part of it came flying towards me right up in my face then faded away. Looked/focused at the remaining part trying to keep it there as long as possible and maybe get back to the dream state, it faded away after about 30 seconds, then I ended the session.

Then it hit me, is this what phasing is, going into a lucid dream from a wake state ? Is that "all" there is to it ?

Up until now I have been focusing on getting the imagery/patterns to appear when noticing, and getting past the "overload". Have I been going about this all wrong, is that just a biproduct of going into the dream/np state and not really a goal in itself ? lol I think I may have overcomplicate things (going about it kinda backwards) :-D
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd