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I've had another experience this morning. I was very tired and couldn't sleep... a perfect time to project! I thought.

I was able to settle in the in-between very easily. I had a little trouble trying to set an intention. I thought I'd like to connect with my Sufi teacher and friend. I was really unsure about the wording here, because what if my Sufi teacher isn't the one I thought? These are silly ruminations now that I think on it. I know who I wanted to connect with... Yet as I began to slip from physical awareness to mental imagery my desire for intention started changing without realizing it. I started to notice what looked like a giant mosaic in my minds eye. I quickly came back to physical awareness and reminded myself of my intention and once again started to slip back in the in-between. Just before doing so a voice whispered(yet again), "Eric- remember to..." and while I can't remember the rest... I remember it had to do with my latest lesson... That is the fact that I can move about in this mental landscape without projecting a body. And that this in-between is the desired state. Once again this giant mosaic appeared. This time, as I tried to inspect it, I felt my entire viewing screen moving towards it. I can only think I must have looked like a giant orb if I had a self moving about. It is quite a different sensation- to imagine a body moving in a fixed area or landscape versus a screen or, "area" that moves with you. It isn't the first time, just something I find myself reflecting on more often.

I wasn't able to get past this or experience much more... I even found myself behind closed eyes inspecting my hands again- or creating the imagery of energetic limbs. They were faint some times, not things I could see through like before- but dark shadows with darker outlines. That mosaic never really left the background either, whatever it was. I remember holding my hands in front of me with art behind it. I remember still being rather occupied by this idea of astral limbs. Shortly after I lost awareness and entered some very detailed dreams. They were about friends and family I don't have the best relationships with but the dreams were somehow pleasant and affirming of where each person is at in their life now. I think... x_x


wow, nice! 

I would go with the gut instinct. I used to fly like superman, then I started floating whilst my legs were crossed about four feet off the ground. lol  So, what do you think the mosaic was about?  What did you feel when you looked at it?  Does it represent anything to you? Do you think it could have something to do with the, "Eric, remember to..."?

Very cool, thanks for sharing!


Quote from: Naykid on January 03, 2021, 11:37:48
wow, nice! 

I would go with the gut instinct. I used to fly like superman, then I started floating whilst my legs were crossed about four feet off the ground. lol  So, what do you think the mosaic was about?  What did you feel when you looked at it?  Does it represent anything to you? Do you think it could have something to do with the, "Eric, remember to..."?

Very cool, thanks for sharing!

Hi Naykid, thank you for the interesting question. I haven't a clue what the mosaic was, but that it definitely was. It's odd that I can't recall an emotion tied to it...
I used to fly by, "swimming frog style" through the air. One projection I realized I didn't need to do that and like you started floating instead. Phasing through bedroom doors was a fun thing to imagine. For me, sometimes the knowing is matter of fact while other times you have to rediscover a forgotten lesson. I wonder if the experiences aren't linear only because I hadn't trained myself enough, experienced enough in succession, or if that's just how it goes.
A part of me thought the voice was my Sufi friend. I have heard whispers and still don't know who they are. A part of my intention last night was asking if I could learn more about them, and like the Sufi discovery, I questioned if I was actually ready.

Very cool of you to share yours with me too! I LOVE all of this.  :-) *happy dance*  :-D


Quote from: tides2dust on January 03, 2021, 13:29:53
Hi Naykid, thank you for the interesting question. I haven't a clue what the mosaic was, but that it definitely was. It's odd that I can't recall an emotion tied to it...
I used to fly by, "swimming frog style" through the air. One projection I realized I didn't need to do that and like you started floating instead. Phasing through bedroom doors was a fun thing to imagine. For me, sometimes the knowing is matter of fact while other times you have to rediscover a forgotten lesson. I wonder if the experiences aren't linear only because I hadn't trained myself enough, experienced enough in succession, or if that's just how it goes.
A part of me thought the voice was my Sufi friend. I have heard whispers and still don't know who they are. A part of my intention last night was asking if I could learn more about them, and like the Sufi discovery, I questioned if I was actually ready.

Very cool of you to share yours with me too! I LOVE all of this.  :-) *happy dance*  :-D

lol I do the happy dance too.  :-D  Going through doors, ceilings or walls amazingly enough feels just like you'd think. Well, at least for me.  I once stretched halfway into a tiny tv that appeared on my bedside table once and the feeling is exactly like that too.... stretching, but without pain or restraint.  Good luck with your future endeavors!


I'm a bit out of the loop and have no idea what you're talking about re: your Sufi friend, but since you had the intent to connect with this Sufi, and you saw a mosaic pattern (my impression is you had never seen it before?) you might want to do some googling to see if you recognize the pattern. Like even just googling "sufi" + "mosaics" will get you a lot of hits. Maybe you'll see something that looks like it, and then you can read about it and learn about its significance.


Grumpy! Whoa, I can't believe I never tried that! I am finding some eerily similar results! There is definitely a connection to Sufism in my Spiritual Journey or lineage. Long story short, in 2008 I had three dreams with what felt like unregulated access to some of the phenomenal experiences we relay here. Years later I had a very detailed dream and learned the word Sufi from it! Years after that I had a moment of clarity that followed me through out the day, with crazy manifestations like an albino peacock and a rose made manifest in front of my feet. That day the peacock angel was revealed to me, which Sufi mystics call Al Khadir or "the green man." Seeing his image in the ocean was a knowing of the same man I met in the ocean in my dream- and the color green was also prominent! After having learned the word Sufi from the prior experience I began to read inspiration from a Sufi mystic teacher by the name of Hazrat Inayat Khan. What a beautiful soul! He had a similar mission to Paramahansa Yogananda which is making God a reality. Seeing how there is even a connection with Sufism and the mosaic, I am astounded... ! And would like to try again to connect with this force... Thank you so much...  :-)


I'm coming back to share something special. I enjoy these moments. I believe in God, I believe in magic. I believe the Universe can acknowledge your innermost being- that is, something outside of your self communicating with your deepest Self. I've always enjoyed this connection. Well... After replying to Grumpy from work, I had to run the trash out to the dumpster with a coworker. When I opened the dumpster a single black star balloon was inside, rose out and went up to the clouds. My coworker and smiled and thought it was such a lovely experience. All of this, immediately after feeling a sense of awe for the Sufi and mosaic connection. I do believe Spirit is Alive and communicating.

A skeptic would tell me I'm creating meaning from nothing. I don't really believe in coincidences and even if the skeptic is right, I wonder- what power that must be! Even so, I have moved past skepticism, not past discerning or questioning but have cultivated Faith and have witnessed moments truly outside of my control, people and objects acknowledging only my thoughts. What magic this is available to all of us!

I'm home from work now and thought I would also share with you some of my daily inspiration from the Sufi teacher, who I found after learning the word in the dream... - you can scroll to the bottom to see the ten principles of Sufism

Now I wonder... How much of the external world is really our internal one?


Quote from: tides2dust on January 07, 2021, 18:46:27
Whoa, I can't believe I never tried that! I am finding some eerily similar results!

The magic of google!! lol so glad it's helping you put some of the pieces together =) One quote that I've heard (I don't recall the original source, and I'm adlibbing a bit) is that you think your spirit guides have given you some kinda super unique ritual (for example), and then you learn that the Hoobydooby tribe of West Claymore have been doing that for 10,000 years. The power of that is that it's a great way to crowdsource information about what we see and experience! I kinda hate the internet, but it sure is a helpful resource.


Thanks Grumps. Yes it is very cool. It reminds me of a class I took in college- divine creational stories. Here we learned of the legends around creation scattered all through out the globe and found so many similarities despite obvious cultural differences. These folks didn't have Google then either.  :lol:


Here are the images most similar...

I've circled the closest looking piece. In my mind it was a stand alone object, it wouldn't surprise me if it is meant to be connected to something more.


 Tides, those are "Mandala's". Mandalas are sacred symbols that come in all shapes and forms. Here is a link to a website that does a fantastic job explaining more about them and their purpose.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


I haven't had much success with conscious projections. I've had vivid dreams recently but not much in the realm of direct communication or observation of the in-between state. I wonder if coffee interferes with this? I get mixed answers. Some say no, some say yes. Also I'm working almost every day now so I find it difficult to wake myself up intentionally at 4AM, trying to capture that in between moment and then wake up again just hours later to record details before going to work.  :cry:

It would seem whatever responsible for allowing the projections, discovering answers or intermingling directly with... Operates on their time, not mine. Still, I try.
If I have to abandon my love for coffee for a while, well, this is a challenge on its own.  :-D


Have tried wake back to sleep for a while now and am not having much success. I should add that this is the way I usually am permitted to experience a NPE. It seems these projections occur on someone-else's time. Last night after 2AM-2:30AM an opportunity was present and IMMEDIATELY shut down. Literally like an, "access denied" feeling. Just as I started hearing a voice and the creeping sensations associated with sleep paralysis or the feelings just before "take-off"  :-D Am I shutting down? What is the reason for it...? Could I not be acknowledging something...? Hmm.

It used to be around the full moon opportunities would be more prevalent. Maybe I will have a chance tonight!
I have been feeling more connected lately, or like I'm back to this way of being. The non-physical reality is taking a life of communicating through the conscious experience, and I'm noticing surreal patterns or subtle intricacies creating a much larger picture.


Quote from: tides2dust on January 29, 2021, 13:22:52
Have tried wake back to sleep for a while now and am not having much success. I should add that this is the way I usually am permitted to experience a NPE. It seems these projections occur on someone-else's time. Last night after 2AM-2:30AM an opportunity was present and IMMEDIATELY shut down. Literally like an, "access denied" feeling. Just as I started hearing a voice and the creeping sensations associated with sleep paralysis or the feelings just before "take-off"  :-D Am I shutting down? What is the reason for it...? Could I not be acknowledging something...? Hmm.

It used to be around the full moon opportunities would be more prevalent. Maybe I will have a chance tonight!
I have been feeling more connected lately, or like I'm back to this way of being. The non-physical reality is taking a life of communicating through the conscious experience, and I'm noticing surreal patterns or subtle intricacies creating a much larger picture.

Tides, this is why I had to "re-develop" new techniques over and over again.

I first used a candle staring technique. This involved the use of a "imprint". It worked a few times, then it went cold. So, I changed to WBTB. That worked for a number of times, then I was forced to change again. So, now it was Bedeekin's "pre-nap technique". Once again, it worked great, then my body got used to it and once again I found myself stuck.

Then I began to learn how to Phase and found that there are so many targets of focus that I would never run out of ways to do it. But, once in awhile, I find myself stalled in that too. When that happens, I revert back to method one, candle staring again. You are correct, for some reason we need to keep "re-inventing the wheel" again. It's good to have a "arsenal" of go to techniques to get you back again.

Like you said though, the "awareness" that you get from having had NP experiences in the past will spill over to this physical reality as well. That never goes away. You can't undo what's already done. This is what I call the "perks" of this practice in general. The sense of just "knowing" stays with you!
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Hey thanks Lumaza, I appreciate the acknowledgment and will have to research some new techniques soon! Thank god for this forum!  :-D


QuoteLast night after 2AM-2:30AM an opportunity was present and IMMEDIATELY shut down. Literally like an, "access denied" feeling. Just as I started hearing a voice and the creeping sensations associated with sleep paralysis or the feelings just before "take-off"  grin Am I shutting down? What is the reason for it...? Could I not be acknowledging something...? Hmm.


You may find you have different types of experiences through the various stages of the night and your sleep.

This time period it is notorious for me to go into ET contact OBES.. fascinating but at the same time the most challenging. It takes a certain readiness, energy level and mood.

Try the wake back to bed following 3-4 sleep cycles, more toward the early morning hours and see what happens, what the differences may be.

Go back and forth ( if you like ) between passive and active exits.. I am prone to the passive, pure OBSERVATION type exit/experience.

There is just so! much data available to take in.. If I am too active so much of it gets by me.

I am principally all about the data, making it back with it all intact.

What is most important to you?


Hi Casey,
Thank you for posing the question. I've not really asked my self. I suppose, connection and discovery. These moment's are wonderful, even when terrifying, and so I would say for enjoyment as well. Truly I hope to get closer to God/Love. I will keep your question in mind, it's a good one.


Quote from: tides2dust on January 29, 2021, 13:22:52
Last night after 2AM-2:30AM an opportunity was present and IMMEDIATELY shut down. Literally like an, "access denied" feeling. Just as I started hearing a voice and the creeping sensations associated with sleep paralysis or the feelings just before "take-off"  :-D Am I shutting down? What is the reason for it...? Could I not be acknowledging something...? Hmm.

Dude I am laughing!!  :-D :-D This sort of thing just happens sometimes and reading this made me remember something similar that happened to me like...6 or so months ago.

I had asked to be taken to the Highest Self of my ex. We had a strange little conversation. I can only stay out so long before I lose focus and get sucked back.  But the conversation wasn't really over so after taking notes, I managed to get back to right state again and asked the same thing, to be taken back to his Highest Self. I started to feel buzzing and movement to indicate that I was starting to travel there, and then suddenly and abruptly these words flashed in front of me:  ACCESS UNEXPLAINED. I was then *quite* forcibly ejected back to my body. LMFAO I guess the powers that be decided, nope, that was enough of that! Maybe I wasn't supposed to have access to his Highest Self in the first place and they were like weren't supposed to be there. I have also had a helper literally move in front of my face and sigh dramatically when I asked to be taken somewhere that they obviously thought was beside the point and a distraction from Higher Things. I have also literally had a helper/guide look at me when I show up somewhere and say either "What are you doing here?" or "You're not supposed to be here" more than once. I guess i have a strange knack for getting myself into places I'm not supposed to have access to, and then they have to haul me away LOL sometimes we can analyze our experiences and make an educated guess about why we were "booted"; other times it remains a mystery. All we can do is stay open, stay humble, keep going, and keep learning - and, be willing to laugh about it!


That's awesome Grumpy, I appreciate it. Reminds me of another one too. I've had what felt like a giant hand grab "me" out from wherever I am. It was very forceful and slammed me down. Kind of like, "not so fast."


Laying in bed around 4AM replaying a dream I just had, and set the intention to project. I told my self I will project and asked for clarity and healing. Suddenly the minds-eye took over and I saw/felt my self thumbing through pages of an empty book. I remember feeling the weight of the page against my skin as I turned it over with my thumb. I heard a voice inside my self but very distant and it said something really odd- "use that fennel brain of your fathers." Implying I needed to do something in order to project. "No" I said and immediately my awareness was brought back to my bed and to a mind trying to slip into an OBE. The free-flowing auto pilot had been turned off. I intuitively recognized that there is something in my self that is not allowing a projection at this time. I laid there curiously, "fennel brain? my father?" I tried projecting again later and could not. I had a nice meditation though, feeling the sensation of the breath and watching colors and shapes shift behind closed eyes. I know the words don't make sense, but that is what I heard very clearly albeit off in the distance of my being. Strange.


I highly suggest you start using fennel, it is after all a brain booster.
Search the Father of Medicine to see what he had to say about fennel. :-)


Hi Nameless- actually, I did just that.  :-D Yesterday morning just shortly after the experience I went to my grocery store and purchased fennel supplements. I love the smell! I thought this would help me project. I thought I was being lead by my intuition. What was unique about yesterday was the woman checking me out took an interest in the reason for my purchase and shared with me her dreams and the hard to explain moments involving her father who passed and ex boyfriend who killed himself. Later in the day I felt like Spirit was guiding me, words on billboards and on street signs were highlighting in my subconcious mind. "Dream." "Dream It." "Wind swept." At the same time I felt the ferocity that is a fast moving Nature Spirit. It was surreal. There was another instance where a Woman confided something in me while I was working and shared a specific date. I was feeling the inner world alive in the outer one. I am deciding to take the fennel just before sleep.

Very interesting that you'd reply- I had a unique dream last night. I've met a few masters in my life time and have had dreams of them, including masters who have passed(Anandamayi Ma). Last night I was visited by Amma the hugging saint. I was entranced by her presence. She was in white robes and standing in mud. I was invited to follow her, "around the corner" in my dreams. We were somewhere where, maybe, someone passed away. She was doing her own thing with a small group of followers. There was a pool of mud waist deep that she submerged herself in and I followed. Our group was dancing in a circle chanting "Ma Srita Ma Srita Ma Srita" in the mud circle. We were happy- not somber. The other people mourning or paying homage didn't notice us. Amma noticed me, noticing her, and she took delight in my participation.

When I woke up around 2:30AM I logged this and looked up the sanskrit word for Srita and understand it might mean to take shelter in. This is another instance where my intuition is giving me words that actually mean something. I tried to project using wake back to sleep method, but instead of trying anything I just decided to meditate. I had a chant from Amma playing on my phone and the amount of chills rushing through me were orgasmic. Once the song ended, there were brief moments of concentration that made me feel like my consciousness was transported elsewhere- they were so brief. It looked like I saw the silhouette of a person in my minds eye but they were dead smack in front of me. I couldn't see anything- it was a shadow with colors behind it. But they felt in my face. My intention was to connect to "Mother."

Well anyways. I decided to go back to sleep because.. Got to get rest for work. In my dream, upon falling back asleep, I said aloud that I am inviting the nameless one. I told my self to write this down on paper... "To the nameless one. This is my invitation to you." I remember writing to please come, I love you and all other sorts of pleading scribbled about for the, "Nameless One"

Got to go for now... Getting tiny blue sparks of light recalling this! I'll check out Father of Medicine. Thank you!


That's is pretty amazing Tides. Are you by any chance of Spanish descent?


Hi Nameless, I'm pretty much a mutt but I don't know of any Spanish bloodline. Funny though because my GF is helping me learn Spanish and I have a natural inclination towards hispanic women.  :-D

PS I just realized Sri Mata is Amma the hugging saint. Maybe my dream mind had it backwards?  :-o


Well Tides you are a powerhouse. I say that because last night/early morning I had a very lucid experience.

I started out driving an old car. Someone I know who offered to drive me around and I accepted sliding into the back seat. We are driving around a small spanish town and take a turn where a couple are walking, they flag us down.

In the next beat the man is driving (with consent) and the woman (a spanish woman) is in the passenger seat. I am still in the back seat just enjoying the ride. We pass a cemetary all while we are carrying on a jovial conversation when the man turns to me and asks what I think. I tell him he should probably check the spice cabinet.
I wish there had been more but our dog woke me up trying to drag me out of bed by my hand, lol. I am not spanish at all but Nameless has been an online handle for me for many years. So while you probably didn't have me in mind (LOL) looks like you were definitely able to pull me into your quest.

I would call this a bit of a shared experience. And YOU were the driving force behind it. Congratulations!