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Raditus's Dream Journal

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September 12, 2014

Perry Cox And The School of Hacking

I went to some school and had to sit in one of the classes, where I had to take notes. Dr. Perry Cox from Scrubs walked in. He was our teacher! So I was taking notes. The class later goes on a field trip, wherein I meet Clara Oswald.

She claims she can hack into any computers or anything else in two minutes. i dare her and she goes after a military base! She does it, but we have to go our separate ways as I need to get back with my class.  On the way, Clara and I see Branch Conally's dad going into an ice-cream shop with some kids. I think they were his grand kids.   

I am back at the school minus Clara. All of the students had to write essays on what they say and who they met. So I put in Clara, but changed her name.


September 14, 2014

Evil 12th Doctor

*My tooth was hurting bad yesterday from something I ate. Pain went away and so I went to bed. Evidently as I slept, the pain came back and completely corrupted my dream into a terrible nightmare that could have ended worse than it did!*

I was at home, in the daylight. There was no knock at the front door. I was in the living room and the door opened! I had my back to the door and didn't turn around, thinking it to be only my mom, sisters or family friend that needed very urgently to give us news.

I was gently, meaning not too roughly, and firmly grabbed around my middle by someone! I fought briefly but the started pulling me backwards and I tried grabbing for anything in front of me to stop being carted away! The person starts murmuring words to clam me down and I felt my jaw go slack in shock! On the porch, the man stops holding me around my middle and is now over my right side. it is the Twelfth Doctor! He is escorting me down the ramp, firmly grabbed onto my right bicep! His Tardis was in my front yard, and he marched me down to it, stopping before it's closed doors.

Even as he hunched ever so slightly over, using his key to unlock the door, I heard him talking. "Don't you dare run off from me." I looked over at him in a shocked state. He was straightened up, his hand on the knob of the Tardis. "I will hurt you." He didn't have a mean look, just a run-of-mill-conversation look.

This was frightening; How the Doctor could do all of this, sound and look normal, but then turn around and say he'll hurt me if I try to get away! I just nod, not wishing him to get ticked at me. We walk into the Tardis, the Doctor making me go first, I am assuming to make sure I don't try anything funny.

Even as I stride into the Tardis, at first I couldn't help but be stoked. My thinking is that 12 might have somehow went loopy, but the Tardis was still the Tardis! Then I notice Clara Oswald right when 12 goes for the console to take off. She is leaning against one of the support columns. She looks terrified at seeing me, but tries acting like it's no big deal! I looked down and see, too late, that 12 had shackled one of her ankles to the support column! She was his prisoner, as now was I! I realized then that Clara wasn't afraid of me, she was afraid for me!   

12 paused his work at the console, shot a warning glare at me, then stated rather moodily, "You better not free her." I just wandered a bit from Clara.

At some point, 12 was kissing and sucking my neck from behind, in the control room! I made grossed out faces he couldn't see, obviously. After awhile, he decided that he and I needed a room and he gently held my hand and was leading me to where he knew where one was. I remember this frightened me at what was to come! I woke up to my tooth acting up in near-agony!


October 5, 2014

Planet Revisited

I have been worried about my upcoming surgery, and thus had not that many dreams. I happened to flip through my old dreams on this site. One of them, caused me to dream about a projection I had did. It was the one about the planets and the binary star system.

I ran into the Doctor and Clara again. Either that, or it was a continuation of the dream. I do the spell thing and the events happen. The Doctor gets a bit freaked out and runs to a safe place to spy on me to see if I act weird.

I actually woke up not too long after. No one else was was in my room, door closed. I was sleeping on my side that was away from the main part of my room. I heard the sound of someone in the dark slowly flipping through some kind of magazine or something. A steading, slowly *Crinkle ... Fwip!* sound of someone looking through whatever it was, taking their time! After awhile, the noises stopped. I got up and checked my room. I came across My mom's old Doctor Who magazine, the episode guide for season 1 of the Hartnell era that I placed in my room while mom sorted her stuff out! Having an idea, I held the magazine in my hands and flopped in open. Slowly, I flipped the pages. it was the same noise as I heard earlier, the same crinkling fwip sound!   


October 24, 2014

The Blacklist

I was pulled in for questioning by the FBI group from The Blacklist. I was put into some sort of room with either a table or a desk. Agent Reszler came into the room with  stapled together pack of papers. These had things for me to fill out and questions to answer. I got uppity and told him I wasn't giving to finish filling it out. He got stern and I was reduced to having to complete the information anyway.

It was a bunch of BS questions, about 20 I think. It was stupid staff at the beginning, like how many people did I live with, etc. It read more like a census packet kind of more than anything for a Blacklist investigation.


October 26, 2014

Evil 12 and The Markers

I was back in the hospital. There was this kid who had to be roomed with me, as peds was filled to the brim. It was at night, but not too late for visitors to be cut off.
I was already tired, so I cut the light off above my bed. I was laying back in my bed when Clara Oswald herself comes into the room! She visits the girl and I heard something about the Doctor (12th) turning wicked. My stomach sinks when I hear this.

Later, I sneak out of my room and run into Clara and Danny. They say they scribble with black markers, in code, on random places to communicate so "12" cannot catch them. He wants to hurt the girl I am roomed with! I search the areas high and low for a black marker so I can help protect the girl! Later, I am holding the black marker down to my side as I am walking the hospital halls. I scribble faint notes, in code, here and there when I learn tidbits of information.

Later, I am standing back in my hospital room. Danny and Clara had caught sight of my note later. They sought, and succeeded, to have the girl moved to another unknown room. I get past the privacy screen to see that 12 was sitting on the edge of my bed, presumably waiting for me!

He is pretty grouchy and sternly wants to know where the girl is. I don't know and I freaking out inwardly, not knowing what he'll do to me! I pick up my phone/nurse caller to try for Clara's mobile to let her know 12 was in my room. I was only able to get out just as much when 12 rips the controller from my hands and tosses it up into the air, using his strength to smash it against the ceiling tile into pieces! As soon I see the white bits of broken plastic bounce off everywhere, I use this distraction to flee my room!

I met up with Danny and Clara hurriedly in a hallway when the dream ends.   


November 2, 2014

Babysitter: 12th Doctor!

There was this little girl that the 12th Doctor was looking for. I think that Clara put him in charge of babysitting her. She was nine or ten and came around to our house. We took her in, not knowing before what was going on. All she told us where this was the mean man after her. In this dream, our house had been reverted back to it was when I was a kid. I used to have this wardrobe thing right next to my door, with a lamp right on top so you could switch in on or off straight away. We gave the kid drinks, like soda or water, and made sure she had plenty to eat.

Later, I had this weird sequence where I was flying above this porch at night, in someone's backyard. 12 was halfway underneath, looking for the girl! He looks up and sees me hovering! He is "all eyes" and yelling at me, but my dream hearing gets glitchy and I can't hear him right! It is kind of muffled, but some of the words I hear yelled when he was in this emotional frenzy was yelling, "Come down from there and face me, you piece of garbage!"

I nearly have a corinary and somehow pop back in my house! I burshed this off in my dream, as a dream. My dad starts saying about there being someone coming down onto the neighborhood drive from the main road! Our distance from the main road, since we are the last one in, is about 700ft. or so. But you can still hear cars start to crunch rocks from down that way! Us kids act in a flurry of activity, quickly shutting the lights off so to make sure whomever is driving down our road will think no one is home! This girl is sent her way out of the house with bunches of water and food. She slips out of the backdoor of the house with some of us making sure she is not detected.

The last light on, and in full view of my uncovered window is my lamp! I switch it off, and it pops back on! I started mildly flipping out, as the light comes back on each time I flip the switch off! It even happens with it unplugged! I am reduced to taking the lamp off the dresser drawer to try to hide the light, but it was too late; a car drove up with it's lights on! It was a modern car, a Lexus or something that was shiny dark gray! I got up and left my room, leaving the door opened.

I got into the hallway and about halfway up to the living room, there was a knocking at the door. my mom and one of my sisters were standing in the living room, eyeing the door with a look of horror! My mom had the bathroom door closed and was inside, taking a soaking bath or something, so I didn't want to bother her. I actually heard my thoughts in my own head, even as I shrugged carelessly, What the hell not? Whomever it was knows someone's here because of my light!

I open the door, stepping quickly back, only to see, my mouth dropping at the sight, 12! He drove the car up here! His eyes showed surprise for a second at seing me, then flashed me a close-lipped smile even as he stepped inside our house. Our house is okay, but a bit sloppy. Not hideously so, but I still feel self-conciousness at having a Time-Lord seeing it like this! He is talking to my dad and sister about reports of the girl he was to be baby sitting being seen up in this neck of the woods. not his words, but my summary of the discussion. He wants to look through our house to see if maybe the girl broke in or something.

I am holding his hand, slowly taking him through, room by room. I remember looking over to him, seeing him in profile as he glanced around the room, my heart kind of doing a "Yippie, I can't believe 12 is here!" routine! As we go down the hall, he remarks on the closed door.

Flushing, I just tell him, "Its our bathroom, my mom is washing up."

His is in front of me, moving ahead to the doors in the back of the house. I am walking behind him, staring up at him, as he is taller, and feeling out of sorts by how surreal it felt to have a honest-to-goodness Time-lord in my house, let alone The Doctor!  I show him the back rooms, even mine. He sees the light is lit and not plugged up, and I make an excuse to him that the light is shorted and won't go off, and I was trying to see to it to fix it.

We get back up front after he looks in each room for the girl. We didn't tell him that we took her in, gave her supplies and then sent her on her way when she told us, lied really, that there was a bad person coming for her, and fell for it! He was pretty disappointed, not yelling mad though, that she was not here and we were the last people in this area that he asked!

"I expected to come back with the young lady," He stated. "She is not here when I expected her to be, so I will be taking one of you back with me instead."

I knew this meant, most likely, that one of us would have to explain ourselves to Clara what is going on, since 12 considered us 'suspects! One part of my mind is like 'Nope! Nope! nope!', because it sound pretty much creep-ery with the words he used, but the other half of me was like 'pick me! Pick me!' just because he was going to take one of us back to the TARDIS! As he glanced around at us to make his choice, I woke up!


November 7, 2014

Thick of It: Ancestor

This dream came to me last night after watching Thick of It mini-marathon, and writing on a Thick of It story I've been working on for a long time not too long after.

I came into the work place as a newly minted volunteer. Malcolm quickly took me and briefly showed me to the others before setting me to work. In the dream, I was of some religion that didn't believe in wearing shoes or socks in daylight hours. At night, I was limited to either socks or slippers.
I was sent to some type of archives. I had to take a cardboard storage box, with a chaotic pile of papers inside, and sort them into folders! Malcolm left me to it. Warning that he'd be back later to check on it, and that I better have it done! I got it done sometime later, the dream speeding up and then going back to normal speed. I thought the time thing was something I could do, so kept quiet about my apparent "superpower" to Malcolm when he came back to gather the folders.

"Don't you get cold?" He asked, about my feet.

"No, I am used to it. At night I am allowed some things to wear. Besides, most places I go into are warm."

"But what happens when you can't get to a warm place? And it is winter outside?"

I shrugged, replying frankly, "Well, then I guess I'm %)@^ed." Malcolm actually chucked.

I am at one of the breaks. Terry talks me into having coffee with the lot of others that have a break. I get to talking about Cardinal Richelieu. There was a painting, a huge one done back in France ages ago.

"Nineteen – no, sixteen thirty." I reply to someone about one of the years that Richelieu was in office. "I thought Malcolm looked familiar when I first met him today. Turns out, Richelieu looks nearly like him."

Olly muttered, "No way," hurrying to a computer. He quickly looked it up on the internet. "Oh god, this guy?" Olly turned the monitor around so the others could get a good look.

"That is unreal." Someone chided, "Obviously made up."

"Not if it was his ancestor." Terry put in. Hugh stood next to the monitor, grimacing at the painting. He was more critical of the Cardinal.

"That bloke wouldn't have had the ladies, would he?" He added in a disgusted tone, "Women go to kiss him, it would be rather like kissing a rug, wouldn't it?" I gave Hugh a horrified look, my lip curled in disgust.

"Don't be disgusting, Hugh." Terry scolded as the team and I started going back to work.

After awhile, "Oy!" We turned around to see Malcolm standing in the doorway to his office. "New girl, in here, now." I complied.

"What is going on?" Malcolm demanded in a growling tone. "Having Hugh and the others take the tinkle out of me?"

"No, no, no," I replied. "Nothing like that, Malcolm. Turns out you have an ancestor from France, sixteen thirty. A Cardinal named Richelieu."


"Looks nearly like you, you both could have been twins except he had facial hair."

Doctor Who: Bruises

I was in the TARDIS with Clara and the 12th Doctor. I do not know how we met up, but there I was! I was practicing real magic on the TARDIS. I used a spell that I read from a Dresden Files book. It was a telekinetic spell. The Doctor came running to see what I was doing that was so suspicious. He ran right into the path of the spell!

I watched in horrified amazement as the Doctor's tall lanky form was projected backwards through the console room! I heard him make a bark of pain as he clipped the edge of one of the consoles when he fell!

"Oh god!" I ran to the pile on the floor that was him! He slowly started getting up, wincing painfully. He glared at me.

"Why did you attack me?" he asked me in this low, dangerous tone.

"I was practicing!" I protested as I helped him to his feet. "I didn't know that you'd – I am so $%#@ing sorry!"

"You didn't purposefully attack me?" He seemed baffled.

"No, it was completely an accident. Why the Hell would I target you on purpose?"
He winced as he stood to full height. "I think my back got bruised." he then adds,
"Can you check?"I circle around to his back while he braced himself against one of the support trusts. I tried lifting the back of his shirt up to check the area, but got frustrated. He was wearing his usual ensemble; The shirt, vest and red lining coat! I had all of those layers to lift! "You know what?" He muttered. He took off his coat first, then his vest and shirt! I was staring, flushed, at the Doctor shirtless! He was turned away from me, so when I started examining the area on his back where he was hurting, he couldn't see me blushing!

"Nothing so far." I muttered, to let him know I was looking. I had my hand braced against his back, bent over slightly, examining.

Clara walk into the TARDIS and I looked over at her.

She stared at his shirts that were draped over the railing, then at us. She looked shocked, and like she'd come back to find us having burnt and ruined everything she loved!

"See any bruises?" The Doctor groused, grouchy-like, not realizing that Clara came back.

"No, I don't think so?" I turned to Clara, who had edged in to us a bit more. "Clara, do you see anything? He got hurt."

Clara, who more civil now, I guess knowing nothing was going on between us, looked quickly. "No, he's clean."

"You're clean, Doctor." I spoke up. "Probably just banged up your back muscles." We got compresses for him so he could use them.

"What happened?" Clara asked me.

"I was experimenting, he ran in and ran straight into it." The Doctor tossed the used compress at this point, it having worked on his soreness to a level he could work with.

"If you feel the need to do that sort of business in the TARDIS again," He began while slipping his shirt back on, "Then please tell me."

"Yes, of course."


November 11, 2014

Spelling Trouble

I was in deep trouble.

It started off when I was at my house, in middle of the day. I can't remember much, but do remember that I was just kicking it with my family. Some rubbish stuff happened and after at least an hour, I was panicked, rushing through the house.

I learned the reason from the others in the house.

Harry Dresden was coming over and he wasn't going to play nice! He'd brought along Bob as well. This was the TV show version, by the way. At one point, I hide in my hall, not knowing why we, or I, am in so much trouble!

"Well what about the Bob guy?" Someone asks me even as we throw our back up against the wall of the only hallway in the house.

"He's a ghost, bound to his own skull." I explained, "He can never go too far from his own skull."

Later, I am somehow outside. Bob is on the ramp, meaning Harry was inside either my sisters room, or my room and so Bob was able to phase through the wall to the outside! I also found snow was covering the ground!

"Harry," I heard Bob bellow as I ran up the ramp, no thinking in my fear, to get into the house and away from Bob! "She's out here!"

Later, I am hiding in my basement, from those two! There are some big boxes I am hiding behind. She is the person from earlier, in the hall with me. We accidentally find this really cool pendant and I found it was magic, that it would make the wearer go into like an invisibility mode. It's limitations was that sound and traces like footprints weren't covered up! I think this might have been what they were willing to capture people in the house for!

I sneaked outside, right under Bob and Harry's nose! I slipped down the ramp quickly, quietly but not without the urge to run in fear. I grimaced when I started sneaking down the driveway, at the cold. I was barefoot, you see, and also leaving footprints! When I was midway down the snow-covered driveway, just as Harry came onto the front porch, I started running. There was a car down at the bottom of the hill, on the neighborhood drive. Somehow I knew this was Mr. Gold, that I had to get to him without getting caught and hand the pendant to him!


November 17, 2014

House Calls

I had this dream due to a months old conflict between my family and everyone else in my neighborhood. All of it started because of lies one neighbor did. Basically because he claimed he loved me and I turned him down him.

Well, in this dream the rest of my family had to go out somewhere. I decided to stay home. One of my neighbors came by with a strange man. It turned out that the man was Social Services man and that one of the neighbors called in lies and crap.


There was a mishmash of images. One image that stood out was me looking out of my window and one of our cats, a black and white bi-colored cat named Apollo, was sitting on the banister that is adjacent to my window. In real life, he vanished, and my family can't find him. We hear the worst.   


November 21, 2014

"I Have To Ask You A Question"

I was walking with a guy in AP in a city-like environment. We discussed things, and he even asked my age. I old him the truth. We just chatted away while walking along with each other.

I kind of faded for a second, being nearly back in my body when I heard him stated, "I have to ask you a question."

Right when he asked this, he quickly placed his hand on top of my shoulder. During this time, thought, I had the weird half-in episode. So what happened was that I felt the hand drop onto my shoulder in physical as well as AP. I didn't pop fully back, but stayed in astral. I didn't freak out, but just took it in stride.

The Betrayal

Cheryl, my best friend, and I were out someplace. It was in broad daylight, and open in in something like a public park. I had met up previously with Metatron, the Angel from Supernatural.

Later on the same day, I hear that Metatron sold me out, and turned his back on me! I run through the day lit area with Cheryl. I come up to this widened area of the bark. There are two massive stone towers, about six feet tall, four feet high. They are spaced widely apart. Castiel stood at the base of one of them, and Crowley was waiting at the base of another. Above the pillars, there were round things, nearly like ports. The one Castiel was standing at was a swirling of light blue, mixed with white fluffy clouds. This was to represent heaven. Crowley's was a swirl of reddish Laval, representing Hell.

I was to choose which one to jump up into.

I left the area with Cheryl, without choosing.

We get back to the Hotel we are staying at. Something was said to start attacking and killing everyone in the building that wasn't in their hotel rooms! Her and i raced back, the "timer" getting too close. Near the end time, I can see vague shadows of tentacles on adjacent hallway walls. We get to our room in the nick of time. We barricade ourselves inside and we can hear screams of people who weren't so lucky.


November 24, 2014

Viktor Caught Me

This dream I had when I was in pretty bad pain when I went to bed.

i was in a dimly lit huge fancy area. Tables were scattered about, with groupings of chairs, quiet like an eatery. i was alone at one table and two men, Sebastian and Viktor were sitting at one of the tables, but they had their chairs turned away from their table, facing me! I had this plate in front of me, three super-sized things of what looked like meat pies on it!

Sebastian talked to me from across the space. he spoke another language, French I think. His tone was hostile. I ignored him. Viktor started talking to me, in English.

"Do you know of Der-" He said the rest in German and I remember suddenly afraid and repulsed by him. He is standing up at my table and says luridly something about warming my food up. Then, "Eat it." he orders curtly. 


November 25, 2014

Stolen SUVS and Banking

Yesterday, I had to go to the ER because I developed a bunch of symptoms that worried my Doctor's office. I came back home that night with the diagonosis of having TMJ. So I am in even a little bit of pain until I rest the joint. As such, i had another weird dream.

I was in the main part of my town at night, right in front of this big bank. later, I go home after stealing a massive black SUV. The SUV is able to be fitting inside my mom's room. my mom had a king sized bed in there and I was able to 'park' the SUV on the bed, and it took the weight!

The owner of the SUV came by the house and was irate. He stormed down the hall leading to my mom's room, yelling, "if I find my car here, I'm calling the Police!"

I quickly waved my arms in concert in a sweeping gesture towards the SUV. it appeared to have vanished! The guy comes in, doesn't see his car, apoligzied and leaves. When he is gone, I do the sweeping gesture again and the car comes back to being on the bed!

"He wants it back?" I think to myself. "Then I shall gift it to him!"

I float the car, using my mind, into the middle of the room and off the floor. I force it, with my mind, into the shape of a bow-tie. I teleported both the floating black metal bowtie and myself back to town at night. I was across the street from the huge bank. Using a huge burst of telekenisis, I sent the thing up and away violently. The huge thing was sent through the tops of the huge bank windows, crashing through two of them in this huge smashing of glass and sound!


November 27, 2014

"You Are Mine!"

Before going to sleep this morning, I decided to AP on purpose to this guy I met before in AP. He is not Human, but an astral entity. We start to 'fool around'. after awhile, I fade out of the AP state and into sleep.

In the start of my dream, which I didn't know it was one at the time, I am in my house. The guy, I knew it was him, came to me from behind. He starts hugging me. The way his arms felt bare, I had the feeling he had no shirt on. It seemed as if I was in the same boat. he rubbed his hands all over me as we snuggled like this. His hands and arms, and other parts felt cold. Not freezing like snow, but the gross feeling like you'd expect a corpse that had been left in the morgue to feel like! I say it was gross feeling now, but I didn't even think about that in the dream. He seemed, in the middle, a bit hesitant, like he thought I was scared of him. He goes to pull away based on his belief and I snag his cold arm and gently pull him back towards me. He realizing that I am fine with him and returns.

In the middle of the snuggling/whatever else, this other dream happens, overwriting the snuggle one, but I am not aware it was a dream yet. I am in my kitchen, using the main computer. I have some of my fast-paced music playing. I look over my shoulder to see some of my old VCRs and an old Microwave that had blown out years ago stacked, on and near the fridge.

The microwave has this long numbered timer that did not exist in real life. It was counting down real fast, keeping in line with the temp of my fast, jarring music! I felt sort of weird about it, but turned back around to use the computer again. I was looking through some old images of LOM: A2A that I had. I briefly remembered APing last year to that place's afterlife and meeting Keats. I got this vaguely unsettled feeling again and I casually got up from the computer and walked up to the old electronics. The times are back to normal, but I could not focus on the times they showed. I felt this strange feeling and then I whirled around, throwing my hands up in a fighting stance.  Instantly, somehow, I teleported myself accidentally into my living room and was now facing the direction of the fireplace! The feeling of someone being there when I couldn't see them didn't go away.

Even as I slowly woke up, I heard this guy talking in a small, raspy voice, "You are mine!" 


November 29, 2014

Floating And Running

It turned out that either I was misdiagnosed at having TMJ, or the TMJ covered up other symptoms. I got seen by my doctor yesterday as having pretty big tooth infection and now have to take 10 days of Penicillin.

In my dream, it was a rush of stuff and it seemed that I floated onto nowhere. One huge scene I was some place ruined and abandoned. John Constantine from the TV show was after me, as was Dr. Roger Huntoon from the same show. They weren't after me because they thought I was evil, but they were evil themselves. They caught me and wanted to hurt me.

The next thing I know, I am awake in time to take my dose of medicine.


December 2, 2014

Team Trip To France

I was with this decent sized group that went on a field trip. It was like a college thing and we went to France. The actor Peter Capaldi was with us. Something went wrong and the whole team, even him, found out the hard way!

When we were in Paris, suddenly those that had phones and tablets found out the Internet did not work. I brushed this off initially, because I find myself regularly in areas where I cannot get wireless. Then we started seeing people in old time period clothing, but everyone brushed this off as well, thinking it was publicity. We see the huge building that the King used to use, so we decided to visit. Some ratty dressed people are lined up, some with tattered papers in their hands, so we also have to line up. Peter is up a little ways and I can see him very well in the line. Some of my group are talking to him, but I get real nervous to even say, "Hello." and thus, do not say anything.

My long denim coat is in a bundle in my arms. It was cool earlier, but it got warmer, thus the coat got uncomfortable. People go up and push us to the side, making form into our line on the side of this old rickety building. I look to my right and see that a ways back, an ornate wagon pulled by horses has stopped. I turn back around to keep an eye on the line for when it moves up. I hear some people gasp behind me, so I look sharply, in case someone tripped and took a spill out the wagon and needed help.

Cardinal Richelieu, from the BBC version of Musketeers came out of the passenger area of the carriage! I fought the urge to let my mouth hang open in disbelief as he strode down the now clear path, walking past me, on his way to the big building! He was wearing his usual get-up, even the cloak! My eyes were huge and showed my shock, I;m sure. I happen to glance up at the team members ahead of me. Everyone else was shocked as well, even Peter! When the Cardinal was away from the area, I heard muttering and whisperings around me from the people.

"Why didn't you say something?" I heard someone ask Peter.

"Are you kidding? I played him," I heard Peter reply. "I know what he's capable of."

I went back to waiting uneventfully. Someone came up to my, from my right, from the clear path and tore my bundled coat straight from my arms! I spluttered in anger as they hauled it away! It was Aramis who did this!  He took it to this little corner and the other Musketeers search my coat!

I was angry at this point. I curtly told the person behind me to hold my place in line and strode over to the gang. "Excuse me," I stated, in a rather rude tone. I grabbed up my coat and tromped back to the line.

I went back to waiting. Before I woke up, I heard Peter and someone else discussing what happened. it showed that some people thought it was publicity stunt, but Peter wasn't sure.   



December 7, 2014

Sanctuary: We noticed You

All night, before bed I did different Astral Projections to different places. I had a ball, and one detailed me getting something major done I'd been putting off. Another was me mucking about in the Astral Library.  Later, i had enough and went to sleep.

In my dream, I am at my house and got something in the mail. It was a letter saying that I was invited to join something. On the bottom of the letter was the words "Sanctuary- We Noticed You."

I attended and it turned out to be some sort of institution/camp thing for people with different powers. They were to live there, and train and get an education.


December 18, 2014

Dragonstone, Durant and Danger

I decided to Astral travel to TV!Game of Thrones to get a crash course on how it would really be like. I am poking around on the island of Dragonstone and am caught. Stannis is thinking I am a spy, thinking that I am working towards keeping him from the Iron Throne. Then, he noticed I talk strangely (Words used, manner of speaking and sound of my voice - as nearly everyone has verying degrees of British accents) I let slip about Leonardtown, the town I am from on Earth. Stannis gets from me only that it is a largely unknown region. I am put away high up in a tower with guard posted outside due to my seemingly extensive knowledge about things. (Medical etc.) Talking to Stannis was largley a pain in the butt, mostly because I suddenly had to force myself to remember the types of salutations and words of deference given to Kings. I slipped once and said, "My lord." he kind of nearly got mad, but brushed this away due to my "ignorance", and warned me not to do that again. I make my travel end just as he leaves Dragonstone for the Blackwater thing. I was sudduenly asleep, and had this dream where I was in sheer daylight, outdoors, chatting to TV!Walt Longmire. Something happened and I jumped up in the air, making myself fly. I was above trees and stuff, at first flying like Superman. Then I moved my arms to my sides, mimicking a flight maneuver I recently saw a character do off TV when he needed to free fall, without a parachute. But, needless to say, I wasn't falling. For me, the coolest part was that all I needed to do to making myself fly fast was to think myself faster. There was this barren land and this barren valley. It looked like it could have been straight from WOW. Down below there was this black metal thing running around, attack people. The thing looked like a Fel Reaver. It was smaller than a Fel Reaver, but only just so. The people had weapons, and there was at least twenty people! I landed like Iron Man does, to join in, but as soon as I land, the group dispatches the thing. I feel the disappointment just like in real WOW, when a boss is killed outside a dungeon and you get up to it just as it's killed. Shortly after, the dream ends.

Additional Comments:

I have a cold, and smoked Mugwort before I went to bed last night. The Mugwort seemed to ease my cold symptoms off enough for me to relax for AP an fall asleep afterwards. It seems that the vivid-dream causing aspect of Mugwort even made my AP so vivid, it was like I was physically there!


December 25, 26, 27, 2014

** I did AP, and most of the time spent time talking to/hugging someone I knew as an non-Human entity. Most of the time, nearly each time after, when I slept, I had the most bizarre dreams. I do not think this was an intentional attacks by the dude after, but I will say some of the dreams and then get back to that.

Amusement park in My House and Terror

My house was turned into a little amusement thing. We were in a group of five. one of the people was the wife from Christmas With The Kranks. Another, who'd assumed the role of de facto leader was Danny Pink. During the end, me and a few people were seeing some of the stuff that turned to stuff that could hurt us. For instance, someone scattered big thick vials of tear gas down my hallways in spaced intervals! Danny broke them, running back to the living room as he went. Soon, we got all the vials broke and thus the house safe.

Later, I am in my mom's room. The queen sized bed is back in there and two people are on the bed. I realized that what I thought was a person is a corpse rotted so much it is a brownish black disgusting skeleton! It isn't alive, but laying on it's back, head resting on the pillow. This woman is kneeling next to it, hand wrapped around what would have been its throat if it was still alive. She was screaming and crying at it. Suddenly, there was a sharp never-ending wailing that I thought it was the woman at first. She gives a cry even as the wailing goes on and jerks back off the bed. The skeleton is still on it's back, and would be staring up at the ceiling if it  was still a person. now it's jaws are open and I am assuming the wail is coming from it's mouth! there were two flaps of flesh around the back/top of head that I didn't notice before. nearly mystically, they look peeled away and back, like someone from an autopsy! The sights and wailing make me gasp rabidly, waking up quickly. I lay there, in the dark, now noticing that my chakras, the lower ones and the minor ones on my hips are activated and are running very hot, me being able to feel the heat! They shut back down to normal and I am able to relax and get back to sleep.   

[u** Moving Past My Window[/u]

From one dream, I can no longer remember clearly, I woke up quickly. Not that it was scary like the previous one, but just off, I saw the dude that I meet up with walk slowly but quietly past my window. My eyes are adjusted to the dark of my room, so I see him perfectly out my window. He didn't trip the motion light outside.

I halfway get out of my bed, calling out nearly frantic, "No wait, I'm here!" I seem quickly stop, turn his body to face looking in my window and then wink out of existence, like he was a light that was turned off like a light-switch!

I got out of bed, spent about an hour using computer before returning to bed. So, definitely awake during that sight outside my window.

** Messed Up Eyesight And Game of Thrones

I did 6 travels AP-wise. Only one detailed me meeting up with my mystery dude. The rest of a mishmash of places and people.

Later, when I was sleeping I had a strange dream. It was game of Thrones meeting between Tyrion Lannister and Stannis Baratheon at a table. They were eating nearly freshly cooked Mac N Cheese. They had a terse talk.

During the whole exchange, I wasn't noticed, just like I was only an observer, like a camera. My eyesight and sense of being kept getting glitchy. Sometimes, my sight would get black. I could still hear them having a parley. Then my sight would come back, but with out of control, extreme closeups, or otherwise distorted. these moments lasted no more than a few seconds before my vision corrected itself, but happened frequently. Also, during these moments I would get a weird pressure inside my head, like my head was two sizes two small.

The dream ended. When I awoke, for a few seconds after, whenever I shut my eyes, that glitchy close up thing would happen to the blackness behind my eyes! It was nearly like a black wall! The weird pressure thing would return as well. This thing was only when I closed my eyes and only for a few seconds.

** As I said earlier, I do not think my strange/creepy dreams after I meet up with my dude is an intentional "attack" on me from him. I think as he is a completely non-Human entity, he has a different type of energy than a Human. So if he does try to go in my dreams, my body feels this strange energy.

On a primitive level, my body would most likely be like "Something strange, something bad." And thus my dreams get turned into something outright creepy or so surreal that it is uncomfortable to me. Fine for studying instinctive body stuff, but if he wanted to talk or whatever, my ability to see him in any dream would be buried under all that strangeness. As for the eyes/glitch thing, I think I seriously overtired myself with the 6 astral travels, one nearly right after another.         


December 28, 2014

Hiding In A Strange House

I was out, having a blast in this area I did not know. However, I soon found out that Jack found the general area I was. I was hiding from him, and I even found out that he was dipping into things of the finer life, as evidenced by the sharp car I found out he had. Someone got me into a house quickly, hiding me from Jack's sight.

Later, some kind of freak storm had sprang up whilst I was in the house, hiding from Jack. Me and the people in the house found out this might have been an attack by jack. When someone went to go past a window or any place else with visual;s that were opened to the outside, it would do this strange, white lightning outside. A thin tendril of lightning would flash, pass through the glass, leaving the glass unscathed. The tendril, looking like a white tentacle of ghost, white light would just lay there. If I tried passing it, it would do this whine then a pop sound. It sent little brief wisps of it self out on the floor. They didn't last long per pop.

I found out that if I tossed something over the tentacle of 'lightning', it would instigate the whine/pop method. I Also found that after it did the casting of the small things, there was a a few seconds pause it needed before it could sense anything else and let loose the electrical whine. I did this method a couple of times to make my way through this strange house.

Later, I find myself back in my own house, still on guard from the lightning things, as they never went away. The lightning lines have seemed to adapt, now able to lash out at passing people before they whined. If you had one stuck to you when it whined, there was a little flash, it stung a little and the main line would drop off and vanish before a new one was sent through if you were in line of sight.

I got nabbed near the kitchen and felt the end of the tentacle grabbing my fist. I panicked and tore butt into the living room, still with it on me! The Doctor, 12, was sitting in my living room, telling a bunch of people about these things. I hauled my hand strongly up and around to show up. Him and everyone else eyed me in horror.

Near the end of the lightning tentacle was the thickness of a man's wrist, nearly looked like it too! The part that was stuck to me hand, was actually stuck, camped around my fist, actual resembling something nearly akin to a thin, emaciated man's hand! The Doctor quickly tried scanning the end of it was his sonic before the whine and vanishing.  

He wanted to lure this thing again, so he can scan it more. I remember it happening again. It whined then vanished again. This time I woke up to the feeling of my lower chakras activated again!


January 3, 2014


I was at home at night. In the dream, I was in another room, seeing that four kittens were cared for before I returned to my room for the night. They were all tabby cats and just over the age were most kittens are weaned completely from milk.

I get back to my room. The night is on and I strip everything off and get into bed. there is someone I am waiting for (not the dude I know) and am waiting. it is a long time and I randomly start thinking of other people for no reason. Their images were flipping through my mind. I get to one and I snap myself out of it, shuddering and saying aloud in this small voice, "Eugh!"

I covered up with my blanket because someone had to come into my room who wasn't the guy I was waiting for. I found a flyer for Rite Aid and flipped through it.

"Oh my god," I began with a little laugh, holding the pages open so they could see it too. "This is old." It was an older flyer that had Christmas Trees and decorations listed. The person found what they were looking for and left. 

After awhile, I am now laying on my stomach, away from the door. My door opened and someone walked in. I could tell it was it the guy I was waiting for!

"Took you long enough." I muttered.

He sat down next to me in bed, I could feel the bed shifting under his weight. he suddenly grabbed the small of my back and I felt a harsh electricity arms and hit the spot of my back! In pained surprise, I lurched off the bed, rolling off the bed sideways!   


Tuesday January 20, 2014

Creatures, Bones and News

There was some sort of creatures that were discovered. Soon after, many people were ending up being killed. These people ended up on the run from the law, as they were stitched up to have committed the murders! Later, we all find out that the little fossils, about 12 inch high raptor fossils, come alive in spurts of activity and kill whomever is toying with them at the time.

One guy was sitting at a table with a microscope. He was looking through it at one of the things he aquired. He didn't know about the special ability they had. Later, the main group finds the corpse of the guy still sitting up at the table, as he died suddenly. What happened was that as he had his face close down, the creature had a spurt of "aliveness" and lashed it's tail out at the face. The tail punched through the man's entire nose, destroying it! The tail even reached the brain and that was why the guy died suddenly.

At the end, the group is framed for the murder of the man, as no one else wants to believe little living fossils did these things! One of the members of the group sacrificed herself to the law so the others could get away!

It turned out that I am reading the story aloud from the large textbook-like book. Even as I go into my room, I start reading the next story. At this point, the book becomes magical, as when I read it, stuff starts happening outside and inside my house that is happening in the new story!   


Monday, January 26, 2014

The Cave And The Dad's Job

This girl, of whom I was at the moment, has a dream of a small cave, not too far from where she lives. This small robot is busted into pieces and she pieces it back together. As a reward, it gives a her a strange key, which looks funny. It unlocks something at the back of the small cave. It turned out that the sixth Doctor was out in cyro a long time before and the girl released him with the key that was needed for the device!

The girl wakes up later, and we/she realize it was a dream, but somehow this man was real and thus alseep and needed to be woke up! She tries teller her dad and older sister about the cave, the robot and the man. They will not believe her and her older sister, whom they two never got along with really well to begin with, is antagonisitc. The dad, somehow, relents and says they will search the cave down but if there is no sight of this robot, they are leaving right away.

The dad is in his later forties. Maybe 5.11 and thick, short black hair. He kind of looks like Nathan Fillion in the face. He had a job and gets a lot of money, which is shocking, considering that his job is low paid. He is a divorced father.
My sister is the only sister I have and she had long, straight andf perfect dishwater blonde hair. As earlier stated, she is antaognistic.

Later, I am at school, some public school. I am called to the main office and told to gather my things beforehand. I get to the main office to find my dad is picking me up. Turns out my mom, and his ex-wife is coming into town. Turns out he lied to over a year ago when she called. He told her that both their girls were put into private school. He is taking us out of public school to hurriedly slam us into a private school so that we will be in one by the time she comes into town for a visit!   

Latyer, he takes us both over to his work. It is now in the evening time. I am wondering about the cave. His work is thus huge building where people come and go. It looks like a cross between a factory, storage room for a classroom and the old hospital invettory where my dad used to work in the real world. My sister and I are wondering about. Later, at night, I decide to slip outside and head down the building's drive. I hang out in the near-dark, looking up the street. Across the street, up a ways is this small church, a red bricked affair, also with a red bricked walled cememtary. It was up the street a long way from this that the small cave is! 

Night falls and other people are walking along the streets, as well as cars barreling past - lookinh for food and/or shopping experiences. I stand there, watching the cars pass and everything. Soon, I see down the street, the flashing lights of a cop car! I freak out inwardly, sure that someone called the cops on me for hanging out near the street! I get back to the building quickly. The sister is angry because of what I nearly caused. We go back with our dad to wait until he gets down so we can go home.

The sister and I discover something on our own about our dad. He does autopsy experiments, unethical ones, on people's corpses! We think, the farther we go, that we see some of the corpses under sheets. We get freaked out and decide to return to the front of the building, near where dad is. In one part, I get seperated and end in some storage room. I see from the room, that this used to be a school way before. I see one what used to be the teacher's desk and old foosh toy. I pick it up and mess with it. The things on it are a mess, it's age caused them to be sticky and wrapped around each other. I walk out of the room, soothing it back to normal as I can. I get back to the dad only to find the cop talking to him. Dad, me and the cop go into one of the rooms that he normally works in, one of the more unfinished rooms. We are talking, but I wasn't mainly the reason why the cop showed up - like the sister accused me of. This cop had an inkling that something about dad and this building wasn't right.

Later, the cop wanders off and the dad comes back. I tell him the cop has sight his sights on him for something. The dad goes off. Later, the cop walks into a room that I can see from where I am, sitting in a chair.The dad shows up, wearing black clothes. I slip him a gun. He goes off to the doorway of the room, turning around and waiting a few seconds before going in. He is wearing a black Hood, with a total face mask. The mask looks like Amon's from The Legend of Korra, but a rusty red all over. He slips into the room and mere seconds later, I hear the deadly coughing of a gun firing that has been fitted with a silencer!

As my sister and I are calmly leaving the scene, she states, "It turns out dad isn't really doing research on the corpses. He sells the corpses and parts to people and groups who do the research." Then she adds to me, in a whisper, "It's still doesn't make it right."



January 29, 2015

School and Statues Coming Alive!

I was in the body of a little girl, who went to some elementary school. In the middle, I was myself again, but still wandered around the school. The school, for some reason was way into having life-sized Ned Stark statues on these pedestals nearly everywhere! When I say statues, they weren't unfinished affairs, but heavily detailed and realistically colored. They looked completely like a real life person. Each of them had the same details of the armor and fur lined cloak he wore in season 1 of Game of Thrones, when he was executing the apparent 'deserter'. The statues even had the large white swords, at resting positions, pointed end down.

Soon after, every time I came into the area, in line of sight, no matter how far down a hall or lobby, that one statues would come to life and start after me! One time, I was walking outside, in the sun, on school campus with the very girl I had body jumped into earlier. She knew what was going on, as I had filled her in earlier.

I stumbled against a low brick thing. There was a bust of Ned, but no through was put into the details of his face. Many things, including his eyes were left out. I fell on my side.

"Is that one going to come for you?" She asks, worried.

"No, that one doesn't have eyes." I say as I roll onto my back. "But that one does!" I say in fear loudly, even as I see one of the hyper-real statues not even a few feet away on it's pedestal! Even as I said this, the statue slowly opened it's eyes, blinking at the sun. Soon, it's eyes were fixed on me, stepping down from the pedestal slowly!     


February 6, 2015

The BFG10K

This was a Blacklist dream.

I was holed up at my house and a bunch of people held it under siege. They hadn't breached inside yet, and they had a lot of high-grade trucks and vans all around the place, in all parts of the yard. Berlin had sent a bunch of them after me to capture me and bring me to him, wherever he was at.

There was this old medium sized shed that is not there in the waking life. I ran to it, through the yard - shots ringing out. I made it inside with someone else.

"What now?" They asked a bit impatiently.

I stood stuck still, back turned from then at the only shed door. In a few short moments, I gathered a huge dose of magical energy, while thinking of a major thing being created that would help us.

"Omni Maximus Cosmio Fabricatio Redeo Accelero Aevus Bentidoct!" Instantly, we both heard this loud clunking as something fell and hit the concrete floor.

Whatever it was, it was invisible. I bent down and picked it up, realizing with a rush of excitment, that it was an actual BFG10k! It made no sound, and couldn't be seen. So I looked fairly ridiculous as I made to make the sounds for it, and it looked to my newfound ally that I was just holding air.

We peered around the corner of the door to the outside. More than two people stood on the very tops of their trucks to better keep at eye out for me, so they could better shoot to disable me for Berlin! I stood in the open door of the rickety shed, now exposed. I made the warming up noise of the gun getting ready to take a shot. The BFG shoots, even in the dream, having massive recoil!

The gun itself my have been invisible, but the resulting laser ball was not!

It took off over the trucks and vans, going a bit wide from the people I wanted to ice so I could shake dust without getting parts of me blown off! Some of the tops of some vans and trucks got sheered off by the massive amounts of heat and energy from the projectile! A few people got minor hurt by the energy discharge that managed to find them, and most of people went for cover, allowing my ally and I to duck and cover ourselves and managing to get away!

Later, my ally and I are in a town that I know, as my Doctor's office in in it. As a matter of fact, we are sitting right on the steps outside the building that her office is in. A few expensive looking trucks drive up, and I twitch, thinking Berlin's people found us! It was a couple of Agents from the Blacksite, however.


February 11, 2015

Boom Goes The Gun!

I was killing zombies.

I would shoot them in the head. Instead of red/black blood, like The Walking Dead, there was a slow drip of white liquid. Right after the drip ended, a horde of maggots would swarm out, like they were angry termites or something!

It was literally like, Boom goes my gun; Here come the maggots! It was disturbing, even for me so I woke up so fast, my whole body kind of moved!