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Hello Astral Pulse! I will share my progress, reflections and problem solving here. I have already mentioned it, but for greater detail, I would like to give a small introduction, 12 years ago I learned the technique of lucid dreams and from them, how to transfer my consciousness to the dense energy body in order to detach myself from my physical body.

Maybe I have had a period of two or three years of activity, but more than anything in the practice of lucid dreams and recreating physical scenes with the greatest possible hyperrealism, that was my goal. Everything was perfect, flavors, textures, colors, smells... A whole Matrix! Regarding the APs, when I detached myself from my physical body, I was left floating in the Void and with many problems.

The reality is that I feel that in that period I was just playing and experimenting, I never managed to control my emotions, and I had many fears, that's why I stopped practicing. Today, in a more mature and committed stage of my life, I use this wonderful gift that has been given to all human beings, as a tool for personal growth and self-discovery, to transcend a little the human experience and the illusion of holograms (solid structures) that surround us and break the established conditioning that has made us partly forget our true universal identity.

I will not follow an exact chronological order, but rather I will share what I consider most relevant, I don't want to bore you. I'm not yet living great adventures! I'm in a period of practice and adjustment, trial and error. Stopping practicing was not good, it's like repeating the year at school again, it's easier but still demands discipline and new requirements.

Some "detachment" sequences:

-Suddenly I become aware, and I perceive myself half outside my body and half inside, I see everything black around me, I think I'm in the Void, I have no human form, I'm a kind of "energy worm" that moves in a serpentine way underwater, I hear a wonderful music, I feel a sensation of fullness... I decide to go out, but I can't, so I ask for help, I feel an invisible force that takes me out of there, but I remain disoriented in the blackness, upside down perhaps, but I get my bearings. All the time I feel a kind of "music" around me, they are frequencies and vibrations, it's like mantras, sounds, chimes, "angelic chants"? These frequencies are incredible, healing, they make me feel very good, they revitalize me and I wonder what they are. I try with all my might to project myself into RTZ, to feel myself there, I start to see the door frame, and I start to get very nervous, I was achieving it... I feel the heartbeat of the physical body increasing a lot, too much, since my connection is partial, I know I should calm down but it's difficult. For some reason I'm now petrified, I can't move anymore, I know I should apply thought + intention, but intention was lacking, I only thought about moving, this is not enough for me, there must be will. I return to the physical body.

Note: This return to the body so soon is something new that didn't happen ten years ago. When I left the body there was no turning back easily, I even once had seven false awakenings in a row, one of the biggest scares of my life, I couldn't go back even if I tried. I was already waiting for a guide to come for me so I could go to the "other side" lol. I think that many times it may be due to a lack of total awareness or that in reality my physical body is not completely relaxed and can wake up very easily. I know that thinking about our body or having an emotional shock can easily bring us back, but in the past this didn't happen, so I think maybe it has to do with brain chemistry, I still don't know.

-This time, I find myself trying to get out of the body, making swinging movements, but from front to back, and not sideways, but like a hammock, it gets stronger and stronger! Faster! I start to hear some kind of music, frequencies, it's the best sound in the world, I feel ecstasy, I start to see colors, spots, a synesthesia... OMG this is great! I see everything black around me, except for these colors, I think I'm in the Void, I no longer care about leaving the body, this state is incredible, although I don't even know what I'm doing. Suddenly I feel that a hand grabs me and squeeze me very hard! I think they injected something into my arm, the pain is strong. I ask them to please relax a little and it doesn't hurt anymore, they are ready to take me out, but I tell them that I want to be like that today "between worlds" and I woke up... obviously after the return I regretted it. Maybe my NP assistants thought I was having some trouble separating from the body, but no, it was just me doing crazy things as always, who knows.

Notes: Now I have left a card on a tall furniture, to have a focus, an intention if I separate from my body, since I perceive a lot of confusion when leaving, I'm nervous and somewhat disoriented. But I think directing your intention somewhere easy is a good start. It doesn't really matter if I get to see the real card someday.

To go from Lucid Dreaming to a separation from the body, in the past I did the following:
In the lucid dream I lay on the floor, and I felt myself in my energy body, when I realized, I was in my physical body with the vibrations and I rolled to the side, I fell to the floor but I was in the Void, not in RTZ. There was a notable increase in awareness.

When I was able to project to RTZ I did it in the following way, in the lucid dream I made a very big jump, and I screamed with a strong intention "I want to go to RTZ!" and I appeared stuck to the ceiling of the room... seeing my physical body lying in bed and listen the strong breathing was a terrible shock for me. It's not something easy for me, although it may sound so simple.

In this new stage of practice this separation is happening spontaneously most of the time, but on occasions in the lucid dream I screamed "I want to feel my expanded being", I don't know why I said that, but suddenly I was spinning like a log outside of my body towards my room. I saw everything black, but I could perceive the furniture by touching it, all the textures, the tiles and the plaster, the bed... The most incredible thing, I found things from ten years ago by touch! The computer table still had wheels, when we had removed them, there were four lamps instead of three on the ceiling fan, and my old speakers were there too! I also felt joints of structures that are impossible to detect visibly, the floor would have to be broken, I notice a slight curvature when the floor of my room and the wall meet. Well, it was fun!

However, I'm doing the exercise of letting the experience flow, without modifying it, I'm not intending at this moment to leave the body when I have lucid dreams (we are supposed to be outside, although there are very realistic hypnagogic states where I feel that I have not separated from the body). And I try to apply the technique that Xanth teaches in his book, about simply increasing awareness to move to a higher frequency... And it really works! But if I spontaneously find myself in a situation of separating from the body, I think I must have a strategy. However, I have already realized that this notion of separation is not so important, since what travels is consciousness, to where the intention is established, but it's a state that requires certain management and is still fascinating and interesting to explore and learn to control.
I'm still learning!

Thanks for this space
Kind regards,
Tak ♥~
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


OMG Tak, this was wonderful. I hope you don't mind my jumping in here to say how much I enjoy reading about your journey. Where you describe the music, sounds and frequencies brought back some precious memories for me. I called it the Sound of Creation.

And thank you for the laughs too. You said, "When I was able to project to RTZ I did it in the following way, in the lucid dream I made a very big jump, and I screamed with a strong intention "I want to go to RTZ!" and I appeared stuck to the ceiling of the room..."

Haha, I'm sorry I can't stop laughing (not at you of course, but with you). Seems those RTZ experiences can be quite entertaining in hindsight. I could say more but I loved your telling so I really hope you don't mind my little input here.

Hugs to you, all the world is your stage now.


Thank you very much Nameless, it's a pleasure to have your comment here and I'm very glad that you enjoyed my writing  :-D . Laughter is welcome! You don't know how much I laugh at my experiences myself... both when I write them and when I live them. And not to mention lucid dreams, the other day I ripped a leaf off a plant and ate it, just to play with textures and flavors lol.

These frequencies in the air are a wonderful and new thing for me, they appeared when an invisible force began to direct some of my incursions, at the same time I feel entering a pure state, it's like being a child again. It's very healing and best of all, it's brought to the physical body.

And in relation to the ambient vibrations, on one of those outings, I managed to float out of the window of my room, but everything was black (I said "clarity now!" But this doesn't work for me) when I went outside, I noticed that the blackness was less dense because it was daytime, since I felt as if the sun was illuminating my "closed eyelids", that was weird. But although I couldn't see, I could hear, and very well... too much I would say, to the point that all the sounds of the city seemed completely deafening. I was stunned by the cars, the buses, and above all the constructions and their machines, I had to return to my body for that, it was unbearable. 
In the physical I had the sound-cancelling earmuffs on, and my windows closed tightly, therefore I couldn't hear that construction. Only when I went out to my balcony I could perceive a very distant construction, but when I went out the window in the obe I felt like the construction was over my head! I have taken it as a verification. The sound amplification was incredible.

In my opinion, I think there are more interesting things than RTZ, but I want to see my body again, since the last time I did it, 10 years ago, I went into shock, in absolute panic... this didn't bring me back to my body! On the contrary, I cried next to it, I felt like I had died even though I heard the breathing, and I apologized for all my self-destructive behaviors of the past, I felt that that body had made an enormous effort for this Soul to advance a little further on the Path... it was quite a catharsis! But it was traumatic, I have a deep love and respect for my body.
I feel like I must face that again, maybe I'm the one who self-blocks my vision. It's incredible how despite having read books, facing the truth directly has no comparison. It's definitely not like looking yourself at the mirror, nor a hologram in LD, it's simply unique. I think it's something very basic that must be overcome and understood.

I'll continue working hard on it  :-) 
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


A lucid dream with an unexpected twist 

I would like to mention that at the moment I'm not manipulating my lucid dreams too much, I'm letting them run their course and flow with them. I let the context unfold and take an active role in the background. That's why it can all seem a little "delirious" and fun at the moment. Something that always catches my attention is how our NP personality changes, I have attitudes that I would not have physically! :-o

Well, I start by inducing the experience with a little phasing... (I take a few deep breaths and do a personal visualization)

Hypnagogia: I begin to see gray textures on a black background, they looked like horses but they were turning into all kinds of things. I also see a background of pink and black bubbles that move in an undulating way, now becoming thick curved lines, everything is three-dimensional. Now I see a beautiful Hindu temple, with gold walls all worked and with a thousand details, there are inlays of sapphires and other gems and then some golden faces begin to emerge in the form of layers, as if it were a kind of Hindu god. Its amazing!

Then I saw beautiful bright pink filaments, like a kind of aquatic plant, growing from a small point in the center from which many long lines grow. I feel like someone told me in my head, you are doing well! And I'm surprised, but I don't want to get distracted, I continue. I also see a liquid silver tunnel through I travel for a few moments and then the famous piece of shiny fabric made of colored strips, green, orange, yellow, perhaps some blue, that I usually see in this state, moving in an undulating way. I lost awareness.

I become aware again, now in the LD, and get out of bed, I was in the room of an old place sleeping, I decide to go out into the street walking along the sidewalk and it was night, suddenly I see a kind of carnival! Like the one in Rio, Brazil. Everyone was dressed as beings of nature and their clothes were made of colorful plants and flowers, very beautiful and striking. The music was very fun and I dance happily with them, celebrating that I'm in a lucid dream! that was good to release the euphoria of the beginning. Although I get bored and decide to continue, but I begin to be absorbed by the Void, everything turned black and I know that I must create movement to return to the scene, so I begin to pedal, walk or even ski in the blackness and I enter into the stage again. 

I appear on a dark and gloomy street, very similar to the place where I usually vacation (but the real one is nice) all was closed and there were no people around. I begin to walk and explore, one of the few open places was a kind of stand where they sold stones, candles, incense burners and all those spiritual stuffs, attended by an old man with long hair, like a magician. I didn't go near him because I had to climb some stairs and I felt lazy to do it (now I regret not having done it, because of the symbolism that entails). Then I remember that a good way to increase awareness is by the five senses, as I read in Xanth's book, so I decide to chew bubble gum lol but I get bored and in a childish way, I ball up the gum and throw it at some guys there. I don't know why I did that! A funny crazy moment... it wasn't a good idea, those dream characters got very angry, really, and started chasing me, I felt very scared! In danger, I felt like they had a gun even though I didn't see it. I ran and ran, until I ended up laughing for having lost control of my own dream and decided to throw myself into a black hole in the ground "to save my life". I fell violently into a white plastic structure that became more and more ethereal, as if passing through layers, membranes and I lost awareness.

Then I become aware again and this time I'm on a kind of beautiful Boulevard and I want to explore it, it seemed very minimalist, but I loved the fine decoration, there were practically no people there, and then I got into an elevator. I enter a place where they sell beautiful pieces of art and fine sculptures, but something unusual occurs to me, I want to see how similar to the physical plane it would be to destroy those materials, listen to the sound and see they reaction when they are broken. So I start breaking everything! I experimented with various materials such as glass, metal, stone and wood. One of the destroyed sculptures was a beautiful and enormous crystal fountain made of pure glass, I must have done it with ten different sculptures, and the result was fascinating, everything was very hyperrealistic, both the fragments scattered on the floor and the sound, except one, which should have sounded like stone, but it sound more like a tin can. This destructive behavior caught the attention of some dream characters who began to ask me why I was doing that, I told them that I'm experimenting with different materials to see their reaction in the non-physical. I leave this place and decide that I don't want to fly or walk to get around, I feel exhausted, so I hope to find some kind of vehicle and a little girl appears with a white bicycle, I laughed so much! It wouldn't help me. So I keep looking and I find some kind of bumper car LOL, well, better than nothing... (I still can't create elements from nothing, but I find them along the way as I need them).

I'm starting to go very fast! Until I see that I'm heading straight for a wall, but I can't turn! I don't know how to do it, there is no steering wheel. I remember that nothing will happen so I go through this wall, it was light orange with beautiful bright pink organic drawings. I start to feel like I'm going through layers, colors, geometric shapes, I feel like I'm entering into another state and it's confusing. 

But I ended up going out to a very beautiful city, it was night and I looked at the buildings around me, it was wonderful! I felt absolute peace, harmony and I breathed the humid freshness of the night dew. As I look better I realize that the buildings were all the same, cream and white and seemed to be made of foam rubber and styrofoam, embedded and with a certain edible texture, I laughed a lot at this!

Then I walk through the city and I meet two bohemian street musicians, they ask me if I knew a good place to play music in the city and make some money and I told them that this was my dream and there was no point in doing that, they told me that they already knew and one asked me if I was 9 years old, I told him no, I am 33, a little embarrassed! but I laughed, and attributed that comment to the almost edible structure of the buildings around and told him that it had been a long time since I practiced, that's why they weren't perfect, before I could create better scenarios, I know I can do better!

When I looked around I was walking with a group of people and I felt a lot of connection with them, pure love, I felt like they were "my tribe." I hugged a girl next to me and told her that I would like to see them again, she told me that it was not possible, I asked her why and she told me that they were a kind of collective mind that traveled in community beyond dimensions, an elemental primary energy of the mind, in cluster, all organized by my instructors, who were in charge of my simulations in lucid dreams, "two golden orbs" and that is why I could speak intelligently with them, since if I paid attention to the other dream characters, they were empty. I asked if those orbs were my guides, she said yes. I tried to get more information, but it was difficult, the girl became more nervous, and said that she was not allowed to speak. I asked her if they are going to be reabsorbed into my own consciousness or if they were external beings, she told me that she wasn't allowed to answer that question (when I ask things in my lucid dreams they are very direct with me, they tell me "that information is not available/I have not permission to respond/you can't know it yet.") I didn't insist.

Then the scene begins to disintegrate and everything goes black, as if entering the Void. I'm inside a dark structure, where all the elements are black and only the contours are reflected, I see a metal spiral staircase also black with a sign that said "To The Park after Death" (I don't know why it was in English, if I'm a Spanish speaker, funny) There were two people, guarding the entrance.

I said this is my chance to see the famous Focus 27 Park for the first time! Will it really be an invitation? (All my life it was a dream to visit that place, but I don't have access, I can't get there. However, throughout my life in my lucid or non-lucid dreams I have visited forests of pure ecstasy, physical and mental regeneration, where I have had experiences that transcend everything I known, I have even been cured of physical ailments, but its always spontaneous. I don't know if it will be the same Park).

Wow the climb was really long and I felt exhausted, I lost my holographic body, I was now a mass of energy and I had no legs to climb. There were some people on the middle floor and it seemed to me that the stairs didn't continue any further, so I asked if they continued and they told me to keep going up because there were more floors, so don't give up! Upon reaching the top floor I regain my holographic human form and see huge glass panels, it was The Void behind them! all black, they were very clean and polished. I realized that they were very thick glasses, like those armored ones. There was no Park! But I find a door through the glass panels, I open it and go down by a wooden path through the blackness that leads to some kind of small cabin, I open the door and it was a small office! Full of papers, very messy, eighties style, all that makes me nervous, since I'm a very orderly person.

There I see a blonde woman with short hair and light eyes, I know her! She is the one who sometimes appears in some lucid dreams to help me develop skills, for example in The Old Mansion, another LD, she taught me to communicate telepathically and avoid using my voice. She was in front of a machine issuing some invoices, printing them, they were yellow and huge, made of very thin paper. In the end I decided to sit down because I had to wait, but very daring, I did it in front of the desk as if I were the boss, with my arms crossed and even with my legs on the table, like a rebellious teenager :-D  I don't know what was going on with me that day.

Suddenly a woman comes through the door, I had never seen her before but she had an air of authority, I asked what that place was and why I was there. She told me that from there they observed everything I did in lucid dreams, my progress and behavior, that everything was written down, studied, filed and those yellow invoices that kept printing corresponded to everything I had destroyed in the art gallery. I told them yes, I had really made a mess in that store, but it was to experiment with textures. Now the woman began to speak to me in another language, this is common in some experiences, I'm learning to absorb concepts from the conversation for this reason. She told me that I had had very destructive behavior and I needed to reflect on it, and this attitude in the past was what led me to have stomach problems in my physical life (and it's true). I couldn't believe we were talking about my physical life problems now! Really? No way! :-(  I told her I only did it because I'm spontaneous and I want to experiment, that's who I am. I was embarrassed by this whole situation! (No one judges us, they simply want us to realize for ourselves our mistakes to grow) I asked her if everything I had broken was going to cost a lot and she told me not to worry because this time it was "at the company's expense."

In the end she said she had to go, she had already finished there and had a busy schedule, she came next to me, gave me a kiss and a hug with a lot of love! She greeted the other girl with a gesture, and told me that I could stay there a little longer if I needed or return to my physical body, it was my decision. I decided to return to my body to write everything down and reflect. Also, I saw a clock that said 12:30 pm and it seemed to me that it was already very late (It was digital but I saw it perfect, since I read that it is difficult to see numbers in LD, it is not my case) but in the physical it was 8:30 am. And it was only two hours into the entire experience. 

I entered the Void and floated for a while before returning and I was seeing a white kitten in the distance, like a new dream that wanted to born, I woke up. 

Could they be these two instructors, the two golden orbs mentioned, seen through the filter of the mind? Who also densify their energetic body to create hands that take us out of our body? For now I know that it's not my place to know, just be receptive and continue learning.  :-)
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


This was a remarkable experience, Tak! Nice performance! By consciously choosing not to manipulate the lucid dream and instead letting the inherent dream plot manifest, you went with the flow and received a truly exceptional series of tests/lessons. I see evidence throughout your story that you were being challenged to engage most, if not all of the Ten Levels of Dream Awareness and it looks like you succeeded! The sign pointing the way to the "Park after Death" and the kiss and hug by the "woman of authority" were pretty convincing indicators of your achievement, lol! You should expect to see a noticeable change in the quality and challenges in your future NPR excursions!

I wish I got a sign like that! Astral Park This Way--->  LOL!

There is much in this experience for you to reflect on for quite some time. A few observations from my perspective-

The fade out/fade in is an indication of moving from test to test, and likely also a test in and of itself to challenge your ability to maintain your awareness.
As you noticed early on, any staircase or elevator is an indicator of a chance to move up or down in awareness. It's usually good to take stairs up. Then again, as Szaxx warned me in one of my experiences, "impossibly" high or long stairways should probably not be attempted.
In test environments such as these, dark and gloomy streets and cities are not generally negative energy- they are dark to limit distractions and help keep you focused on the task at hand. On the other hand, some dark and gloomy environments in the Astral are negative for good reason, such as the F22 and hellish regions. This is where your intuition should give you a noticeable "feel" about the relative safety of the place. This is where Feeling is every bit as important as Thinking...if it feels bad, dangerous or untrustworthy, it probably is.
Considering your destruction of the artwork at the Gallery, I wouldn't have been surprised that the test was terminated, but the fact that you were experimenting with understanding "textures" within the astral pointed specifically to the Ten Levels, so I think they gave you some leeway there, although with the added warning at the end to reflect on your anger issues maybe...(at the company's expense...Hilarious!)
The bohemian musician is a personage you will have to search your own personality/history for clarification. His question of your age as 9 immediately made me think of where you were in the Ten Levels, not that you were at number 9, but that you had actualized some of the 9 were currently considering the edible nature of the nearby buildings, which I found quite humorous but still part of your exploration of NP textures and! A discussion of this with Nameless included an idea that she suggested, wondering that something significant for you to consider within this context may have occurred around the age of 9 for you. Nameless' intuitional insights often prove out true, so something to consider. It could also have just been a challenge to your ability to maintain the level/integrity of your awareness.
It is quite an interesting fact to notice how much our physical personalities change in the NPRs! I find myself having to guard against becoming over-confident and egotistical. It's not just about putting Fear in its proper place, but also balancing all the other influences.

I wonder that the Hindu temple gradually morphed into a truly significant vision of our Higher Self that Monroe referred to as his I/There and Moen referred to it as his Disk and Members, the ideas describing a "collective" of related awarenesses/lives that we are all part of. The temple morphed into what you described as possibly an aquatic plant (Buddhism describes this as the thousand-petaled Lotus-an aquatic plant-...) I have experienced visions such as these. You saw the fine, thin filaments that connect Members to their Disk, supplying energy and transmitting information/experience. As a soul ventures deeper into existence, the filament grows thinner and thinner until it practically disappears from view. This connection is possibly at least a partial explanation for some past life or parallel life memories.

As you climbed the final staircase, you felt exhausted but were encouraged to continue. In the Theosophical tradition, this final endurance test was to raise your awareness and maintain its integrity as you moved through successively higher energy bodies- from the Etheric to the Astral to the Mental and maybe for a quick peek into the recognized along the way that you briefly "lost your holographic body, then regained it"...this is an indication of that. Nice!

The white kitten is a symbol personal to you but looks to me as a definite sign of a new beginning for you. Nice touch!

If this is a new beginning for you and opens the Astral to you, then spend some meditative time thanking everyone involved and also make a silent and sincere offer to be of service wherever the NPR may require your assistance.

Again, Tak, remarkable and well done!

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Escape Velocity, I really value your reflections and analysis, they are excellent! It's very good to broaden perspectives through the eyes of other people. Thank you so much!

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on December 08, 2023, 18:19:51In test environments such as these, dark and gloomy streets and cities are not generally negative energy- they are dark to limit distractions and help keep you focused on the task at hand. On the other hand, some dark and gloomy environments in the Astral are negative for good reason, such as the F22 and hellish regions. This is where your intuition should give you a noticeable "feel" about the relative safety of the place. This is where Feeling is every bit as important as Thinking...if it feels bad, dangerous or untrustworthy, it probably is.

About this lesson, in my case I don't think I have been in lower astral regions, I just lost my composure a little! I think it was a question of thought response, thinking those guys would get angry, they did. I should have faced them and not run away from the problems. And even less jumping into a dark hole, as you say, descending implies this same action in awareness and that's why I lost it for a few moments.

A while ago a similar test happened, but worse, I was exploring an old train station, and when I opened one of the train cars, it was full of black panthers. I petted one, I felt the soft fur and its heat, but when I thought "I shouldn't be doing this, they are dangerous animals".... all the panthers started chasing me aggressively, OMG how scared I was! It was horrible, I ran a lot. But I decided to confront them and turned into a bigger, wilder and more ferocious animal, this intimidated them a little, but not too much. Until something else occurred to me, I turned everyone into puppies who ran next to me, we ended up hugging each other, hanging around the floor and laughing out loud. I liked Stephen Laberge's book where he says that "monsters" must be "faced with love" it's very healing! I hope I can remember it next time.

Who needs to go to therapy after all this? LOL. Cool!

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on December 08, 2023, 18:19:51I wonder that the Hindu temple gradually morphed into a truly significant vision of our Higher Self that Monroe referred to as his I/There and Moen referred to it as his Disk and Members, the ideas describing a "collective" of related awarenesses/lives that we are all part of.
How nice is your reflection about the vision of the plant and the Higher Self. I hadn't realized all that, wonderful! My vision was very similar to the flower of the Mimosa plant, even the colors are the same (but it is not aquatic as it seemed to me).

In another thread we were all talking a lot about feeling alone, the sense of not belonging here, and the difficulty of adapting, how many times have I felt that. When I look at this flower now, I remember this beautiful feeling of being like a cell of the Great Cosmic Organism, and how our development collaborates in the constitution of a greater Whole, as if each person were those filaments. I liked the analogy with this flower, as I like to imagine consciousness coming out of the Source/Higher Self and extending through even the densest dimensions. And at the end of the filament the physical, which seems so distant from the center, but in reality has never been "disconnected".

The hypnagogic state is surprising. But it's not something I'm controlling at will, for now, It's spontaneous and when it happens it's amazing. Many times I spend almost an hour going in and out of hypnagogia, because instead of going deeper, I wake up with a kind of "electric shock" throughout all my body, a spasm  :-o  as if they hit me with the defibrillator LOL.

Sometimes that also happens on this state is what I call "dreaming in black" there are no images, but a scene develops, for example, I was in a bar with friends, eating something delicious and having an entertaining conversation... but there weren't images! All in black. But I guess one little move and I could enter The Void.
And yet, sometimes just by closing my eyes, and without much effort, I begin to have all kinds of visuals dancing before my mind's eye. I still don't know how this works well.

In my opinion I think all the scenarios of my dreams unfold in the Void itself. That is, it's as if the Void were a canvas, a base, on which I can generate these projected holograms that are the scenery of my experiences. This seems to me to be so because some places that I explore have an end... they fade until I only see the infinite blackness, or when I open doors or windows there is the Void. As if my sets were floating islands in the blackness (simulations). And when in the middle of a LD I "think" that I have vision problems, it's actually the hologram that is fluctuating and not me. Well at least that's what it seems to me so far in some cases! Maybe later I'll think differently.

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on December 08, 2023, 18:19:51I wish I got a sign like that! Astral Park This Way--->  LOL!
The fun moments are never lacking, one of the things I enjoy most about this  :-D 
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


A few more points of commentary-

I thought it was important to mention the method of discernment for lower regions if you should encounter them...and that is being aware of the shared importance of Feel/Think...that is a simplistic PR concept that goes much deeper once we enter the NPR. So, I am glad you appear to understand that lesson well.

In your  reported experience, you inadvertently angered the individuals by spitting your gum at them and they gave chase; the better response may have been to confront their challenge with love and respect or, given a negative response, stood your ground and reacted as necessary. I thought the "create a black hole in the ground and hide" was likely unworthy, yet it seemed to serve the purpose and your overall LD/Test was not I thought that may have served as your Dream Awareness Level 9 applying NP abilities to resolve a didn't feel quite adequate to me at the time, but you seemed to proceed nonetheless. I wonder that the black panthers on the train was a later chance for you to solve that issue, kind of a "repeat the test question"? The train boxcar imagery is interesting to me, because anytime a train or other form of public transportation shows up in our dreams, at least for some of us, it is an indication of a transport system into the NP Realms such as the Dream Zone. You had the confidence to open the railcar and out-spilled your most recent LD difficulty which still needed solving, lol! And you solved it quite well!

You are absolutely right that our dream monsters must be faced and confronted, especially in childhood...this creates incredible confidence for us, both in this world and others.

The hypnogogic state is can be a ready launch platform into the NPR or the Unknown...or it can bog us down in chaotic, subconscious nonsense. I think most all of it comes spontaneously from our subconscious...sometimes there are patterns and personal issues to be aware of and notice...I will admit my own limited control and understanding. Sometimes you can just wait it out for a few minutes and then get on with an exit or Phasing...other times, it just drags me under like the ocean...hypnogogia is like riding a wild horse!

The Void- If there isn't a Topic all to this, there should be. Most everyone experiences the Void, at some time and in various ways, but the descriptions are too similar to argue. Like you wrote, the Void is a canvas, a base, a backdrop that lies behind much if not all our NP experience. I had the same experience early on that my experiences, my "simulations", were all suspended somewhere within the Void, like islands within the darkness. As my experiences have evolved, I don't get that same perspective nearly as much now...but I am not sure what has changed, except maybe the energetic quality of the experience...maybe another level of depth has been introduced...I am only speculating.

One of my far-reaching questions is this: In some way, does the Void relate to either Dark Matter or Dark Energy?


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


This experience started out a little complicated, I woke up to practice, but I felt very exhausted and had an extreme headache, I still decided to try, but my mind was a whirlwind, I couldn't concentrate, it took me three hours! Luckily I started at 4 am. so I had plenty of time... and when I was about to give up, I went to the bathroom for the last time, went back to bed, then continue with the breathing and the induction makes the beautiful explosion...

Hypnagogia: I feel love in my heart, a recharge of energy, my head no longer hurts, I feel great, and I begin to see spots of many colors splashing over me, I feel united with a greatest strenght, I'm no longer alone in my mind . ...then there are brush strokes on a white canvas, beautiful plants full of flowers begin to emerge from a golden pot. I particularly remember a painting of red, green and blue mosaics, the colors change from one mosaic to another and form drawings of happy people in a park. I also see figures of trees, brown trunks and their crowns made with many light blue cubes that are breaking off. I begin to see all kinds of abstract figures with very complex textures of infinite colors, impossible to describe and I travel through tunnels made of those same shapes curved, I lose awareness.

I regain awareness and I'm looking out the window of my house at a beautiful sunset, I see a giant orange super moon. I feel euphoria and decided to go fly so I climb on the window and jump. I'm taken by the Guiding Force to a walk through my city, but another version of it! We go to the south side. When I become aware, two things can happen: Either I have complete freedom of movement, or I'm taken by this Guiding Force "for a walk" through a specific environment, without having control of the experience. This is new to me, since ten years ago it only happened to me once, where the Guiding Force took me from Earth at full speed, taking me on an incredible interspace ride... passing through planets, nebulae and ending in a black Void without stars, where I saw in the distance all the galaxies together, as I moved further and further away, were concentrated in a small luminous point. I didn't understand what was happening, or why, and the truth is... yes, it scared me, but it was amazing! I pray for another walk like this right now  :-D .

I see the river with a beautiful light blue color, splendid and unpolluted, the sky is pink and violet with fluffy golden clouds and there is a lot of vegetation, a refreshing breeze revitalizes my soul while I'm flying. Suddenly I see many families walking around, getting out of their cars to see the sunset. The Guiding Force now brings me closer to a family getting out of their truck, no one can see me, but one of the girls who was about eight years old does. I greeted her and she hesitates to do it, as if her parents would think she was crazy waving in the air, but in the end she does, and smiles at me, I could see she lost some baby teeth. No one paid attention to her so now she greets me jumping with enthusiasm, as I flew away. The place was like a viewpoint, with a reddish path and a stone wall. I still see many families walking through the place, it was really beautiful, the city was no longer there and it was all forest and nature! With that immense moon crowning the landscape. I turned around to greet the people and looked at my hands, they were perfectly normal, I counted all my fingers and they looked perfect, usually when I look at my hands in LD I see strange and holographic things, but not when I'm being carried by the Guiding Force, all is perfect. I was nervous because I didn't want to wake up, that place was incredible and I was happy happy... but obviously that thought brought me back, you should never think about returning to the body! You have to forget that you have a body and get completely involved into the scene, a few seconds later I'm back...thought response, thought response!  :-o  But I induce another experience.

Now in my physical body... I only have my head tied to my body, the rest is in the air, but I can't detach... so I let go, but I lose awareness.

I regain awareness and now I'm at home again, I go to my balcony, I live on a very high floor with a wide view of the city, so I stand on the railing and decide to fly! When I jump I'm taken again by the Guiding Force but this time we go to the east side, where the river is. We are flying a little fast and I know that I must concentrate on all the possible details, it's a practical exercise that I do... Well, the landscape was my city but another version of it again, with absolute hyperrealism. My building and those around are the same, but I also see all kinds of European-style structures from the 1800's, and then they turned into surreal buildings of different colors, which had murals painted with all kinds of animals, they were incredible! It reminded me the city of Valparaíso in Chile. There were trees around and a lot of vegetation. Furthermore, the buildings didn't end straight but with strange shapes, domes and rounded peaks, in various groups, etc. I wanted to remember a specific mural in my memory, because there were hundreds, and I saw a rabbit smoking a pipe painted on a building LOL! I felt like I was in Adventure Time, the cartoon, and I laughed a lot! The river looked blue and splendid, with pure water... and not as it really is, contaminated. I want to participate in the scene now, so I ask the Guiding Force for permission (if I don't do this and directly jump into the scene, or when passing by somewhere I touch something, like a plant, a person, etc. everything will fade away... Look and don't touch! That's the rule, until you officially land in an area, I don't know why)

I 'm gently placed at the base of these colorful buildings with my arms outstretched as if someone is holding me, but I don't feel or see anyone. I discover that I'm in a kind of amusement park, there is music and families with their children walking everywhere, it was a great place! Inside, the walls are still colored with murals of animals. I continue exploring and I meet a little blonde girl at the end of the path (I always interact with children!) I look at her face and she is beautiful, then comes her sister, a red-haired girl, her eyes were green, crystalline, two porcelain dolls! I gave them both a hug and told them that they are very loved, I don't know why. I continue walking through this place but I'm no longer very focused on the scene and I was completely absorbed by a thought, totally abstracted within my consciousness looking at a fixed point... when I realized I was being carried in the air by the Guiding Force, coming back. We had already passed all the colored buildings and I didn't even notice them, when I realized what was happening, we were already in the part of the buildings from 1800, I remember a very beautiful white one, it looked like a French embassy with curved balconies. I start to see my building again, we were going straight back to my balcony... Nooo, I didn't want to go back! My mistake here was disconnecting from the scene, I should have participated in the games and talked to the people, but I think my mind was a little tired. It's essential to be movement and involvement with the environment, at least for me.

Back in my physical body, I didn't want to go back so soon... and I don't know how I did it but I detached myself, first I sat up and then I bent and slid gently across the bed like a boa coming down from a tree and I was lying in the floor... it was a very pleasant feeling. I have no human form, I'm now a very volatile mass of energy, like a point of consciousness floating and surrounded by an "electrical force field". I floated towards the ceiling looking down, but I see everything black, I asked for help to see... I said I want to see my physical body... I'm now between the blades of the ceiling fan... and I can see! And yes it's me... but three months ago!  :-o  lying in bed sleeping, I'm wearing my winter pajamas (in this part of the globe is almost summer now) At that moment I felt a strong beating of my heart, I was a little scared, but I calmed down. The image seemed very distant, as if the ceiling was about twenty feet high. I didn't hear my breathing like the last time I saw my body ten years ago, but I did hear all the sounds of the city very loudly, horrible. Suddenly I start to lose vision and everything turned black again, I start screaming all my a awareness at me now! Repeatedly, as William Buhlman says, but it didn't work, I need more practice. Now I entered the hypnagogic state again and I see a pattern of geometric shapes, concentric eggs/eyes with red, blue, white and black tones very strong, dancing electrically. I'm back.

There is still a lot to adjust! but every day of practice there is a step forward  :-)
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Hypnagogia: Something particular that frequently happens to me in this state is finding myself looking at my room, as if in real time, but with my eyes closed, that is, looking at the ceiling fan, the window curtains, or just looking out the window! The panoramic view of the city. I really couldn't tell if I'm really seeing this reality in real time while I'm lying down or it's just a hologram of hypnagogia... I can only say that it's just like being with your eyes open here right now, even with the same lighting of the moment. I wonder what it will be.

I still hadn't been able to induce my experience because I was in and out of hypnagogia for almost an hour. I open my eyes, look at the clock, it's 6:10 am and decided to give it another chance, as something particular happened... Just by closing my eyes, my vision was filled with beautiful geometric patterns and three-dimensional shapes, I had to take advantage of that! I close my eyes and as if diving into the water, I sink into. I quickly reach a deep state and this time I decided to try something else, play music! In this physical world I don't even play the triangle, but I love playing frequencies in the NP. I did it louder and louder and I loved it, while having fun with the patterns. Until at one point I couldn't feel my body anymore, and I did something I had never done before in my life, I decided to get up and run! As simple as that. "It's time! Let's go" I said. So I ran away from the body, I didn't feel any detachment, vibrations or anything. Yes, I had entered into lucid dreams from  hypnagogia, not frequently, but occasionally, and sometimes after returning from a LD/AP I can easily detach myself again, but I never left the body directly from the very beginning. I know that most of you do and I always greatly admired that, it seemed very complicated to achieve for me, but after this experience I'm carefully analyzing the steps to be able to do it again. I'm surprised with the naturalness that everything happens, I think it's because we all know how to do this, before coming to Earth we were there, so now we just have to remember, relearn what we already know.

Well, but as usual, I entered the Void. I realized that I had a kind of sheet on my head, very upset! And I took it off (it's happened to me before and I don't know why, I remember reading it in William Buhlman's book) I ask for help to see (it's the way I'm finding for the first time in 10 years to get out of the Void) Then I saw... but it wasn't my house! It was another apartment, and I thought maybe I was on vacation and didn't remember, sometimes I'm surprised to remember so little of physical life. I walked around the kitchen and came out through a door, I was looking for myself... and I see my physical body sleeping in an sofa, more or less covered. I was going to go out the window, as usual, I wanted to look for a more fun place, like a beach, but first I wanted to take a good look at my physical body, to lose my fear of it (why would I be afraid of my body? maybe that strange feeling that seems we just died  :-o ) But to my delight and surprise, I felt tenderness, as if I saw a little girl, I love myself very much  :-D . I sent myself a lot of love and wanted to caress my hair, but I didn't have hands! I was just a hazy transparent energy in the air. When I tried to do it, it seemed to me that the body moved, I thought that if the body woke up, so would I. I left quickly.

When I go out the window I see everything black again! The Void? But this time it was different, there was a kind of big net, made of linear patterns, green and yellow of irregular polygons, the union of their intersections was through small spheres and everything had undulating movement. I didn't understand what was happening, I was confused and I lost my holographic human body, now I was a point of consciousness... so I asked for help, I didn't know what to do (I have to stop that mania of going out of windows when I'm exploring on my own, since in 80% of cases, there is nothing but the Void, for me windows are like portals, and I still don't know how to use them well) someone invisible takes me flying, I get back into my holographic human form again, we descend, and place me in front of an iron door. Thank you for the help! I open the door and find a huge hallway, it was very dark and only illuminated with red lights, scary. There were huge number signs that said 208, 209, 210...etc. in white, (the numbers were perfect and never fluctuated or changed) they were like rooms... The doors to the rooms were transparent and I could see inside triangular glass plates arranged in different ways, odd. I didn't like that place because it seemed spooky to me, like the maze of terror lol. Then I ran down the corridor, at the bottom there was a door, where suddenly a woman came out, so I flew to the ceiling and there I lost my holographic human form to become a mass of energy again, she didn't see me, I tried to say "hello"  telepathically, because I realized that I had no voice and couldn't speak, but she didn't perceive anything, and she left. I decide to leave through the same door that she entered, but when I open the door I re-enter this Void of irregular polygons net, I asked for help, but this time no one came, I used a lot of energy to manifest myself again somewhere else, but I was exhausted and I couldn't, so I'm back.

Something curious, when I woke up I looked at the clock and it was 6:45 am... about 35 minutes had passed, I never lost awareness at any time, and yet for me no more than 12 minutes would have passed, I felt it was a short experience, but it took quite a while! It's also the first time that I document in chronological time an experience from beginning to end. Interesting!

Since I always analyze my mistakes a little, I think that if I was placed in that gloomy place, I should have explored it properly and not wanted to flee out the door. As you will see, sometimes they take me to wonderful environments and others not so nice. I have to get used to everything! Working on fear, above all, I think that is why they didn't help me in the last instance, otherwise I wouldn't have realized that running out the door wasn't correct. I have to stop escaping from problems and look for nice places, at least for now :roll:
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Good experience, Tak!

Both the content and quality of your experiences are changing for the better and your awareness is increasing. I think your analysis is likely correct- You should have let the storyline play out as it was designed for you. Rather than flying to the ceiling to avoid the person initially, you could have simply greeted her in a friendly manner and considered what she might do or say.

Your reaction seems to indicate a certain hesitation or trepidation, both minor aspects of Fear, which is entirely reasonable in the 'gloomy' place you were put. Always know that in the Non-Physical that you are safe in 99% of situations; a personal Guide is always watching should you require help. So go forth boldly, confidently, and with respect! Just don't get cocky or foolhardy...

The 'gloomy' feel to the place was likely part of testing you by 'clouding' you slightly with some doubt to observe how you reacted. Conditions like this can be imposed on us to test how we function with added fear, decreased cognitive ability, passion, compassion, confusion, etcetera...but it is never more than we can handle. This was likely a small taste of that.

The 'exit' you performed was what you know we refer to as Phasing and using hypnopomps/hypnogogics in the way you did is one of many techniques which you will learn; remember the 'feel' of diving into the water and you can use it virtually in any situation. For me, Phasing is fundamentally different compared to the traditional OBE exit in that, in the first method we work to move directly outward- with Phasing, we turn inward to move outward, if that makes any sense.

I also think naturally of windows as portals, but anything can be used. But, along with the portal we need a strongly-expressed Intent...of a destination or person. Without a proper Intent, we go nowhere or often end up in the Void. If your expressed Intent is not working after one or two attempts, then that may mean that there is an Instructor nearby who wishes for you to take up a lesson or challenge like this one. If that occurs to you, then the best default Intent is to mentally declare-'Show Me the Next Best Lesson For Me!' You actually did this when you correctly recognized that it was not your apartment, but without a proper Intent, you re-entered the Void and then asked for help, which appeared nearly instantly! From there, you were placed into what was likely a 'simulation' designed for your instruction.

I don't know all of your experience with the Void, but you seemed confused by the lattice of polygonal triangles and spheres. If this was a new aspect of the Void for you, then I suspect this is part of your recent increase in awareness and perceptive abilities, gathering small glimpses of the deeper nature of the energetic structures behind the scenes of places like the Void and our Multiverse. Personally, I don't often see the geometric structures as you describe them; I see the environment and people as mostly multi-colored strings of energy, like long, thick and complicated bundles of wiring harnesses.

The iron door is symbolic for you; the darkened hallway, red lights and huge number signs were designed to focus your attention on the rooms. There are at least two likely reasons the numbers caught your attention- you should reflect on what their significance may have been. The transparent triangles you saw within the rooms were also likely symbolic of the underlying energetic structure to the whole place. I suspect that had you met with the woman, she would likely have led you to enter a room where a further adventure awaited.

And if it hasn't been mentioned before, the Void can provide similar adventures- Just passively gaze at the starfield before you in the Void and after a minute or so, one star or area of the starfield will catch your attention by growing brighter or shimmering somehow. Let your gaze draw you into that area or light until you Phase directly into trusting in the process and you can really go places!

Good Job!

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Awesome and very useful information EV, thank you! I didn't know much of what you mentioned, you have clarified some things that I hope to be able to use profitably in my next tests.

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on December 22, 2023, 18:30:00Personally, I don't often see the geometric structures as you describe them; I see the environment and people as mostly multi-colored strings of energy, like long, thick and complicated bundles of wiring harnesses.
Sometimes I wonder why I see so many geometric patterns, I think it's my mind's particular way of translating/interpreting energetic planes or states of consciousness/thresholds right now. It can be funny and entertaining too! 

A few days ago, after this experience, I decided to reread the chapters of Stephen Laberge's book about "defeating nightmares" and "healing dreams" and do an exercise taught to lose fears by the psychologist Paul Tholey and the result was interesting. It consists of once you become aware in the dream, you have to find your most terrible fears or create a truly terrifying place (I imagine something like Pan's Labyrinth, for example) and overcome fear with Love. 

So I become aware and I'm in The Old Mansion (again) I look at my hands and count seven fingers, I laughed a lot! three times I counted them and the count always came to seven, even so, for me it seemed like a perfectly normal hand, then to increase awareness a little more I start playing with the light switch on the wall, turning on and off a huge old lantern hanging from the ceiling. Suddenly I see some stairs that descended to a really dark and scary place, I remembered the exercise and decided that it was a good opportunity to take courage. So I go to the stairs and start descending, I also created some creepy sounds to give more atmosphere. Now I'm in total darkness and it seems that I entered the Void, but I continued feeling the structure of the staircase, until I lose the holographic body, at least the lower part, I no longer had feet to go down, but I did have hands to hold on, although I don't see anything because it's all black... it's very difficult to go down, it takes too long, I lose patience and the atmosphere is increasingly "dense and viscous" so I decide to jump down the hole inside, since it's a spiral staircase. Now I have to hold on to the internal structures to go down, because it's difficult, at that moment I ask to go to the worst and darkest parts of my mind, to heal them, whatever comes my way, I would accept it with love and I would figure it out, I firmly held that intention as I went down. I was filled with courage and pure adrenaline, I wasn't afraid, but going down wasn't easy, until suddenly a force wants to make me ascend and I start going up like a helium balloon, but I want to continue going down so I hold on tighter and I continue my path towards the depth, it's like climbing a mountain, but in reverse or as if gravity were inverted.

Until suddenly, I don't know what happened... I find myself floating over a beautiful green field, I admire the fresh grass and the blue sky, and then a huge wave of white light covers me, I entered a state of deep peace and I was absorbed in many thoughts that I don't remember. I rested a little in that pleasant light until I decided to "fall asleep" and when I did, I woke up here in the physical body with a wonderful feeling, a "delicious brain-tingling" and the sensation of a warm hug in the heart that continues to last until now. My favorite experiences are those that bring these sensations to the physical, where it seems that "the door" remains open.

Well, I think the exercise was successful after all, even if I didn't have to defeat "any monsters". I guess taking courage was enough and healing at the same time, without needing to do much more. In my next fear test I hope I can remember all this, lift the torch of Love high, remember that it's probably just a simulation and that there is always an "emergency exit"  somewhere if I need it  :-) .
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


The other day I put on practice again to get into LD/AP from Hypnagogia, a new technique for me. But it was one of those days where no images appeared, sometimes my hypnagogias consist of a scene unfolds and conversations, but I keep seeing everything black, let's say the mind's printer ink cartridge is running out  :-D . Sometimes these states can be very interesting, because I feel that another part of me is talking to other people who give me information (although I don't remember it later) but other times it's simply the entrance to a random dream without much meaning.

In this case the latter occurred and instead of maintaining awareness, for a moment I became involved in a situation and got lost. I heard people talking bad about me in the distance, however, that was what unleashed me to run semi-lucidly out of my physical body to look for them, and like the last time, I started running and running in the blackness, until I found one of those people and I saw the scene for a moment, we argued and then I ran away distressed into the blackness again. I actually didn't like how all this started so I wanted to find my body, but I didn't remember that just thinking about it I would be there, but I thought I had to look for it and get inside (things that happen  :-D ) Well, finally after running a lot through imaginary passages in the blackness, I felt that I found my room, but I decided to stay a little more "out there" and I sit in a corner of the wall for a while to think, that made my awareness increase. But when I got in, I went into Sleep Paralysis and didn't wake up, and meanwhile I saw the scene of being in another room, not the real one. Suddenly some doctors came  :-o  and started doing different tests on me that I didn't understand, I saw two people, the main doctor who had a scrub cup, mask, glasses, latex gloves and apron, and I said wow! Is that outfit necessary? And a girl who was his apprentice. I was confused because I felt that other people were on the room, but I didn't see them, I only saw two. I tried to move hard to run and escape, but I couldn't! I got a little nervous, but I remembered that I had to be calm in these SP situations. The doctor with a flashlight examined my eyesight and asked me how my vision of the world was lately HAHA! I told them that very bad, really bad, when I opened my eyes everything began to look good, but then reality reached a conical point of convergence, where the widest part became into a small point at infinity and I saw absolutely nothing. The apprentice asked me if reality also seemed "electric" to me. I didn't understand what she meant, but I told her yes, it could be a little electric, why not? lol I don't know why I made this crazy analogy.

Actually, what I wanted to say is that I always had a hard time digesting the reality of the world, I was always very affected (and continues to be) by the world situation, war, the destruction of nature, injustice, poverty and heartless materialism. Over time and with my readings I learned that this is a school/evolutionary planet and this is just part of our development in awareness. Even so, it's still a bitter pill to swallow, but I know that a positive vision of the future is essential to generate that possible reality (and our grain of sand) although I didn't mention the latter.

Well, the doctor told me that that didn't sound good at all and that it had to be resolved urgently, so they all left me alone. I think I was in SP for about 30 more seconds and while I kept trying to detach myself from the body, roll, etc. But there was no case! I just couldn't. In fact, that same afternoon during a nap I had a spontaneous detachment without any problem, odd.
Suddenly a woman comes, the one in charge of solving "the vision problem" also with her apprentice, but at that moment we see a very funny situation through the window of the room (since I was elevated by some pillows) and we laugh a lot about it, that made the tension was released and I felt like I could trust them. But suddenly, I opened my eyes and I was here again, just that, since I was already in my physical body. I was also in a rather strange position, with my fists clenched and my arms under my back. All the time during SP I felt a lot of pain, this pressure of the weight on my arms, but in an exaggerated way, since when I returned I didn't feel so much discomfort. I found it strage since in general I don't feel much of my body in SP other than the sensation of not moving. Definitely a crazy SP experience for me (which I'm not very used to, since my thing is more LD).

I wonder if I have received the famous visit from the AST, I can't say for sure what that was all about, if so, it was very fun to see all this with the "oneiric custom"  the filter of human mind. 

This form of induction never ceases to surprise me, I 'll get on it.
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


It seems like a very intense SP, Tak! The experience translates into energy adjustments in my opinion.
You think very maturely about the current situation on this version of Earth. We have to respect everyone's choice of learning. If someone has chosen to experience war, let them. They dont want interference. There is plenty of guidance all around them from all beings that wish to help. But it's up to the experiencer when and how they are ready to receive that help after they have gone through what they have created for themselves and completed the lessons. The question for each of us is why have WE chosen to be on this version of Earth and observe or are affected in some way by the current global events. Surely there are lessons for us as well.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I am in agreement with LB and energy adjustments. Tak, I think your experiences have evolved into an area where some aspects of the experience are still in highly metaphorical or symbolic terms, while other aspects can be considered much more literally. The imagery of doctors and assistants working with you can be considered as indicative of healing processes so you should likely trust in the process as it occurs. This can be difficult and requires learning new levels of trust. I certainly had and still do have, trust issues with some of these experiences.

LB's points on your current world view are valid and I will suggest taking the thinking on this a bit further, given my own personal experience in a similar situation. The two doctors very explicitly expressed to you their concerns about your current negative view of the world. I am not disagreeing with your world view; I actually agree with much of it. The doctors' point is that your world view is a negative factor in limiting how far your Non-Physical experiences can now proceed. Specifically, in Theosophical terms, they are saying that the Upper Astral and Lower Mental Planes will not open to you until you address the negative world view. This is not to argue about the right or wrong of your world view, but rather the degree of it and how your perspective affects and limits YOU and your own personal learning.

This is again where Kurt Leland's writings are so very beneficial to people like you and me, who seem to resonate pretty closely with his writings, style and perspective; and he speaks directly to this issue of the requirement to change our world view in order to progress in our NP development.

I don't believe I have written of this on the Pulse; I kept this experience as a private matter, only sharing it with Szaxx at the time, who gave me valuable advice on how to deal with it. In 2015, I was on a personal trip and had not slept for two days. The morning of the third day, I had what was arguably the worst nightmare of my life...a semi-lucid dream that put me in the fourth row of a theater, surrounded by the world's political leaders, all watching a horrid movie of the current state of the world: War, murder, rape and pillaging and endless human suffering...and all of them were enjoying the show...I was profoundly disgusted by everyone around me and felt totally helpless...I awoke in a stark panic and could not explain to myself any reason for having such a ghastly dream.

With Szaxx' advice, a re-read of Leland's book, The Multidimensional Human and the Projection Log reference I will later provide, I realized that I had reached a significant decision-point where my negative world view (although somewhat reasonably founded) was now hindering my progress. In his book, Leland actually provides a simple technique for making this adjustment, called Cleaning the Astral Closet. It involves dispensing with negative emotions through a personal visualization process. I did that for several months and eventually my experiences were restarted (I should probably go back and repeat the process from time to time, Lol).

I saw this pattern play out within my own experience, and I see it now within yours Tak, so I would advise to give it strong consideration...this is another indication of how your experiences have advanced.

Tak, like me you seem to resonate with Kurt's writings. Here is one from his website and Personal Projection Log that offers excellent perspective on many levels, but also specifically to your world view issue about two-thirds of the way through. Maybe you have already read it; if not, it deserves a special reference for now  I have read it several times and always find something new and valuable. It is a long piece, but even includes reference to a famous Argentine writer, which may be an interesting coincidence for you, Tak! I recommend the article for everyone. If not relevant now, it will be in the future...


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Quote from: EscapeVelocity on January 03, 2024, 22:24:31I don't believe I have written of this on the Pulse; I kept this experience as a private matter, only sharing it with Szaxx at the time, who gave me valuable advice on how to deal with it. In 2015, I was on a personal trip and had not slept for two days. The morning of the third day, I had what was arguably the worst nightmare of my life...a semi-lucid dream that put me in the fourth row of a theater, surrounded by the world's political leaders, all watching a horrid movie of the current state of the world: War, murder, rape and pillaging and endless human suffering...and all of them were enjoying the show...I was profoundly disgusted by everyone around me and felt totally helpless...I awoke in a stark panic and could not explain to myself any reason for having such a ghastly dream.

With Szaxx' advice, a re-read of Leland's book, The Multidimensional Human and the Projection Log reference I will later provide, I realized that I had reached a significant decision-point where my negative world view (although somewhat reasonably founded) was now hindering my progress. In his book, Leland actually provides a simple technique for making this adjustment, called Cleaning the Astral Closet. It involves dispensing with negative emotions through a personal visualization process. I did that for several months and eventually my experiences were restarted (I should probably go back and repeat the process from time to time, Lol).

I saw this pattern play out within my own experience, and I see it now within yours Tak, so I would advise to give it strong consideration...this is another indication of how your experiences have advanced.

Tak, like me you seem to resonate with Kurt's writings. Here is one from his website and Personal Projection Log that offers excellent perspective on many levels, but also specifically to your world view issue about two-thirds of the way through. Maybe you have already read it; if not, it deserves a special reference for now  I have read it several times and always find something new and valuable. It is a long piece, but even includes reference to a famous Argentine writer, which may be an interesting coincidence for you, Tak! I recommend the article for everyone. If not relevant now, it will be in the future...

Oh man... I think you've hit my nail on my head.  LoL
I think that's my issue the last few years.  I've been so focused on the negative things in life - it's starting to become reality. 

I know you meant this for Tak, but it has hit a note of resonance for myself as well.  I'm going to look up that method and see what I can do.   

Thanks for posting that EV.  I NEEDED to hear just that.  :)


Thank you all for your responses!  :-)  I read Leland's article, very good! I found his books on Kindle, so I'll have them soon, I'm excited like a child at Christmas! I loved that he saw his Guide as Jorge Luis Borges, that's so cool! I see... I not only consider that having a negative view of the world is now a limiting factor for the development of the Non-Physical experiences, but for daily life, since these bring quite devastating emotions... I think my view of reality is still being observed from a very human perspective, so to speak, and conditioned by my own personal events in life. I know that I must expand my field of vision, observe from another angle, understanding and accepting that the things that happen have a deeper reason, even if I still don't fully understand them. It's not easy, but it will be good to work on it.

Now something else for my Journal...

Hypnagogia: After induction and a series of breaths, I enter into a kind of tunnel, where superimposed three-dimensional triangular shapes emerge sharply from the walls, cold tones and at the end a threshold... when I cross it I see another scene, a kind of fluid, now there are warm tones, with rotating concentric circles and other strange abstractions impossible to describe. I feel very happy there, it's like being at home, I also felt some kind of pressure in my third eye.

Somehow I knew it was time and I detach of the body, I just sat down and slid to the side, now I see everything black and I feel like the atmosphere is a little heavy, it's hard to move, but I do it and stand up, I start screaming internally I want to be in RTZ! I want to see, I want to see! ... But I felt like I had a hard shell over me, as if my body were an egg or I was inside one, and I also had things over my head that I wanted to get rid of. Little by little I started to see my room, I saw that the color of the wall was correct this time, that was a good sign ha-ha. To do a reality check, I cut rectangular papers and wrote numbers from 1 to 5 and without looking I placed one on a tall furniture, so I could go check it later during an Obe, just to get my bearings and have a goal. I get closer to the furniture to see the number... I went up and saw it, it was 7, written by my hand. However, I knew that I had only put numbers from 1 to 5 and it was not possible...
Then I turned around and saw my body lying on the bed, I saw myself with all my equipment on, the sound-canceling earmuffs and the sleeping mask, it didn't scare me, but I had to remind myself, I'm not dead, this is just an Obe, huh! Also, about sixteen years ago, I had on that furniture the figure of an eagle totem, a souvenir from another country, I didn't even remember that, but there it was, the shiny totem, there are always many objects from the past! Well, since I was confused about the number, I went to the window and flew out, but I entered the Void as always. So, I ask for help to see, and I started to see strange buildings forming, it was funny because I could see the construction of the scene, the buildings were all messy, overlapping, turned around and moving... yeah, at the best Dr. Strange style! lol. 

But when the scene finished forming, it was incredible... It was my city again, but another version of it. I'm taken by the Guiding Force now through the landscape, we were going quite fast to the east (a pattern that repeats itself, apparently, and I love it). A splendid day, blue sky and the wind was blowing over me and it felt so good... This time there are fewer buildings and for the most part there are minimalist/futuristic style houses, they are gray, black and white, elongated, huge glass panels, like rectangles arranged perpendicularly. They all have big gardens with perfect grass, swimming pools... and there is no delimitation between the lands. The ground is not flat, I see relief, small hills... People happily enjoy nature, some have barbecues, others read, play games and spend family time. While I'm flying, I wave some people and say Hi, friends!  :-)  and they look at me kind of strange, but some smile and others greet me too. The river this time looked more like a sea and had an exquisite light blue color, fresh and unpolluted. I asked to participate in the scene to go swimming at the sea. I always want to do the same thing, at first it made me mad because it's such an everyday thing, but analyzing it I think it has a deeper connotation, related to spirituality and my goals.

The Guiding Force gently placed me in one of the structures, now the context changes because I was in a kind of beautiful Greek temple, but I only visited the outside, a nice terrace, everything was white, stone tiles, huge vases with plants and many stairs with decorated railings... and the music of some drums could be heard all the time, like someone doing a ritual. Beautiful men and women seminude dressed in period clothing smile at me, but I don't interact with them, because there was something lustful about them... No thanks, I won't participate in the orgy LOL. I continue my way and walk until I found some stairs in the place that went down, so I went down, but immediately I had to go up again, and I went up, and then there was another one that went down again... to the supposed beach. But there was no beach! But a dark swamp, it was a reddish-brown river surrounded by plants, you could hear toads, crickets and all kinds of animals... and the drums that keep playing. When I looked down the stairs, there was the Void! But only a strip of it... and on the other side the swamp scene continued. I didn't know how I was going to cross it, since upon entering the Void everything would disintegrate, I think I should have flown over, but that option just wasn't in my head... Strange! I've never seen just a portion of Void dividing stages, something new. So, I decided to turn around and go back... Bad idea! Now everything faded away and I enter the Void.

Now in the Void I run to create movement and take the opportunity to ask a question... Why am I here, why am I incarnated on Earth, what is my purpose, what do I have to learn? But I don't receive a response, I feel like a lump in my throat and I return to my body immediately... It's okay! I can't know this now and I respect that, someday. I know we must learn lessons to evolve, I just wanted a more personalized response :roll:.

I find myself in my body, but I detach myself again, in the same way as before, and again I see everything black, now to see I employ some fun methods that occurred to me at that moment, such as "opening a zipper"  or cut with a dagger "the veil" with the intention of going to RTZ, it's not that I saw these objects, but I created the sensation... that did absolutely nothing  :-D  but after a while I start to see. Now the environment is not heavy, but I felt that I had the sleeping mask and the sound-canceling earmuffs in the astral too, so to speak, what was happening is that I continued feeling my physical body, that kind of uncomfortable bilocation, where I continue feeling the physical body and at the same time I move around the environment... I wanted to corroborate the number again, but when I went to look up the furniture it was worse, since this time there were two pieces of paper with numbers, one had number 4, but around it there were many other numbers written smaller, and the other one number 7 again (The real one was number 5 :-)).

I decided to go out the window and I enter the Void again, so I ask for help to see. At that moment I felt like I was with someone next to me, we talked about something, but I don't remember anything, that moment is confusing... I have the feeling that he teaches me something and he is an old friend of mine, with a crazy and insightful personality. His body is like static, like the moving microdots on television when there is no signal, but translucent, formless. I think my body looks the same, although at times I can't see the difference between mine and his, so I don't know who it belongs to really, then he left. The image appeared, but it was not the city, but something better! A huge lake surrounded by a gray concrete French railing and many restaurants, people boating, walking, eating and a lot of happiness around... The Guiding Force takes me now hovering over the water, which had a beautiful deep blue color.  I don't have a body now, I'm just a point of consciousness watching, floating. This time we are going very slowly, I asked if we could go faster, but we didn't, I felt like I should calm my anxiety and enjoy the ride, I was so happy.... And suddenly we entered a tunnel made of willow trees and all kind of vines, now the water that I see below is green, it was a wonderful forest... And on the sides of the road there were wooden benches on small floating islands over the water, with children sitting on them smiling happily and enjoying the surroundings. On the trees there are beautiful pink flowers, like the silk floss's tree... when I focus on them, they now turn into butterflies that fly away and I enter the hypnagogic state again, where these butterflies are now more geometric and colorful. I hear a wooosh! And I was back.

I wonder why it's so difficult to access RTZ. Ten years ago, I was able to do it with a strong intention, although after more than a year of constant practice I still couldn't always achieve it. I also wonder why I see everything black or gray when I detach from the body, since other people start to see their room and other scenes directly. According to what I read in William Buhlman's book, it could be a lack of awareness, but my awareness is such that I think I fell out of bed, I even doubted if I was sleepwalking at times. Well, I guess it will adjust over time, what is important here are the experiences themselves and the lessons learned. There are still many pieces missing from my puzzle!

.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Quote from: Tak on January 16, 2024, 13:32:57I not only consider that having a negative view of the world is now a limiting factor for the development of the Non-Physical experiences, but for daily life, since these bring quite devastating emotions

This is absolutely true!
Regarding what is our purpose. In my view this is the simplest thing. Our purpose is to CREATE a purpose. What do you want to create while experiencing this reality? Who do you want to be? How does the best version of you would behave and react to challenges? Go ahead and start behaving like this version that you want to be and then your reflection on the outside world in form of experiences will align accordingly.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Tak, I have to ask- Why do you have this strong desire to visit the RTZ?

I do not want to preclude your answer, but I will say this-

Many of the more experienced projectors find it difficult, if not impossible, to find their way back to the RTZ. So you, Tak, are one of the more experienced projectors!

Given that observation- what is going on? Well, it is speculation. Which supposed expert do you want to listen to? At this point, Tak; your opinion is about as 'expert' as any other so-called expert!

My supposed 'expert' opinion is this (having been doing this since age 5...and I still don't pretend to know, lol)- We want to re-experience the RTZ because it was the first environment we remember when first going out-of-body. It seems SO close to the Physical Reality (PR) that we think that must be what it is...but we know it has variations and misinterpretations...these are commonly called 'reality fluctuations'...

I am not sure, but I think this thinking is a significant distortion. The term RTZ or Reality Time Zone became popular some time after 2000 and is an easy description but is clearly not accurate.

A more accurate description necessarily pulls us into one spiritual tradition which is the Theosophical view which draws from Hinduism. I do not promote either tradition except to admit that the energy body concept, chakra system of the Hindus appears to fairly describe what we are experiencing. The Theosophical description is just the modernized, Westernized this system, the Etheric body is the first subtle energy body to be mastered, the consciousness learning to enter and inhabit it...learning to exit and maneuver away from the physical body...beyond that, the astral, mental, causal bodies and beyond...

So, to circle back and answer your question Tak, 'Why can't I explore my etheric/RTZ body further?'...the answer is that you have already left the experiences of that body far behind you. You have already moved on.

That is not to say that you cannot have those experiences; but they may prove surprisingly difficult to access. Szaxx, Lumaza, myself and others have mentioned the lack of RTZ experiences and actually, the difficulty in accessing them; I can't remember LightBeam or Nameless even mentioning them. Personally, I think it is an aspect of our moving our consciousness into higher bodies of may mean that we have access later in our life, but not right now...

I had not had an RTZ experience since maybe 2013...thought I had lost them for all these reasons...last week I was dozing early morning, not even partly asleep...BANG! the vibrations hit, the noise hit! I floated straight out and got swept through my bedroom, noting all the details along the way, lol...downstairs, partly through the wall, lol...into my family room, then pulled backward out the back of the house...'RTZ fluctuations' set in, I realized dream imagery was intruding...and I went out the back wall of my grandparents' house realizing the incongruity and lost awareness...

Tak, in closing, I will say that many of us feel like we have unfinished business in the RTZ...let that feeling go, release it...move on to the next in this process

By the way, I love the blue/green river scene...that imagery is so strong for me, thank you! Very healing for me!

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


Thank you very much for your kind responses! Always a pleasure to read your advice  :-)

Quote from: LightBeam on January 16, 2024, 14:00:32This is absolutely true!
Regarding what is our purpose. In my view this is the simplest thing. Our purpose is to CREATE a purpose. What do you want to create while experiencing this reality? Who do you want to be? How does the best version of you would behave and react to challenges? Go ahead and start behaving like this version that you want to be and then your reflection on the outside world in form of experiences will align accordingly.
Lightbeam, very wise words! We are creators. Sometimes I feel insecure about my life, thinking, am I doing right? Will I be on the right path? But deep down we all know very well the instructions of this crazy game, it's just that they are deep hidden in our consciousness. Although I didn't receive a direct answer that day, somehow I feel that "information comes down" to my mind, "by dripping". I feel my thoughts more organized, calm and at peace, it's pleasant. I know the paths will open up.

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on January 18, 2024, 00:23:55Tak, I have to ask- Why do you have this strong desire to visit the RTZ?
EscapeVelocity, excellent conclusion! Thank you for always delving so deeply into my questions, I agree with you. I think that in part the desire to visit RTZ is because my first spontaneous experiences have been right there, and it's the "default image" so to speak, that I have of "what to expect from an astral projection". And I don't know why I continue with this old pattern, if I already know that an obe is much more than that... Although, I also do it as a game, a simple "exercise of skill" to have fun and have a goal, an orientation, since many times when I go out I feel disoriented, and this helps me focus and concentrate. I try to remember how I felt in those spontaneous RTZ experiences and reproduce it in some way. I guess I also feel what you mention about having "unfinished business there". One of them is to overcome the fear of the body, this last time it struck me again, why do I think I died? Part of the ego continues to partially identify with the body, it's very easy to say "we are not this body" but when we see ourselves lying there... Mother mine! :-o I also felt frustrated, because 18 years ago and also 5 years ago I had two spontaneous experiences in RTZ where I began to rise from my body... They were perfect, very "neat" I was just a point of consciousness surrounded by a haze of white light and I started to see my room, but I came back into my body again, screaming I'm not ready, not today, not today! I don't know why it scared me so much, what a wasted opportunity! I regret. I feel like I "owe" myself a walk around the neighborhood, since I have only stumbled through my house.

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on January 18, 2024, 00:23:55I had not had an RTZ experience since maybe 2013...thought I had lost them for all these reasons...last week I was dozing early morning, not even partly asleep...BANG! the vibrations hit, the noise hit! I floated straight out and got swept through my bedroom, noting all the details along the way, lol...downstairs, partly through the wall, lol...into my family room, then pulled backward out the back of the house...'RTZ fluctuations' set in, I realized dream imagery was intruding...and I went out the back wall of my grandparents' house realizing the incongruity and lost awareness...
How nice your obe experience around the house and feeling all the objects around, that's fun :-D very good! I wonder what those forces are. It's like this Guiding Force that directs almost all my experiences now, I have no control over this, it's as if a current of air takes me from the ground at its will, it also does it through the Void, it can be towards a beautiful landscape or a specific lesson. I'm suspecting that it's a higher aspect of my own consciousness, dissociated. In fact, in some hypnagogic experiences it also appears, lying in bed with my eyes closed, but completely immersed in another environment, it takes me to explore a specific area. I don't have much luck with questions lately, but maybe I'll dare to ask next time, who is behind this? Since this energy has become more communicative with me, it's not as if I'm talking to another person, no, in fact it's as if it were through my own thoughts, as if I were decoding an encrypted message and just pressing the "play" button. And it has said some pretty harsh things to me! :roll: but they are helping me a lot. I love traveling this way, I prefer that, rather of being on my own now, it's easy to get used to!

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on January 18, 2024, 00:23:55By the way, I love the blue/green river scene...that imagery is so strong for me, thank you! Very healing for me!
Oh yeah! I have no words to thank going to these beautiful places, I really needed it, it's regenerative. 

Thanks again everyone and if I can see the right number one day, I'll let you know lol.
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


I really enjoy reading your reply, Tak.

I think, as long as there is- "i, my, me mine" (Cue polysics =P) most definitely we are going to be terrified.

I've opened up a conversation about this very thing with Casey over at the GTC- (for anyone interested).

We're all students here, and we're learning to see the world with a new set of eyes. A language that goes beyond the concept of, 'i, my, me mine' and we're contending with years of biological fight/flight evolution.   

It would appear there are many ways to experience life on Earth...

PS... Did you enjoy the popcorn and Interstellar?   :-)


Quote from: tides2dust on January 18, 2024, 22:33:59I really enjoy reading your reply, Tak.

I think, as long as there is- "i, my, me mine" (Cue polysics =P) most definitely we are going to be terrified.

I've opened up a conversation about this very thing with Casey over at the GTC- (for anyone interested).

We're all students here, and we're learning to see the world with a new set of eyes. A language that goes beyond the concept of, 'i, my, me mine' and we're contending with years of biological fight/flight evolution. 

It would appear there are many ways to experience life on Earth...

PS... Did you enjoy the popcorn and Interstellar?  :-)

Thank you very much Tides for your response, I'm glad you liked it.

Oh! The Ego thing... our beloved roommate, an integral tool for development on the physical plane and at the same time has become the great enemy of humanity, creating fear, divisions, destruction and confusion about our true nature. Much to reflect on! I suppose we must understand that this is just a useful tool, but without letting it involve us too much, learn to control it and put it in its place. Easy? Not at all!

I loved your conversation with Casey, very deep words from both of you, I always learn so much here with all of you  :-) I understood the concept. I also liked the topic of planetary ascension and massive contact, I haven't seen that topic very much, just a little bit. I have hope that humanity will wake up little by little, but it won't be easy. For my part, I have many fears to work on, I try hard.

I really enjoyed Interstellar! I loved it, thank you Tides for the recommendation, I want to see the second part now. Very emotional and suspenseful movie... and the end just woah! I didn't expect anything less. I love those dystopian futuristic movies... Humanity needs to reflect on its course, we still have time to change things. Sometimes I don't know what to think about the world and if there really is a chance of change or if everything is orchestrated as a script by those who have control. I refuse to believe that, and I choose to believe that there is hope, thoughts are very important right now because it manifests. The world needs more love and light than technology now,  to look more inside than outside, only then can we save ourselves. Very good movie! And the popcorn... yummi! I learned to make homemade candy so... they are addictive! :-D  Nice.
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


<3 Thank you Tak, I admire your thoughts and share a similar sentiment.


I would like to share some things, inspired by some writings that I have read from other Pulse members recently.

Reading the last Tides publication, where he had a beautiful hypnagogia connecting with the sound of the ocean, made me remember that eight years ago I experienced something that perhaps is still difficult to find an explanation for. I was going through a distressing moment in my life and I had panic attacks for three days in a row, it was horrible, I was having them all month, but never days in a row like on that occasion. I didn't tell anyone, since I'm a person who finds difficult to talk about my feelings, I never went to therapy in my life, not even in those extreme cases, because I find it really difficult to communicate my emotions with others. But the situation was getting out of hand, one day I remember that in one of those crises I couldn't speak anymore, I was almost mute and had difficulty walking, I was very scared. So, I just take a glass of water and went to sleep. And the most incredible thing happened...!

In just few minutes I went into Sleep Paralysis, I didn't even induce it, just from one moment to the next I couldn't move anymore, my body was like solid rock and I entered a deep hypnagogic state... I started flying/swimming at full speed through a huge and complex network of pipes. Around me I saw all the animals of the ocean, dolphins, jellyfish, whales and fishes of the most dazzling colors, and there were also beautiful aquatic plants and flowers. Everyone emanated the most absolute love and I was incredibly happy with them. I remember a beautiful dolphin next to me, who looked at me and it was as if with his energy winked at me and I smiled at him. It felt like I was in a Disney World water park lol. And the most incredible thing was the colors, since everything was made of fluorescent brushstrokes on the dense black, the fishes and pipes were linear contours with a soft colored background, made of the most beautiful energy...

I felt so much fun and happiness, it was literally like being a five years old child again... And the experience lasted quite a long time, I don't know how many minutes, but enough to enjoy and never want to go back again, I wanted to be an energy little fishie into my shoal forever...  :-D  I suddenly lost awareness and I only woke up the next day, I slept for more than twelve hours! And I had no memory of dreaming anything, when I always remember my dreams. Well, and the most incredible thing about the story is that I woke up PERFECTLY well, I was cured, completely cured... it was as if I had never had those crises in my entire life, a new person, from one day to the next the entire chemical structure of my brain changed. Never again in eight years did I suffer from depression, panic attacks, or anything like that, all of that disappeared in one night and it was one of the most fascinating hypnagogias I have ever had. When I was going through the network of pipes with the others, I felt like I was releasing layers and returning to my purest essence. An impressive healing experience. I don't know if it was myself and my own ability to regenerate my body and mind, or if I received NP help, maybe both. I never had enough words to thank for such benevolence. And from there off course I made many changes in my life. It was just wonderful.

And also, inspired by the Void conversation, I want to say that there is no experience where I don't go through the Void, it's the law for me, whether from F2 or SP. In fact I don't always want it, but that's what happens. The sticky The Void helped me so much in understanding the nature of this "catapult" state. For me the Void was always a dense black, gray or white... although 90% of the time pure black. But now it's taking unexpected new nuances, I suppose because of my progress and my openness.

I became aware in a dream and found myself climbing some stairs towards a high viewpoint... from there I looked and saw the most absolute depth, everything black, it was the Void, but this time it had like stars in the distance, some were white and others with a bluish tone, some were large and others small, and their light was motionless, it wasn't like seeing a twinkling star in the night sky. And they were in a cluster, not everywhere, but in a group in front of me, since everything on my sides was black. I was so excited to see this... it also reminded me of when we see a city from a plane at night.

I felt adrenaline, because it reminded me of outer space and I jumped without thinking from the viewpoint, I started flying and flying and the stars were always far away, I remembered EV's advice when he said that I could concentrate on one of them and get closer, but it didn't work, I still need more practice! But it was interesting to try it. I began to spin around in the air like astronauts in zero gravity, over and over again, I felt an inexplicable happiness and I also felt that it was cold, but pleasant.... And something unusual happened, I made a sharp turn in the air and suddenly I was in the White Void! :-o A sudden change of scenery, it was not an immaculate white, but it had golden and orange tones and I noticed a certain misty air around me... and now I didn't feel cold, it was warm... Very happy I also started to fly, I was through a kind of spongy tunnel... I make a sharp turn again and I'm once again in the Starry Void! Feeling cold, I couldn't believe it.

I made that change about three times, I don't know why this happened or what it was. I didn't need to do anything else, or think about anything else, I felt fulfilled, absolute and complete there. It seemed like a pretty strange situation to me and I started to get paranoid, I think my awareness was fluctuating a little... this was too strange and could only mean one thing, I was in a coma! Something terrible had happened to me, I was probably in some hospital and my family was worried about me, I didn't remember having done the induction, I thought I would have passed out on the street or something like that (although this never happened to me) maybe someone put a drug in my drink (even though I don't drink alcohol) LOL! My God! I started to think about many things, I just didn't remember how I got there. But suddenly I felt like someone told me that my body was fine, protected and that I could continue with the experience. And the truth is, if I was in a coma I didn't care anymore, and I didn't remember anything anymore, that state was great! After a while I return to the body in SP and I realize what had happened, I detached and enter the Void again and this starry thing continued, but the stars looked smaller this time, and I no longer pay attention to them. I just wandered around a little, projected myself into a possibly holographic room, since my body was not in the bed and I also looked at the hidden card and it said 5.85, I laughed a lot at this! Is someone playing a joke on me? Then I came back. Certainly an interesting experience that reveals new aspects of the Void for me, and how can we go from one state to another.

.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


<3 Wow Tak, thank you for sharing such incredible experiences. I really love both of them, but especially your healing dreams with the dolphins. You really touched something in my heart. And I think the child like wonder is something the Gurus tell us to aspire for.

May we never lose our sense of wonder. You have just motivated me to pay extra attention to the details tonight. It feels like we're pioneers of consciousness.
My spirit bows in gratitude.


A shared experience

About 10 years ago, in another period of my practice, I had the joy of being able to share an experience with another person who was also an AP practitioner. That experience taught me a lot about how we can perceive our different astral and dream environments and how to identify them if we sharpen our perceptive acuity a little.

We never talked about meeting in the astral, this was apparently his idea and he did well not to tell me, so as not to alter the results through suggestion, it was quite a surprise. And actually, the best part of the experience has been from his perspective, since he is a more advanced APer than me, I'm just a beginner. One night I went to sleep and at one point I found myself semi-lucid in a dream, where this person appeared next to me and we walked together down a wide empty avenue on a dark street. We talked a little and then he took my hand, but I let go of it, I didn't want us to walk like that because I was embarrassed, we looked like a couple and we weren't lol, but he insisted on holding my hand, and I let go again, this happened maybe four times. Until at the end of the street I perceived him as being wrapped in a dark whirlpool and I couldn't see him anymore, then he disappeared.

We never met in person, we only talked online, and the next day when I connected, without telling him absolutely anything about my dream I had had with him the night before (and I wasn't planning to do it anyway... since at that moment it seemed irrelevant to me) he told me that he had visited me in the astral the night before :-o and proceeded to tell me his experience. Of course, I still haven't said a word about my dream, to corroborate... He told me that he was in my room, but it was too dark to see too much, in what seemed to me to be a RTZ experience, where he found my energy body suspended over my physical body. It was easy for him to enter RTZ and he always talked to me about how he saw people suspended over their bodies floating while they slept and dream at night, many in fetal position, others wandering around like zombies in their own room... And somehow, I feel like this is what happens to me when I detach myself from the body and can't tune into RTZ. I can hear the sounds of the street, touch my furniture... but I don't see, and when I see it's possibly a hologram and I go back to LD or it's a fluctuation. I think the most difficult part is to tune in completely. 
Well, he made a point in which I was face up, stretched a few meters from the physical body. He tried to make me aware, so he started talking to me, when I didn't respond, he took my hand, but I let go, he tried several times, but it wasn't possible, I resisted (like my dream!) until he got tired and left.

He saw my energy body as white light with a human form (the same as how I usually see myself, sometimes this light is more solid or more translucent, although I perceive myself formless) but there was a curiosity, something that I haven't been able to verify for myself, but that he told me that he saw, and that my energy body was all surrounded by a blue halo, not that the white light was mixed with the blue, but like an edge, a blue outline around it. He told me also that until now he had never seen that in anyone, nor in himself and that he didn't know what it was. For years I wondered what that blue halo could be, since I don't see it... but a few months ago I read the books of the hypnotist Michael Newton, books that lacks a little information, but I quite like a lot! And it talks about soul auras (This are not the same human auras of the Kirlian camera) they are around the solid color of the energy body, which are perceived as separate from it, at its edges, which apparently some souls have and represent attributes, just that, for example the blue one represents knowledge, learning, and that one of its purposes for the individual is to study and learn. Maybe it's this, I don't know, I hope one day I can perceive it for myself and draw my own conclusions, but reading this description reminded me a lot of it.

After telling me all about his experience, needless to say, I was perplexed! And I didn't say anything to him until he finished writing the last paragraph. I told him my dream and how it coincided with his visit (it was the same night) especially with holding my hand so many times and seeing him disappear in a whirlwind when he left. The only thing I didn't realize was that he was talking to me to make me aware; in my dream we talked about trivial things. But everything else was perfect and I feel so grateful to have shared this with someone else. We never talk again and lost contact, but he taught me many things and I'll always be grateful to him.

For me, this whole experience is a clear example of how we can perceive with the filter of the mind in our dreams (lucid or not) things that are happening on the astral plane around us. Many times, I read other people wondering how it's possible to distinguish an astral trip, a lucid dream, etc. And the reality is that everything is so mixed! Even if we are not aware, we may be visiting energetic planes, so being aware or not is not a determining factor. We must pay close attention to our dreams, wonderful things are happening and we don't give them importance. It's true that sometimes they are simple subconscious manifestations, maybe the most of them, but not always... In some way or another this experience, like others, helped me identify, through a particular "feeling", when something out of the ordinary is happening. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel that there is something different, with a very special tint... "something" is happening. Glimpses into the "future", "a past life", a visit from a Guide, or a deceased loved one, going to healing's places, or planes of pure ecstasy. How do we know it wasn't just "a dream"? It feels different and that's something that only each one of us can identify, only oneself realizes it, no one can do that work for us.

Recently I had one of these particular experiences, where I was semi-lucid in a huge room made of copper metal with strange structures, I was just a point of consciousness, and behind me, as if at the back of my neck, two invisible instructors, one on each side, gave me a comprehensive class on the nature of the soul and life... (They could also be higher aspects of myself dissociated, I don't know, it's just that sometimes the gap between "You and I" stops making sense and the line of ego is blurred).
My eyes were wide open, and it was an exorbitant sensation due to the content of the information... "The feeling" of that dream was completely different from normal, I have no words to describe it, it's just different... Unfortunately I don't remember ANYTHING of that class, only the topic, everything was buried deep in my subconscious and I only have flashes of what happened, then everything continued in the Void. I'm very sorry that I'm still not at the level of being able to consciously learn all this and that they have to erase my conscious memory :cry: but I'm not capricious, and I know that the knowledge will always be there when it's needed. I woke up grateful, happy and full of energy, knowing that everything was more than a simple dream.

What an incredible gift humanity has received, dream, dream, dream! ♥
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.