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Quote from: Tak on June 01, 2024, 21:21:04I love these collective experiences/thought interactions! Delicious. A lot of energy moving around, huh? Sometimes I am stunned with these things, because I read your post here, and they are similar with my dreams/AP of the night before. In fact, I recently read Lightbeam's AP about that wonderful place she visited inside a portal, and coincidentally I was also in a very peculiar place, a "City of Light" where everything was made of the purest energy,

I love sensing a type of Universal download as well. To sense and see a type of interconnection. I can not always correctly determine the meaning, but sometimes just recognizing how connected we are is enough to lay my weary head to rest. I surrender to that greater power, with faith and confidence that we are being guided by a Loving Intelligence.

<3 I hopped online to do one thing, and ended up spending my time here.
Reading these last few post to this song...
Magic. <3


To induce this experience, I remembered Lumaza's technique of visualizing himself playing basketball. So, as I like to knit, I decided to imagine the movement of a needle knitting wool, making knots and different movements, the colors, and all the patterns I leave when sewing. Meanwhile feeling my breathing and waiting for this mental movement to trigger the hypnagogic state's geometric patterns. I need to visualize something that has movement, so I don't get bored and my mind doesn't go away from the exercise. The good thing about doing things with your hands for many hours before going to sleep is when you close your eyes, I don't know if this has happened to you, but I continue seeing the movement, if it has been "stuck" inside the retina. And that is why I chose to visualize the weaving as part of the exercise.

Suddenly, different colors and shapes start dancing and making undulating movements in front of me, sometimes in a grid pattern. Little by little I concentrate on a particular shape and I get into it, I play with these shapes. I discovered that I can change and manipulate them in a certain way, that makes them grow, their colors and movements increase, they start out being very simple, to gradually become very complex abstract formations, huge and beautiful with thousands of nuances. I really enjoy this moment! Something that is catching my attention the most is that a few months ago, this state was somewhat weaker, that is, if I heard any sound from the street that distracted me, everything would quickly fade away. However, now I can hear any sound or move a little on the bed and continue seeing all this.

Then, I start to see a sort of very old walls carved with many Mayan or Inca style figures and symbols, I really don't know who they could belong to, because my knowledge on this subject is merely superficial. To recognize the symbols and gods, I would have to pay more attention the next time it happens. This is a pattern that catches my attention, why do I always see this, these walls of ancient civilizations. I am very attracted to all this, but it is not something that I look at so often to appear so frequently and that is why I think it could be something related to some past/simultaneous lifetime. I do not have ancestry from these cultures, otherwise I might think that it has remained in my cellular memory or something like that, but no. It's just something interesting.
Now into the scene, I see myself as a young man of that civilization, I am a hunter in the jungle with my friends, we are in a river catching fish. My friends started making jokes about a crocodile going to eat me and they laughed, I didn't like at all, and I was very angry and scared! I could see my feet through the clear water. It is not a surprise for me to see myself as a man, even if I am a woman, sometimes I dream that I am of a different gender, and this is not odd to me because I know we have been many things. Suddenly I began to be carried by the Guiding Force through the air and I saw a map of an ancient city, I got very excited and wanted to go. I focus on a beautiful reddish pyramidal temple, and I am now inside it, but soon everything faded away and saw many native warriors around me. I lose awareness.   

When I become aware again, I find myself floating above my body in my room, I did not detach myself this time. I realized that the room was all fluctuated, everything looks strange, the furniture is "liquefied" as if it were drawn and someone swipe a finger over it with the paint still fresh, like those Photoshop effects LOL, that was creepy and scared me a little. When I look at the window, I see behind a black wall and that the sun was filtering a little above it...
I go out through the window as always, but I don't see anything, everything is black, but I can feel the heat of the sun and hear the noise of the city. It seems very crazy to me to feel the heat of the sun in my energy body, or maybe it is my mind that makes it by knowing is a sunny day. I feel like I'm rising and rising and finally getting into The Void, but now everything is gray, more like fog and there are spiral formations with some black and white swirls, mixing with each other. I had never seen these spiral formations before, I remember reading about it in The Void thread last year, but it is the first time I see it, in my case they were small swirls about the size of a tennis ball and a lot of them, but the gray fog predominated.   

This is a threshold state I was in before (just gray fog) I could move into the etheric plane from there if I would concentrate, but at the time I didn't remember that. Suddenly, I feel something very particular, a vibrant sensation throughout my body, it is beautiful and revitalizes me... However, I realize that I no longer have a body! I thought so, but no. I am completely merged with the environment now, it is as if the environment around me were my body itself.  I have felt something similar before, that my energy body has no form or limit, but it's as if it slowly faded away and merges with the surroundings, without knowing where it begins or ends. But in this case, it is not the same, because there is no difference between inside and outside, there is no "my" body anymore.

I begin to move, but more like a point of consciousness, even so I can feel that penetrating energy around me, I feel contained and loved by all that warm vibration that surrounds me and of which I am a part of. If I don't feel comfortable with this, I have the chance to create the sensation of having a separate or human-shaped body, but it would only be a holographic mental illusion, because actually my body is the environment itself. I liked it a lot, so it wasn't necessary. As I move around, I feel as if I were in a huge baseball player field full of small electric balls that slide around me, I feel like friction, if this makes any sense and at the same time, I am part of them, because I am them. I don't see them, it's just a feeling. My mind did not feel any change, I still felt like an individual, since the sensation of fusion had more to do with my surroundings. But off course I could say I felt more integrated, expanded and loved. Strangely enough, all this did not surprise me and seemed like a completely natural state.   
I stayed there for a while, but I already wanted to leave... so with all my strength I imagined myself surrounded by a beautiful blue sky with white and fluffy clouds, but I don't go there! I am surprised because I know those dimensions are thought response, but sometimes I really try hard to think about something, and it doesn't happen, I don't know why, maybe I'm missing an "ingredient" in the formula. Then I decide to come back.

The truth is that I am happy to be able to gradually get out of lucid dreams more easily and enter more stable areas, since it is something that always took a little longer for me. I didn't try to cross the door again; however, I made another attempt to move beyond Lucid Dreaming simply by employing mental movement and strong intention with a promising result.   

Last night in a LD I decided to ride a bicycle and go downhill at high speed, and I began to say, take me beyond the hologram, take me beyond the illusion, take me beyond the hologram, take me beyond the illusion...!!! What happened next was the scene faded in front of me, and I started to see beautiful kaleidoscopes. Usually, these kinds of things appear at hypnagogia, but I didn't feel like I was returning to that state... I discovered that there were symbols hidden inside the kaleidoscope, but I couldn't read them because they changed so quickly (and I didn't understand them either). It was really beautiful and with many colors, so vibrant, especially green and violet. I kept repeating the same thing... until suddenly I heard a BOOM! As if something exploded inside my head, I got very scared, and suddenly both the kaleidoscope and everything around it turned white and gold, and I saw the outline of what I thought was the god Viracocha of the Incas (as I told you, they always appear, although I have no relation to this culture. Of course, I would love to visit the sacred places and learn more, hopefully one day).

I began to feel something very strange, I felt that I was making a transition in consciousness, I no longer had a body and I felt so much peace, I began to see and feel that I was entering a space with a grainy texture, a sandy sensation like when there is a sand storm very strong on the beach, but without pain, more like a massage. And at the same time it was as if I was merging into this sandy texture, but this time not only with my body like the other day, but something was happening to my mind too, to my consciousness, I felt that it was going to merge with all that graininess, I really started to feel something very strong, but pleasant. I knew that I didn't have to be afraid and that I should trust and let myself go, but I couldn't do it. 
My human Ego felt threatened by this whole beautiful integration experience, and I ended up getting very scared, since it was unexpected. I was also scared by the noise. Obviously, I regret it now. I feel like someone extended their hand to me and I let it go. I hope I have another opportunity to "cross over" But it is okay to be human and to be afraid of the unknown or the unexpected, it is normal. Sometimes is better to add drops gradually :-).   

All this also reminds me of what I said a few weeks ago when I visited the City of Light in that semi lucid dream, where I tried a fusion experience and that Guide told me that I was not ready, but I would soon. And now I wonder if it has anything to do with this. I don't even know what I'm really doing, I just let myself go by all this, following my intuition, trusting. For now, just taking notes.
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Quote from: Tak on June 14, 2024, 11:53:44To induce this experience, I remembered Lumaza's technique of visualizing himself playing basketball. So, as I like to knit, I decided to imagine the movement of a needle knitting wool, making knots and different movements, the colors, and all the patterns I leave when sewing. Meanwhile feeling my breathing and waiting for this mental movement to trigger the hypnagogic state's geometric patterns. I need to visualize something that has movement, so I don't get bored and my mind doesn't go away from the exercise. The good thing about doing things with your hands for many hours before going to sleep is when you close your eyes, I don't know if this has happened to you, but I continue seeing the movement, if it has been "stuck" inside the retina. And that is why I chose to visualize the weaving as part of the exercise.
Initiating mental motion will almost instantly jump start the process of Phasing into gear. In the past here, (under my former name "Lionheart"), I shared a few great focus targets for utilizing a strong mental motion. A few good ones can be found in this thread here:!/how-exactly-do-you-perform-the-phantom-wiggle-method/

 What you describe with the "imprint" being left in your retina is exactly why the act of "Candle staring" works so well. You don't have to visualize anything. Once you close your eyes you see that the visual is already there in your visual screen. All you need to do is maintain the visual until it morphs anew. This is when a strong sense of curiosity will really help you.

QuoteSuddenly, different colors and shapes start dancing and making undulating movements in front of me, sometimes in a grid pattern. Little by little I concentrate on a particular shape and I get into it, I play with these shapes. I discovered that I can change and manipulate them in a certain way, that makes them grow, their colors and movements increase, they start out being very simple, to gradually become very complex abstract formations, huge and beautiful with thousands of nuances. I really enjoy this moment! Something that is catching my attention the most is that a few months ago, this state was somewhat weaker, that is, if I heard any sound from the street that distracted me, everything would quickly fade away. However, now I can hear any sound or move a little on the bed and continue seeing all this.
That is a fantastic description of the step-by-step process that one endures while Phasing. The colors, the shapes soon will seem to congeal into solid objects. Sometimes it's like looking through a "Kaleidescope", especially if it's a vortex, spinning or not, kind of experience. That's a great time to utilize the intent on your "Happy Place"!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Hypnagogia: This time I used a less dynamic and more passive visualization, I focused on breathing, visualizing myself on a raft floating in a beautiful river surrounded by nature, letting myself go with the flow, the flow of the mind and life itself, no interference, just observing my thoughts from the distance. To slow down the inner dialogue, I just kept silent as if waiting to hear what someone else had to say, giving space to that "other person" to manifest and express herself, attentive. Until the mind began to dissociate and answer on its own. Some nonsensical words were heard, until I began to see many very strong and beautiful geometric abstractions. So, I decided to "hang from the form" as if a train passed by and I boarded it, leaving the physical and thus changing focus. While I was making the transition, I felt a kind of "suction", a kind of "wooosh" in my ears, as if the focus of attention was literally being sucked "inwards" and I began to hear strange frequencies, at a different scale degrees, high and low pitched tones, a rather strange sensation.

Now I am in front of a grid of very thin black lines perpendicularly superimposed, some about 45 degrees, lying on a white background, and the distance between them was irregular, drawing points of greater density or tension in certain areas, thus forming a triangle in the middle. Suddenly, I felt that something in my brain's chemistry changed, I felt like a very intense brain pleasure, my brain turned to jelly, a torrent of energy soaking all my head, really beautiful... My God! But I got scared about all this and came back, so I induced another experience. I find myself in a black void, but I see that some strange fruits with colorful auras are falling from the sky like rain, and I grab some. I remember an apple and a pear with a blue aura and I said: Oh, how beautiful! does this have a name?! And when I said that, I heard my voice distorted, as if I were underwater and I woke up startled, so I got in again. I saw all sort of figures, especially irregular-colored polygons rotating and drawing chains, as if they were DNA. 

It really amazes me how we can feel so much peace and so much happiness just a tiny layer of distance between inward and outward focus, just "a few breaths away." How our physical reality, which we worry so much about, can just in seconds be completely "liquefied" and transformed into something completely different. All this makes me think about not taking things so seriously in life, due to the inconsistency of this physical reality among infinite possibilities and in relation to eternity. But also, it makes me feel that being here offers a miraculous and unique opportunity to grow in a very particular way and transform myself. And above all absolute respect for it.

I lose awareness but when I regain it, I am already out of the body, although in a crazy state, as if I was very drunk and didn't know what to do, I was a little out of control and confused. I flew everywhere, throwing myself against the furniture and going from one place to another, until I lay back down on the bed in the same position in which I was physically and I partially came back. But something strange happened, I began to feel like a cold, round, black metallic object, like a kind of flat funnel passed through my entire body and I couldn't move, as if it were scanning me, I also felt that someone was standing next to me, but I couldn't see who was there. I was a little scared to be honest, until I remembered that these things usually happen to me from time to time and that I just have to let it happen. I didn't feel like it was anything bad, on the contrary, that someone wanted to see that everything was okay with me, like a checkup. That makes me feel good because it stabilized my mind and I felt better, more aware.

I realize that I can now detach myself from my body again and I slowly roll to the ground. I have difficulty standing up, but I encourage myself to move forward and concentrate.  I'm also holding on to the furniture because it was difficult for me to get up from the floor, I feel a little heavy, but just for a moment. When I walk, I feel like I'm barefoot stepping on a carpet, something soft, and it makes me laugh that it feels like that, like walking on an energy cloud. 
At that moment I saw everything black, but when I was in front of the window, I saw it perfectly. I see the whole city through it and I felt that my awareness was very clean. I was convinced that I was in the etheric plane, but that was not the case. When I looked at the buildings it seemed to me that they were the real ones, but when I returned, I realized that they were not. I concentrated on going through the glass, and slowly I was pushed towards it until I was completely outside, but as I did so I could see that the city changed, everything was now full of medieval domes and castles as if it were Europe, but all painted in different colors, looking more like a Disney World theme park LOL. I started flying around the city, but very fast and in a somewhat erratic way, it was very fun! I continued swinging in the air until I remembered my last integration experience and that feeling separate from the environment is just an illusion, so I tried to do the same thing and wanted to enter the gray fog by rising the sky very high. I succeeded a little, but not completely, the attempt was unsuccessful and I partially returned to my body. There was a lack of real intention and my mistake was concentrating just on the feeling sensations. 

Once again, I find myself in my body, but without feeling it, it is like having my body completely anesthetized, I tried to roll but I couldn't do it, who knows why. So, I went "inward" feeling the strange frequencies and the wooosh again.

Suddenly I began to be carried by the Guiding Force, in a very soft and slow way. Already inside the landscape, I was bordering the coast of a beach town and I saw in an incredibly realistic way a construction over the cliff, they were like Gothic towers, but made of different materials, wooden domes and a white base with wooden trim as well, I really liked it, there were about 5. After passing that, a huge white mansion follows, it was incredibly beautiful!!! It has several floors, old roman architecture, full of columns everywhere and arch-shaped doors, balconies, plants hanging, more of a kind of palace perhaps, I was impressed by all the details and the exuberant construction. Then I realized that I was not alone, but that there were many people around me also being carried by the Guiding Force and we were about to enter into the forest... but the path was divided in two, those who wanted could enter the forest or go across the cliff. I decided on the forest, but everything turned black. When my vision come back, I am flying through a beautiful place alone being carried by the Guiding Force. It was a field full of beautiful trees of all shades of color, orange, red, violet, yellow, as when autumn arrives, but there is still a lot of green around. There is also a group of pink Sakura trees that catch my attention. A delicious earthy aroma surrounds the place, very freshy, and the sound of running water could be heard in the background, and I thought there was probably a small waterfall hidden somewhere. I looked for it, but I couldn't see it. 

When I'm placed on the ground, I lose awareness a little bit and the state is now semi-lucid. I am inside a forest, barefoot, and I am afraid to walk on the ground because it is all covered with dry leaves and there could be a snake hiding there, so I look for areas where there are no leaves and I can see the ground. I was also thinking, although I don't know if I saw it or not, that there also was full of bees, like a beehive hidden somewhere, so I was careful. However, I am stepping on many little stones, pieces of wood and irregularities on the ground that made my feet very hurt, I could hardly walk because of the pain and I complained a lot, ouch! I saw families with children passing by around me, who were enjoying and exploring the forest too, but they did have shoes on them lol. I arrived at an open area and climb a hill. I observed the beautiful landscape from above and then I returned.

A very peaceful journey, not much adventure, but very comforting. I want to tell you that despite having these very pleasant experiences, I am also having very different ones, full of challenges that, as has already been said so much here, are about mastering the Ego and behaviors so deeply rooted in human psyche, such as Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Fear, etc. I can't share all that here because I am ashamed of it! Sometimes I am surprised to find that I have behaviors that I do not have in my physical life or I do things that I would never really do and I don't know why, for example, going into an ice cream store or bakery and trying all different kinds of food, going to a shopping center and take everything I can LOL. Dressing like a queen (literally). Flying like crazy and breaking things, or maybe smoking a lot, which I don't do anymore, but I do it in LD. Sometimes I feel like old thought patterns are coming to light, as if I were a teenager again, it's very odd! :-P   

Sometimes it makes me a little sad to think that we can do so many wonderful things in the astral and we have an open door towards to those vast realms, but behaviors of human Ego "ruin" everything, delaying all the work. But hey, I have also a lot of fun knowing more about myself, all this is very normal and just part of the learning process. It's like I feel that consciousness is in the middle of a sort of scale, where sometimes it leans more towards the passions of human ego, and sometimes it leans more towards the search for true self.
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


After induction and a breathing session, I entered the hypnagogic state and asked to see a pleasant ET past life. An old man appeared wearing a blue robe and a long white beard. He began searching through a piece of furniture and pulled out a huge golden scroll from a drawer. He spread it out to show me, but just as I was about to read it, I woke up feeling very scared. Maybe I'm not ready to explore this idea yet.

I wanted to enter again, so I focused on my third eye with my eyes closed. Small shapes that I saw with my peripheral vision started to appear. I saw a point that grew and became a door, but it was like an irregular, dancing yellow polygon in the darkness. Then, I saw many colored three-dimensional spheres joined by very thin white lines, resembling a solar system, similar to the models we made in school. However, it wasn't our system - there were planets of all different colors, and it was breathtakingly beautiful. I was amazed.

I also began seeing shapes that looked like wormholes with a continuous flow of movement in pink and yellow colors. Everything then changed into a white background, where circles and serpentines shot out from the center. Next, I saw complex, surreal, and abstract compositions. At one point, I saw lines and points of tension forming a fan in a non-uniform way, with animal eyes, peacock feathers, and other natural elements between the spaces.
After that, I saw a flowing path formed by a grid of colors that slowly stretched, like little Venetian blinds. It was wonderful!

A strange scene appeared, where I saw superimposed, highly polished stone-carved artifacts - wheels fitted inside one another, rotating in opposite directions, like gears but with smooth edges. They also had small stone spheres scattered around. Then, I saw walls with inscriptions that looked like ancient runes.
I always see various strange inscriptions, hieroglyphs, symbols, and writings during hypnagogia. I've read that they are messages for another part of my consciousness. Although my conscious mind can't interpret them, they activate things within me that can be useful for my development.

Now I see a kind of screen where I see colored masks and various landscapes. I don't know if I'm singing a song, but there's music, and I'm very happy. Everything seems to be made of undulating patches of many colors. As the scene unfolds, I see butterflies, birds, elephants, flamingos, a river, and other elements of nature that I create around myself at will.

I end up leaving my body and falling onto the side of my bed. Everything is black, and I feel like I'm going through the floor. I fall and fall, but in the end, I'm back in my room again. I want to get out of the window, and I slide gently through the glass. This is something that's very difficult for me because I still open doors and windows, but I'm trying to get used to it.
I still don't see anything, everything is black. Somehow, I feel the outside, and I realize that I'm out of the building, perhaps because I can feel heat, air, and noises from the city. Now I can see! But instead of seeing the city, I see clouds below me, like cotton candy, and everything is pink, violet, and blue. I feel an exquisite peace and happiness, and I'm very grateful for this.

I enter the Void again and travel through a kind of tunnel, other people are with me. Suddenly, I see the shape of a person playing the piano in the darkness and the music is very beautiful. The place is full of different objects, it looks like a kind of museum. Something that catches my attention the most is a chair made of bone or ivory, which seems to be woven with thousands of threads made of very thin little bones. The backrest is square and double. I touch the texture, and it's incredibly real!
There are many objects to investigate. A man is in charge of that place, he approaches us and starts telling us very interesting things about the museum. He's also very happy to teach us, but I don't remember anything about what he said. However, my Ego and I interrupt him, and I tell him, "Are you aware that all this is just part of my dream, even you?" And he answers, "Mmmh... I prefer not to think that way. Let's look at it differently. We're all part of a larger dream and a single Mind that contains us all. We're all part of someone else's dream and therefore its manifestations, even you!"
The man shuts my mouth and puts my Ego in its place! He's absolutely right, but sometimes when my awareness isn't 100%, I forget those big truths and say those kinds of things out of habit.

After telling him that nonsense, the man no longer explains anything to us but instead contacts security, although I don't see him use any device. Then he begins to say that he has a group of children there (referring to us) who seem confused and lost. Maybe it would be good if they came to take us to a more appropriate place.
At that moment, I'm starting to lose awareness, and I focus on a huge panel that seems to be made of jade. I press my face to it, and I can see that it has hundreds of air bubbles inside, forming many colored circles. I look crazy doing that, but I need it to increase my awareness lol.
Meanwhile, my partners continue exploring the area. As I realize they want to take us, I tell my group that we have to get out of there now, we have to escape quickly. So we all run out, and I open a very large, rusty, old door that I find. Once on the other side, I tell everyone to run, but we enter the Void. We all start running in different directions, although we're no longer on any surface. Since I can't see anyone anymore, I think we're getting lost, so I tell them to imagine their happy place lol I imagine a forest. However, I see nothing and wake up.

I induce another experience again. I found myself lying on the floor and got up. Next to me was a black marble staircase, which I climbed. When I entered that place, I was stunned! It was an old temple with huge white columns, and on its sides, there were pedestals embedded in the wall, in the form of arched windows, containing white statues that resembled ancient Greek or Roman philosophers/wise men. Some were alone, while others were grouped in triads. I heard mantras/choirs from behind and expressed my gratitude for being invited to that place. Initially, I thought it might be the famous Library, but it wasn't.
At one point, everything began to fade away, and I didn't want to leave. So, I found a wooden cane with a golden tip and started hitting the ground with it, as it occurred to me to do so to maintain awareness. The energy in that place was strong, making it challenging to stay aware. I also felt a bit strange walking with a cane, thinking I would look older lol, but it was to stay aware.

I decided to sit on some long wooden seats, similar to those in churches. A girl was sitting next to me, and I asked her if she was there due to practicing astral projection. She said yes, but was just starting out and reading about the subject. I thought that, being a beginner, she might not be aware of being there. Those next to her told me they had been avid projectors for years. I asked if they knew each other in physical reality, and they said no.
I shared a bit about myself and asked why we were there. They told me we would receive a talk from a teacher, an announcement, or some news. I asked if the announcement was personal or collective, and they replied in a way I didn't fully understand, as if it were both things simultaneously.
When the teacher was about to arrive, everyone got excited, but I began to feel like I was losing awareness. I started hitting the cane against the floor again LOL, but couldn't do it this time and was absorbed by the Void... Again, I missed the best! However, I like to think that another part of myself received the class while the human part returned to Earth.

.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Dang Tak that's incredible!!

Wow = )

I also want to report-in that the colors in my dream last night were:
Black, Yellow and Pink.

And, there was a feeling/moment I think of the environment rebelling against my group having specifically to do with maturity.

I also love that the peacock feathers were in the mix for you.

Really cool.


Hypnagogia: I started seeing rectangular cuboid shapes rotating and fitting together in different shades of dark green. Then, it transformed into a beautiful composition with wavy lines and small circles attached, all in a wire-like texture. It was wonderful! Once in this deep state, I decided to generate mental movement to enter the scene. I entered the Void, pretending to move through tree branches with just my arms, while my body was hanging in empty space. I don't know why I thought of doing this lol, as a monkey. It felt very real! I could even feel the strength in my arms. It was fun. But everything around me was black. When I got tired of doing this, I let go and fell. So, I ended up sitting on a hard surface, where I imagined myself going down a slide. I wanted to go faster, so I generated the falling movement and slid down at full speed, ending up on a kind of moving train. Everything around me turned into an incredible abstract landscape, but also a room decorated with panels and neon lights. There was music, drawings, and strange inscriptions on the walls - crazy! I laughed a lot and had a blast, but then I lost awareness.

When I recovered, I found myself in a fascinating landscape - a field with a medieval town of small houses in the distance. Bordering the town was a big mountain, on which incredible buildings were constructed. They resembled castles stacked on top of each other, like a huge medieval-style apartment complex. At the summit was a grand mansion with Gothic towers and peaks. The mountain was so tall that its top was obscured by clouds. I examined every detail and thought how wonderful it must be to live there. The mountain was surrounded by lush vegetation and flowers, and its slope was gentle. When I looked to my side, I saw a strange scene: An eagle trying to take flight, but a strong wind kept throwing it to the ground, rolling it around and preventing it from flying. The eagle tried many times, but the wind wouldn't allow it. It made me sad to see the poor bird struggling so hard! When I looked down, I had a cute little bunny in my arms. I decided to free it, worried that the eagle might haunt it, but the wind wouldn't allow that. Suddenly, the rabbit transformed into a small bird of prey, which flew sideways, unaffected by the wind, and disappeared into the distance. The eagle continued trying to fly without success. I think this is a reflection of my own limitations in life, and that perhaps to overcome them, one should take different strategies and go with the flow, rather than fighting against them, just like the other bird did.

Suddenly, I was carried away by the Guiding Force, and the scene changed. We found ourselves in a shopping center full of people. I didn't control the situation, I was just transported by this energy, as usual. I was convinced that I was in the Real Time Zone (RTZ) and had gone out for a walk around the city, but that wasn't the case. Everything was incredibly real and had a grayish color cast, as if there was a gray filter on it. We left and headed to the street, where many people were walking and shopping. I also saw many children with backpacks, as if they were going to school. I thought it was a boring city landscape and asked to go to the beach, since we were surely very close! Instead of going at the height of the people, I thought it would be best to go up and see the sea from above, but it didn't happen. We turned a street, and from a distance, I could see the sea. I was very excited, but we never got there... 

Suddenly, the Guiding Force left me standing in a zone, and everything turned gray. I started saying, "I don't see anything, please, I need to see!" It wasn't that I didn't see, but that I was in the famous Gray Void, the threshold that can take me to RTZ or other astral areas, but at that moment, I didn't realize... It was a wasted opportunity, but I didn't want to be there. I really needed to go to the beach and connect with the ocean (physically, I also really need it). Then the Guiding Force returned and took me through a stone portal, and yes! I finally started to see the beach. When I spoke with the Guiding Force, I didn't do it with my voice but with my mind, but I still heard my voice in a kind of echo. 

When we arrived, it was a small bay full of people, surrounded by big mountains where another landscape seemed to be unfolding. We almost went through the vegetation and left the place, but no. I saw a group of huge sea lions and was so excited, they were beautiful! Then many seagulls flew around me while the Guiding Force carried me through the air, I thought they were going to collide with me! I saw many children swimming on the seashore, and at one point, I realized we were heading straight towards the ocean... I was a little afraid to go to the open sea, and then everything faded away. 

I saw everything gray again, but the area wasn't pure gray this time, it was turning white in some parts. Something curious - I kept listening to the waves of the sea and feeling the coolness of the sea mist. I was left standing in this gray area again and didn't like it, I was confused. I tried to create the beach with my mind, thinking about it in the most vivid way, but it didn't work. I got angry because it is supposed to be a thought - response dimension and what happens? So, I lost a little control of my emotions and started crying and screaming (I'm not like that physically, but in these experiences, it seems that emotions are heightened lol). I began saying that I couldn't see, without realizing that I was already seeing, I just was in the threshold. I started running and crying until suddenly I saw again. It was night, and I found myself in a kind of park where a woman with long hair was standing. She asked me what was wrong, and I explained that I wanted to create a beach and couldn't do it, I really tried hard thinking, but nothing happened. She took me by the hand and told me, "Let's see what we can do!" We left the park and returned to the gray area, flying, where she suggested singing a song to create the beach, as if telling a story, that would relax me and help me concentrate. While singing, I had to fantasize about that place. That was excellent advice! I started singing then, saying, "Sea, moon, and stars, it's all I need to be happy!" Repeatedly LOL. And then the beach appeared! But it was night, and the sea was subtly illuminated by the moonlight. The full moon crowned the landscape alongside a beautiful starry sky, where the Milky Way shone in all its splendor. There was vegetation on the sand, and many people were sitting there enjoying the natural show. I flew frantically and was euphoric. I knelt on the floor and was very grateful for that experience. The woman stayed by my side the entire time and seemed happy to see me being successful. The great emotion made me return.

I just want to say that I'm so grateful and excited that there's always help available to us, always a helping hand willing to offer unconditional service. We may not always see them, but throughout this year, I've received so much help from non-physical instructors that I have no words to thank them. I still remember when I made one of my first posts here called "Ask for a Dream Agent," and it makes me laugh now because a lot of help came from there. I'm sure that on a subconscious level, we worked a lot together, and my conscious mind can't remember it all. 

In fact, something very nice happened to me yesterday in a lucid dream. While in a scene, someone suddenly grabbed my arm very tightly... I didn't want to see who it was because I got scared. But I began to feel a rush of energy throughout my body, feeling so much love, warmth, and security... and then I decided to look. It was a tall, blonde man who told me... "You're doing very well, very well done!" He looked at me with pride and added... "From what I see, you don't need me anymore" (and he laughed) "that's why I came to say goodbye." I was a little confused, unsure if he was referring to astral practices or daily life events. He gave me such a strong hug, I felt so much unconditional love that my energy body vibrated as if it had millions of electric ants. I also felt that he healed deep wounds in me, which made me burst into tears... I thanked him for everything and told him I loved him very much. When I realized we were in the White Void and the light was almost blinding us, I asked him who he was, but he didn't tell me anything and just smiled, looking at the sky. His eyes were teary with emotion at saying goodbye, as if working with me had been very important to him and a great opportunity. I kept insisting that he tell me who he was, and although I didn't hear his voice, I felt that the word "teacher" formed in my mind. When I was about to take out my endless list of "life questions" to start the bombardment, I lost awareness. 

It's not that I no longer need guidance, on the contrary! But rather that I feel as if someone more suitable for this "new stage" will be in charge of guiding me from now. I don't know who this particular instructor or energy would be, but it seems that subconsciously, there's a lot of activity with other beings that help us advance in our progress. I celebrate this! And to have been an opportunity for someone to also grow along their path.
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


That's beautiful Tak. I could use an emotional connection and release like that. You're very fortunate. Thank you for sharing.


Quote from: tides2dust on August 17, 2024, 18:17:14That's beautiful Tak. I could use an emotional connection and release like that. You're very fortunate. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you very much Tides, for your comment, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm more than sure that all of us experience this fusion with the White Light, Unconditional Love, energy regeneration or wonderful encounters, from time to time during sleep... we just don't always remember! It's often evident when we wake up in the morning, and although we're not very clear about what happened during the night, we have a feeling that something incredible happened - something wonderful that we can't explain. And we're left feeling happy and full of energy. It's a blessing! I've witnessed these incredible events many times, but I don't induce it at will, I just let it happen. 

If you really need this, just ask for it before bed, and I'm sure something wonderful will happen soon. 

Thanks for being here, hugs to you! :-)
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Well, first of all, I'd like to say that I started reading another book by Kurt Leland called Multidimensional Human. I've only read 15% of it, but I chose this book specifically because I feel it's what I need right now. It presents a holistic vision of the different states of consciousness we operate in (beyond the astral) and their corresponding bodies, which enable us to perceive and explore them. Kurt Leland proposes various techniques to develop our non-physical senses, relevant to each energetic body, to access higher states of consciousness. He also suggests that many problems we encounter in our practices are due to underdeveloped non-physical senses, physical and emotional conditioning, or uncontrolled thoughts. He proposes that each energy body has its own senses, and we can be aware of many of them simultaneously, which reminds me of how many of you have different perspectives at the same time. I feel like I'm better understanding some past experiences... For example, one I shared here about feeling like I wasn't inhabiting any kind of body, but rather that my body was completely merged with my surroundings, being just a point of view in the air, fully integrated into the space around me. 

This could be interpreted as developing the first glimpses of the causal body's senses, if I'm not mistaken. This isn't the first time this has happened to me, but many years have passed since then (and I must say it's a very nice feeling, especially in nature, being one with the clouds, the mountains...). However, not everyone likes this idea, friends I shared it with find it terrifying! On the contrary, I feel it's a very natural state of being. The illusion of separation is the "odd thing" (but a necessary tool at this time). 

Another thing happening to me currently is feeling like I've been left in the dream hologram. According to Kurt Leland, this is due to not having a clear intention or a particular mission during projection. I feel like I'm not having many lessons or challenges, just occasional ones, such as restaurants offering me delicious food, lustful people inviting me to have fun, or being able to have all the things I want "desires" (as if I could bring them here lol). I'm no longer falling into these "traps" as often because there comes a time when all this starts to bore you, it leads nowhere. It's not my goal to do this type of thing either, but I am human, and I have fallen a few times, of course... I'm not saying that enjoying sex, good food, and pretty things is bad, please don't get me wrong. That's very good and healthy and makes life on Earth more enjoyable. It's simply not my objective in the astral to seek these things, in my particular case.
Now, many of my experiences are simply chaotic, bizarre... long, but fragmented into many parts. I find it quite crazy that while sometimes I begin to have glimpses of something more transcendental, which invites me to expand and venture into the unknown... other times my experiences are mundane, directed by physical conditioning, such as opening doors and windows with my hands, not remembering that I can fly, or worse yet, leaving my body and wanting to smoke a cigarette! (when I don't even smoke anymore) What is all that? I also exhibit childish attitudes. I think it could be because my awareness is not at 100% but perhaps at 70%. When it is complete, I don't behave that way, and I remember my goals. Perhaps the behavior is linked to the degree of awareness? 

The book also suggests something we discuss a lot here, that this whole practice should not be limited to bedtime but rather be a lifestyle. It recommends daily meditation practices, healthy attitudes, and habits that correspond to raising our consciousness. I liked the suggestion that chaotic experiences underscore little control over emotions and thoughts. 
That is probably my case, since sometimes my days are somewhat turbulent, and that's why I've decided to practice meditation more formally every night before sleep and do some exercises from the book. Last year, I had wonderful experiences with meditation that I haven't been able to replicate yet, but I don't lose faith. I've been feeling interesting things lately, but my lack of concentration diluted them. I did some of the book's initial exercises and had good results, and in fact, I had an experience that begins to show all this, which is the following: 

I become aware and find myself lying in my bed, I feel like I'm listening to binaural waves because I feel a strong frequency in my ears, but in reality, I wasn't hearing anything - it was probably a typical frequency of this state. It took me a while, but I detached from my body and rolled away, falling to the floor. Sometimes I feel like my sheets are tangled, and I even feel the sleeping mask and earmuffs on. I've read that the etheric portion of these objects may have become attached to my field in some way. I don't know if that's the case or if I simply carried the physical 'feeling' with me. I just shake all this off and continue on my way. I can't see anything, everything is black, like most times I go out. I tried to have a more etheric experience and see my body. To do this, I counted to 10 in the dark and intended to see my room, and I could! But my body wasn't in my bed, and all my things were arranged differently, although it was incredibly real.
I decide to go out the window, and the Guiding Force takes me, but on my back. The city is different from mine, with buildings of various architectural styles and colors, it's wonderful! Since I was lying on my back, I could also observe the beautiful sky and clouds. I start to feel music, a kind of frequency, and I accompany the sound by singing a little, as it's very beautiful. Suddenly, something happens, something changes... and I start to feel an incredible surge of energy, I feel happiness and freedom. The city disintegrates, and I lose the notion of having a body, becoming only a point of consciousness in the air. 

Something strange happens, I begin to see complex geometric figures emerging from "me", forming a spiral moving towards infinity in pink, white, and violet colors. It's truly beautiful to behold. This isn't like returning to the hypnagogic state, it's something different. I feel as if there's been a switch in that moment, and I feel a change in perspective, I become 'the observer,' a state so desired during meditations and not always easy to achieve (at least for me). I can clearly see how all the problems and worries disturbing my physical character at this moment only belong to her... because my true essence is pure and infinitely blissful. I laugh at my whole life and feel I am only there to accompany my physical interpretation, but those problems don't really belong to me, they're not part of the essence, just tools. I feel so much happiness that it seems like a good time to express my gratitude to the Guiding Force for leading me to experience that state of Being. 
I also express my intention that all my progress in this life on Earth can contribute to a greater good and the collective Consciousness of Humanity. And although I'm not yet fit to do any service work, please keep me in mind for the future. I feel a deep sense of connection with existence itself. I think about the individual progress of the soul and imagine myself on a pedestal, having achieved all my goals just for myself, and find it ridiculous. I feel that if I progress, it's to contribute to something bigger, to that great Cosmic Organism containing and surrounding us all, and I'll never feel alone again. All the time, I keep seeing the spiral... little by little, I return to my body.

I've felt many peculiar things, but this is the first time I've experienced something like this. I've been asking to slowly connect with my true essence, beyond the human ego, and little by little, some results are starting to appear. 

I'll continue with the book and exercises. 

Thanks for reading!

.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


I enjoyed every bit of reading your entry- I also enjoy existing as formless awareness. I agree- there is nothing to fear.

I can't help but see many similarities in your progress and vocalizations, I follow your entries with a sense that what we're discovering and experiencing is somehow connected.

There are too many parallels to point out, maybe it's just a gradient in the Wave of consciousness.

It's nice to see what you're showing by sharing here as I reflect on all that I have to be grateful for. 


Quote from: Tak on August 24, 2024, 21:30:16However, not everyone likes this idea, friends I shared it with find it terrifying! On the contrary, I feel it's a very natural state of being. The illusion of separation is the "odd thing" (but a necessary tool at this time). 

Being terrified of the idea of oneness is very common for fragmented personalities because they fear loss of their identity. But they dont understand that their uniqueness can never cease to exist. Everything is eternal. But consciousness can choose from what perspective wants to experience itself throughout its journey, from a small point of consciousness, to a larger entity, to ALL THAT IS. Nothing is ever lost, only enriched. But as you said, for the sake of isolated experiences, placing filters on one's self is a necessary tool and a choice that must be respected. This is just a temporary perception. When the time is right, all points of consciousness experience the freedom and the realization of who they truly are.   
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I've continued reading the book and doing the exercises, and I wanted to note something that seems to be a significant shift. 

We've discussed how to know if something is a lucid dream, a simulation, an OBE, an AP, etc. and whether making these distinctions is even important. Most of us agreed that everything is part of the same thing - all are astral projections -. Often, we need to translate energy in some way, resulting in what we see, which may seem like lucid dreams because we're interpreting our surroundings through our own manifested energy, giving shape and color to things. If we didn't do this, we might be unable to understand what's happening around us, seeing only colors, shapes, and energies... and we wouldn't be able to interact coherently with it because it would seem so strange. LDs, OBEs, APs - all these experiences can blend together at some point, like a gradient. 

Kurt Leland's book Multidimensional Human addresses a question that has puzzled me for many years: 'How to go from a lucid dream to a public astral area?' The book's solution is to change and expand our focus and perception sense. It really seemed brilliant to me - it's actually very obvious! But it's not always easy to notice. The book gives the example of a man walking down a sidewalk, absorbed in his own thoughts and not looking around, just at the ground in front of him. This is the state we're in during lucid dreams, absorbed in our internal mental imagery. Meanwhile, the man who looks around and observes his surroundings in detail, connecting deeply with the environment around him, opens up to an expanded state of consciousness.

Basically, we need to change how we perceive and connect with our surroundings, opening ourselves up with a pure heart to the experience itself and what's around us - from a narrow point of view to an expanded one-.  It seems so simple, yet so fundamental, I loved it! It may seem strange, but I had never seen it this way before, that I was the one who needed to change my way of connecting with the environment, not change the environment to perceive it differently. I was doing it backwards! Sometimes I forget that it's our own states of consciousness that allow us to navigate different realms, not the other way around. 

The book has many meditations, and I decided to try some. I simply imagined and felt that my mind wasn't confined to "my head" but extended beyond, like a field that stretches out infinitely, a huge interconnected web with no boundaries. 
The result was immediate and fascinating:

I was aware and found myself still in my bed, this time the Guiding Force took me out of my body (!) So, I didn't make any effort to roll out of bed like I usually do. I felt a gentle energy that softly pushed me out, and I floated through the blackness. I couldn't see anything, it was all black. As usual, I tried to induce an ethereal experience and see my body, but it didn't work. No matter what I tried to do or thought, I couldn't escape from the blackness. So, I asked the Guiding Force... - 'Take me beyond the dream hologram, I don't want to enter a lucid dream, I don't want to see holograms, take me to an expanded state... please!'- I was kneeling on the floor, almost begging :roll:  . I used the exercise from the book, trying to see beyond the blackness - 'What hides behind?'- and putting a strong intention of pure heart into it: 'I want to expand..!' My pleas were heard, because suddenly the blackness turned a grayish white, and I became aware of being in my energy body. I noticed that I couldn't breathe (obviously). That freaked me out! I thought my physical body wasn't breathing either, maybe I was suffocating under the sheets? I thought I was going to pass out, but of course, I was perfectly fine. I think this is one of the hardest things for me to get used to - that there's no need to breathe there... it's a bit strange at first! When I am lucid dreaming or being a point of consciousness, I certainly haven't paid much attention to this breathing thing, but when I have a more conscious experience of the energy body, this becomes evident.

Suddenly, I'm being lifted into the air by the Guiding Force, like someone is holding me from behind and lifting me up. I see parts of my room, but partially, and then we're moving. Everything is getting smaller and smaller in the distance until it completely disappears. I decide to turn around and face forward, feeling this strange journey... This is the hard part to describe. We're traveling at a considerable speed, but the density of the environment is somehow hard to penetrate, it feels like pressure and friction, like being submerged in deep water while being pulled by a strong current at the same time. I also feel small particles, like grains of sand, passing through my entire body. It doesn't hurt, but it's uncomfortable and odd. My awareness is increasing, and I keep seeing everything in a grayish-white color. 

I realize someone is taking my arm and accompanying me, actually leading me. I've felt arms holding me before when the Guiding Force takes me, but not always. I still don't know who or what the Guiding Force is - if it's a Higher aspect of my consciousness or a Guide, maybe it's both. The Guiding Force is directly connected to me, but we have our own wills, but I don't see anyone in particular. 
This journey through the granular density intensifies, as does my awareness. I start to get scared... Thinking to myself 'Is this what dying feels like? Maybe I'm dying... and where is it taking me?' The Guiding Force communicates through encoded messages in my mind, like downloads. It tells me I'm not dying and that we're not going anywhere today, I need to go through an adaptation period first. I need to get used to this type of experience before moving on to a public area, or I wouldn't be able to handle it. 
For some reason, I'm still a bit scared, thinking maybe I'm dying, and they're not telling me. I don't know, it was a really strange feeling. The Guiding Force says to hold on as long as I could while we traveled at high speed. Finally, I decided to let go of the hand and entered a lucid dream, where I explored beautiful forests until I woke up. 

Maybe the description of the experience isn't extraordinary, but for me, it really means a lot - an important step, being able to experience something beyond lucid dreaming/simulations after so long... (I know that I still have to work a lot on the emotional/thoughts factor and fears). But I'm grateful to know we're not alone, and our Guides or Higher aspects of ourselves are with us all the time, even if we don't see them.
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Your last two posts are off-the-chart great Tak, and excellent examples of how quickly Kurt Leland's ideas are resonating with you!

It is all about perceiving energy, then interpreting it and translating it into some form that we can properly understand, including energetic structures here and in the Non-Physical Realms. The system Leland explores is that ancient Hindu/Buddhist idea of multiple energy bodies that, through meditation, energy work and NP exploration we are slowly learning (or re-learning) to activate with our consciousness. For those of us that experience etheric/RTZ OBEs, I think we fail to recognize its limited range, perceptive ability and utility; we make the early mistake of thinking this is the energy body I will use to explore the Non-Physical Realms, but it is not. Once we achieve some mastery of the etheric vehicle, we need to turn our attention to the astral and then the mental energy bodies. Now, we have already had some level of experience with these bodies- dreams, lucid dreams, simulations and even higher level 'formless' experiences that possibly indicate higher level mental (point of consciousness), causal and higher...but we have little to no context within which to understand them in relation to one another. This is where the two Leland books set themselves apart from every other book, for me at least (Otherwhere and The Multidimensional Human). And the difficulty we have, just as the person walking down the street looking at the pavement in front of them and unaware of their surroundings is an excellent metaphor for our dilemma. As Tak described, it is a bit of a mind-blowing insight! We suffer this problem in the physical, the etheric, the astral, the mental and so on. Each new energy body that we learn to activate and occupy with our awareness, will in turn have to be transcended by activating awareness within the next higher (higher in the sense of psychological distance to Source [which is another great Leland insight!]) energy body; because we naturally fall into a trap of thinking all these newly-discovered senses must be as good as it gets! Another great Leland insight is that we have each already been doing this development work within probably 5 or 6 energy bodies our entire lives-that is why our experiences seem to jump all around over our lives; we just did not have the proper context within which to place them relative to one another. The jigsaw puzzle begins to take shape. But there are certain, specific actions one has to perform and Tak, you have done this.
I am slightly re-tracing old ground that I know you are aware of, but you have successfully raised your awareness within NP environments to the point you have realized their limitations and restrictions-that of the etheric, dream, lucid dream and limited simulations. You have also expressed that frustration to your Guiding Force which is your current best communicable link to the NPR. You have also expressed the idea of your willingness to be of Service to the Greater Good of the Universe+...those are important sincere expressions that may well be a requirement for advancement from this point. I went through a similar process ten years ago and can verify the results.

And this last post shows the results! You gained many great insights! Some issues will need to be worked on but are just part of the process. You also experienced generalized fear, fear of dying, fear of loss of identity...those speak to physical concerns and the Ego feeling threatened. There are many insights awaiting! It is pretty freaky when you feel your identity slipping away...

I love your description of moving at high speed through the heavy, frictional, granular density of the energy field you were assisted through, likely a higher frequency or energy level to help you acclimate to it; strange, isn't it that your awareness translated the difficulty of moving through this field in such 'physical' terms?

You will find yourself 'tossed into' some situations where you notice you're not breathing- don't let that frighten you; it is just one test of many to come,

Kurt Leland's books may not resonate with everyone quite as well, we all speak slightly differently; but for those interested, Leland writes about the Non-Physical senses that Tak mentioned, that he recognized within the astral body. He believes each body has an equivalent set of senses that will have to be developed. I sure hope he gets around to writing a book on the mental body.

Here is a sampling of the astral body senses, with my accompanying short description-

Existential Senses

Consciousness- (everything is consciousness)
Creation- (whatever we experience is our creation)
Evolution- (there is a soul-based Master Plan)

Kinesthetic Senses

Embodiment- (knowing our vehicle of consciousness)
Mobility- (awareness of psychological distance between planes)
Disentanglement- (freedom from thought forms & camouflage)

Environmental Senses

Time- (how we experience evolving processes/growth)
Navigation- (determine function of areas visited)
Perception- (skill in reading/translating energy transformations)

Relational Senses

Cooperation- (it's a safe universe, with conscious beings helping each other)
Vibration- (all conscious beings send out identifiable energy patterns)
Permeation- (mind meld)

I want to add another link that I feel is appropriate that is a list outlined in Leland's book Otherwhere that should add some good pointers to the thread- Ten Levels of Dream Awareness!/kurt-leland-s-ten-levels-of-dream-awareness-48450/

Great experiences Tak and thank you for sharing!


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


I want to thank everyone for the feedbacks, thoughts, and shared knowledge - they're truly valuable! :-)

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on August 30, 2024, 17:53:43I love your description of moving at high speed through the heavy, frictional, granular density of the energy field you were assisted through, likely a higher frequency or energy level to help you acclimate to it; strange, isn't it that your awareness translated the difficulty of moving through this field in such 'physical' terms?
It's strange, isn't it? That an energy plane can feel so physical. I think one possible reason, as you mentioned, is that my mind has translated the experience this way because it's currently deeply rooted in the physical. Or maybe the energy planes closest to the physical still have some density... We could say it's matter vibrating at a frequency slightly higher than physical, but still matter. Or, on the other hand, matter doesn't exist, and it's all energy vibrating at a lower frequency... so maybe it's not so strange to still feel some "symptoms" of this phenomenon, sensing different types of density in such a sensory way. .

But in this case, I agree with EV that I was transitioning to a plane with a higher frequency, different from what I'm used to. K.L. gives an example of this phenomenon, citing Monroe, who got "stuck" in a kind of barrier that prevented him from reaching his physical body during an AP. According to him, it was the other way around - he was heading in the opposite direction, towards the Source, to a level he wasn't yet prepared for, and that's why it felt like an impenetrable field. That was an interesting conclusion.

Quote from: EscapeVelocity on August 30, 2024, 17:53:43And this last post shows the results! You gained many great insights! Some issues will need to be worked on but are just part of the process. You also experienced generalized fear, fear of dying, fear of loss of identity...those speak to physical concerns and the Ego feeling threatened. There are many insights awaiting! It is pretty freaky when you feel your identity slipping away...
Maybe my ego felt threatened, sure! - which wouldn't be the first time. Ten years ago, during lucid dreams, I experienced a strange phenomenon three times. A 'tornado/hurricane' made of immaculate, pure White Light approached me, lifting me up and trying to 'absorb' me. It had immense force, and I felt my identity disintegrating into pieces. I struggled hard, thinking I was going to die, convinced that if I let myself go by this fusion with the Light, I would die. It was one of the most terrifying experiences I had back then. 

Now I know it was just an invitation to experience a shift in perception and a higher state of consciousness beyond the ego. If I had let go, I might have experienced something that would have changed my life forever. But it takes courage to do so! It's like jumping off a cliff and being told you'll survive... that's how I felt when I wasn't ready yet. 

Years later, I crossed that barrier with help. When I came to the Pulse, I shared my experiences in the collective mind, losing my identity as a human being and merging with a vast network of consciousness. I received that gift, but time ago. 
To cross this filter and go beyond the ego, we need a fundamental factor: TRUST. Knowing everything will be okay and trusting those who assist us in this process. As LB said, we remain aware, individuality isn't lost, everything is enriched... We continue existing, just in a broader state of perception and awareness, an expanded state of being, integrated into a sort of superorganism. 

I hope life gives me another chance; it's my greatest desire. Life was never more exquisite after experiencing something like that.
But now, hard work is needed. 

Thanks to everyone! ★
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


For the longest time, whenever I would have an OBE-
I would always try to go in space and past the stars.

I could never get past space, is it because I couldn't imagine it?

However... in 2008, one of my earliest and most prominent OBE's I was flung into space. Not only that, I was sent into a space beyond space- where tiny particles and geometric shapes inhaled and exhaled.

I haven't been able to go past space on my own. I understand now it was only thanks to Divine Intervention/Divine Assistance.

There is almost always a desire to go somewhere- I was surprised with my last OBE, I didn't have a desire to go anywhere. Maybe it's because I didn't want things to come crashing to an end. Instead, I enjoyed lingering in the space and observing what I could not see.

I am happy for you, once again, and grateful for your sharing.  :-)


Last year, I had a truly bizarre nightmare. I'm not prone to nightmares, and when I do have them, I usually wake up or even laugh them off. But the previous year, I had one that caught my attention due to the lingering physical symptoms I experienced upon waking up. Just want to say I hadn't been reading anything related to the topic at the time.
I had a semi-lucid dream, where I found myself in my energy body, floating inside a spacecraft. I was observing from a corner of the ceiling as three ET's performed some procedure on a young man's body on a gurney. They were tall, humanoid, with fitted suits, long blonde hair, maybe two women and one man. Their faces were unusual, with wide, wrinkled foreheads and eyes similar to Asian, but larger and more slanted.
I was terrified and felt overwhelming fear, so I don't recall anything I saw or heard. I was confused and didn't know why I was witnessing this. When I tried to leave, the three ETs grabbed and paralyzed me. I was very surprised, thinking I was invisible and not their next target! Unfortunately, I don't know what happened next, but I saw them up close and became extremely frightened... I felt intense terror and panic, so I forgot everything that occurred, yet the sensation persists. It was a very abrupt, shocking, and stressful scene, and the fact that I don't remember so much about it is the funniest part, but the feeling was there..

I've always been able to brush off nightmares by staying in bed for a bit, calming down, drinking water, laughing it off, and going back to sleep. But this time was different. When I woke up from this nightmare, I was partially paralyzed - not sleep paralysis, but I could only move slightly. I felt pain from head to toe, making it torture to move my arms or legs. It was as if I'd been numb for a long time, like my body had turned to stone and suddenly reverted to its normal state, but with extreme muscle contractions. I tried to stretch my arm to check the time on my phone, but I couldn't manage it. I had to use my other arm to help me move. I stayed in bed for a while because I couldn't do much else. This lasted about 20-30 minutes before I could move normally again. However, I was so scared that I couldn't sleep until sunrise, I was deeply shaken. It was not a "cramp" but a complete reaction of the body, from my head to my toes, everything.
I want to emphasize that I never thought of all this as more than just a nightmare. Still, it seemed strange to wake up in such a state, and I wonder if it's normal for fear from a nightmare to cause such a physical reaction. I searched online but couldn't find anything suggesting this was possible. Maybe it is, though, it caught my attention because I have never experienced anything like that.

In my opinion, what I went through that night was an energy adjustment. But in my particular case, my mind translated the event into that scene because those responsible for the adjustments have an energy imprint quite different from humans, so I perceived them as ETs in the dream. At the time, I was unaware of this phenomenon, but I later read about it in books and here in the forum when I found it. My beliefs were still aligned with a mindset that rejected such ideas somehow. However, after learning more about the subject, subsequent experiences became much more benevolent, like being with family. This shows that our perception of reality and belief systems plays a significant role in holographically representing these events. A curious fact, indeed, about how energies and mind work together.
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Quote from: Tak on September 14, 2024, 20:55:59This shows that our perception of reality and belief systems plays a significant role in holographically representing these events. A curious fact, indeed, about how energies and mind work together.

Very true! This principle applies for everything in existence. Whatever you have chosen to be at a given frame, your perception about yourself and the world you know is what you will create as reflections we call experiences. If you want to change your experiences, first you need to change your perception. How do you change your perception? By understanding the above principle and start behaving as who you prefer to be.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


True words to live by Lightbeam. Spoken with elegance!

That leads me to an email that I recently received. Mary Jo had a email subscription to "Heron Dance Art Studio". This is the message, words of wisdom that were shared in yesterday's share.
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: LightBeam on September 14, 2024, 23:02:28Very true! This principle applies for everything in existence. Whatever you have chosen to be at a given frame, your perception about yourself and the world you know is what you will create as reflections we call experiences. If you want to change your experiences, first you need to change your perception. How do you change your perception? By understanding the above principle and start behaving as who you prefer to be.
I was thinking a bit more about your above words and actually saw this in action last week at my show. A fascinating, courageous lady had come into my booth at my show, and we struck up a conversation on my Crystal Amplifiers/wire Art, which soon led into a great conversation on meditation, lucid dreaming and astral travel. She then told me about her personal miracle.

 I can't remember the reason why, but she said for years she was crippled and could not walk. I figure her to me in either her late twenties or early 30's. I am terrible at figuring out ages anymore, lol. She was not crippled now though. She was a vibrant, full of life, strong lady. She had her daughter with her as well.

 It seems her change came when she started to look for alternative solutions to her paralysis. That soon led her to "Joe Dispensa". I had heard an interview on, I think it was Coast to Coast AM, and was very impressed with his words. Here is a link to his site if you are interested. there are some great things there. All with the positivity to "motivate" and "rescue" a soul in need. That is if that soul is "ready" to be rescued.

 This lady applied what she learned from Joe and it worked. Through meditation and energy work, she healed herself. I love hearing and reading stories like this. Things like this are what should be going "viral" on people's social media accounts. This is not "fake news". This is real life happening now!  :-)

 Her words truly made my day!  :-)
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Thank you both for your kind words! It's absolutely true. Lightbeam, as Lumaza said, your words were beautifully expressed - I'm tempted to turn them into a poster and hang it on my wall lol. It's crucial to remember this. 

Lumaza, thanks for sharing those insightful reflections from that website; I thoroughly enjoyed them! I always love hearing about your Renaissance fair shows and the amazing crafts you do - it sounds incredible! Your work with crystals is truly inspiring.

The woman's story is heartwarming and proves that with a warrior spirit and determination, anyone can overcome adversity. It all starts with the desire to be healed and believing in oneself; that's the foundation. I have friends struggling with depression, and I feel frustrated when I can't help, despite my best efforts. I remind them that well-being is built daily through small actions and habits; it doesn't just appear overnight. I also experience anxiety occasionally, and sometimes it's overwhelming. But my desire to overcome it drives me to find solutions, and when I succeed, I feel very proud of myself.

Actually, the other day my mind was turbulent, and I experienced a fascinating hypnagogic state where I saw a ship crossing the sea. The waves were enraged and eventually destroyed and sank the ship. I was puzzled by this vision, but what struck me was the intense anger fueling the waves. I think I'd never experienced hypnagogia like this before, and it made me realize how often unseen forces shape our perceptions. So, I decided not to project that day, but instead meditated and took a walk in nature - it was the best decision!

This past year, I've learned so much from all of you and the recommended books. I've gained invaluable tools to manage anxiety through breathing, visualization, and meditation - it's been life-changing! Why didn't I discover this twenty years ago? :roll: Sometimes I feel so happy and energized that I want to share it with the world and spread this amazing feeling like a wave, hoping someone will resonate with it.

I'll continue enjoying the full moon on this beautiful spring evening (here in the southern hemisphere). It's lovely to take a 'moon bath' every now and then. 

Warm regards! ♥️
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Thank you for sharing this story, Lu! I love miracle stories. But, lets look at the definition of "miracle". Humans perceive it as something unusual and rare. Well, this very belief that it's rare prevents people to experience "extraordinary" things at a higher rate and attach the same probability as they know without any doubt that the sun will rise tomorrow.
I posted an interview with Joe Dispenza a while back here. I heard from him the expression "Learn how to meditate with your eyes open". I immediately understood the meaning and since then I feel I have shifted and I am in constant state of inner connection. It's quite extraordinary. I also took his course. Hours and hours of hyper drive intense learning. The way he explains things is unique and it's relatable to the physical/physiological laws where people can actually make sense how things work. He is my top 5 list of influential teachers.

Tak, it's great to hear that you keep discovering exciting things on your journey! I love reading stories of growth and adventures! :)
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Strange Childhood Memories

Inspired by Lightbeam's thread that talks about intuition as a means of communication with a higher consciousness, I share an example of this in childhood :-)

I think I've shared here before that my first OBEs started when I was 6 years old. They weren't frequent, but enough to make me realize there were realities beyond the physical existence. I feel like many things within me began to "activate" around that age.
One thing that always caught my attention the most was having an innate or intuitive understanding of how certain things work. During my first OBE, I instinctively knew I was outside my body – it felt like an inherent and very natural human ability to me.
In another instance, a "voice in my mind" told me that all humans can navigate other worlds, but it was a secret I needed to keep, as not everyone would understand. By age 10, I was almost obsessed with the idea of traveling to space and exploring other civilizations through astral projection. However, I didn't know how to induce it at will, because mines where spontaneous, or where to learn more about them (I didn't use internet until I was 12).
My Catholic upbringing taught me that such things were impossible or not of God. But I always knew those teachings were incomplete, and that I could travel through space if I wanted to. I hadn't read about OBEs or discussed them with anyone at that time. I believe some children are born with certain "doors open"

A memory that keeps calling my attention is where I recall looking myself in the mirror (6 years old) and not recognizing myself. I'd say, 'I'm not human,' examining my feet and hands, unsure why I had them. Despite my Catholic upbringing, which rejects reincarnation, I knew I existed before this life, and it was something entirely different from being human. But what could it be?
I was genuinely upset, feeling like I'd remembered something but couldn't access it. So, I started running around the house to release stress lol. I was also angry about being born on a planet that mistreated nature and animals, which I loved most. I felt 'punished' and entirely out of place.
Intuitively, I decided to lie down and enter a deep hypnagogic state to find the answer (though I didn't call it that then). I relaxed, closed my eyes, and vowed not to get up until I knew.

Suddenly, I found myself floating without a body, like a viewpoint in space, above a beautiful forest, flying at moderate speed. An overwhelming feeling of otherwordly love and infinite freedom flooded me. I felt the purest wild energy of nature and knew I was part of it – or rather, it was me! There was no distinction between what I saw, felt, and was. I was one with everything. I felt life's force in all its glory, absolute happiness and vitality.
I didn't feel like anyone specific; I had no identity (did I need one?). I was the untamed and wild energy of nature, feeling pure love for everything surrounding and being part of me.
As I slowly opened my eyes, I felt happier, yet confused. What was all that? Why was I 'encapsulated' in a body and given an identity? Vaguely, I recalled this was agreed upon; I remembered talking to a group of people (Guides?) who told me this would be good for me, and I reluctantly accepted somehow.

Since childhood, I've felt a deep connection with nature. As an adult, I've had some 'illuminating moments' like feeling ocean waves produce healing mantras or sensing the Sun's rays are alive (the Sun is a pure love living entity). I've also had mystical experiences with the forest, so to speak, which are hard to describe – it's like being part of its essence for minutes, an ecstatic experience (returning to normal was unpleasant afterward).
Or feeling my being's limits extend beyond my body, reaching clouds and mountains. Though we are aware in this body, our true essence lies beyond physical boundaries.

I never understood that beautiful and confusing childhood experience until I read Dolores Cannon's books. In them, people described similar past existences where they were part of a planet or the environment itself, without identity, but recognized the necessity of incarnation for evolutionary growth. This also reminds me of the theosophical current that suggests humans evolved from elementals to minerals, plants, animals – on the evolutionary scale. Since time is simultaneous in the pure consciousness realm, I think I might have perceived an aspect of my existence that doesn't necessarily correspond to my current life in a linear way. Perhaps I tapped into those days as part of the planet's telluric energies, which I've always felt more connected to than any human existence, for some reason.

It's incredible how children bring fresh information into the world and how it influences their behavior before societal conditioning. I pray for all the children of the world; these are challenging times! But I know they'll be okay; they're true warriors.

Reminiscing about childhood memories is lovely. If you have similar memories from your childhood or adolescence – OBEs, innate knowledge, past-life recollections, enlightened moments, etc.– feel free to share them here if you want.
I'd love to read them!
Tak ❤
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Hipnagogia: I started playing with etheric motion as you taught me to «enter». So, I imagined a small sphere making different movements, like drawing the infinity symbol or zigzagging, until I saw a spinning purple wedge on my black screen. I had beautiful and dazzling hipnagogic visions, like complex 3D stained glass with embedded jewels. Also, suction tunnels made of metal rings and overlapping transparent polygons appeared. It was like being in a wild interactive art exhibition!
I feel that my creativity develops significantly during these moments, as if a part of my brain is activated and uses this time to expand and grow. I'm eager to draw and paint again like before! It feels like a call from my creative side to be unfolded.

Then, I'm facing huge golden doors with beautiful reliefs. I open the door, enter the corridor, and feel intimidated and weak... but a voice tells me to show my stronger side with confidence. Immediately, I feel a surge of energy, and at the end of the corridor, I see myself in a mirror as a Viking warrior.
Afterward, I traversed a tunnel, like a gray vortex, and saw many inscriptions on a transparent 3D screen, with floating letters around me. I tried to focus and read each word, but they made no sense to me, except for the word "Odd"; the rest was no known language for the conscious mind.

I lose awareness for a moment, but I recover and remain lying in bed, thinking I'm awake... but something feels different, and I sense I'm not... I intuitively realize I can go out of my body, so I decide to try and fling myself off the bed to the side. If this were the physical, the fall would hurt (my awareness was high, and I couldn't distinguish between being awake or not). But it wasn't the physical! And I effortlessly detach from my body with a flexible motion, like a dolphin jumping backward through water. Finally out! But everything is black.

I recall needing to distance myself from my body as much as possible and quickly. I move away, but I crawl on the ground instead of flying. I ask the Guiding Force to take me beyond the holograms, like last time, but it doesn't happen. I think I didn't ask with enough strength and gave up too soon! Strong will and determination are needed to achieve goals in these realms (at least for me), but forcing things doesn't work also.
Now I see myself in my room, but I know it's a simulation. I spin around like an astronaut, checking my holographic body and hands, counting my fingers – everything's perfect! Even I'm wearing the same clothes I fell asleep in. I decide to exit through the window, which doesn't resist me (usually, I bump into the glass). Outside, everything's black again, but I continue floating and twirling, sensing the sun's warmth. Now its not so black, more grayness, like sunlight over my closed eyelids (the latter happens frequently).

Outside, I try to feel the natural energy (scarce in the city) and experience absolute well-being and happiness, as if the environment envelops and energizes me. Suddenly, I see the city from multiple perspectives, confusing at first, but everything adjusts. The city is different – vibrant colors and incredible quality. The simulation is consistent; when I look away and return, everything remains the same. I know that when the experience quality is this high, it's not generated by me but by the Guiding Force.
The Guiding Force appears, taking me through the city. Buildings are modern, colorful, with decorated terraces, synthetic grass, potted shrubs, and many interesting levels to explore. Some have pools! I'm genuinely happy. At one point, I turn left and see the river surrounded by trees, visible from all cardinal directions, whereas the real river is only visible to the east.

We enter a plant nursery with stunning flowers and plants of all sizes and colors – small and large. There are many cacti and succulents. I grab pots, and start arranging and ordering them on shelves while flying around. I feel this moment is a wonderful gift, and I'm having a blast!
We leave and the Guiding Force takes me to an antique shop. I like a terracotta-colored lamp with ancient Greek engravings that I saw there. I turn it on, and the light shines through people's clothing, because it had an openwork. I wish I could bring it here! lol. A beautiful piece of art!
I leave and enter another building. Slowly, I open a big door made of iron and bronze, feeling an incredible sensation, like «infinite empty space» or also being inside a magical castle. My footsteps echo as if I wear heels (which made me laugh since I never wear that kind of shoes). It's cold and dark, with marble panels on the left and a stunning landscape viewed through a vent window on the right. It was like the Grand Canyon at night with reddish mountains and a starry sky
Suddenly, I fear someone evil might appear, and I start saying I come in peace, invoking the Light. I ask to explore the landscape and move through the window, so, the Guiding Force takes me through it, passing through the glass. However, upon entering, it becomes a tapestry, losing quality and resembling fabric.

Now I walk out onto the street at night, surrounded by colonial-style ancient houses. I decide to try something interesting, inspired by Volgerle's game in The Void article, using green and red light swirls for yes/maybe/no questions. I adapt this using a traffic light, because I am in a lucid dream and not in The Void.
Initially, I ask trivial questions, then wonder if I'm a Starseed, considering my lifelong uncertainty about seeing UFOs as a child and reading it's a possible characteristic. I ask with determination, clearing my mind and looking away, so as not to affect the result. Returning to the traffic light, I'm surprised to see the green light on, but another light bulb shows turquoise, flickering with the number 33. I'm unsure what this means!
I also ask if my half-siblings are Starseeds, repeating the process, but the light shows yellow now. I repeat the question multiple times, and the light doesn't change, remains yellow.
I'm unsure what to think about all this, but I will definitely continue exploring the traffic light game!

I want to wake up and record my experience, but I find my body too numb to move. And I can't...I can't wake up! However, I have some leg mobility, so I kick like a horse to reconnect with this reality, repeating this several times until it works! I'm back. :-)
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Hi Tak,
Thank you for sharing some of the mystery and exciting experiences.

I believe the numbers 33 are representative of a type of, "master energy."

As an outsider to your personal experience, it appears to me that the secondary turquoise light flickering with this 'energy signature' may represent divine guidance.

You asked if you were a starseed- about your seeing UFOs as a child, and not only did you get a yes but you got some additional information. It implies to me you aren't alone. That you are receiving help or, as it pertains to your question, that perhaps you belong to something more. Existing not only as Tak but as some part of this 33 energy or even working alongside it.

I believe another member here recently had a 333 type revelation...

Doreen Virtue says this about the repeating 3's,
Quote333 — The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin, and Yogananda.

I believe I've experienced a masters presence at 333.

But a more general interpretation might be that it has to do with "Other side" or of "divine origin"
And considering your question- and our desire to understand Unity consciousness...

Perhaps we have a galactic family, aspect of self, assisting us in this process.

Most certainly I believe you were being shown a type of Divine Partnership/Active Relationship.