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Exploring Fictional Worlds Topic!?

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Hey, moderators, i would like to know what happened to that 40-paged topic on the Astral Pulse about "Exploring Fictional Worlds" which had lots of info from SpectralDragon. It seemed to have "disappeared". If you know where it is, please let me know because i would really like to get some of that info heh. If you have deleted it, please tell me why since it was one of the greatest threads ever on the board heh.
"And this is to go even further beyond!" -SSJ2 Goku




Spectral has it on his own site.  You really should be a member there if you are such a huge fan of his.

Oh, wait.. you don't really want an answer you already know it.... you're just stirring the pot.. Ahhhh..gottcha, carry on brewer of trouble carry on. :grin:


Ah..Runlola helped.. of course.  Well done.