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The forum errors on my IE.

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Greetings Risu no Kairu,

This has not been reported by anyone else, and most people including myself use IE6.

It sounds to me like your cookie settings are set too high. Can I suggest that you check to see they are set to medium security.

Please let me know if that does not solve it.

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas



Risu no Kairu

My IE security is set to the default medium.

I haven't changed anything on my IE at all. The forum worked just fine up until around a week ago.
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


Talking about bugs, one (no big deal) appeared with my Mozilla like last month...

You can see a huge space between the pulldown menus and the threads:

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


Hi Nagual,

The Mozilla issue happens on version 1.6 on a windows computer I use at work (and only at this forum). However on my computer at home where I run linux and use Mozilla 1.4.1 the page loads correctly at the Astral Pulse.

Interestingly, on the 1.6 versin at work, the phenomena only occurs when I visit these forums. I have been looking into why that is, testing settings, and so forth, but have not yet resolved it.

There is a Mozilla support/bug forum at

Perhaps I'll post on it there, however first I have one more thing I want to try on that work pc. I'll post if I come up with a fix, however you may want to visit that support forum as well. [8]

Very best,
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Not sure, but you might have a look at the lines (close to "Forum"):

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" onmouseout="event.cancelBubble=true">
  <td class="mTD" style="text-align: left; color: black;"><span
onclick="if(!cellCLICK){goToUrl(mI[0][0],mI[0][4])}" id="maintext-0"
style="cursor: pointer; position: relative; top: 1px; left: 5px;">Forum</span></td>

The 100% height is normal...?
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


Originally posted by Risu no Kairu

When I try to use the forum with my Internet Explorer, it tells me there's a error on every page. The only links that work are the Active Topic ones and the Forum ones. I can read the forum, but I can't post, or look at the next page of a topic or anything.

Anything I click on takes me to .../forums/default... stuff. It takes me to the forum page basically.

Everything you mentioned is happening on my pc too.
a) I can not login
b) javascript errors everywhere (says missing ";" )
c) clicking on a forum redirects back to default.asp
d) the page images do not load

my IE is ver 6.0.2800.1106IC.

I was having problems all day, but as of 5 minutes ago it all started to work perfectly.. What the !@#?!?  I have been having trouble for months.. Well I had been mucking around with the browser settings. Not sure what I did. One thing I do remember was adding astralpulse to the list of authorised sites for cookies:
IE-> tools-> internet options-> privacy tab-> edit(web sites)-> enter ""-> click "allow" button


it looks the same in my copy of firefox(0.8).. that "forums" text takes up 100% of the heigh of the window, so maybe you found the problem!


I also have the same problems with the forum in IE 6.0.  Seems like really many people have this problem. Also, I often have images not showing, like some avatars, some icons - although it does work when I open that image in another window, but "show image" does not work...

I can't even reply when I'm inside a thread - I must use the reply icon in the topics overview - and can't view anyone's profile or use any other button. Well well... [:)]

Actually I personalle like the phpBB forum system much more. I'm administrator on two forums that use this (one with 1500 members, one with only 100 - co-workers for a radio station).
Ever thought about using phpBB?  It's nicer, also [:)] - and more importantly, doesn't have those weird bugs in IE 6.0 ...



I often get an error that closes internet explorer a few seconds after posting.


About the phpBB, I really mean that. There are never any problems like the ones described in this "Forum Bugs" forum...

The only problem with chaning over to phpBB would be that it is incompatible with this forum, but I could do a good effort and try to redesign the contents of this database to a phpBB database. I'm quite an expert at php and mysql, however I don't know any asp but I don't think that will be necessary. What database system is currently used? I see that the current system -supports- Mysql, but don't know if it's currently being used here.
Would you consider going to phpBB -if- I would be able to 'redesign' the database into a phpBB one? I could do this without needing access on this forum, of course (I'd just make my own Snitz and phpBB forum somewhere), but I won't start trying to do that if you wouldn't be using it afterwards anyway.. [:)]

And if you don't want phpBB - I see there's a newer version of this Snitz Forum. Version 3.4.03 is currently being used; Version 3.4.04 is out since January. An update might remove some of the problems?..



(...) and indeed, when I view the forum in mozilla, the images do show up (in IE they mostly don't), but the word "forum" in the menu takes up a whole screen-height...

What browser actually -does- show the forum as it is supposed to look.. [?]



For those who want a browser that works with this forum. Here is the link to download firefox (completely free) :

Firefox is both stable and fast on my PC (a good thing bcos my PC is very old and slow)


Isn't Firefox supposed to be the same thing as the browser part of Mozilla?.. And that one's got the 100% height problem.

I unfortunatly don't really think that anyone is interested in this topic - the amount of 'reads' is pretty small compared to the amount of replies..
Only people with forum problems seem to come here, but not the admins/moderators.

Let's pm an admin [:D]



Greetings Sygmoral,

I received your pm thanks very much [:)]

I can only repeat what I have already said, much though I would like to resolve your problem. Of the thousands of members we have, only the people in this topic have reported this problem. I use IE6 and have tested the forums with Mozilla, and it works flawlessly which I believe is the experience of most users. This code has been running now for 15 months, and there is no doubt that any other such problems will have been reported by now.

I am certain that the problem will be local to your PC, but it is difficult to know what it could be precisely. Cookie settings are usually the first place to look followed by your browser cache.

I would suggest laking a further look at these things to see what you can find out. The other problem might arise if you are using a web cache of an ISP; it might be worth checking your settings for that as well.

If I do find anything I will let you know.

Moving to another forum is not an option for many reasons.

With best regards,

Vincit Omnia Veritas


Hi Adrian, thank you for your reply,

(as always I'm replying here by following the link from the overview of Forums Bugs Reports and Questions, because the links inside this thread don't work for me)

I just deleted all offline content, and cookies. Afterwards have gone to check if there really wasn't anything left in the folder C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files - and there wasn't. Now it isn't empty anymore of course, it's got many pictures from this site now - but for some reason not all of them.  For example, the stars do not show up.  So I open a new IE window and paste the URL of one of those stars: That works, I see the gold star.  Then I go to my Temporary Internet File folder, and very weird, - the star shows up there.  So I try to view this thread - I should surely see the gold star now, because it is already cached... but I don't, not even after choosing "Show Image", although it is in my cache.

Just now, I've gone to settings > Privacy, and have allowed ALL cookies to be saved.  The images still don't appear however, and the links don't work (they all redirect to - which can't really be a browser problem, because the correct URL is asked to the server, but the server redirects to the overview).

I'm just saying what I see... I don't have an explanation for it. Mostly, none of the images are working (including smilies - I have to look at the image url to find out which smiley has been posted), except for Nick's avatar, Nagual's avatar and Risu no Kairu's avatar.
Oh, and the screenshot that Nagual has posted here (about the Mozilla bug). All other images fail most of the time; however, I sometimes get to see the reply button, the Astral Pulse logo and the folder-images (next to the location of the forum).

For some reason, ALL the images work in this reply screen... Also, everything works in Mozilla except for the 100% height problem (Nagual's screenshot). In Opera, the links and images all work but many things are not displayed correctly, like the dropdown menu and the 'Author' column in topics.

I'll try to figure out a solution for IE users... either by changing settings or making minor changes to the code...



The forum is suddenly working for me now! [:O]

I reinstalled my windows XP today and the forum is now totally working for me...

me happy [:D]

If any change that I make causes the forum to no longer work on my computer, I'll be sure to let you know.



I had this ones too, reinstalling XP does the trick.

Risu no Kairu

When I try to use the forum with my Internet Explorer, it tells me there's a error on every page. The only links that work are the Active Topic ones and the Forum ones. I can read the forum, but I can't post, or look at the next page of a topic or anything.

AnythingI click on takes me to .../forums/default... stuff. It takes me to the forum page basically.

That's why I've not posted in a while.

Turns out my Mozilla Firebird posts just fine, though. :/ I like IE better, however. :/[B)]
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/