The Astral Pulse

Energy Body and The Chakras => Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras => Topic started by: cainam_nazier on May 02, 2002, 04:34:06

Title: NEW System
Post by: cainam_nazier on May 02, 2002, 04:34:06
Well every one here will tell you at least one thing.  Stay with it, and keep trying.

It is normal for there to be little or no sensation at first.  There are a couple of different reasons, either inactivity or blockages.  But if you continue to work these areas any how you will eventually start to feel something as the energy paths are opened.  But do you best to try and give it some time before saying it won't work.  It will.   Also keep in mind that the feelings you get may vary from what some one else describes.  This being that every one is different, different feelings, different way of describing, and so on.  I personally still experience a little bit of pain from time to time when doing energy work.  Kinda like a charlie horse low throbing pain.  I gues I'm one of the luck ones.  
But you will know when it starts to work because the feeling will be very different.  If you use the same kind of concentration that you used when you were getting your braces tightend then you shuold be able to get some very positive results.  Again just keep at it for a while.

David Rogalski
Title: NEW System
Post by: kifyre on May 02, 2002, 08:14:59
Originally posted by cainam_nazier:
Well every one here will tell you at least one thing.  Stay with it, and keep trying.

Yup, that's the best advice I could give. It sounds like you're doing fine. What's below might be vaguely useful, but, when in doubt, go with your primary source material.

I'll just use your thumb as an example:
"You've got two thumbs, you've always had them, but you're not always aware you have them. Just like you're always breathing, but you're not always conscious of inhaling and exhaling. What I want you to do, is remember you have a thumb. Become aware of it, without looking at it. Notice where your thumb is in space, how it's oriented with respect to the rest of your body. Is it resting against anything? What's the temperature of the air around your thumb? Can you decide how long your fingernail is, still without looking? With an imaginary hand, don't brush, stir, wrap or anything. Just take your imaginary hand, your awareness hand, and begin to carefully feel your thumb, still not looking at it.  Cover every centimeter of it. Figure out exactly how it's bent, the texture of the skin, how your finger nail joins your thumb, the exact shape and curvature of your thumb. Explore your thumb with your awareness hand. You may want to push some awareness fingers lightly against the skin of your thumb and explore the bone structure inside your thumb. When you are ready, take an awareness finger and begin to stir a knuckle, as fast or as slow as you wish..."

Best of luck, there's no doubt in my mind you'll start to feel something if you keep trying. And don't be afraid to experiment!


Title: NEW System
Post by: Tom on May 02, 2002, 12:53:31
The book "Astral Dynamics" has more information on NEW. That is from where I learned to do it. It will be nice when there is an actual entire book on the subject. Until then, it seems likely that the new book soon to be released will also have information on working with energy.

If you have an experience such as using a paintbrush pulled across your thumb in a circle and you can recall how it felt without doing it again, that is all that is required. With MBA you are not trying to create electrical tingling. It is a matter of learning to bring awareness to the sensations that are already there. Creating new sensations is just to help draw awareness to the spot. When you can do that, the next step is not creating tingling. It is to be able to do the exercises without looking at the spots or sensitizing them by physically touching them. Then the idea is to trace paths from one point to another. Developing brushing, sponging, tearing, and other such things is tactile imaging and this is also just an exercise. The tingling and warmth of energy sensations will come with time. If you are experiencing pressure or discomfort still you should practice more often for shorter periods of time with less intensity.

Title: NEW System
Post by: Ashfo on May 05, 2002, 03:21:01
Thanks for all your replies, very helpful, and dont worry - I am far from giving up. It took me about 5 new emails to finally register for this forum (NZ routers dont seem to like it) so im not giving up yet :P

Im buying the AD book by RB now, should be about a week though to get to NZ.

Thanks again,

- Ashfo

Title: NEW System
Post by: Ashfo on May 02, 2002, 01:47:12
Im a new member, as so many seem to be, and I havent read Robert Bruces books but I aim to do so as soon as possible.

Ive been going through the techniques here: and have found it really difficuilt. I was startled to realise that this process of MBA is exactly the same I used when having my braces tightened - an often uncomfortable and painful procedure - I imagined I was my big toe and I could actually feel the sensitivity of my mouth decrease, so I believe it is real. My problem is that I cannot get the "tingling energy sensation", such as the techniques of imagining a paintbrush in your mouth. I feel nothing... just plain nothing.

I managed once to get a slight feeling of "brushing" against my thumb but Im finding this frustating and difficuilt... any tips?


- Ashfo