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seeing the edge of the solar system

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I continue to see more and more of outer space. All sorts of 3d visuals and graphs, galaxy formations, up-close visuals of stars and the layers within them. I'm more convinced that I keep accessing a system with all this information

I figure, it only makes sense that there are planets and planetoids in the Solar System that are not commonly known. Probably a lot of Planet X's. It doesn't interest me as much anymore. Although it would be nice to know if I'm part of some space-army


Quote from: zareste on January 27, 2010, 06:27:42
I figure, it only makes sense that there are planets and planetoids in the Solar System that are not commonly known. Probably a lot of Planet X's. It doesn't interest me as much anymore. Although it would be nice to know if I'm part of some space-army

In our solar system!? How many planets are we talking about here...? Do you think that they might be 4th density planets? 

I don't think I'm part of a space army but who knows. I recently had an encounter while out of body with two members from my group. We were above earth in orbit when three ships approached. One being from each ship got out and slowly started approaching us. The man in the center turned to my teacher and talked to him about something for a moment, then he turned his attention to me.

He said, 'You are unlike the rest, you are quite powerful indeed.' I scratched my head and said something like 'oh yea..?'. He told me that my power level is very high for someone so young and that I have great potential. He then asked me if the three of us whould help him with something. I said, 'only if my friends and I can have a tour of your ship.' He agreed and we walked (floated) back to his ship and my body was overcome by gravitational waves of powerful energy and I was sent back to my physical body.


Just ordinary planets, I'm sure. Maybe there's a lot of action going on out there, and groups only stop by the inner planets for resources or something. The outer solar system seemed active when I saw it.

If I am some kind of interstellar officer, it isn't doing me much good and I'm not all that gifted, but it would be nice to know.

There's another thing I wanted to find out. In a trance state once, I saw Earth in its very early days - lifeless - and then there was this female spirit who appeared over the atmosphere and did something to Earth's fields. It somehow made the planet inhabitable for plants. Like some kind of field adjustment can cause life to form on a planet over time - I guess the ambient modulations can create DNA. She seemed to act independently and on her own will - no accompanying crafts or anything. And something about her just blew my circuits. I couldn't pick up any impure intentions from her. Nothing at all. She wasn't one of those evil creators we read about in the religious texts.

Incidentally, the earliest records of gods or great spirits (drawn by cave dwellers) cited an independent female Earth spirit. No sign of our current male tyrant gods until later.

I figured, if anyone could solve Earth's crisis, surely it was this spirit

I tried to contact her, and I seemed to have gotten her, although she didn't act like the pure spirit I remembered. We were together in a dimly lit, blue room. All she did was look at a holograph of Earth and say "Looks like you've been causing trouble." When she said 'you' she meant humanity. So, this was either a nasty spirit posing as her, or perhaps I was right in assuming everything in the universe has a rotten side to it. The trance was very short and I didn't have any luck contacting her since

There was one brief trance where I think I heard her name. It was Duplana. I looked up the name and noticed it's also the name of a plant


Quotemale tyrant gods

Well thats not quite accurate, managing Gods yes, if they were tyrants we wouldnt have as many chances as we currently have had to change our ways.

The female spirit part sounds a little more convincing as the nurturing forces are of a femanine nature, plus this would coincide with the idea of Mother Nature.

But still... unless you have developed an objective perception you run the risk of believing your own mistaken perception which could be subjective entirely.


Interesting Flash game (well not really a game) that I just came across, strangely enough...


Quote from: zareste on January 27, 2010, 09:12:15
I tried to contact her, and I seemed to have gotten her, although she didn't act like the pure spirit I remembered. We were together in a dimly lit, blue room. All she did was look at a holograph of Earth and say "Looks like you've been causing trouble." When she said 'you' she meant humanity. So, this was either a nasty spirit posing as her, or perhaps I was right in assuming everything in the universe has a rotten side to it. The trance was very short and I didn't have any luck contacting her since

Just blame it on the reptilians!  :-D

Quote from: Xanth on January 27, 2010, 15:41:04
Interesting Flash game (well not really a game) that I just came across, strangely enough...

That's pretty sick how gigantically huge galaxies are. It would take me a million years just to explore one.


Quote from: Optic on January 27, 2010, 15:39:53Well thats not quite accurate, managing Gods yes, if they were tyrants we wouldnt have as many chances as we currently have had to change our ways.
A tyrant is someone who controls by force. I can't make this any simpler for you


Do you think that these higher dimensional beings ever step in from time to time to check up on the planets that they created?

In another post you mentioned that the only aliens you have ever read or heard about are emotionless fear mongering condescending humanoid drones, who don't show any emotions and seem totally unconcerned with the well-being of lowly humans. Why do you think that there are so few civilizations out there that are 'emotional'? I for one laugh all the time :lol: which is perhaps why they are so interested in us.


QuoteDo you think that these higher dimensional beings ever step in from time to time to check up on the planets that they created?
Hmm, wish I were more of an expert on these big-shot spirits. I'll bet it varies wildly from one to the other, as age tends to make a person more distinguished and less hive-minded.

Joseph McMoneagle did a remote viewing into the past, and reported a being who created one of the hominid types that led to the modern human. The being was a very old reptiloid (no great spirit by any means) who showed up on Earth, spliced a few genes together to create a sort of primate/otter hybrid, then left, reportedly with no intention of coming back or checking up. He didn't elaborate much on this.

I wouldn't say all off-world life is emotionless or fear-mongering at all. That's why I can tell the Zetans and co. apart from all the others. There are PLENTY of humanoids around here (even grey-types) who are at least as capable of emotion as we are. I've met them. So when people keep reporting humanoids who appear different but all have the same nasty personality and agenda, I can tell there's trouble - a deception created by one force pretending to be many.

As one of these humanoids so ironically said during an abduction, "You judge by appearance."


Quote from: zareste on January 28, 2010, 00:19:05
Hmm, wish I were more of an expert on these big-shot spirits. I'll bet it varies wildly from one to the other, as age tends to make a person more distinguished and less hive-minded.

Joseph McMoneagle did a remote viewing into the past, and reported a being who created one of the hominid types that led to the modern human. The being was a very old reptiloid (no great spirit by any means) who showed up on Earth, spliced a few genes together to create a sort of primate/otter hybrid, then left, reportedly with no intention of coming back or checking up. He didn't elaborate much on this.

Yea.. Well, like I said above, Galaxies are quite large and it may take a while for someone to visit a planet that they created 900 million years ago. I think it would be rather exciting to create a planet and bring some people to it. Then you can jump through time and watch them devlope.

Have you ever read about Billy Meier and his telepathtic communications with Pleiadians? It is really unbelievable, he has over 20 images of some of the best UFOs I have ever seen and some of the best information regarding the Pleiadians.

The Pleiadians told Meier that many earth humans are related to them through common ancient ancestors or to other extraterrestrial visitors from the far distant past. The case contains quite a bit of specific information about the ET connection as well as why gentic manipulation was deliberelty done by some ET's to limit the Earth humans' life span to about 100 years. The Pleiadians claim that the original lengthy life spans of several hundred years, as referred to in the Bible and other sources, will one day be reclaimed when scientists discover and rectify the particular genes that were tampered with.


I rarely go into these areas, it's all unprovable crap, but here we go:

Steiner talks about 2 different types of beings that influence our evolution. He used the terms "Luciferic" and "Ahrimanic", which to me seem similar to "Reptilians" and "Greys". The Luciferic beings are the ones which helped bring about a "spark" in humanity, helped us create civilization & order, & on the opposite side, war. Ahrimanic beings help bring us into the material world, influence our creations of technology, and when overdone, keep us from knowing anything other than the material world. Steiner was adamant that the Ahrimanic influence in our society was too much, brought about by societies like the Theosophical Society. Both beings play crucial roles, yet are only supposed to to a certain extent.

Both of these types of beings are ones that didn't make it past their last level of evolution (moon) (possibly us, or another order of beings), and in the process of being held back were given tasks of spurring on humanity's evolution. And at times during the course of evolution, things become unbalanced and influences from either side become too much. It makes sense to me that these "Greys" are Ahrimanic beings and have taken on the form of outer space aliens because that fits in perfect with our technology & science, and even science fiction, and getting us to believe that they have more power than they do, or even that they are our creators.

This is where Steiner talks about the "Representative of Humanity", a part of humanity into which we're all to evolve to that acts as a balancing point between the conflicting influences of other evolutionary beings on humanity. This is where humans should be focused, not on the seemingly outer influences, but our inner influences in our selves that imbue spirit into the physical. That's something these beings only wish they could do themselves.

Feel free to ignore or regard as complete fiction, I'm not here to tell anyone what is correct or that they are wrong, just throwing in a different perspective.


Quote from: kurtykurt42 on January 28, 2010, 09:00:38The Pleiadians told Meier that many earth humans are related to them through common ancient ancestors or to other extraterrestrial visitors from the far distant past. The case contains quite a bit of specific information about the ET connection as well as why gentic manipulation was deliberelty done by some ET's to limit the Earth humans' life span to about 100 years. The Pleiadians claim that the original lengthy life spans of several hundred years, as referred to in the Bible and other sources, will one day be reclaimed when scientists discover and rectify the particular genes that were tampered with.
I've heard a thing or two about that. Some humanoids said we age faster because of the oxygen in our blood (meaning anti-oxidants are crucial). They also said they had a cure - but the guy who was hearing all this forgot to ask about it.  ffffff

Humans are quite a cocktail of genes. Some of our ancestors were humanoids who crash-landed here, such as an exceedingly advanced race that made an emergency landing in India some millions of years ago. (If the story is accurate, they're smarter than anyone in this galaxy, and were a major contributor to our genes)


Quote from: zareste on January 29, 2010, 05:09:59
I've heard a thing or two about that. Some humanoids said we age faster because of the oxygen in our blood (meaning anti-oxidants are crucial). They also said they had a cure - but the guy who was hearing all this forgot to ask about it.  ffffff

Well... I dunno about you but I plan on getting my old 700 year old body back! Hopefully I can find a nice group of aliens to perform the procedure. Then I can introduce them to a couple of nice earth women!  :-D


Quote from: zareste on January 27, 2010, 21:56:11
A tyrant is someone who controls by force. I can't make this any simpler for you

"In the exact sense, a tyrant is an individual who arrogates to himself the royal authority without having a right to it. This is how the Greeks understood the word 'tyrant': they applied it indifferently to good and bad princes whose authority was not legitimate."

My post was in regards to that type of tyrant, in that case it would be hard to judge whether the God is truly a tyrant in that context because they might just be carrying out a natural operation which is neccessary for the God to perform within the laws of nature. But to our subjective perception we may see the God as a tyrant in the negative sense because of our not being able to negotiate with the operations being carried out. Well we cannot truly perceive every operation that takes place without our consent to be considered a tyranny! Especially when we are discussing superior forces or operations.

A God who manages a planet, manages in the sense of keeping it in harmony with all the forces of nature in order to function correctly, this God cannot be considered a tyrant, but rather an intelligent principle intelligently managing the forces of creation in order to keep balance and harmony. This type of God does not do anything selfishly but does what is needed in order keep forces in balance and within the laws of nature karma included!



Just a small development: Earlier, I mentioned seeing a planet while looking for Nibiru - and saw one that was surrounded by a blue haze and many machines. I realized, just now, that the blue haze is nothing unusual - in fact Earth has one. We just don't see it

For a long time I had my usual flights through space, and whenever I saw Earth, I saw it as a bright little planet inside a glowing blue cloud. The blue cloud was not the atmosphere, but a thick and uneven cloud about twice the diameter of Earth. I later found out this is the 'plasmasphere' The plasmasphere is normally invisible to us because it's ultraviolet. Sure enough, the plasmasphere is uneven, cloudy, and its color would appear similar to blue if your eyes were able to see it.

So that just means a blue haze around a TNO planet is nothing odd. Perhaps it's necessary to the life systems.

Anyone ever astral project into space? It's creepy, looking into that darkness and realizing it's billions of miles in volume


Yep, always freaks me out if I think about it, but not as much as going to the boundary of this space/time and looking from the edge toward the anti de-Sitter space it's expanding into.

Try heading to the sun first, then circling around it and keeping your "eyes" (and senses) peeled outward. Should not be difficult to locate the planet. Don't look for it on the ecliptic.

Quote from: zareste on February 07, 2010, 14:56:47

Anyone ever astral project into space? It's creepy, looking into that darkness and realizing it's billions of miles in volume