Your most phenomenal experience so far

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I'd love to hear your experiences! So far I've had a few, one being visited by an Archangel named Michael who took me to a church on clouds and told me that was where he brought spirits of people who were soon going to pass away, then brought me to my 'home', and then showed me the gates of Heaven --- soo amazing, there are no words to explain. I will post in detail later on as I have things I have to do right now but I'd love to hear your most amazing/phenomenal experience thus far and how long you've been AP'ing for.


Bring into play the divine within you, so on the stage of life you can fulfill your high destined role.


I was born into this reality... which is phenomenally cool... I have been experiencing it for 39 years. :)

AP wise...


Time of OOBE - 00.30AM

Had the most profound OOBE since Kaidin. Not too sure what to write or where to begin.
After five to six waves I had the sensation of what magnets must feel like when they are forced together against their apposing poles, then violently 'flip' together. Like I was two magnets... hard to explain.
The next thing, I woke up with a shock during a car journey. I then realised I was driving... that's why I woke up with a shock. I suddenly noticed I was driving - not only can I not drive but I was using a leather joystick to steer. I nearly crashed the car(?) into an embankment on my right.
A woman sat next to me laughed at me and asked me if I was alright (I can't remember what she called me... it may have been my name).
I didn't respond and tried to start the car but I didn't know how. It wasn't like a normal car. It was wider like a Humvee but proportionate to a car. The wheel was a joystick or rather a leather lever. She asked me if I wanted her to drive so I said yes.
She drove me through a village that lined the edge of a valley... a lake was to the right. as we went through the village 'slowly' a few people waved and smiled at me... so I waved back. A man approached the car and the woman (who I think was called Molly or Mary?) rolled down the window. They chatted for a bit. Through my growing anxiety I caught bits of the conversation, something about 'the people from the city... whether it was 'successful'... That he was thinking about opening a shop up close by the city next year... he would have this year, but they weren't in season(?).
I didn't know where I was. Who I was. I could remember the vibrational state and the magnetic feeling and decided to tell her as we set off again. I said I was lying in bed and had the state as normal and that there was a strong magnetic flip type sensation. What did make me panic was when she asked me what I was waffling on about and why was I acting wierd saying silly things. I shut up and stared out of the window until we stopped at a large stately home. She told me to go and get some rest. I walked to the door and decided to inspect the outside of the house. The woman then asked me what I was doing... I told her I was going to inspect the surroundings (as I would normally do). She shook her head and drove through an archway adjacent to the side of the house.
I walked around the back of the mansion and entered a white wraught iron conservatory through to a massive kitchen. The house was familiar but I didn't really know where I was going... like Deja vu. It was just a big sprawling mansion... nothing unusual. Was it mine?
I knew I was in an OOBE but I suddenly realised how long I had been in it (felt like an hour) so I attempted to shift phase but nothing happened. I tried to be my physical body in bed. Nothing. I closed my eyes, nothing... just closed eyes. I found a polished steel aga-like oven in the kitchen and looked at my reflection in the side panel... it was me. A horrible sensation of normality hit me. Horrible. I started to cry and my tears were wet and real. I felt heavy and normal. I thought if I went to a high window and jumped I might fly or wake up.
I ran to the spiral staircase (which I knew how to find?) and along a red carpeted corridor. I entered the room at the end. There were three guys in there. my friends? one was called Monklet (how did I know?) cheeky looking... the room was very low ceiling'd. Like a chillout room. They all welcomed me... I asked where the nearest window was and they laughed and then seemed concerned. They asked me if I was ok. I got annoyed and frightened when they said this... I told them I needed to get back... "back were?' they asked... back in bed in my body... they laughed... I was starting to think how ridiculous it all was.
I ran out and they followed me. They asked me why I was crying... I told them that I didn't know it was a dream... 'what dream?' my life... 'this is your life'.
I blacked out.
I found myself still in the VS back in bed but still feeling the magnetic sensation... I shook myself as hard as I could to break the trance.
I sat up in bed and suffered a huge panic attack. Still shaking."

The experience itself lasted about an hour... the perception of how long it lasted was about 4 hours.

I had 3 more set in this reality... same guy... same world. Always entering during 'he' was just going about his daily business.

The most profound thing about this experience was that after having them I read Robert Monroe's book Journeys Out of the Body. He described exactly the same place.. including the description of the car. I wrote to him describing them.. but never got a reply.  :cry:

I've had many others that are phenomenal but I thought this one was the most evidential for an alternative/parallel reality.


You have been AP for 39 years? Wow talk about a journey! I just started last summer... though I have been involved in altered states for over 8 years. I had a similar experience involving parallel worlds the other night. It seems like I was a mental patient in an hospital... I told the nurses I was sorry, I was not from this world. They laughed at me! No wonder I was in an institution lol!

I dunno if you can consider this astral projection... but back 5 years or so ago, I was experiencing with a mild tryptamine compound called Iprocin. It was suppose to be mild but I had a breakthrough experience. I was in my room and I had peaked and my body turned to an emanation of the most beautiful light! I had never read about the "body of light" literature... next thing I knew is that I was took to another realm were I realized how perfect everything is. To travel there, my consciousness went through gigantic wheels made of ever-transforming colours and shapes like Tibetan mandalas in motion. I went through many of them, maybe 7-9, each time I was thinking "Wow! This is never ending!". Then I emerged into whatever can be called the most profound state of bliss of being I ever experienced. I cannot explain this into words, it cannot. In my mind I could not stop repeating "This is incredible! This is incredible!..." and so on. Then suddenly I would find myself back in my bedroom, I thought I would be able to remember where I had been only to find myself a few moments later wondering where and what had happened and thinking "Uh oh! This isn't possible! This was insanity! It was psychosis!"... and then the next moment I would go back there and "I would know again" and experience this profound deep state... only to return back and thinking it was pure insanity... It went on for many times... As of today, I can't recall where and what happened, but I was left with a powerful lasting impression. That was my most profound experience... my life became an hell because I got involved in all possible drugs, finally got clean and was awoke one night this summer with those strange vibrations and knew I could go out... and it was the beginning of my new journey I am pursuing! Now I know I don't need any mind altering compounds to explore reality, it's all within us!


I'd have to say when I called out to my grandpa. I was in the rtz. I had a dream about him a few nights before. He was super upset with me. He passed away in 09. About three days later I projected and was in my living room. I called out to my grandpa. I said pops, I really wanna talk to you. I see a bald figure walking out of my garage area toward me. I smiled I knew it was him. He got closer... And he smiled huge. I remember I gave him a giant hug. I could feel the clothes. Everything. I said. Pops... In that dream I'm so sorry was it real? You looked so upset... Before I could go any further he squeezed me really tight and smiled and said Cody.... You worry to much. I then felt a huge burst of energy on my crown chakra during that time. Landed back in my body right after because I got very excited. I was in sock (good shock) for a whole week. Still am. :) I then flew to the garden of the gods (live in Colorado) pikes peak is right out my window haha. I watched the city lights in Colorado springs and just smiled. I had 3 obe's that morning. It was absolutely amazing. Sorry about my grammar I use my mobile on here all the time.


Hi missym!

I'm not sure if you took a break or something.  But hi  :)

This is probably my most... breathtaking experience I've ever had.  In comparison though, it occurred before I started doing my "reality" experiments.

Anyway, enjoy!  :)


Every now and then someone asks for best OBEs and it gives me a chance to repost my dragon encounter. So here it is ---

"Dragon Master"
Sunday, August 10, 1997 (OBE # 23)

   I became conscious when in deep sleep. Somehow realizing that projection was possible I made an effort to go out of body. This was much easier than expected, I simply floated out.
   Almost immediately I went through a wall of my apartment into what must be the adjacent apartment. Now disoriented, thinking that I was in another building, I went through another wall and was briefly outside. A few seconds later I go into and through a wall into the next building. Motion is relentless. I can't seem to control my direction. I feel impelled by some unknown force to continue on this way. While going through (a hall?) in this unfamiliar building the main thought is to try to get out.. Another wall appeared. I went into it and through it.
   Finally outside, I was flying 30 feet over a low hill. It was still night. My sight was not all that good and I thought that this was an area somewhere in Pittsburgh. While cruising above the hill vision improved. Details could be seen on the ground below. First, a house looked fairly normal. Something else seemed out of place. There was a light dusting of snow on the ground!
   Continuing on I went over large mansions or estates. Then a small castle, complete with tower and moat, could be seen! During the next few miles there were too many castles and I no longer believed that this could be anywhere on Earth.
   A tremendous tree appeared atop a low hill. It stretched upwards over 100 feet. Heavy branches extended outwards and gave it the appearence of power.
   The dragon waited, hidden in the tree. The creature nearly surprised me as I glided past. Some sixth sense or ESP ability warned me - that and a large wooden staff that I now held.
   I challenged the dragon in a method of speech not used on Earth.
   The dragon appeared. It was dark green or black. Though the dragon was relatively young it was 12 to 15 feet in length and had a full wingspan of 15 feet or more.
   A battle began immediately. It flew straight at me so I had to avoid it. I soared up and away to try magick against it. The dragon followed and attacked again.
   The beast would not let me get away. It kept close never allowing me to recite a spell. I was forced to draw a dagger or shortsword to engage in melee. The dragon had the advantage. It was bigger and faster in flight. Though I was quicker I only managed 1 or 2 effective hits.
   My big advantage was the ability to hover in flight. The dragon could stop briefly but I countered by rising vertically. This it could not do. Ten minutes of melee went by before an opportunity arose to vocalize a spell.
   This was the turning point! This young dragon seemed sensitive to magick. It soon became confused and then became cautious.
   The fight climaxed on a stone ledge near some houses in a small town. Amoung the spectators were two children, both boys about 7 or 8 years of age. The dragon broke off the fight to go for them. I got in front of the dragon and hit it a solid blow with my staff. This somehow completed my victory.
   The dragon pulled back to assess its situation. Realizing that it could not use townspeople as a ploy and that it had lost the fight the dragon turned about and set off into the night.
   I raised the staff up high proclaiming victory. With a surge of power I realize that I am a Dragonmaster !
   There were other dragons to be found in this land so I took flight again. This adventure was quickly coming to an end, however. My physical body was pulling me back. It was a Very strong pull so I was next back in bed. I mentally recounted the experience then drifted off to sleep. After a dream (about a dragon !) I awoke to write it all down.
   Notes. Time was between 3 to 4:30 AM. Unsure of which side (left or right) I lay on.
Locale was either a BST or I* (alternate/parallel universe). Separation was deliberate. Also Flight, Floating, a Fight, Magick and Travel-teleportation.


Heh, I had another baby and have been busy busy busy so very little time for the forum unfortunately! I still make my way over here at least once a week to read the new stories and experiences.  :-) Anyway here is my most amazing experience, met an Angel and it was incredible!

So last night I became conscious in my dream and began flying upwards. I felt the vibrations and knew I was going to exit my body. I ended up popping out of my body, and flew threw my window into the sunrise. I could feel the clouds going through me, it was amazing. I flew and I flew and somehow ended up at this large castle situated in the clouds. Infront of it was a man wearing a brown robe, with golden wings. He told me his name was Michael and he was an Archangel. Now mind you, I am not Catholic, or Christian and I wasn't aware there was even an Archangel named Michael in the bible. Anyhow, he 'guided' me for awhile. I was with him for quite some time, I followed him around asking him what he was doing. There was an elderly lady who was with him and he told me he was preparing her for death by taking her spirit when she was asleep to this church where she would go to immediately after she died. She sat and sang songs with him, he told me she wouldn't remember when she awoke because her body was dreaming, and that as soon as she died she would recognize this place and feel at ease.
We returned to the tower and I asked him "Can you show me where I will go when I die?"
I was flying within seconds at such a fast speed I couldn't make out where I was even going.
We ended up in a beautiful, beautiful garden. He told me I would rest there. There were squirrels and animals, a waterfall and the most peaceful sound I have ever heard - nature. I am very close to nature and it made me very happy to be there. There was pure beauty, everywhere, such a calming feeling. I asked him after that, "Can you show me Heaven?" (I'm not entirely sure why I asked, because I personally don't even believe in heaven as I'm not Christian, maybe just to see if it really existed)
Anyways he whistled and a chariot appeared with two horses with wings, he got onto it and so did I and we zoomed so fast I felt the energy throughout me picking up and vibrating higher and higher.
We stopped infront of golden gates, the most beautiful sight I have ever seen, beyond these gates was a kingdom of wonder and beauty. Everything was amazing - colours I have never seen in real life, people with such a strong aura it glowed gold, everybody had wings. The buildings were made from gold. It was truly euphoria.

My memory gets kind of hazy, I recall asking what age I would die at and he told me an age that was way too young, I begged him to give me more time he told me that I don't take care of my body (I smoke, don't eat very healthy, etc.) I told him I would promise to take care of myself, and after that, I was back.

This is by far the most AMAZING, incredible experience I have ever had in my life. I have never seen such beauty, felt such wonder, amazement. The words I typed couldn't have shown nearly the beauty I saw today.
Bring into play the divine within you, so on the stage of life you can fulfill your high destined role.


Quote from: missym on January 23, 2013, 11:15:01I recall asking what age I would die at and he told me an age that was way too young, I begged him to give me more time he told me that I don't take care of my body (I smoke, don't eat very healthy, etc.) I told him I would promise to take care of myself, and after that, I was back.
Wow, that is what I'd call a courageous question! To be honest, for me it would be the very last I would ask of a guide or angel at all. I would not want to know.


I asked "show me the true nature of reality", and I was turned inside-out as I got sucked through membranes and ended up as a point attached to the end of an infinitely colored curtain that went into infinity (time and space were non-existant, so it wasn't "big" or "small", just infinite). In fact, everyone was attatched to the end of this curtain. The ripple of the curtain I was on was my entire physical life from birth to the present moment. Everyone had their own ripple and they flowed together - lives intermingling, which create the giant curtain, which was the physical world. Here, I was not "Stookie", I was a being that had been asleep on the end of the ripple, dreaming it into existence with everyone else. I was about to "break through a seem" and get to another area, but I had the distinct feeling that there was something on the "other side" keeping me in. To this day, I wonder if I would have physically died if I went through... Monroe's aperture maybe? Or maybe it would have been a complete transformation that I missed out on. It wasn't fun or happy or full of love... it hurt and made me depressed to see what physical reality really was. I felt deceived. It was a complete and utter shock to my being, but I came out seeing everything completely different then I ever could have imagined, philosophized, or theorized. It was an experience I wasn't prepared for, would never volunteer for, yet was the most perception changing experience I ever had and am very glad it happened. If anything, it spurs me on to figure it all out on my own through first-hand experience. The best teacher in the world can't prepare you for huge perceptual changes.


Quote from: Stookie_ on January 23, 2013, 11:55:52
(..) I got sucked through membranes and ended up as a point attached to the end of an infinitely colored curtain that went into infinity (time and space were non-existant, so it wasn't "big" or "small", just infinite). In fact, everyone was attatched to the end of this curtain. The ripple of the curtain I was on was my entire physical life from birth to the present moment. Everyone had their own ripple and they flowed together - lives intermingling, which create the giant curtain, which was the physical world.
Fascinating. Your mentioning of the "curtain" with all "lives intermingling" strongly reminds me of what I read recently in Dolores Cannon's Live-Between-Lives book. She mentions the "Tapestry Room" which is more or less an Akashic Records hall containg "tapestry" of all human life lines of each soul or indivitual being somehow intricately 'weaved' ("intermingled") together. Your can read from this bookmark onwards.


Quote from: Volgerle on January 23, 2013, 15:24:20
Fascinating. Your mentioning of the "curtain" with all "lives intermingling" strongly reminds me of what I read recently in Dolores Cannon's Live-Between-Lives book. She mentions the "Tapestry Room" which is more or less an Akashic Records hall containg "tapestry" of all human life lines of each soul or indivitual being somehow intricately 'weaved' ("intermingled") together. Your can read from this bookmark onwards.

Interesting. I've wondered if it was the "Rainbow Bridge" - there are a few similarities. I've also found lots of similarities among other religions and esoteric teachings. I think my best conclusion so far is it's literally the end of the physical (including astral and other planes along side the physical) and the seat of our ego. If you go beyond that, you've pushed through your own ego, and the fact that I confronted it with a feeling of deception and depression was a sign I wasn't ready to see beyond my own self. And I'm guessing everything since is just preparation for the next go-round and why I take meditation as seriously as I do. I want total freedom.