Why, Can't I Project? - InvisibleLight Book Reference - For Beginner to Advance

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David Warner

AP Friends,

I have read and have had many discussions about the out-of-body experience and the public having difficulty to reproducing this event.  I thought it was time to bring to light and lift from the pages of my current book I am working on and share some insight.

Chapter 6. - Trial by Error

Why I am so successful at projecting is a mystery to me while other’s work equally hard? Is it really hard to pinpoint why I’m able to project weekly, maybe it’s because of passion, devotion, hard work and organization. It’s possible that when growing up I was diagnosed with being hyper active and having a learning disability. Could it have been my interest in the rock band Kiss, or having a imaginary companion dog named “Leroy Brown”. When I was five years old attending kindergarten school my teacher Mrs. Bailey noticed unusual behavior in me which lead my parents to have tests done on me. Hyperactive with a learning disability.

I started to think about this from many discussions and radio shows I have been interviewing with lately. "Why, Can't I Project"?

There are a lot of variables to consider:
Amount of Sleep
Tracking Statistics
Intent & Objective, Goal Setting
Passion, Patience, Perseverance
Communicating Daily
Research, Discussion, Learning
Trial by Error

You have to look at projecting as if you are training for the Olympics everyday and show up! There are no short-cuts, competition, or fast food  drive thru, or thinking that you will arrive at perfection.

I am not trying to boast, but I can pull a OBE out of the hat almost every week w/o fail. Project 5-10 times per month and have experiences thousands of OBEs. Does this make me any better than the next person “No” – just thanking God for giving me this gift and being able to share.

From 2005 - 2008, I gave my time to track statistically by creating a excel spreadsheet based on the following catagories. I wanted to complete this three year study so that I can compare the days,months,years for analasys. In my three year study of tracking and statistics, I have projected 400 times. That equates to 1-2 projections weekly.

Food & Sleep Statistics


What I found valuable to this research is food didn't matter if I projected or not. No starbucks frapacino or heinken beer made no difference in reaching enlightment, Well, maybe..:) Meats, veggies, fruit, different ethenic meals again had no effect on projecting.


This area of tracking is vital and has proven variable to success. Each sleep cycle I would track, researching if the amount of sleep mattered in achieving successful OBE. Yes, it does and here is the breakdown based on the hours of sleep needed the day before the OBE. As you see below, between 7hrs - 8hrs of sleep was recorded showing success rate at projecting. So now, I am able to see a better picture of the hours of sleep needed personally for me in yielding the OBE.

1 hour   0
2 hours   0
3 hours   1
4 hours   6
5 hours   7
6 hours   23
7 hours   50
8 hours   65
9 hours   27
10 hours   16
11 hours   3
12 hours   2

Projection Statistics

This is definitely the gold mine of tracking for determing the best days to project and times.

In this three year study 2005 - 2008, I have projected 352 times, broken down to four categories

Three Year Stats
Misc: 37
Dream to OBE: 128
False Awakening: 82
Conscious OBE: 156

I know now that my favorite technique in projecting is Conscious OBE or (Mind Awake, Body Asleep) method. Second, is Dream to OBE (Projecting from the dream into the OBE). False awakening (most FA's are from my return back from the Conscious OBE) and the fourth is Misc Experience (attempts within the dream in projecting).

This is the ticket for developing and focusing my energy on Conscious Projecting then subscribing to other methods, practices, etc. This is not to say the other methods are wrong, everyone is right for that person to tune to and craft to success. It just so happens that I am a conscious projecting and found out by error!

Now, the next breakdown is based on Day and Times of the when the OBE occurs:

Weekday Stats

Sunday   35
Monday   41
Tuesday   30
Wednesday  25
Thursday   24
Friday   42
Saturday   23

As you can see, Monday, Friday, and Sunday are my best days for projecting. Each time that I would project on a specific day, I would record that the OBE occurred. Later on, adding to that number specific to that day when the OBE occurred.

Now, the times that I project has yielded excellent results in determining when these OBEs occur. As you can see by the times listed below that between 9:00AM - 11:59AM is my range for when the setting is right for me to project. Since I work nights and normally don't goto bed until 2/3AM the schedule shows 6-7hrs of sleep is needed before my OBE. If I was to work the morning shift, the numbers would shift. The importance here that I will STRESS is the amount of sleep the day before and leading up to the OBE. Projecting when you are going to bed for most people will skip and go straight into rem unconscious sleep. So if you get the sleep needed, wake up a little
earlier to practice your favorite method, you will find results.

Time Stats

Time                  OBE
12:00 AM - 12:59 AM     1
1:00 AM - 1:59 AM           1
2:00 AM - 2:59 AM           7
3:00 AM - 3:59 AM           13
4:00 AM - 4:59 AM           6
5:00 AM - 5:59 AM           6
6:00 AM - 6:59 AM           11
7:00 AM - 7:59 AM           11
8:00 AM - 8:59 AM           26
9:00 AM - 9:59 AM           39
10:00 AM - 10:59 AM     40
11:00 AM - 11:59 AM     38
Total   199
12:00 PM - 12:59 PM     30
1:00 PM - 1:59 PM        14
2:00 PM - 2:59 PM           5
3:00 PM - 3:59 PM           0
4:00 PM - 4:59 PM           3
5:00 PM - 5:59 PM           0
6:00 PM - 6:59 PM           0
7:00 PM - 7:59 PM           2
8:00 PM - 8:59 PM           2
9:00 PM - 9:59 PM           0
10:00 PM - 10:59 PM      0
11:00 PM - 11:59 PM      0

Validation Statistics

This part REALLY helped me out in the last three years of this research. From many discussions that I adhere to "show me, prove to me, how do you know it's real or not in your head - where is your proof"?.

From 2005 - 2008 I have conducted experiements, precognitive, coincedence, validations in the OBE. What I really enjoy about this section. Once you start having these experiences where you can match up to physical correlation there is no way to deny the legitimacy. What I can say about this firmly is "Yes, it is real and there is a wizard behind the curtain that we all call God in our native tongue's".

Not taking the time to track this data and breaking it up as validation, synchronicity, or coincidence is like throwing stones into the water, watching them sink. Or if you have a OBE which a validation occurs w/o testing or repeating, you or other people might think of it as "wishful thinking of projecting". But once you start seriously tracking, there will be no more of that wishful thinking. Can you prove this to the world? "No", but if you do the work yourself, take the time, and be fair as a reseacher/scientist and be honest with your record keeping, the only person you need to convience is "you". We all learn from experience, book reading theory is fine, but to really grab hold and understand, its living the experience vs. measuring it with closed mind.

In the three years, I have tracked 61 occurances that have validated the OBE:

Classification Type   Sub-Total
Validation   27
Synchronicity   15
Coincidence   19
Total   61

Real Life Example of Tracking

My last angelic encounter took place back in 2007 and been trying to make contact in many prior expereinces. Most of the experiences were short-lived but still I persisted at it. Just last week 07/2008 I was in a OBE where people were around me, we were out in a field by building on-looking trees surrounded by a neighborhood of houses. What caught my attention was a translucent, whispy greenish energy spanning a good 1/4mile. I looked towards the people I was with and asked "do I fly into this energy"?. 

The OBE "07-09-2008 - Jack.mp3" that was a angelic encounter was very interesting.

During the OBE, I saw a angel materialize from a green energy radating in the distance above treetops. The angel's mission was to deliever a baby to a woman who I was interacting with in this group.

When the angel was close, I decided to take flight into the air and grab hold of her asking "take me with you". The angel turned to me and said "Jack, I don't have time, I have many things to do and do not have time". The angel then shook me off her and I fell to the ground blacking out and physical conscious awakening I returned.

Days later, 07/11/2008 I was picking up my VW Beetle car from the dealer. As I was waiting for my car a salesmen passed me by with his phone sounding ringtone "Hit the Road Jack and Don't Come Back No More, No More". I instantly froze on the spot questioning "what are the odds" of this ringtone being a favorite among cell phone users and the coincendence to my experience with the angel telling me to hit the road Jack.

Now, if this experience was the first OBE / Validation I could easily dismiss this as coincendence, but in the last three years now this occurrs all the time. So now, do you see the separation of "wishful thinking" vs. tracking the coincedences that stem from the OBE!

Energy Exercise Statistics and Exercise Statistics

Honestly I have not pursued faithfully. Do I think they are important "yes", especially the exercise. Our bodies need the exercise, healthy life.  Energy work for me I am sure that it does help in the long run but I have not been avid about it then I should be.

The bottom line is trial and error, sticking with one technique for at least six months. If it does not yield results, move onto the next technique and repeat the same process. I am very lucky to find trance state (between awake/sleep) early in the game and able to tune. But remember, it has taken me years to *try* to perfect.

It doesn't matter if your novice or expert at projecting - you will have the good and bad days, just like everyone else (author, writer, musician, speaker) for pursuing OBE.

Personally for me, this was well worth the effort and energy to put together for seeing a clearer picture of how I can project and be successful at it. Now, I don't know if this will help the next person, because we are all different. If anything , I stress to track the dates,time,sleep, validations, and be consistent at it. Also, document or narrate to audio your experiences as well to review and see progress.

Good Luck!

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Dear Tvos,

My toe was twitching, my nose was itching, and I felt a vibration.

Was I close to achieving nirvanan?    :-D

This is great! You're a very generous guy. Thanks.

Question on your sleep hour stats: Very interesting data related to swing shift. In my last career I used to work swing shift 4pm-12, then get to bed a couple hours later like your schedule, and also mid shift, 12-8am. No matter how long I stayed on late shifts, I don't think my circadian cycles ever adjusted.

Just wondering, besides the best results after 7 hours of sleep, do you think that the time of day or circadian rhythm is any factor in choosing optimum times?

Another great thing about your schedule is that you go to bed soon after quitting work, then your morning starts with free time, that you can practice and not worry about going to work immediately.

One of my best experiences was after getting up early, 4am ish, then having this astounding trip, and then having to rush to work trying to cope with this dumbfounding feeling of what had just happened. Should have taken the day off to process the experience.

With the night shift schedule, you have this helpful buffer time before having to mobilize off to work again.

Thanks again for your great contribution and I continue to follow your work.

All the best,  - Price D.

David Warner

Normally, when I arrive home from work I am up til 2am-4am then I head to sleep. When I do awaken, most of the experiences are in the later phases of sleep (9am-12pm). The OBE or Dream to OBE are my strongest successor's. After awhile, you eventually feel, understand, and sense the body being tired but the mind alert. It is all based on knowing your body and being passive but alert to project.

If i was to change jobs I would still project - just the numbers change based on my length of sleep. Lately, I have been having fun with my two children where there is interupted sleep which leads to a lot of false awakenings to projections..

hope this helps!

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Thanks for the reply.

Do you drink coffee or tea after getting up, try to fully wake up, like having a shower or splashing water on the face?

I'm a coffee drinker, so I have a weak cup of coffee, wash up a bit, then try to practice after feeling more awake.

David Warner

coffee does not change a thing, personally for me.. I am not a coffee drinker, but my wife is which has dragged me to starbucks many times.. after awhile, you grow custom to it.. anyday that I do get up, coffee is the last on my mind.

you just need to know how to tune in and feel how the trance state works. getting to know your body is very important and tracking...

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Not trying to be smart here but i doubt you slept 1 hour or even 4 hours a night many times. I assume you sleep between 7-8 hours most of the time. Wouldn't this obviously yield more projections during the 7-8 hours a night because you do it more often?

I'm sure I could explain it better if I was good at math, but I'm not. It's like if i was recording how many times people stoped me on the street and told me they liked my shirt. I wore a red shirt 100 times and got compliments 50 times. I wore a blue shirt once and got 1 compliment. So sure i got more compliments on the red shirt but in percentages i got more on the blue. (50% vs 100%)

I think you get what im saying.

sorry if you already thought about that   :-)

David Warner

Quote from: Lighten on January 30, 2009, 06:55:37
Not trying to be smart here but i doubt you slept 1 hour or even 4 hours a night many times. I assume you sleep between 7-8 hours most of the time. Wouldn't this obviously yield more projections during the 7-8 hours a night because you do it more often?

I'm sure I could explain it better if I was good at math, but I'm not. It's like if i was recording how many times people stoped me on the street and told me they liked my shirt. I wore a red shirt 100 times and got compliments 50 times. I wore a blue shirt once and got 1 compliment. So sure i got more compliments on the red shirt but in percentages i got more on the blue. (50% vs 100%)

No, you are not being dumb. When I created the spreadsheet I have to include 1 - 12 hours of sleep. No where does it state that I have slept one hour and projected. There were a few times that I slept 3 or 4 hours and experienced the OBE. Most of the OBEs occur between 7-8 hours of sleep. It also depends on what the person who does sleep is use to. If someone sleeps for two hours a night, their OBEs will be rare because the body needs that energy for the physical. What I have proved for myself was that with the hours of sleep needed in order to project, the higher the success rate showed at 7-8hrs needed.

It is not a mathmatical forumala, it is simple record keeping, consistency and being honest if you project or not. If I project three times in a day, I have recorded the times I projected, but also mark it in the column '1' for that day. The number will still be high because of the days that I do project.

I strongly sugguest you view my excel data file on my site for further indepth over-view. This information I posted was simple and direct to the point.

Good Luck,

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012

andrew banjo

David the ability to consciously project is hard for others and easier for others like you due to spiritual evolution over the years and countless reincarnations as the soul personality develops it brings out our hidden talent and if you subscribe to the belief in reincarnation one of the thinks we bring back are also our psychic developments and were we finished of the last time hence if we were adept at psychic projection in our past life we will be adept in the next life as we cannot become less intelligent than how we were in last incarnation as it is a progressive movement


Quote from: andrew banjo on January 07, 2013, 04:40:22
David the ability to consciously project is hard for others and easier for others like you due to spiritual evolution over the years and countless reincarnations as the soul personality develops it brings out our hidden talent...

On who's authority or experience do you base this very specific 'way it is' comment?

David Warner

Hi Andrew!

Welcome to The Astral Pulse....

To respond to your view,

Everyone can project and it takes time, patience with dedication to obsession to succeed. The spiritual
evolution, reincarnation is it possible "yes" but we are here now and have to find a way to progress to experience the out-of-body consciousness.

I am no different then the next person from beginner to advance that wants to project. We all have this inside us and the ability - just need to tune in, connect to that frequency, be diligent with documentation and statistics. It will happen and being fair to yourself progress will show itself.

All the best,

David A. Warner

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012

andrew banjo

There also is the matter of spiritual evolution to consider in how good we are in Obie as if we have consciously done Obie in a past life it is brought back in the next incarnation and since evolution is an upward movement we cannot be less intelligent than how we were in the last incarnation hence we continue were we left off in the last incarnations but for some of us this is the first time we are excising our spiritual muscles


Quote from: David Warner on January 05, 2009, 21:35:32

This area of tracking is vital and has proven variable to success. Each sleep cycle I would track, researching if the amount of sleep mattered in achieving successful OBE. Yes, it does and here is the breakdown based on the hours of sleep needed the day before the OBE. As you see below, between 7hrs - 8hrs of sleep was recorded showing success rate at projecting. So now, I am able to see a better picture of the hours of sleep needed personally for me in yielding the OBE.

1 hour   0
2 hours   0
3 hours   1
4 hours   6
5 hours   7
6 hours   23
7 hours   50
8 hours   65
9 hours   27
10 hours   16
11 hours   3
12 hours   2

Do you consider yourself to be an average sleeper? Do you know what you're ideal amount of sleep is to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go? I thinking that if you know that you can look at your data and figure out how it coincides. Then others may be able to figure theirs out easily. Personally, as an idiopathic insomniac, my ideal amount of sleep is 3.5 hours. Looking at you data, if your ideal sleep is between 7-8.5 hours and then you can project most effectively then I could make the hypothesis that after 3-4 hours of sleep I might have better chances as well. If your ideal amount of sleep is only five hours then I could say well then maybe I should add 2-3 hours to sleeping before trying to astral project. I thought I'd share because it would help you find more of a conclusion from your research and might better help other people to get closer to finding their ideals without as much trial and error. Hope I didn't overstep any boundaries by inputting my thoughts about it.

David Warner

This is why we do tracking and figuring out what works and what doesn't.

I can tell you for certain that adequate amount of sleep will give you better results than 3.5 hrs.  Now, I am not saying that you can't
project on 3.5 hrs of sleep, but you will be swimming upstream.

Personally, for me when I posted this a few years back, was to help people learn about their sleep patterns, document the days they project, the times so it can
give one a better picture for projecting. If this info. is not documented how will you know where to target for projecting?

I would consider myself a average sleeper needing 7-8 hrs of sleep. You might want to consult a doctor for your insomnia to help you. Not just for astral projection, but
health reasons as well.

Feel free to ask me anymore questions, glad to help!

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Quote from: David Warner on January 31, 2014, 12:50:47
This is why we do tracking and figuring out what works and what doesn't.

I can tell you for certain that adequate amount of sleep will give you better results than 3.5 hrs.  Now, I am not saying that you can't
project on 3.5 hrs of sleep, but you will be swimming upstream.

Personally, for me when I posted this a few years back, was to help people learn about their sleep patterns, document the days they project, the times so it can
give one a better picture for projecting. If this info. is not documented how will you know where to target for projecting?

I would consider myself a average sleeper needing 7-8 hrs of sleep. You might want to consult a doctor for your insomnia to help you. Not just for astral projection, but
health reasons as well.

Feel free to ask me anymore questions, glad to help!


Thanks. LOL. I don't mean to be rude at all with what I'm about to say and I really do appreciate the concern, thank you. I just don't think you get what I mean. First off, there is no cure or treatment for idiopathic insomnia, and sleeping more is actually found to cause negative effects on our health, but thank you for the concern. I have consulted many doctors many times.
I just felt the need to inform you just so that you know how that works, and so you can better understand what I was getting at. lol. Sorry, if I made it confusing.

Now just to clarify what I was saying earlier, since you're now saying that 7-8 hours of sleep is ideal for you, like the average person, that seems to show in your data that once you have that ideal amount of sleep your mind is better able to project. So, if 3.5 actually is my ideal amount, then, comparing to your data, I may have an easier time going astral with that amount of sleep. So, you answered my question. Thank you! Now I can plan starting my own personal research better.

Btw, I'm impressed that your researched your patterns and collected data so in depth. You're right, if not documented we are just making shots in the dark. Thanks for making me realize that and thank you for sharing your finds.


David Warner

Hello Serene,

Your not being rude at all, just inquisitive and I know little about idiopathic insomnia. I honestly can't imagine not being able to sleep my 7-8 hrs and
function. But I guess this would be something you would get use to after awhile from birth to adulthood.

Question for you? without having 5-6 hours of sleep, would it be negative, feel sluggish, ill on your system? I am wondering if you have tried meditation as a form of
relaxing, astral projection, or sleep?

The amount of sleep matters along with the times one projects. So if my idea time of project is around 9am-11am with x amount of sleep and on tuesday, wednesday, saturday. I now have something to work with and trying various techniques because my success rate for those times are real. Your no longer throwing a dart at the board and wondering where it hits. You now have a clear concise are to focus on.

Btw: here is my latest stats that I am updating here. Almost a ten year data collection, but at least you can see for yourself.

Week Day Statistics   Sub-Total
Sunday   61
Monday   78
Tuesday   49
Wednesday   46
Thursday   40
Friday   65
Saturday   43
Total   382
Time Statistics   Sub-Total
12:00 AM - 12:59 AM   1
1:00 AM - 1:59 AM   1
2:00 AM - 2:59 AM   10
3:00 AM - 3:59 AM   18
4:00 AM - 4:59 AM   10
5:00 AM - 5:59 AM   14
6:00 AM - 6:59 AM   25
7:00 AM - 7:59 AM   34
8:00 AM - 8:59 AM   56
9:00 AM - 9:59 AM   76
10:00 AM - 10:59 AM   69
11:00 AM - 11:59 AM   66
Total   380
12:00 PM - 12:59 PM   35
1:00 PM - 1:59 PM   17
2:00 PM - 2:59 PM   7
3:00 PM - 3:59 PM   0
4:00 PM - 4:59 PM   3
5:00 PM - 5:59 PM   0
6:00 PM - 6:59 PM   0
7:00 PM - 7:59 PM   2
8:00 PM - 8:59 PM   2
9:00 PM - 9:59 PM   0
10:00 PM - 10:59 PM   0
11:00 PM - 11:59 PM   0
Total   66
Yearly Statistics   Total
2005   61
2006   113
2007   102
2008   88
2009   73
2010   40
2011   28
2012   21
2013   22
2014   2

Hope this helps you and others.

All the best,

David A. Warner
InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


OK, good. It's hard to tell how you're coming off to other people in writing. Once I get past 5 hours of sleep I have a day that's just OK, past 6 I start to feel sluggish, lazy, tired, just an overall lack of energy. After that point I get all the same things as after 6 hours plus I don't think as clearly, get headaches, body aches, and lose motivation to do much of anything. lol. Kinda sucks. But with less than 5 hours, but more than 2, I am alert, awake, think more clearly than ever, don't seem to need to eat as much (which is the weirdest find), and just have tons of energy for the entire day and am typically in a good mood. Plus, I get more done than the average person, it's just about embracing it. lol.  Less than 2 hours and I am hyperactive and scatter brained for a few hours and then will crash later for another few hours.

I've tried meditation to go astral, to relax (which doesn't usually help me much), and earlier today I used it to rest since I couldn't get back to sleep after I was woken up. Last night it helped me fall asleep, which was great.

That's so impressive. Yeah, my next goal is to find out the best time of day for me. So, I'm going to make sure I have a good amount of sleep, but not too much that I can't easily relax and then try different times of the day. One day I projected at about 3 in the afternoon. I was trying to and got close, but couldn't do it, I fell asleep without trying and went astral during sleep and was able to recall almost all of it. I started out thinking I was dreaming. I'm a very lucid dreamer, insomniacs tend to have overly active minds. I was astral for a while, almost an hour before I woke up.

It's interesting that you do more astral on Mondays. You know that monday feeling everyone hates? If that's how your mondays are then your mood and way of thinking those days may subconsciously affect your ability or motivation to project. I feel like I'm being overly thorough, I'm a very scientific person. lol.



ime Stats

Time                  OBE
12:00 AM - 12:59 AM     1
1:00 AM - 1:59 AM           1
2:00 AM - 2:59 AM           7
3:00 AM - 3:59 AM           13
4:00 AM - 4:59 AM           6
5:00 AM - 5:59 AM           6
6:00 AM - 6:59 AM           11
7:00 AM - 7:59 AM           11
8:00 AM - 8:59 AM           26
9:00 AM - 9:59 AM           39
10:00 AM - 10:59 AM     40
11:00 AM - 11:59 AM     38

This is true. I have been successful OBE during morning time after 6+ hour of sleep. during night time is the worst time of OBE.

David Warner

well interestingly my schedule has changed from working nights to now mornings.....

i have still been projecting but definitely the times will change for later or earlier projections.

keep up the good work and document your findings!!

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


Hi David.  I just joined the forum a few days ago and this was the first post that I read when I scrolled the subjects. Your comment about needing to be committed, perhaps even obsessed would describe my level of intent to become a proficient OBer, but I am indeed having trouble.  

I have had successes, minor ones, with rolling out into the etheric body although with poor lucidity.  I have had numerous astral body experiences of flying or getting away from my body and outside, again with medium to poor lucidity, but enough to know I was out and consciously so.  I have read the Buhlman books however so know what to do to improve the awareness, but the trouble is I'm having so few experiences to be able to practice it, and recently they have dropped to nil.

The successes I've had using Robert Peterson's technique of lying perfectly still until the body 'thinks' you are asleep has worked in several cases (or is this a Robert Bruce technique... I forget).  I've gotten to the 'body numb' stage (not sleep paralysis) and then have been able to float out through my feet using this technique, on my way I assume to the astral dream zone. (Assuming the body 'thinks' I'm asleep that's where it would be going as I'm not directing things.)  I say this because when I've floated out through my feet I'm on my back, and then without any intent on my part my body rotates around so that I'm moving along head first through what feels like a tunnel.  Excitement has halted this process because of course the body catches on that I'm actually not asleep.  I've kept up this practice hoping to get to the dream zone of the astral plane using my astral body in full awareness.  I've only successfully gotten to the other side with this once by learning to stay calm.  I was unaware however of any entry or arrival as I had seemingly dropped into a lucid dream state, although I did interact with a being who noted that I was able to see him.  He invited me into a class that was just getting started, but I could tell he didn't expect much... as my weakening lucidity was likely obvious.

The trouble is I seem unable any longer to trick the body.  It's like the jig is up and the body has caught on that I am likely not asleep yet.  Typically it will initiate an itchy spot, or several, to see if I will move.  I've been able, in the past, to get beyond this point and the itching has attenuated.  Body/ego will also create heat which is very uncomfortable to see if I will move, and I've been able to get beyond that point too.  It will also create the compelling urge to roll over.  The 'trouble is' being that these issues no longer attenuate and by the time they start I've already been at it for for a couple of hours.  Eventually I give in.  Perhaps I should talk with Peterson on this to see if this has happened to him.

I do know the window of opportunity seems very short.  I have to be just the right amount of tired, and usually wake up around 4am to do my practice. If I am not tired or too awake then I may as well forget it because I am unable to get to a deep theta.  Recently this has been part of the problem.  I have resorted to putting on a night mask to have more darkness as in Western Canada this time of year the sun comes up way too early.  Perhaps things will improve come fall.

Your sleep time stats do make sense.  I know for a fact that 'over sleeping' makes it easier to go into what I call the grog....the feeling of heaviness and sinking into the bed in a state too listless to move. In my youth... I am now 57, I experienced the body freeze state frequently by oversleeping, and/or going back to bed late morning.  (I was a bush camp cook one summer in my late 20's and used to go back to bed after breakfast was done to kill time.  Man did I have body freeze events then. Too bad I didn't know more about using this to initiate an OBE.)  I'm getting to the point of feeling this is ALL easier before a certain age.  Have you heard that come up before?  I rarely if ever wake up into a body freeze state anymore.  The condition of the pineal may have something to do with it at a certain age... maybe??  Anyway.... having not taken the leisure to sleep in until say 11am for years now I think I will try doing this more to see if things improve in the OBE department.

I'm wondering if it's easier for men to OBE because they typically, not always of course, but typically are able to drop off to sleep or rest easier.  Waking up and then getting out of bed for a few hours for me (and many women say over 50) would result in never being able to get back to sleep again, so I have no worries about staying in bed and practicing BEFORE I get too awake or start moving around.  Buhlman recommends naps but again I know many women who will say they can seldom get to sleep during the day no matter how tired.  This is certainly true for me.

Anyway...I'm not sure there is a question here, but feel free to comment.  The Peterson technique is not the only one I use, but it's the one that's worked.  I meditate more consistently now, use binary beats some, listen to theta and chakra type music, have done most of the Munroe tapes, and have read a ton of books to name a few.  

What I desire ultimately is to be able to experience my multidimensional bodies on the various planes rather than just getting out of the body for an astral joy ride, but I'm certainly wide open to just about any kind of improvement in lucidity and conscious OBEs.  

David Warner

Hi FireFly9,

I don't think it is any different between men and women to project. Thou it is a good observation and don't think a scientific study or poll has been taken.

There are many factors that play into projecting that we need to look at from when we awake,daily life and return to sleep. Why can other people project frequent than others? a Big question indeed! One thing I can express to you is keep on with your practices, persistence, and hard work. Document everything you possibly can.

Projecting is a art and takes time to develop. There are no quick short cuts to become proficient.

You just have to keep working at it daily and don't give up hope.

We can chat more about this share our discussion further.

All the best,

InvisibleLight - Book Release 12.12.2012


when I was 13 I experienced OBE tree times but as heared the noises I was afraid , n it never happened to me again , that time I didn't know about OBE but now I willingly wanna experience it again , but I can't , my body becomes numb but I can't go out of my body ..... don't know the reason , the only progress I had is that some times when I'm asleep I can feel when my soul comes down n places in my body just like a shock like falling down .... nothing more , plz help me to learn how to do it ... I'm nina I live in Iran


Hello sonia and welcome to the Pulse!

You are describing some energy body awareness and this is fairly close to being ready to exit, but it takes time for your consciousness to be prepared for an exit.

There is a lot of reading material here. So start with the dark blue Sticky sections at the top of the first several forums and you will find some material that will make sense to you. Spend some time there and then, if you have questions, feel free to ask.

Enjoy! :-)
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde