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The Meaning of Sex

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I bealive that christianity has really affected the general social opinions about sex in a negative way, giving it a 'sinful' image in the early years. Perhaps this is partly why it is such a big topic, with confilcting feelings arising as the world opens its eyes a little.

People think about sex a lot because it is an obvious biological necesity. An interesting point regarding sex and spirituality is that when two people engage in sex their auras actually become one aura.

Veni Vidi Vici


Originally posted by Fenris: An interesting point regarding sex and spirituality is that when two people engage in sex their auras actually become one aura.

How do you know this? Did you read it or were you being a voyeur with your auric sight?" border=0>



This is a very interesting topic. To answer one question, sex does seem to be on my mind a lot more than I would like. Sometimes it will just pop in my head from out of nowhere. I guess this could be because in a physical sense all things have the strong impulse to reproduce, humans included. As much as we would like to think we have total control over ourselves this is not entirely true. The physical bodies are still part of physical nature and still obey its laws, and one of the most basic of those laws right after food, air, and shelter is the continuation of the species. Sex is a very natural thing. Unfortunately there are many ideas that humans have brought about trying to make it dirty or abuse of it. Sex is part of who we are, at least while we are on the physical plane (not sure about when we leave here). There is no reason why one should feel conflict in trying to explore their spiritual side and their sexual side. In fact sex can be a very spiritual thing. What other activity do you know of that brings the body and the soul together so well and intensely? If you are remotely experienced with body energy then try using it, moving it around next time you have a sexual experience. The Taoist and Tantric sexual practices do this, though I am not sure about Tantric as I have only studied Taoist. Several years ago I came across a book I think titled The Multi-Orgasmic Man. This book was very enlightening to me. It taught Taoist sexual practices in a very easy to understand modern Western language. After what I have studied I would have to agree that there is energy transfer between those involved in the sexual act, rather they know it or not. Knowing this though greatly enhances the experience making it much more spiritual.

Though one can live without experiencing sex, I think that it is important to living a healthy life. This does not mean that one has to have a partner but experiencing sexual energy can be very healthy. In fact I find I am much more healthier and happier when I experience sexual energy on a regular basis. The Taoist call it cultivating energy as that is really what you are doing. I realize this probably sounds crazy to someone who knows nothing about this topic, but I suggest learning about it as it can be very rewarding.

Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


Greetings Kifyre
           Sex, hhmmm, that thing that seems to make the world go around. I'd have to say that in the past I'd think about it and let it influence me.For many years now I've been on a spititual path,reducing ego's ect, I'd have to say that out of all the egos,lust was the biggie, I'm not saying it's gone, but at the momment i've reduced it to a level where it has very little , if at all effect on any external conscious aware thoughts or actions. It adds a whole new clarity and perspective to the way you conduct your life.
             As for spiritual growth and sex ,tantric sex appears to be the way to go. The link below gives a good ,basic discription of tantric overview.


Regards Steve


The meaning of sex? Well, to reproduce. It has to be enjoyable otherwise we wouldnt want to... does it go beyond that as well? I dont know.

But sexual desire and lust can be annoying somewhat when I spend less time on spiritual development for my own personal pleasure.

- Ashfo


As with much of religious dogma, Christianity's doctrine regarding sex has been disrespected by even its closest followers (i.e. recent priest sex scandals in North America) but even more importantly, it has been greatly misunderstood.

Hidden behind veils of the common word, its commandments regarding sex, simplified and distorted not to mention clashing with the modern life styles of the Western world, has resulted in both moral and religious conflict.

Why should woman remain celibate until the day of her marriage?
Why are lustful thoughts sinful?
Why is masterbation sinful?
Why Why Why?  

What is sin? An insult to God, or the degradation of your being?

"For everything which distracts him on the path is his enemy"

The church points us back to the bible for the answers, but these are, as with much of the bible, words with secondary meanings which if read at the surface will never be truly understood. Buried in symbology  nearly lost to 2000 years of cultural change, only in occult studies and the philosophy of the adepts are glimpses of the Truth revealed. But truth read, translates not into wisdom but mere knowledge. Seek and thou shalt find, experience it however; and thou shalt truly understand and therefore progress.

"Every ascent begins with the ability to deny yourself something, every fall begins with the loss of self-control" - Georg Lomer

But let's not pick on Christianity as the above concepts are shared by several religions for many of the same core reasons.

In sex we find animal instinct, the vital fluids of creation, vital corporal and emotional energies not to mention the spiritual experience.

To the man, sex is the realization of raw desire, which if cultivated without love and without intellect (see Toaist/Tantric studies) shall result in his "little death" - exhaustion in the body and spirit - tiredness, emotional depression and in the most extreme cases even sickness or death.

"He alone can possess truly the pleasure of love who has conquered the love of pleasure" - Eliphas Levi

The propagation of the species, who we are and how we will be "remembered" (re: the divine child, the completeness of the human trinity), depends on sex and the dissemination of our genetic and spiritual makeup. Engraved in our minds, this eternal basic instinct surfaces and takes over our thought every chance it gets whether apparent or indirectly through the subconscious. Without such blunt intervention and reminder, what would be of the future of our species? Evolution can not rely on our scatter brains to remmember to reproduce so as to extend the survival of our species; hence the instinct; hence the pleasure - and thus the pitfall.

But man must overcome animalistic behaviour, surrendering his will cowardly before raw instinct - succumbing and acting upon external stimuli rather than his own pure thought and true volition.  If you neglect your moral dignity and obey blindly to the insticts of nature, she shall engulf you in her wrath.

"Woman enchains you by your desires; master your desires and you will enchain her"

Man is more than just animal, man thinks - man IS - man has spirit. Contemplate the reasons behind the instinct, on the consequences of the act: what shall be gained or lost afterwards. Perhaps then you will begin to gain some motivation and then control over this beast. But part of the dilemma is in man this beast grows in strength the longer it is repressed.

Alas, we must find yet another way to deal with it - Celibacy isn't mere avoidance and repression; for that will only result in catastrophe, chaos and descent in every sense of the word.  The key to the issue is in the universal law of transmutation and the transference of this energy into a positive outcome - health, vitality, strength, and above all spiritual ascendance. (easier said than done but definately worth the effort... BELIEVE ME! ;-)

To the wise sex is life, to the ignorant sex is death.
Adept of Light

"He who pursues the goal of evenmindedness, is neither jubilant with gain, nor depressed by loss" - Paramahansa Yogananda
"First do what is necessary, then do what is possible, and soon you will be doing the impossible" St. Francis of Assis


The person who defines sex as inherently bad/or sinful has not truley loved themself and/or the person they have had sex with.    

Sex can be extremely beautiful and incredibly sacred and powerful.  It can be an expression of the deepest self trancending love.  It is a divine gift.

IMO of course.




one of the members mentioned taoist tantra, that is something that I practice, and it has changed my interst, understanding and desire for sex. As a young man all I wanted was sex. As I aged and practiced sex for pleasure it got a bit boring. From my tai chi studies I moved towards tantra and have found that moving the sexual energy, ching chi, from the sexual organs and glands into the body and moving it along the meridians and chakras, I can have a sexual experience, at any time, without the ejeculation. Now having kundalini rush through my body when I do this is better than sex. I use it to initiate astral travel.

Now at 46 years of age, I use my sexual energy for health reasons and enlightenment, but it takes a lot of practice and determination. I am not posting this to boast, but to say that it is possible to change desire into something nicer using taoist tantra or similar techniques.



Hi astralc,

Do you classify different types of energy through logic, intuition, or experience?

In other words, do you consider sexual energy to be a distinct type of energy as opposed to, I don't really know, wind energy or earth energy, for example?

I'm looking for a vague conceptual framework while I learn through experience." border=0>




Sexual energy feels good, it can be intense or it can be soft. I suppose it depends how it is used in meditation. To build tantra energy, ching chi / kundalini - you breath it upwards, like a strong shiver, up from the genitals and base chakra, you can even draw it up from the feet as well. It is then centered just behind the navel. Once there is a lot of this ching chi in the 'Furnace' it is then pushed with the breath up the back of the spine into the midbrain.

For beginners it can lead to unconsciousness, and at the least a damn big headache. But after a while it can then be pushed out the top of the head, the Halo Point. At this point you go all ga ga, semi conscious, and this is when you can leave your body. It can also lead to paranoia and delusions, so be careful.

Back to your question, what is sexual energy, it is the same energy that is felt when 'out there'. It can be awoken at any point in the body, like the heart, spleen, kidney, hands, etc. So it is not confined to the genitals.

As to earth or wind energy, I suppose it is connected some way, but if you can feel the ching chi / kundalini, then you can enter the earth and draw that into your body too.

When I astral travel it is usually after heavy chi pushed out through the Halo Point / crown chakra. The experience is one of HUGE power surges, kundalini rushing through my body. Some times it is localsed elsewhere in my body, like ther third eye or navel chakra. If I come back to my body too early I get such itchy legs from the power surges, almost unbearable.

Hope that helps



Astralc do you have any websites on taoist practises or tantra energy? :)

- Ashfo


Here is a link to the book I found very helpful in introducing me to Taoist Sex practices. Though it is called The Multi-Orgasmic Man it also has a chapter for women and would be a good read for either sex. I would appreciate anyone else refering books or websites they have found helpful.

I strongly suggest anyone with a slight interest in this to learn more as astralc as stated this can totally change your views and open you up to something that makes sex so much more.

Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


What an interesting topic." border=0>

I myself have just started on the Tantric path, and it's a fascinating discipline. astralc is very right, it takes a LOT of patience, effort, dedication, and care. I learned this right off the bat. The Kundalini energy is very potent compared to common energy, like moonshine compared to beer. All you need it just a sip. Heh heh...

For those of you are now interested in Tantra, the basic premise is the charging of sexual energy through prolonged acts of sex. This sex is not goal-oriented, i.e. ejaculation, but focuses on keeping it up for extended periods of time. The benefits of this are countless, but the basic idea is a healthier life and spiritual development. Elevated consciousness is talked about. It's tricky to explain in a paragraph, so I'll attach the info that taught me the basics.

As far as the rest of the thread goes, here's my take on sex: the act of copulation is pleasurable for only two creatures on this planet; humans and dolphins, so I'm told. If this is true, it kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it? I don't believe that the only purpose of sex for humans is to reproduce. Nor do I believe that sexual things are sinful, as some dogmatic belief systems have said for THOUSANDS of years. And for THOUSANDS of years, Tantrics have held sex as the basis for their spiritual discipline, the complete opposite from some religions. It all depends on your perspective, and since these general views have existed for so long, it's unlikely that they'll change. The only thing that can change is you, and it's time for people to start thinking for themselves. THAT is what I call "freedom of religion."

Here's a great primer for Tantra (long!).


bitsmart -
information illumination - -


Some disciplines recommend drawing energy from head to toe. Some disciplines recommend drawing energy from feet to head. Some: push energy out the top of the head. Others: push energy out your feet. Still others: draw energy in through breath, or entire skin surface. Still others: draw in energy through you hands and feet. Still others: store energy in your body. Still others: balance your energy with outside world.

Most disciplines agree on the reality of energy centers within the body.

Some say it's all the same energy. Some say there're many different types of energy. Astralc, you say that sexual energy "can be awoken at any point in the body," so what makes it sexual and not another name for a common energy.

I heard once that highly advanced practitioners of some discipline can convert urine and maybe even feces into energy and never have to eliminate. Are perhaps sexual fluids in the body transformed into energy during tantric practice?



That book has been on my list for a long time. Maybe I'll get it sooner rather than later now.


Thanks for the comments and the file. I can't wait to check it out.


Your hands on the description makes a lot of sense. Thanks for taking the time to summarize your technique and experience.

As fallnangel77 states:
"I strongly suggest anyone with a slight interest in this to learn more as astralc as stated this can totally change your views and open you up to something that makes sex so much more."

I hope people are finding this imformative and useful. I know I am. Thanks everyone who's been contributing to this thread. I'm glad I asked!


distant bell

I have no partner, so I really never get to practise this exquisit art..
I know that personally I don´t think that sex is that important. I think that a relationship is more about having somebody around- and then there are so many thíngs that are not really nsex but wery importantn to the well being of people, like hugs and caresses and gerally bodily closeness. I think that sex without love is quite wasted- even thoug today it seems quie popular. If two peole find each other I think that they can exhange something "magnetic" even without having sex.. I think that the important thing in a couple is not the physicall act of sex but some kind of.. hm.. call it human megnetism that can come across.. and without this any realtionship means nothing.
well, but I´m ne expert.. but this is what my intuition tells me.
But, to some it up- sex isn´t reallyn that important in my opinion- this dosn+t mean that I consider it to be bad or sinfull in any way, but it´s just not important. nothing wrong with it though.
I think more about finding a nice girl to spend my life with then to mate with, but of course these thoughts about sex come somtimes- but thy pass wery quikly again..

-- Love is the Law - Love under Will --


Thanks very much for all the info..

I cant really afford any books atm, but I'll keep it in mind and perhaps in the future I'll buy it.

Well, being 15 my sex life varies extremely :P Sometimes it can be none for a month or several times a weekend. Do the Tantra exercises require you to have lots of sex to "practise"?

- Ashfo


I do not know about Tantric, I assume it is similar to Taoism, but you do not actually have to have sex to experience the benefits. Just working with sexual energy when you feel it generated. When you have a sexual thought, instead of just dismissing it with the energy, work with the engery. Masterbating, though what you do is really not masterbate atleast not in my opinion, can be a big part of this. It allows you to concentrate more on the engeries and working with them than when you are with a partner. This is really the best way to learn until you get control. After you have control then sex with a partner is so much better. Sharing each others energy is very nice. But as far as having lots of sex, no it is not necessary. But lots of practice helps, like with anything else.

(Not sure if this sounds right, it is too early for me right now. Must wake up ... need more coffee. :)  )

Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


Initially I decided to omit this tidbit because it's briefly talked about in the doc I attached. I'm sure there are conflicting opinions on this from the various takes on Tantra, this is just what I learned from said document: As I understand it, masturbation can apply to Tantra, if Dianism is practiced (the practice of not ejaculating, but 'keeping the gate open.') While working with a partner of the opposite sex can bring you to much higher levels of energy, it is not absolutely required.

So to those of you who aren't sexually active with a partner right now, that doesn't necessarily mean you can't start practicing Tantra. The idea is that as long as the energy isn't wasted through masturbation, but conversely raised and retained, the sexual energy has the potential to benefit you.

bitsmart -
information illumination - -


Bitsmart, that is a good point which I should have made clear. These practices teach cultivation of energy through sex. Unlike what we commonly think of as sex and orgasms, these teach one to not ejaculate. Ejaculation is a waste of energy unless you are trying to have children. Now for the most part when we have sex we are not trying to have children so why should we ejaculate. And believe me ejaculation and orgasm are two different things which are not connected, we just come to think they are. If men can ejaculate without an orgasm then men should be able to orgasm without ejaculating, right? Ejaculation is not to be seen as something bad though. It is good to ejacutate when you wish to concieve and it is also healthy  to ejaculate every now and then to flush out the system. How often depends on your health and age.

Thank you for posting this information and for the doc. I have not read it yet but am going to start today.

Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


The key to the issue is in the universal law of transmutation and the transference of this energy into a positive outcome - health, vitality, strength, and above all spiritual ascendance.

Hello, do you mind to explain more on this? Suppose the available partners around me abuse sex and I do not want to give it to them. Where else can I get it?

Hi Comus,

The Universal Law of Transmutation is a mental one, for the Universe is Mental.

"Mind (as well as metals and elements) may be transmuted, from state to state; degree to degree; condition to condition; pole to pole, vibration to vibration". - The Kybalion

In the case of sex, the transmutation is the shifting of sexual energy from the groin area (one end of the pole) to other parts of your body (i.e. your crown) by means of mental effort. Please take the time to study these methods in depth before attempting them, because as others have mentioned here, it can cause serious health problems if done incorrectly.

As for whomever suggested the Multi-Orgasmic Man as reading material, I suggest they add "Awaken Healing Energy Through the Tao" as initial reading material. It is not as humorous and fun to read, but contains important information. The first book mentioned, lacks proper instruction in areas, specifically warnings about certain practices. Your sexual energy is like fire. Play with fire without being careful and you will get burned.

Lastly, I would also suggest you study Robert's N.E.W. from this web site and practice it before reverting to Mantak Chia's methods (the author of the two above mentioned books). Chia's methods deal with the activation of the Primary chakras first, but if you have read NEW you will understand that this is a mistake and is not recommended. You should begin with the tertiary and secondary chakras first, not the primary ones.

In regard to your available partner(s) abusing sex, they can not have sex with you, without you consenting it. If you give in to their wishes, you shall fulfil their wishes and not yours. The real sin in sex is not the act itself, but your succumbing to it for immoral reasons resulting in your degradation - in terms of health, overall energy, emotional stability and spirituality.

As for where you can get it, I would suggest from a "good" partner. One who will care about you, how you feel about the subject, the significance of  the act and the outcome, not just indulgence for their personal pleasure.

Be well :)
Adept of Light

"What in fact does man know? Nothing, and at the same time he is allowed to ignore nothing. Devoid of knowledge, he is called upon to know all" - Eliphas Levi
"First do what is necessary, then do what is possible, and soon you will be doing the impossible" St. Francis of Assis


A couple of points from Adept that I'd like to touch on:

"In regard to your available partner(s) abusing sex, they can not have sex with you, without you consenting it. If you give in to their wishes, you shall fulfil their wishes and not yours. The real sin in sex is not the act itself, but your succumbing to it for immoral reasons resulting in your degradation - in terms of health, overall energy, emotional stability and spirituality."

I fully agree with this. The act of sex itself is not what's immoral, it's the mindset that many people have concerning sex. The societal mindset in many cultures that because sex is done behind closed doors, that a different set of rules apply to it, is irresponsible. This is not a hard concept to grasp, but often times the ego clouds your mind, distorts your thinking, and distracts you from what's really important. Keeping the ego in check has brought me new found freedom abound, but it's not easy and it's a constant process. Ego and sex do not go together.

"As for where you can get it, I would suggest from a "good" partner. One who will care about you, how you feel about the subject, the significance of the act and the outcome, not just indulgence for their personal pleasure."

Another good point. For someone who has had a pretty inactive sex life as far as sex with a parter is concerned, it took me awhile to learn that craving a partner causes unnecessary grief. I try mantras such as "all things in their own time" and "when I am truly ready, a partner will appear." Even "everything happens for a reason" can really help me out sometimes. This "involuntary celibacy" can hold many lessons if I look for them.

bitsmart -
information illumination - -


Kifyre, Ashfo and fallnangel77 and others

you might find some useful information on my web site, go to the Links page for the best sites on tantra, for both men and women, taoist and yogi. I also have an article or two that may help, it is on the Articles page.

As for ejaculation and masturbation and having sex with a partner - you are best to practice solo at first, without a partner, that way you get to know what to do properly before you do it in the cauldron.

It is also so hard to do at first, in fact for a male it is always hard, we are so used to ejaculating that to turn that off requires a lot of hard work. For females it is much easier, they can have multiple orgasms, and can turn on to tantra with greater ease.

Tantra with a partner requires practice, trust and open honest communication. Some partners don't like it.

For Ashfo, you young thing, you might wish to start harnessing your chi, kundalini, now, that way you can draw upon it with greater ease than us oldies. The reason tantra is so important, and why older people turn to it, is because as you grow old you lose energy, in fact energy becomes precious. Thus tantra returns the user's energy back to the age of 3 or 4.

When you get to feel the kundalini surge through your body you get hooked, and want it more and more. It feels so good and in fact is necessary for continued health and wellbeing, otherwise we just get old and die.

I mentioned that when you become experienced that you can create a surge of kundalini at any time and place, no sex needed. That is because the ultimate goal of tantra is not sex, it is LIFE. Yes, you can have sex for hours, but with tantra you can have the same, no, better feeling whenever you want, and no one knows!

Happy tantra



Originally posted by Adept_of_Light:
As for whomever suggested the Multi-Orgasmic Man as reading material, I suggest they add "Awaken Healing Energy Through the Tao" as initial reading material. It is not as humorous and fun to read, but contains important information. The first book mentioned, lacks proper instruction in areas, specifically warnings about certain practices. Your sexual energy is like fire. Play with fire without being careful and you will get burned.

Lastly, I would also suggest you study Robert's N.E.W. from this web site and practice it before reverting to Mantak Chia's methods (the author of the two above mentioned books). Chia's methods deal with the activation of the Primary chakras first, but if you have read NEW you will understand that this is a mistake and is not recommended. You should begin with the tertiary and secondary chakras first, not the primary ones.

Hello, thanks for your suggestions and additional book recommendation. I would second that one should learn NEW first. I was able to apply several techniques in the Chia book immediately. Wow! I had a wonderfu lucid dream this morning, last night I gained my abysmal auric site that I usually get after masturbating, without the masturbating...and I have a twitchy eye. So I'll at least stop taking energy over my head for awhile and store it directly." border=0>

To summarize, and people who've been doing this for longer than 12 hours (!) please correct me, when you're aroused, you can pull that energy from your genitals, and, well, do stuff with it. Lot's of information says shoot it up into your brain which I am not trying for a long time. You might also loop it around your body and store it, or pull it straight up and store it, using NEW techniques. I feel a distinct drop in arousal. It's really amazing. Now I gotta start practicing the title of the book...



Nope, I wasn't going to reply to this topic.
But it won't go away!  So now I find myself
caught here typing anyway...

I think the whole sex thing is overated by the media
and fad followers. Like you have to get some, and get
it nightly, or else you're a loser!   If you don't,  you have
a problem.  

Yes, I used to be in my twenties. Scoring my nightly
outtings by how many different women I was getting.
And partying and being Mr. Cool.

Now I'm 38 and I think back, I wasted all those years...
Hurt all those women, blew all that money, drank my
life away, and did nothing to better myself.  Caught in
that trap of being what the media and movies show as,
" This is what everyone else is doing, you should be
doing the same".

I believe random sex with just anybody, does nothing for
spiritual enlightenment. It's only a lower-form of our past
human-animalistic habits, to reproduce with as many
females as possible.

Thank God I found my way out.  I'm drinkless and drugless,
married a beautiful woman, and now understand what life
is all about.

It's not about the sex.  It's about connecting to someone
and finding the inner bond of Love and Friendship.  Feeling
totally free to be "just as you are" with that person. I know
her and she knows me, we look together at the stars at
night, and hold hands while walking along the sand.
We are best friends...


 Ok, now I need a nap...