seeing with eyes closed

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Someone I've spoken to has had a similar experience...she says it's called Astral Vision.  I've also heard it called Remote Viewing.  She says that Astral Vision is just like astral projection, except you don't take your astral body along with you.  I've never done it and I don't know how she does it, but maybe that's a place to start for you.


Yes ... happens to me quite frequently at night when I lay down to go to sleep. Suddenly, I am very "clear" and my mind in slightly heightened in awareness and I can see clearly, but my eyes are closed. And the field of vision is very wide.


Sounds like Astral Sight to me, never had it myself.

Why it would occur in the dentist chair though, ive no idea. Did they give you any sedative whilst they works on you?


No, they didnt give me anything. . BELIEVE me. . .although I almost wished they had. . . *ouch*
   Thanks for the replies though, it explains a bunch.


I experience "astral vision" a LOT.  In fact, I experience it more often than any type of projection.  You're definitely not alone. [:)]


hi harlequin_star,
I cannot believe there is someone doing exactly what I can also. I am not sure if this is either remote viewing or anything else. I only know that I can look through my closed eyelids as if they are open after I concentrate. It is really weird and by now I never heard anyone to have it or to explain it as close as you did. Please contact me if you can to discuss it more.
Който търси, намира.


That is your Astral eyes or the 3rd eye opening. Read Astral Dynamics, Bruce talks about the 3rd eye.


yeah, this has happened lotsa times now. When im just laying down, I dont think at all and my thoughts drifts, then i feel like i float out of my skin, but like im laying on top of it and I can see like my eyes are open, but they're actually shut tight. It happened the other day when I went to the dentist, I laid in the chair and closed my eyes, then I could see them working on me. As in, Like im looking up, but this has also happened and that when im laying down i can see like im looking down on myself.
has this happened to anyone else?