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Messages - Goldenserpent

Hi to all...
I would like to have some advice on how to send lost earhbound souls back to where they should go. I only have experience with other types of negative entities, elementals, and imps. This is the first time I am dealing with earthbound souls. I do not want to banish them since I do not feel that it is right, and that I would and do want to help them "cross over". There are 3 earthbound souls which are sort of in a confused and trapped in the basement. They don't know why they are there and they seem become more aggressive and want to leave the place. I can banish them just here and right now, but I would like to help them first at least try to let them "cross over". It makes no use just to banish every little thing away.  Any one have any suggestions on how to take care of this?
My second case is that my friends told me that at the hospital where they are working, at the basement level there seems to be more than 50 earthbound souls there. I had checked the place out, and feel a strong presence of an entity... I fear that it might be something quite powerful which binds them. That thing is not my concern. But if I am to banish that thing, the 50 earthbound souls would be banished also. I would want to help them first. Its worth trying. But my concern is that I will not be able to concentrate on the entity which binds the earthbound souls if there are 50 running around trying to grasp onto my energy which I will be needing to raise for the banishing.
I had one similiar experience once, but luckily the demon was asleep/resting for.... well, a very long time. I had binded it to an object and had disposed of it already. But now the case is different.

I'm having some problems with projection. I can make a successful exit but somehow my visions are blurred. I concentrated and will myself to have full success... so right now all I do is just scrying the astral plane... which doesn't make it fun at all... :(
Can anyone give me some advice with what's wrong ?
As a practioner of Magick, the LBRP works really well. But there are people who are not able to do the LBRP, but what I found out is Reiki works.
A friend of mine had some trouble with things moving around. She asked me for help and I had to scry to see what exits there and I found 2 portals or gateways. I wasnt able to go to her place to help her so I recommended her to use Reiki to close the portals. As I was watching her from my place the portal really did close.
I had used Reiki as a tool several times also this is what I recommend my clients and friends when they are experiencing some disturbance. Mostly I don't banish every single thing. If it is a lost earth bound spirit I would mostly help them to the Light. Some leaves when you tell them to. Some don't and therefore you can command them "Be Gone!!". The real stubborn ones, I do banish them. But for those who have Reiki you might want to give it a try. What I found out is that the frequency of Reiki is much higher than what they can handle.
So for those who have Reiki, you have a valuable tool with you. :)
I'm sending Golden Dolphin Reiki, Seichem and Reiki to her now along with the Body of Light.
I'll be gathering a few Reiki Masters to do the same so that the energy is amplified.

Hi Nita...
I understand what you mean. In my opinion every method depends on each person. As we know, the essence of magick is energy. So it really depends on the person how attuned they are, and how much energy they can raise, charge, direct and control it. I might have given a not so complete advice for KP, since I do not know her background.
The example that I gave is for one who really is able to work fluently with energy. I've seen people doing the LBRP and still not able to banish imps, while some using the LBRP is able to banish even demons (in this case I would probably use the Greater version just to be on the safe side [ :)] ).
My appologies.....

Its me again, I'm sorry since at first I didn't catch your question. Since you don't have any experience with scrying, I would say you might want to try to give Reiki to the whole room. The CHK Symbols works, but when you draw it, you have to visualize it white and concentrate on it.
Go with your intuition. All of us have the 6th sense which some had developed and some hadn't, but psychic abilities are with in us all - its just not dominant. Follow your intuition. Be passive, and you will receive information on where to send Reiki. Best way is to stand at the door and put your hands forward and have the intention to send Reiki. Visualize white light...or divine energy emitting from your hands. Places where you feel a stronger Reiki flow might be the spot. What ever it is, do not have fear. By having fear you had given it the chance. While you hare giving Reiki the divine energy is surging through you so you shouldn't be afraid. Keep giving until you don't feel the flow of Reiki.
Do it to every room if you like. It wouldn't take more than an hour or so.
I hope this helps.

Hi KP,
Actually it is as what Nita had said. I find that Reiki has a higher vibration. I had given advice to my friends and clients (before the PPSD book came out) that they can use Reiki. It really works since Reiki works on a higher frequency, if you have Karuna or Seichem its even better. But Reiki is just as fine. By giving yourself Reiki often, you can build up a higher vibration within your Aura and also strengthening it.
I'm quite surprised to hear that you had attracted Negs. It might not be related to Reiki. If you can scry, you might want to find a place (I would recommend someplace not in your house so that you are not distracted) and walk through the rooms. The example that I had given was quite an unusual case, since portals or gateways need some kind of activation. In that case that I had said it was because of the 8 year old brother of my friend. The boy opens the portal unconsciously while he sleeps. Anyway, it might be that you find some sort of small vortex or portal. What you can do is, remember the spot after scrying, go to it, then draw the Reiki Sympbol CHK on it. If you do not know the symbol you can search the web for Chou Ku Rei. And consentrate on giving Reiki energy to it at the same time strongly visualize whatever it is that you saw while scrying to slowly shrink....until it is gone. Most of the people I know would give Reiki throughout all the rooms.

Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Middle Pillar
September 09, 2002, 03:58:17
Hi all...
As a practitioner of Magick I can say that the Middle Pillar is a great excercise to keep you grounded with the energies. It also attunes you to the astral realm. If you really do it everyday and being able to raise a good amount of energies, some people I know gained astral sense.
As for the LBRP (Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram) can banish from small imps, elves, elementals, etc. It also depends on how one can raise energy. I've met a person who can use the LBRP to banish demons.
Thgere is also the Supreme - but I really don't recommend this since it is very powerful. So far that I know, this ritual can banish angels also.
As for the Banishment of the Hexagram, this clears positive energies which for magicians its good. If you practice magick, then you would like to clear all types of influence, whether good or bad.
For those who wants to try to feel the divine energy you can do the banishment of earth, air, water, and fire. Now that you banish all elements you will work with pure spiritual energy.
I would like to make a word of warning about the LBRP, once you do it, you sort of "clean" your subtle body. You will light up in the astral realm. And as usual, you will attract the attention of Negs, but as long as you do it, you keep them away (this ofcourse depends on how much energy you raise during the ritual). Somehow they really don't like us walking the spiritual path. Don't be afraid, I had been doing this for a long time and no problems with Negs at all.
all in all, have fun!