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Messages - will777

hmm will try it out tonight, havnt had much luck yet tho. i wont give up tho
Thank you so much I now know SO much more about the different levels of awareness. You've answered a lot of my questions.
wow thank you for that post i always thought in my mind that i have to stay still =-)
alright thank you i will give it a try
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Swallowing
March 23, 2007, 21:33:34
Alright, I don't know if this is very relevent to OBE but i seems that when i try to OBE, I get into a relaxed state but then ( seems kind of funny) I need to swallow my saliva. It seems like this distracts me or something, maybe I am not doing the techniques right to get my mind in peace and my body in rest.
Hi tvos,
For your technique, when you wake up for the first time and then set it for 15 mins, during this 15 do you go back to sleep as normally then after this 15, you wake up by the sound and then start trying to OBE?
Thank you so much for the replies. Yes I know it was my first time in trying it and by the second time I knew that it would take alot more then just 15 minutes to get in a trance. I also now now thanks to you guys that it will take me alot of practice but I'm very O.K with that I'm gonna keep on trying until I get results, I dont care how long it takes. Another thing I had in mind was that well I was reading this book and it mentionned your chakras and the balance of them and how you sometimes close them or damage them. Does this have to do with anything with OBE or is chakras just some bogus someone decided to put in the book, although I do beleive the existance of chakras in my opinion, but a second opinion on this is always good, I am 14 and do not know much about OBE.
Today, I was reading all about astral and stuff and i decided I'll give it a go for a 2nd time. The first time i think i just lost my patience and decided to wake up and go do something else. Today, though, I really felt determined to have a OBE so I went upstairs in my room and got comfortable and set the mood. Then I started to rest and I really felt like my body was shutting down. What I did to know this is I put my hand on my other hand then after a while I couldn't feel that my hand was even touching it, is that when your body shuts down or falls asleep? Anyways what happened was that I pretty much just woke up, and I know nothing happened to me and I think I fell asleep. Also, when I woke up I felt very tired and sluggish, it felt a little weird because this usually doesn't happen to me. Is this a sort of sign that I was doing something right or wrong or maybe just me getting my hopes up too high?
Thanks in advance.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: hi
October 08, 2006, 20:57:12
Sorry my bad I found plently i wasn't looking in the right place.
Thanks again
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: hi
October 08, 2006, 20:53:56
Thank you very much for the advice. So I'm gonna have to do this many times before it working I'm guessing?
For the techniques I went to that part of the forum and I didn't find anything very specifique or that many techniques is there any other place that show these.
Thanks again, :-)
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / hi
October 08, 2006, 10:57:03
I just recently come across the subject of lucid dreaming and astral projection and got really interested. I got some books and I'm now reading them. I have a question that i didn't find on the site. 1. From what ive read on sites that say all the step by step for astral projection, it's pretty much all the same things, first you have to get really relaxed but the next step is the one that i don't really understand where you have to get into a stage called the Altered State of Consciousness or something like that. While i'm relaxing I don't know if i'm in that stage or not, so my question is, how do you reconize that your in this Altered State of Consciousness or if your not in this stage yet, how do you get there, if you'r not already there?

Thanks in advanced, I know this site gives great help and is very friendly :-D
