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Messages - kie101

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Merry Christmas
December 23, 2006, 20:05:34
wish i could say the same but merry christmas and a happy new year.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Taxi
December 17, 2006, 22:26:39
not sure but what band are u in? or are u a singer? wouldnt mind hearing u or ur band. :-)
okay ive been doing robert bruces MASTERING ASTRAL PROJECTION book and im only 14 days into it, havn't really had anything happen yet been able to recall dreams better and am very good with my body awareness and all those tingly sensations you get.Anyway i was just wondering if anyone else is on this and have been able to have obes or AP from it or have made good progress with it or does anyone have any opinions on it?
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: levitation in sleep
December 13, 2006, 23:27:32
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Healing power of sleep?
December 13, 2006, 23:26:02
same for me i feel so tired when i wake up in a morning like ive got no energy its so hard to get up some times and im quite strong minded so before you think lazy arse i really do have to force myself out,
and before i go to bed its extremly hard for me to get to sleep even if im tired, sometimes takes me about 2-3 hours maybe more to get to sleep im even up now lol 4.15 am but i suppose when i wake up my mind is in a peaceful calm state untill later on any u guys started seeing things when you just wake up???
like i sometimes see loads of spiders runnin around or things floating above my head lol i suppose it could be just my imagination still running its weird cos when i see them in the night as well while im trying to get t sleep and im not scared at all when theres loads of weird things crawling around me i just turn my head and get back to sleep lol but if i saw that now i would gag my pants  :-o
uh my technique well firstly i usely do it after ive had a good workout so my muscles are really relaxed and i lay on my couch, so much easyier than on my bed i get no results from when i try in my bed
and i use this hemi sync sound that ive got to keep me concentrated, i useally have a really quite mind you could say,
my mind is usely quite before i do anything so when i get ready to get into my trance state its really easy to obtian if you get what i mean lol. when im layed down i go through my body sort of numbing it from foot to neck going all through my body so its very nicely relaxed this takes only about 5 maybe 10 minutes to obtain for me, then i sort of how could you say.. drift off but my mind is sill very much awake, its hard to explain you could say its like switching my body off but keeping my mind on.
And then about 15 20 minutes (I know this because the hemi sync i listen is only on for 25 minutes)
all of a sudden from nowhere Boom my heart chakra rises faster and faster untill its beating extremely fast,not forgeting the last time i tryed was about a month ago so i didnt know any technique to get out!
i felt really strange like my body lifting but then it all stops dam but i didnt have much knowledge back then as i do i actually might have got out but i didnt know, but il probly have another go tonite see where i get.
Anyway i know this is quite long but i hope it helps, good luck with everything.
sounds fantastic, i haven't got to the stage of obe or ap yet but hopeing i get somesort of experience like yours one day soon, sounds like it could be pretty easy for me too i can get relaxed really any time and trance out 15-30 minutes im into vibrations and rapid heart ect... but anyway sounds great i really hope you get to do more and tell us about it thanks.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: The Poem Game!
December 12, 2006, 09:14:33
awsome :-D
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: US Federal Election
December 10, 2006, 14:48:33
that was quick  :-D
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: I Love You!
December 10, 2006, 14:47:50
wow i just came across this and thought, well its either people are expressing love for one another Orrr there hinting for some dam karma points  :lol: amazing if you think about it every single person here has something in common hmmm makes me think..
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: red bull
December 10, 2006, 14:40:14
Well redbull gives you wings rite? :lol: well imo i wouldnt take that stuff too much can cause some serious damage to your diet intake just read the contents before you start gulping down gallons of it.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Poem Game!
December 10, 2006, 11:37:34
                      By kie101                             The Poem Game   
i just wrote this one just now for people to add there own little line to it, have a go if you get what im saying here..try to keep on the same line as "People" and try keep it at two small lines so it doesnt go everywhere if you want to have a try. jst post ur your line.. dont copy and past so people dont get confussed :? with eachother.
And please read it carefully before you have a go so it makes sense and please dont make it silly.

people walking around like they haven't got no time in the day,
people crying, bleeding, dieing, wishing they had no time in there day,
people moaning about how there lives could be better today,
people wishing to end all this pain today,
people wishing there bank statement would rise someday,
people hopeing there plates would have something on it someday,
lol oh i didnt realise i had welcomes from people thank you for your warm welcomeing and i will be saving a complete journal for you all to read, either when i have AP or when i complete my 90 days mastering astral projection. the thing i saw other people must have seen it too because i saw an image on the internat the exact same a while back not sure where. and im from near sheffield btw
Thanks Kieran.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: UNDER 18 AP goers
December 07, 2006, 13:21:21
okay il give it a shot.
Im 17 ive been intrested in ap obe experiences and the super natrual ,spirt world ect since i was about 13 ive only recently started my program to AP im currently working on robert bruces astral dynamics and mastering astral projection in 90 days and i am keeping a record of my progress so when ive finished i will post everything up. Ciao
ive done somthing simler, one time i attempted an obe, i tranced out and tottaly relaxed and started to feel vibrations i opened my eyes and (the room was pitch black and this was about 20-30 min into it) i could see, from what i could discribe as my purpley bluely aura  jst waveing about 5-6 inches away from my body, very intresting sight.
okay i get where your coming from, well im not too sure if i can be of help but ive had simler things like knowing somthing that cant harm or do anything to me, knowing this but still being afraid but my advise is,

When it comes and you feel that fear start little things poping in your head, however it comes along i sort of damand to myself "No i will not be scared Block these thoughts out" sort of i think positive sort of like get the feeling like nothing can hurt you, while its happening think like "No Do it be positive these help me to stop thinking of scary things happening to me when i try an obe in the dark, its hard to explain i really wish i could say more to help but this sort of technique i use helps me alot through life, Do it dont fear it nothing can hurt you let what happens happen sort of memo.
i do really wish you the best of luck.
dam very instresting read i wouldnt mind owning a copy of my own shame im alittle short handed right now, but seems like hes pretty muched packed everthing in there gd find.

oh and i also rite my dreams down to help my momery for the obes or APs.
Best of luck
hey there sounds like gd progress so far, as ive never APed before i av expirenced one obe last week, im also 17 and i do find obe music or whatever you call it to be a great help i mostly find the deep bassline ones to work the best.
I dont know if you have read or tried robert bruces MASTERING ASTRAL PROJECTION but it has been a great help for me im only a few weeks into it and have progressed alot. well i havnt tryed obe or AP for awhile but i usely lay down on my couch (because for some reason i cant get anywhere when i try in my bedroom and for another weird reason ive had alot more progression in the dark.) get relaxed i usely go through my body to relax it i.e feet then legs then body,

and it only really takes me between 10-20 minutes to start feeling heavy vibrations and my heart chakra to beat rapidly but then i get 2 excited and then it all stops either that or i have projected and not realised  not sure if this is any help but if we keep the good work up im sure one day soon we will both beable to start our advanture in the astral  :lol:
lol heres mine
White Solar Wind
Kin 22 of 260 day cycle
Red Eastern Castle of Turning
Earth family- Core      Clan- Fire
Galactic Activation Portal

I pulse in order to communicate
Realizing breath
I seal the input of spirit
With the solar tone of intention
I am guided by the power of endlessness
I am a galactic activation portal   enter me

:-o its simler to a few others very intresting
fascinating read there very intresting, good find awakened.
as ive said in other fourms, to believe or not to believe that is the question.
The odyssey, very intresting def going to have to watch it.
So many things predictions claims that have been said to happen in 2012 which one to believe?
well whatever happens happens, whether its good or bad i do think something will happen,
good find there.

intresting as soon as you get the links or get more information please send it in im very intrested.

An end of a life is a beginning of a future.
Thanks "Zarklon" and "awakend mind" that has actually put things in a different prespective for me in a gd way,
Thank you all i will take your advice in and do it and i will keep track of my process.
Matter of fact i have a strange story i will tell you i had acouple of nights ago i wasnt sure if i was dreaming or i was projecting, it was very vage i was in my bedroom and what i can describe it was like going back and forth constantly and feeling so strange(this happend after i went to bed Btw) im not 2 sure how but it certainly wasnt my everynite kind of dream,
first i remember feeling like i was at one place in my bedroom then suddenly in another as i said it was very vage but it was an extraordinary experience and its only happend when i started riteing down dreams or maybe i only really just started to remember when i started to rite my dreams down, anyway thank you again as i said you have put things into a different prespective for me.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Hey my begining
November 29, 2006, 18:53:30
hello im 17 years old from the uk before the age of 16 i wasnt quite sure what to believe ,god,religions,but what i knew that there was somthing in this world i didnt know about i will tell you more about this later on.then i came across robert bruce astral dynamics as i began to read i became more and more intrested and thought id give it a try, i laid down on my sofa and completly relaxed into a trance state with the help of and obe cd i was listening to about 5 to 10 minutes into it what i thought was my heart started to increase rappidly more and more and i began to c things i have done this on aobut 3 to 4 occaions, im not too sure wat it was it looked like my aura jst waveing above me, this frightend me as i got up, and i am a complete believer of this now and i have started my journey to astral projection with the help of robert bruce, i thank him alot for his detailed work that he has put into his book for us to learn from.

il also tell you a story what happend to me when i was about 12 years old,i was upstairs in my house just coming out of the bathroom and turned towards the top of the stairs and to my shock i saw somthing that i would never forget to this day, the description of it was a tall wide black figure with a strange head ,like it had no neck, anyway as i saw this figure i was only about 2 meters away from it, it just stood there and stared at me, i turned and ran into my bedroom and stayed there frightnd to death,anyway as i told people no one would believe me apart from my big brother that was very intrested in the spirit world and i told him the description of it and i couldnt believed what he showd me and exact image of the thing i saw that night i couldnt believe it apart from in this image it had red eyes but from no dought it was the exact thing i saw i cant really recall what he told me but some sort of neg somthing called a shadow somthing i cant remember anyway im not sure if any of you are intrested in this or have experienced anything simler thanks.