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Messages - Goetien

Has anyone else had any negative results from these meditations?
Quote from: Archanon on April 21, 2007, 19:41:14
So no one really knows wheather there flora and fauna of the astral or mostly made by the projectors? I always hear that there flora and fauna, and all the negative/morbid stories about them. I hear alot to of the akashic records, but no one really has anything to say about them. Although most psychics say that when they use there abitilites, it's somthing they tap into, energy.

The astral is the "world of desire". As there is physical matter, there is also astral matter. As the physical world has its laws of physics, this astral matter has its astral physics. There are native peoples and animals there; however, the animal/plant kingdoms of the astral dimension do not work in the same way as the animal kingdom of the physical dimension does.

Because the astral matter resonates with emotions it can be a highly subjective dimension. The subconscious mind projects itself which in turn veils the objective reality of this dimension. It takes a trained mind to objectively explore or permanently exist in th astral dimension.