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Messages - baro-san

Quote from: Lumaza on October 10, 2022, 12:35:34
If I may enter an answer here Nodecam. Programming your Dreams through "intent" will also lead you "back" or "forward", if that's where you wish to go. Nightly intents are very powerful. It may not always work on the first attempt. You need to do them every night until you reach your goal. Start with a simple intent, while closing your eyes of stating something like "By my act of release my focus over my physical body. Please take me to my intended destination. "I am consciously aware in my sleep, knowing my physical body lies sleeping safe and sound in my bed. I learn from, enjoy and remember my experiences too". Repeating those words every night mentally or orally will really pay off for you in the end. I started using them years ago and today, I experience LDs almost on a nightly basis. I always visualize/see those words in bold letters as I mentally announce them. Don't just give it a try. "Do" it or "don't. Good luck!  :-)
Lumaza = always good, clear, generous advice :)
Quote from: Kree on April 16, 2022, 16:29:32
You need to hire a hypnotist to use this book??

Is this basically just a mental rundown?
You can do it yourself.

Pederzoli's position on this is that it is easier for a person fully awake to lead than for the person who goes through the process. His interest is more in what he gets from this, e.g. channeling, remote viewing, telepathy, mind on matter, etc..

He sees the obe as a means to an end, not a purpose in itself.

It is exactly as meditation should be seen: means to an end, not a purpose in itself.
Quote from: Lumaza on April 16, 2022, 15:38:17
Wow, Baro, there is a lot of info compressed into those links!  :-o 

I created my Doorway technique as a process/technique that utilizes the Hypnosis methodology. It aides one in creating a good state of trance. What they do then is up to them. Just mentally entering into the darkness before your closed eyes is enough to totally consume your entire focus and create a good deep trance state. The trick is to let go of everything else. That means, no distractions from the physical for the duration of that session.

With people that are new to this practice, they soon find out how unwilling your physical body is to release said focus. It will fight back tooth and nail to keep you solely bonded with/to it. That is why "practice, practice, practice" is such an important thing.

Agree.  :-)

Succeeding at obe-ing isn't about a technique applied mechanically, but it is about understanding what you're doing, and doing it right.

People read "mind awake, body asleep", but it seems difficult to internalize it.
Quote from: Lumaza on April 15, 2022, 10:28:14
Welcome back my friend!  :-) It's been a while since you last posted. We missed you here and your valued contributions to this Forum!  :-)

Thank You for sharing the links!  :-) It looks like I have some reading to do now!
Thank you! Nice to see you're here too, kindly sharing your knowledge.

I recently found an article by two Italian authors, Pederzoli & Tressoldi, dug a little and found a treasure that I thought to share. They're academics, but do a lot of interesting work they share freely on their , both in Italian and English.
Quote from: Nameless on April 15, 2022, 13:56:13
Hey baro-san long time no see. I'll check those links.
How have you been?
Hi! I'm fine. Thanks for asking. Hope you're fine too.

"A guide for OBE induction"

'Hypno-Channelings: A New Tool for the Investigation of Channeling Experiences'

'Contents of dialogues with "Him"'. "Him" is an entity they contacted and who answered a lot of questions. It is a very dense in information document.

Quote from: Lumaza on February 03, 2020, 14:33:53
Focus 10/point consciousness/energy work, those are all techniques to hold your focus and take you deeper as the "natural shift" in consciousness occurs. I created my Doorway technique to do just that as well. To hold your attention on something other than your physical body or this physical realm itself!

Talking about your Doorway technique ...

Somebody just posted a Doorway technique on another forum, and I thought to share it here:

QuoteThe Doorway - Leading to Wonderland


A simple visualization technique for everyone in easy steps. I come with this myself some years ago, because I wasn't good with the mainstream visualization techniques all over internet, they were too complex for me. The most important part of this visualization is the door/doors which always lead you to mysterious wonderlands. I experienced some of my most interesting astral projections with this technique. It can be done anytime during the day, before sleep or with WBTB. I can't wait for you to post your experiences:-)

**Path-1) For beginners**

Step-1)lay in your most comfortable position, close your eyes and relax for a minute or two.

Step-2)Begin to visualize in little steps:
- An empty square room, preferable with no windows
- The colors and materials of walls, preferable one color for all walls
- The floor, preferable familiar material like wood or marble
- an illuminated room or a darker mysterious one
- The door with handle, color and material

For example: pink plastic door with metal handle; red metal door with plastic handle, brown wood door and etc...

Step-3)Place yourself in the center of the room looking directly at the door. Feel the floor with your bare feets, is it cold or wet or maybe a warm carpet; smell the air, is it smell like dust or parfume or perhaps on flowers, ground your self in the experience.

Step-4)Start walking toward the door, touch the handle, is it cold, hot or rusty, feel it.

Step-5)Open the door and enter

Now the moment you enter a whole new world will emerge all around you. Explore and enjoy your stay.

**Path-2) Intermediate**

Step-1)lay in your most comfortable position, close your eyes and relax for a minute or two.

Step-2)Begin to visualize in little steps:
- an empty endless hallway/corridor, preferable with doors at both sides
The floor, preferable familiar material like wood or marble or carpet
- an illuminated hallway or a darker scary one
- The doors with handle, color and material, For example: pink plastic doors with metal handle; red metal doors with plastic handle, brown wood doors and etc... or different types

Step-3)Place yourself in the center of the hallway looking directly at endless corridor. Feel the floor with your bare feets, is it cold or wet or maybe a warm carpet; smell the air, is it smell like dust or parfume or perhaps on flowers, ground your self in the experience.

Step-4)Start walking down the corridor, examine the doors on your left or right, choose one, touch the handle, is it cold, hot or rusty, feel it.

Step-5)Open the door and enter or just open the door and look around to see what is inside. Feel free to open as many doors as you can.

Now the moment you enter a whole new world will emerge all around you or you will find a mysterious room. Explore and enjoy your stay.

Quote from: Lumaza on January 30, 2020, 21:00:05
Last night a Hypnotist named James Swartz was a guest on the Coast to Coast AM Radio show. He talked about this very thing. He shared how during many of his sessions with his clients, he asks questions about Reincarnation and about the seemingly "revolving door" of existence that we seem to go all go through. If you want to hear more about it you can either access his talk from last night or just go to youtube and search his name. He must have other videos there as well. It was a very interesting interview and Plasma, I think it will aid you with understanding more about this.
Here is a link to his website as well. I'm sure you could send him a email as well.

This was the header for last night's show. His interview was in the second half of the show. It was 2 hours long and then he entertained some questions from callers.

"In the latter half, hypnotherapist James Schwartz talked about using hypnosis as a tool to communicate with spirit guides, and understand spiritual realms. In hypnotic sessions with his clients, who were communicating directly with their guides, he's gleaned much information about such things as the afterlife, karma, parallel planes, and healing. When we die, the spirit continues on and experiences other realms and dimensions, he detailed. Schwartz's client Danielle, working with a "master guide," described her journey to a higher vibrational plane that she claimed she could simultaneously inhabit at night while her physical body remained here.
This led Schwartz to explore the idea that our spirits can experience parallel lives and multiple planes of awareness as we go about our daily existence. He compared our higher selves or spirit energy to a kind of "power station" that connects perhaps up to 100 different simultaneous lifetimes and experiences. The guides have suggested that spirits are "constantly" reincarnating, he added. Schwartz reached out to listeners, inquiring if any were acquainted with the late Mount Shasta-based spiritual teacher Pearl Dorris (1906-1990), whom he believes has been coming through as his own guide. "

Thanks Lumaza!

This sounds similar to what I'm doing through self-hypnosis.

I browsed a sample at google-books, then I borrowed an electronic copy from my library.

Glad I logged in tonight.
Quote from: Nameless on January 06, 2020, 19:39:24
I would slap a 'LIKE' on that response if I could Baro-san.

Thank you. You're too kind.  :-)
Quote from: MarsZM on January 05, 2020, 22:48:01
It's about time again to talk about time...

What do you think?

From non-physical you can project (focus your awareness) anywhere into the physical space and time.

You read many people talking about the physical time being "simultaneous". This is a little bit of misnomer ... The idea is that any change that happens in any point of the timeline, instantaneously propagates through the whole timeline, and everybody experiences the new reality with no conscious recollection of any change.

There are parallel universes in the sense that our dreams and thoughts create dream selves and probable selves that function inside their "thinned down" universes, for the duration of their scope, but that doesn't mean that there are other universes in the sense that there are "other yous" that live independent lives. There aren't. There is only one conscious you.

If somebody killed Hitler, history wouldn't have changed much, because somebody else would've stepped up, and would've done similar things. The whole abomination was ready to happen, the thought energies were in place, and couldn't have been stopped.

You can't meet your future self, but you can project into a probable future self to check the effect of choices you might want to make now.

You can't foresee the future. But you can create it the way you want it to be (you can't foresee the lottery numbers, but you can become a lottery winner).

The future hasn't already happened (see above "simultaneous" time).
Quote from: mon9999 on August 29, 2019, 04:42:14
So you're saying I can't achieve this with regular astral projection?

It isn't easier to do it from astral projection.

It is like you're in NY, want to fly to LA, and are asking: "So you're saying I can't fly firstly to Chicago?". You can, but why would you do that if you want to go to LA?
Quote from: mon9999 on August 29, 2019, 02:13:33
So I have had successful projections but how do I go to higher dimensions? Its seems like im stuck in rtz or lower astral. How do I go to F4 or what some would call "higher spiritual dimensions"?
You could do that through self life-between-lives regression, if you leave behind all beliefs, preconceptions, expectations. If you don't, you'll just imagine things.

On the other hand ... maybe everything is imagination.
While in the altered state (e.g. lucid dream, astral projection, ...), give a command (affirmation) to fully remember the experience upon waking up.
Steve Pavlina's biphasic and polyphasic sleep experiments:
Sorry for your loss.
I'm sure it was the weed.
You forgive, you feel good, you create benign thought-forms for your soul.

You don't forgive, you have negative thoughts and feelings, you create malign thought-forms, that'll remain attached to your soul.

For the other person your forgiveness doesn't matter. It matters what are his/her thoughts and feelings, because they'll create thought-forms that'll attach to him/her.
Quote from: DaneClark on April 20, 2019, 18:56:01
I keep getting talked down to here whenever I try to explain things like the fact that I'm naturally resistant to supernatural experiences, or that I'm too aware of my own consciousness for my brain to tune into the very precise frequency that feels like it might work for me.  When I'm meditating I can feel brief glimpses of a state that does almost feel like I'm floating out of my body and it happens spontaneously without even having to manually use an exit method, but my resistance to supernatural experiences and overawareness of my consciousness is preventing me from being able to exit right away - I really need help figuring out how to get around these things, and I need people to trust me when I say that I can't just get rid of these problems by being patient and stuff.

I suggest the book "How to Master Self-Hypnosis in a Weekend" by Rick Smith. If you can't get the book, you can still use the author's online downloads that will prepare you for self-hypnosis, from (you'll get the links by email).
Quote from: PlasmaAstralProjection on April 04, 2019, 09:44:16
So I want to get married and have children. Like I have a very strong instinctive urge to do this. I want to teach them how to astral project. Do you think it's fair that I require them to learn how to do it? Thanks.

EDIT: When I say require I mean pushing them to practice. I wouldn't force them to do it if they didn't want to. after all we push and even require our kids to do all kinds of things including eating their broccoli. 😂

What are you using astral projection for? What is the benefit you experienced from it?

The problem with "pushing" others to do (what we believe to be) the right thing, is that in the overwhelming number of situations we rely on the belief that we know what is right (which puts a smile on my face).

You mentioned broccoli ... A quick googleing yielded:

"Is broccoli high in oxalates?
Cauliflower, corn, cucumber, mushrooms, onions, peas, scallions, squash and zucchini are all fine. Tomatoes are fine, too; it is only the sauce that is high. Broccoli and green pepper are moderately high so watch the portion size. Mar 11, 2019

So, be careful with "eating their broccoli"  :-)
Quote from: Xanth on March 07, 2019, 02:30:20
That makes sense.  It's not an easy lesson to learn and even I fall prey to it quite often.

Think about situations in your life where you've judged people before... I'm not talking about REALLY SERIOUS matters like murder or thievery.
I'm just speaking more like on your regular day to day interactions with people on a social level. 

That's the non-judgmental kind of stuff I'm referring to.  It connects very strongly with the idea of learning to Love.
It sounds like you are over thinking these things.

Essentially, treat *EVERYONE* as you want to be treated.  Even those who hate you and who wants to see harm done to you... those people are in the most need of your Love.
Rise ABOVE *THEIR* hatred and show kindness.

Does that make more sense?
Thanks. I understand what you're saying.
Quote from: Xanth on March 07, 2019, 01:14:51
It sounds like you're asking in regards to the "laws" of a society or "justice".

That's more like what the Love of the little "L" love is.  It's a more physically minded aspect of life.

So I guess we could describe what you're talking about as being the little "N-J"... and what I'm referring to on the consciousness level as being the big "N-J".

It's hard to separate the "being level" concepts from the "intellectual level" concepts. 

Actually, I honestly want to understand what are people referring to when they advice others to be non-Judgmental. Why is that bad, and how to change it.

As I understand now, most people just parrot whatever they heard, they don't really know what that is about, so they make no progress,
Quote from: Xanth on March 06, 2019, 17:09:46
I wanted to expand on my above post a bit... what does it mean to "Be Love"?

We're not talking the emotion here.  That's the little "L" love... the big "L" Love is something slightly different, yet also very connected.
Little "L" love is the love you feel for your family and friends.  Big "L" Love is a concept of being kind to everyone and being non-judgmental.

It can be something as grand as donating a tonne of money to a charity.
Or as little as allowing that person to cross at the lights while you wait to turn in your car.
It's about doing those things with no judgment. 

Love.  It costs you absolutely NOTHING to do and yet enriches the lives of not only yourself, but everyone you come into contact with throughout your life.
Love ADDS to this reality in such a way that it makes it a nicer place to live for everyone.

Does that make sense?

Could you elaborate on what do you mean by being non-judgmental? How would  the world work if people's actions wouldn't be taken in consideration (judged)?
In my experience, the answer to my question downloads directly into my mind. There is no voice. I ask, then I know. If my question is a little longer, or I formulate it slower, I get the answer before finishing my question. Also, the answer is crystal clear, concise, and often it is strikingly profound. I've never received a metaphor for an answer.

Don't ask questions that require long and complex replies, at least in the beginning. Break it down in smaller pieces!

Leave aside your beliefs, expectations, emotions, then record the answer as you get it, without interpretations, or completions!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Frank Kepple Monroe CD
February 16, 2019, 23:56:04
I was disappointed by the discs. They are extreeemely slow. After trying the first couple of discs, I never went through the remaining.

I don't recommend them.
Quote from: kuurt on February 01, 2019, 20:37:37
I've been able to hear spirits since May of 2016.  And I have 2 negative entities that won't leave me alone that I can't seem to get rid of no matter what I do.  I have a hard time sleeping because they will keep me up all night.  It's very stressful, you can't imagine.  They won't shut up and sometimes they even sing to keep me awake.  The doctor has labeled me schizophrenic because I hear voices.  But it's not a mental problem, it's a spiritual problem.  I have recorded the voices of the spirits that I hear and I have played these EVPs for other people and everybody can hear them clearly.  My mom, my dad, my brother, and friends can all hear the voices very clearly.  I've even played them for the therapist that the doctor has me seeing who was able to hear them clearly.  He said he would play them for the doctor.  But I was told that even if it is spirits I'm hearing, they still have to, by law, address the issue as if it's a mental or psychological problem. 

I have since found a facebook group of people like me who are all hearing voices and being tormented by negative spirits.  Some of them, like me have EVPs of their voices too and I have heard their recorded voices that they hear and they have heard mine.  They are clear enough that you can definitely hear actual voices.  It's not pareidolia.  When I write about this online there's always someone that trys to tell me that it's pareiodolia.  Trust me it's not.  I have even see apparitions of the spirits a couple of times.  I have felt them kick my bed or couch that I'm laying on multiple times.  I have heard and felt their foot steps as they walk across my living room floor and try to scare me.  And some of the people in our group even have physical sensations.  One guy has a negative entity bothering him that jabs or pocks him all the time.  And both of us have fought with our entities in the non-physical.  I have fought with the male entity that I hear on two separate occasions while in the non-physical.  I personally believe they're on the lower astral plane which is apparently close enough to the physical plane that some rare people like us are able to hear them.  We also believe that a lot of people who hear voices and are labeled schizophrenic are actually hearing negative spirit entities.  I would like to see some of these ghost hunters go into a mental hospital and get some EVPs of the voices that some of these people are hearing.  Then more and more people will begin to realize that a lot of these people are not crazy or imagining the voices they hear.  They just have spirit attachments.

I have prayed to God, Jesus, the holy spirit, angels, guardian angels, spirit guides, but none of them seem to be helping me get rid of these negative entities.  I've been dealing with this for about 3 years now and some of the people in our group have been dealing with theirs for even longer.  We have heard of a couple of people that managed to get rid of their entity attachments by calling upon Jesus for help, but it doesn't seem to work for us.  I rarely have conscious experiences in the non-physical.  But a while back I had a female spirit introduce herself as my spirit guide. 

I'm just desperate, and I'm wondering if there is anybody here that can astral project and summon my spirit guide and find out why they're not helping me get rid of these negative entities.  I don't expect you to fight them off or anything as they would probably just come right back later anyway.  But is there someone here that can communicate with my spirit guide and find out what is going on, why my guide isn't helping me, and how I can get rid of them?

I'm not trying to make anybody afraid of astral projection by talking about negative entities.  None of us acquired these negative entities from astral projection.  None of us astral project.  If anything, I think being able to astral project could help us get some answers and solutions.  I just can't seem to project for the life of me.  Except once in a blue moon while sleeping. 

I believe that your fears overwhelm you, and make you loose perspective and control. To get an upper hand on this you can suggest to yourself that you're covered and protected with "white light". This will give your subconscious some assurance, and will have the effect of diminishing your fears. On the non-physical realms, thoughts and emotions are real things, so you fight thought with thought.