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Messages - npiv

Reality is a bundle of energy, consisting of lightwaves, soundwaves, pulsing energy and what have you not. We are so fortunate to have 5 senses(*%*) to pick up on what is passing around us. From the awakening of consciousness the brain has to start dealing with this overload of information. Inner representations of the energy must be constructed and a selection process soon follows.

*%* nothing metaphysical has been mentioned yet :)

I've come across a lot of texts recently and the notion that we create our own reality has popped out again and again.

And when I follow the explanation above, to me, that sounds plausible.

Our conscious becomes a bottleneck of external->internal sensations and the large surplus is left to the subconscious. How do a criminal and a UFO Junkie react to a blue light out of the corner of their eye? The focus in each would be very different.

After lurking here for a while Ive found the people of these forums to recount some truly interesting experiences. And I'd like to ask how other people stand on this topic ;)

has anyone has achieved a positive personal change that might have brought about a new look on the world. A change in focus, Don Juan talks about so explicitely.
I realise this may seem insignificant to most of the posters on this forum but I am currently quite ecstatic about my experience last night.

Im not just here to boast about my accomplishment though, I have a question [:D].

I remember realising that I was dreaming and the pure joy that swept through me. I was standing on a window ledge in a very somber setting (an industrial site of some kind) at night time. This didnt put a dent in the huge smile on my face and I was quick to take off and fly high in the sky. I remembered Robert Bruce's advice to narrate the event so as to aid in the memory but all I recall saying over and over again is, "Im FLYING !!".

The rest of the dream is unfortunately quite blurry, because after I woke up with the dream fresh in my mind I felt it crumble and vanish quicker than I could get a grasp on it. This really frustrated me and I will work at keeping a dream journal from now on as to aid in the memory of my dreams.

But what i wanted to ask of the more experienced is,
have you used a journal to help in remembering and if so can you train it to the point where dream memories are almost as strong as real ones ?

thank you in advance,

Hope I don´t get flamed for this. I truly admire Robert Bruce in many ways but this theorie of his is one that rubs me wrong.

now first of all, I have never OOB´d and am still working hard with Robert´s help to get there one day.

I am a scientist though and an atheist with a great desire to believe in something more than what the eye meets. My true reason for wanting to OOB is to be able to distinguish it for myself from a lucid Dream. I believe in the powers of the mind and want to OOB for myself to see that it is not just in the mind but an actual leaving of the body. This would mean that a soul exists.

The idea of the mind split though where a copy is made and one copy flies about seems too artificial to be remotely spiritual. I can´t quite place what it is about the thought of the mind copying itself that I dont like but I suppose I link astral travel and the further dimesnsions to the 7 dimensions that Buddha mapped out.

Sorry if I couldnt make my point too clearly [:P] But are there others who feel more strongly toward the idea of an actual leaving of the body ?
<< after i meditate i have an upsurge of frustration and anger >>

Id step away from phrases like that too. I dont doubt that you were angry after you meditated but your ego is so quick to make it a general rule for all meditation sessions now.
If they still respond otherwise, it will only prove they believe in what they were taught to believe and can't think for themselves.

And you weren't raised as a catholic ?
The Idea of astral travel is not so bizar in psychological terms. I place firm beliefs in science which has always made me skeptical of spiritual things.

There are so many accounts of OOB's that it has to be acknowledged that they do occur. The only question that remains is the actual leaving of the body. Psychologists can relate an OOB to a lucid dream and not a trip out of the body but one into the depths of the subconcious.

Even so, any open minded scientist should grasp the pure therapeutic and health aspects gained from these techniques. Mr Bruce's account of one meditation session where he turns over a card in his mind with great resistance. On the other side is an ugly mutation which he proceeds to destroy with a mind sword. The next day a big wart he'd had for years on his neck disappeared. [:D]

Astral dynamics also grazes the topic when it talks about taping a playing card to the window and then using OOB to see what it is. Robert says it works but he also heeds not to take his word and try it for yourself.

As a scientist I can indeed not take this good man's word, But I will follow his advice.

I wouldn't worry too much about dangers. Sepcially in meditation, if you just calm the mind and relax then nothing can go wrong.
Fat turkey, I understand completely, I was in a similar high school [xx(]

Anyways, As Ive read more through the board, your posts have proven you are worthy of your status. And Im happy I didnt offend you, as I was a little afraid I might have,

The mind likes to work through association.

One hting Ive noticed, is that whenever I hear a noise from the street,

for instance a voice, I imagine a person
            a car horn, I imagine a car.

The trick is not to let the mind play this associative game and just hear the sound without trying to analyze it. The same applies to general thoughts. You can still think about issues whilst meditating but dont let the mind wander.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / PAINFUL
June 19, 2003, 05:06:52
GoingSlow, Im excited to hear your legs cramped up when you attempted the rope technique. I find that my abs tense up to raise my upper torso upward somewhat when I try to climb the rope.

How did you get past this ? I would really appreciate any tips.

I wonder sometimes If my wanting to OOB has caused me to emulate it by physically rising somewhat?
Beav31s, Im interested in the first argument you presented.

I was an atheist scientist without that desire and I found that OBE is real. It is possible without faith.

This diverts from the topic a little, but I have sometimes wondered if my skepticism is not holding me back. I can achieve WILD's, but sometimes when I try to OOB my muscles tense up and (my abs particularly) to raise my torso upwards. I wonder If My wanting to believe is causing me to emulate this raising effect and therefore bypassing the actual process. Any ideas on how to deprogram myself as it where, or perhaps add any tips of how you took the first leap of faith [:O]

They are intresting exercises. But the reference to auric colours is a little off.

In the case of this, where you stare long enough, you get an effect which is called after-vision. These circles dont have auras.[}:)]
I dont know if you sever smoke up but thats what does it for me.

If I smoke up I find a cluttery room unnaceptable, and then with some good loud music and 2 hours of dancing with the vacuum cleaner. Well its just beautiful [^]

by the way squeek, Nice avatar
Fat Turkey

Your points were all good in bringing down chris from his throne of ignorance.

Except for one thing, the argument

you are a starting member, most of us are higher ranked than you, therefore most of us higher ranked ones have more experience

YOu could have sprouted 2000 messages full of crap. (not saying you did)

A couple of Posts Back, I saw a reccuring Christian argument that bothers me Immensely.

"We don't follow the old testament anymore, a lot of it is not appropriate"

Well, correct me If im wrong but those teachings came from god did they not? Who is the catholic Church to tell you they don't apply anymore. Quite Frankly Im happy they dont because the God protrayed in the Old testament is an evil badass.

Now, I myself am not religious, I believe however that Jesus was around, and was a man who much like Buddha found inner peace, and laid down basics for humanity to live in harmony and prosperity. Unfortunately, After he died, when people came together there was a need for priests to lead the worship session. Then before you know it, you needed bishops who needed to control the priests, and slowly but surely the hierarchy right up to the pope that is the catholic Church was formed.

Where, in any biblical writing does it say that a pope should be appointed as the closest man to god ?

The church has done nothing but manipulate the teachings, cut out what they didnt like so that there power could grow. I admit that they´ve calmed down a lot in modern times, But it is an organisation!


1. banning of any scientific discoveries that didnt fit in with their statements.
2. Addition of the law Priests can´t marry. Thats right they added that after the priest´s sons stopped following their fathers footsteps but still inherited their fathers land (the churches land).
3. forceful conversion, the inquisition.
4. popes who shortly after the fall of rome, had orgies and already back then a big intrest in little boys.

In case you wanted arguments that was.[:P]