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Messages - BillionNamesofGod

I was hear when Frank was active enjoyed his posts and we exchanged some PMs.

So I was greatly disappointed when he "disappeared" and I feel we need answers as he spent a lot of time here and helped us a lot.  So serious questions:

1. What is his real name ?
2. What is actually resident in the UK? What was his actual physical location ?
3. Want proof is there of his actual physical location ?
4. Did anyone actually know him in person ?
5. Is there an IP ADDRESS recorded here to pinpoint his address ????

The above questions need to be answered before we can get real answers !!!
Is there a global conspiracy to make people fear sleep paralysis so they don't get it again and avoid it??

For example there is a new documentary about how "bad" sleep paralysis is??

But we truth seekers know being able to get into sleep paralysis is a GIFT as it allows you to then
Have a controlled OBE !!!

And OBEs are bloody amazing! I was thinking there should be a documentary teaching that it's not to be feared but to be relished!!!
Can someone put up a poll?
It would be interesting to know how many here have had a full blown proper OBE.

I mean The post below is so negative, made me think.

Quote from: Permanently Grounded on January 05, 2015, 20:40:03
My advice to you is this: don't expect to learn much -if anything- from these forums, as I sincerely doubt anyone here is truly able to project! It seems very common here to confuse silly dreams, however realistic,  with actual OOBE's. Reading thru the message boards what seems quite clear is that most posters seem completely incapable of separating their overactive imaginations & fantasies from what an actual out of body experience is ..yet that doesn't stop them from having the audacity to offer advice to others! They remind me of those religious fanatics who go around claiming to have a "personal relationship" with Jesus Christ and how they can "talk" to him as well when the brutal truth is that there is NO Jesus Christ, never was. Yet you'll read about all kinds of 'religious encounters' here. All religions contain about a .0003%  kernel of truth wrapped up in 97,894 layers of 99.9997% bullkrap.
You'd think an advanced projector would know that fact.

Moreover the writing skills of most people here seem to be at a 6th grade level, which would indicate to me that most posters lack the necessary sophistication to offer a valid opinion on such a profoundly deep topic as are OOBE's. While I understand that many of those who post here may not speak English as their primary language, the overall lack of quality exchanges seems to bear out the fact that most posters are inexperienced adolescents who suffer from childishly fertile imaginations coupled with the inability to separate truth from fantasy. An actual OOBE will hit you like a ton of bricks with such force that you could NEVER have any doubts about whether is was 'real' or not.

I myself only had ONE single OOBE in my entire life, yet it resulted absolutely life-changing and unequivocally real. You can read about it somewhere in the forums. My personal experience involved having 360 degree vision yet I have found NO ONE here talking about having had a similar experience. How can that be, if all these people are theoretically 'projecting'?

Quote from: Lionheart on April 29, 2013, 17:04:28
Hello, search for Robert Bruce's NEW technique in either a Google or search.

He will explain everything you need to know.

I use his NEW quite a bit when I am experiencing intense pain, due to my Degenerative Disc Disease.

It's great for releasing muscle spams as well.  :-)

Do you mean new energy ways?

wafting your hands will probably push air towards it. Please try is though a sheet of glass !
Can some one please help me.

Everything  says  "focus on that"  with no real explanation.

For example, my foot.

How do you focus on it? 

I think about the foot, but nothing really happens.

So I imagine my foot and say my hand tickling it.  Still nothing much.

Same with chakras.    When I say, focus on my belly button, nothing really happens
I don't even know if I am focussed on it.

So I imagine my body separately like a mannequin and imagine a light on my belly button.

Still nothing.

Am I missing a very key component of  visualisation  / energy work ?????

Robert bruce says visualisation it not required, but I can't see how you would focus on
a part of your body WITHOUT visualisation?

I feel I'm missing someone key here ?
There are lots of free ones out there, very easy to set up and install or link to!
Not sure why the owners here don't install one.


I guess Robert Bruce book  mastering astral project is an actually step by step guide.

although it never worked for me.   concious  AP  - is it really that hard?
Quote from: illestastral on April 22, 2013, 23:02:12

It will matter of your age, like i'm 14 and i induce sleep paralysis just before my bedtime and it takes me 5 - 10 minutes.

Now you are just showing off !!

Quote from: Xanth on April 20, 2013, 01:03:29
It sounds like you're doing just fine.
The last step you need to work on now is the "allowing" yourself to phase step.

It's probably the hardest part of Phasing.
It's like allowing yourself to fall off a cliff... at some point you have to eventually allow gravity to take over and "allow" yourself to fall.

Can anyone here who is successful in phasing exactly describe their steps, timescales and method?

I'm still struggling with it.
After reading this NDE via OBE experience :

I was wondering if anyone here has had similar experience they could share?

Quote from: Xanth on April 23, 2013, 22:10:48
Frank J Kepple is the man you're looking for.  :)

Here's his last, supposed, known address:;msg183091#msg183091


6 Grand Rue, 83690 Salernes, France

Go to town folks.  :)

Do people know what the 'J' stands for ?

What is his middle name?
Well if there is anyone in the uk that wants to help me find out that would be useful.
I think we need a definite answer.

If he is dead there should be a record of it .  :-(
This is probably a silly question .

When I first joint this forum Frank was very active but I didn't fully grasp his teachings, so just lurked.

Now just having read a lot of his stuff, it's pretty neat.

Just wondering where is frank now?
I was thinking the same thing.
I encouraged him to setup a website, blog, and into secondlife.
His blog and site were really interesting.

Now his domain has not been renewed, blog is empty, etc...

Really quite odd.

Does anyone know?
Quote from: Greytraveller on January 09, 2008, 23:16:19
A couple of thoughts about parallel or alternate universes.

They are most commonly experienced by people who go out of their physical bodies during a Near Death Experience. Usually what happens is that some sort of spirit guide gives them an option of whether to return to their physical bodies (and live) or remain in the superphysical realm (and die). This choice will be accompanied by a vision of the person's funeral. This is the parallel/alternate universe where the person experiences what the effects of his/her death will have on their family and friends.
(btw Obviously the person chooses to return and live or otherwise the story would never be told.)

Also Whitley Streiber recently appeared on coast to coast radio with Art Bell and related a fascinating account of travelling to several parallel universes, all in one night. His story can be found on his website    (Look for his diary link on the homepage.)


mmm.... talks about  a person he met he calls 'Master of the Key'  which to me sounds like an Elias or Seth type person. - only elias and seth channelled through other people in a trance.

Can anyone expand on this 'master of the key' guy streiber met?
My Research has shown the 'seth' material is all about parallel view of reality. It's nice to actually read it's all true.
Every thought spawns a whole new universe etc..!

This has been a truly amazing find for me - has anyone any feedback on the seth material and obe in context of parallel worlds?
Quote from: Stookie on November 29, 2007, 15:12:38
The only thing I think I can refer you to is from Robert Monroe's first book. There were several times where he claims he went into a world that was very similar to ours, yet had a uniqueness to itself, like the way they traveled and dressed, etc. He found "himself" there and entered "his" body. It's been a long time since I've read it, but it seems I remember him screwing up his "other" life there because he didn't understand that reality.

It could have been an "F2" experience fabricated by his subconscious.

wow, that's incredible that Monroe was aware of multiple universes!

Does anyone have the page numbers from his books?  (I have pdf versions)
Hi,  I just realised I've been reading (and trying to project) about Astral Projection for like 20 years now.

In that time I'VE NEVER EVER seen anything in relation to Parallel Worlds and Astral/OBE.

Can anyone feedback, and point to some material please?  This is suddenly a weird, how it's never mentioned.

Am I correct in assuming it's never been discussed and multiple world travel is impossible?  and we can only travel in this universe? - albiet in any time in it, but just this universe?

I'd be really quite exciting to read about anything where about Parallel worlds is discussed in real experiences or in relation to Astral/OBE Travel.

Naturally, there are parallel worlds -and we live in a multi-dimentional universe, so please assume I subscribe to that, rather than 'It's not real' so how can it be in the Astral and dismiss this.
wow that is truly incredible, it really is.

reading bits and bob, it's ver lucid and really clearly explained, more than anything else I have read.

great stuff! great find!

This is exactly what I've been looking for!

wow is this really some being from another dimension telling us what it's all about?
Quote from: the voice of silenceI started to look around the net and noticed all these wonder full web cams. Being a IT person, I love the wifi ip cams with all the buttons, but the prices on some are ridiculous!

Anyways, what did catch my eye was the camera that can be used at night and has infrared capability. My purpose for the camera that I am looking for is freedom w/no wires, ip based, and infrared and motion detection. I am curious as to see if infrared can actually pick up motion or energy movement during the astral projection?

Something to think about.. Maybe we should go into the business and create the OBE camera for psychics..:)


It's just a camera really, no-one else has recorded anything obe wise on camera, so digital cameras will probably be no different.

Worth a try though, the good thing is you could leave teh cam on all night recording, and no tapes  or mess on like that, you never know you might record an artifact with mathes up when you leave your body.

Quote from: the voice of silencewhats the difference between yahoo, msn, skype chat channels using voice, video, etc?

i think video can audio would be better that way we can communicate more effectively and take turns vs. just rushing in and cutting people off.

this is something that would be good to start reviewing and seeing what is out there for video conference software that is free. if that does exist.


I've been thinking about this for ages, so will look into it again, come up with best solutions!

cam wise too many to choose from, logitech being the best,  ebay is your friend here! Go for logitech.

I think let's go digital first, many solutions here,first to agree a chat channel,  skype now have radio broadcast now, so maybe if we all get skype IDS?
Quote from: qbeac

Therefore, I believe we will probably also agree on the following thing, and please, correct me if I am wrong:

You, BillionNamesofGod, would like for people to learn how to astral project so that they too can smell the roses.

Is that correct? Is that the way you think or not? Did I understand you correctly?

Let me now give you my opinion about that sentence:

Me, qbeac, would also like for people to learn how to astral project so that they too can smell the roses.

Do we agree on that specific issue so far, or not?

Please, if you could answer that question, we'll go from there, because I would like to complete my argument.

Thanks. qbeac.

Yes, that's right I agree with this, and what you say, so yes!

There's many ways to achieve this objective, the hardest of all is start from level 3, and then use that. It's far easier in comparison to help them to smell the roses.

It's like skydiving, you can tell someone what it's like, and they might want some kind of proof.  Well, you'd say, well I'll teach you how to sky-dive then you'll see.

It's easier to experience than proof.  So the problem then boils down to how to do teach a skeptic to have a Astral Projection Type experience that questions his nature of reality.

Us non-natural projectors, have to work hard to have a OBE, so a skeptic it's going to be hard.

Interesting question though.  What type of experience can a skeptic have, that will make them question their view of reality?
Quote from: MisterJingoHi Billion,

Thanks for the thought out post. I agree with everything you said. In my past I didn't require anything more than level one proof. I was pretty open with my experiences and have spent many years arguing my point to complete sceptics. Perhaps having to argue my experiences in a more objective manner has led me to seek a greater proof for myself. And perhaps I read too many scientific journals and so try to squeeze all my experiences into such a frame work.
I'm also perhaps slightly guilty of being argumentative, and coming across more a sceptic in my posts then I actually am :oops: It's a bad habit of mine  :wink:

no not really, its natural human instinct, I'm the one who should apologise.
It is one great mother of a giant level 3 thinking, I admit it's very hard.

I can't honestly see how we can do level 3, so I'm still thinking... so much it hurts, and I give up !!!!!!!!!
I admire you for having the balls to go for it.
