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Messages - Akensai

The Wave cd's are often mentioned in relation to OBE's, but can they also be used to achieve lucid dreams? (if you don't see them as the same thing)
Quote from: QuantitativefoolI have just recently been starting various energy raising stuff and projection ect. I am also a fairly faithful Catholic. My question is wether or not any of these practices are against Christianity or any religion in general? I personally don't think they are but I am no theologian. Please post your thoughts on this.

Yes, for most catholics the anwser would be yes i think. So are you going to stop now?  

(asking on this board is not very smart, anyone here probably practice this stuff themselfs, so would they say no?)
Welcome to Metaphysics! / No no and NO ..!!!
October 12, 2004, 11:38:58
When i read the few first lines of your post i already knew where it was going. If have no problem whit it, im part of the evil network myself, just come join us and enjoy the wonders of the evil empire!
I'm reading this book: Exploring Chakras by Susan G. Shumsky, and its about, you might have guessed it already - Chakra's! Its really instresting, it discribes in detail what the chakra system is and what each chakra means and does, it also gives the Indian mytholagie about it. On the discription of what each chakra does or is associated whit there is a general explanation, but also an explanation about the so called petals. (like that of a flowers) Each petal has a characteristic or an ability, there are two chakras that are instresting in this way.

1) The thirth eye chakra (ajna) or brow chakra.

The chakra is divided into 3 subchakras. One of them is called Manas and is the seat of sense impression. Sound, Odor, Flavor, Touch, Form and Sleep. This is where the clair-senses operate. They are activated by working on the thirth eye chakra. This chakra works in a pretty understandable way i think.

2) The heart chakra.

Now this is the chakra im intrested in, or rather its subchakra, the hrit chakra. This chakra has 8 petals.

They have the following charactaristics:

1) anima: the ability to transform your body the the size of an atom.

2) laghima: Power to levitate.

3) mahima: Power to increase nodily weight or become mighty.

4) prapti: Power to fulfill desires and go anywhere at will.

5) prakamaya: Power to pass trough anything and take any form.

6) vashitva: Power over the five elements, and the subtle senses, this is the power to attrack other and/ or enslave them.

7) isitrtva: Mastery of the appearance disappearence and aggregation of the five elements.

8 )yatrakamavasaitva: The ability to determine the five elements and their nature to transform them at will.Power to conquer and subortdinate others.

The only thing that is writen about opening it is this: Close your eyes and imagine a thumb-sized blue being in the cave of your heart.

If you have more information on this chakra, or you can confirm this chakra truly exist in the given way, i would like to hear it.

Also if you have a more detailed method of working whit this chakra or to unleas its powers i would like to hear that also.
What is the diffrence between healing whit NEW (or something as qigong) and reiki ?
Isn't it important to edventualy develop these too? Is there anyone who is already doing this and how do you accomplish this?
After reading "Paintcrop, the astral city?" topic, I was wondering if there are known permanent astral cities whit visitors from all over astral (and perhaps other worlds) ?

Does anyone know more about this?  
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Confusion.
March 04, 2004, 12:15:36
Lately I have a feeling I can't trust anything, everything seem to have a catch behind it. Take these channelings (Zeta, God, Cassiopaea) for example, some of them sound very good, almost too good and indeed when you search a little you come across plenty of counter argument. All the popular channeling have enough arguments against them and some of them sound very convincing, the problem is neither site has their argument waterproof, this is making me very confused, because there is a chance it is real and when I leave it alone an opportunity is missed.  

This is not only the case whit channelings, but whit many spiritual paths as well. Many traditional paths just seem to be strict, but many modern paths are just unhelpful or plain bogus. (This can even be dangerous!)

For me it how to lead my life is an important question, like everyone I want a joyful living, learning the things I need to learn. It seems to me this doesn't come whiteout effort, but what is right effort and what is wrong effort?  

Unfortunately it's not easy to find out the truth on how to live. Just testing doesn't always seem to be an option either, because of the (implied) dangers whit many things. At this point it is easier not to belief in anything, but this has its own problems, the truth won't be easily presented at your door whiteout havening to do anything.

The confusion I have, is that I can't see which path I should take in life, to many to choose from, too many people who claim the truth, but how can you be certain you're not wasting your time and bringing misery upon yourself whit any of them?

I wonder how other people deal whit this.

(I hope my thoughts are coherent and understandable)

Originally posted by astralspinner

Look at it this way:

The Monroe Institute, who make their money by selling recordings of binaural sounds, say that MP3ing them stops them working.

BWGen, who make their money selling software that allows you to create your own binaural sounds for free, say that MP3s work just as well as .wavs

Out of those two conflicting reports, who do you think is most likely to be telling the truth? :)

The truth is probably in the middle.
Heather Graham is very nice. [:)]
Welcome to Book Reviews! / The Power of Now
September 16, 2004, 05:02:20
The past and the future don't really exist. We are intelligent enough to predict the near future whit a certain accurateness, when you make an appointment whit your doctor, you can be reasonable sure he knows your coming, this way we see the future as something already there ahead in time, but it really isn't, only in our mind. And the past isn't real either, all the thing we did remain only in our memory and in the effects of the past. The now is where everything happens.
I'm quite ashamed to say this, but I already have astral dynamics, its only after you told me about primary circuit was in there that I have taken a better look. [:I]
Jilola is absolutely right. The light is what we are made of, even ego is light, there is nothing that stands out of the light, so when people are saying remember the light or to seek it they mean remember that you are the light, it is all light, it is all oneness. We are already living in the self (light) imposed illusion of earthly life, astral life is just so an illusion, BUT merging whit the light is an illusion too, because to merge whit the light would suggest that you are not the light now. When you pass and you will end up in the astral, you are going to live a life just like now, or maybe incarnate or transcend, but it is all a game in the light, we are all role players, we just don't realize it most of the time. Its all one play, and the light is all the players. And you know maybe you will transcend the astral, but its no higher goal the anything else in existence, the light is oneness, all goals in the light are equal. (NOTE I use the word light, but you can also call it: Tao, cosmic energy, primal energy, god, consciousness etc, many names point to the same.)
I'm not interested in speculations either, just facts. De Mille and Sanchez are not talking about theories based on theories or hearsay, but FACTS.

So called facts...
very articulately, thoroughly and indisputably
thoroughly researched and exhaustive
painstaking and comprehensive research and insightful scrutiny
thorough and extensive
very serious and painstaking
recognised by most serious researchers and academics
articulately set out

Man, you should really work in marketing!!!
Except that it's way too much/"heavy".

Whats the point of this comment ?

Anybody who reads de Mille's books with an open mind will be in no doubt as to the veracity of de Mille's discoveries regarding Carlos.
This is obvious to anybody who is not a blind follower

Translate that to "If you don't agree with me, it means you are close-minded, gullible, a blind follower , have no critical thinking"...  YES, people ignoring facts are called that way! Great.  Reminds me of our good friend GW Bush saying "Either you are (agree) with us; or you are against us"... There is no caparison, its all in your mind. He didnt say you have to agree whit him did he?

I will repeat it once more, since you don't want to understand:  I don't care about wether it is a true story or a hoax.  Which means, if you did not get it, that I am neither saying it is true, nor saying it is a hoax.  Let's say that I am agnostic to this controversy.  I am just interested in the books topics which I find very interesting.  Is that so hard to understand?

And this has to do whit the topic how? Your basicly posting on a topic that discusses the truth behind castaneda whit "I dont care if its true", what was you point for posting again?

And, if you read again our posts, just look at who makes the most "assertions based on wishful thinking"...

I think your post is very unclear, I dont see a clear argument in your post.
White, black and grey magic is people trying stick morality to magic.

Magic is a way of using a certain un-scientific force to get what you want, anything you want, you have your own idea's of good and evil, act to that.
Originally posted by Adrian

In recognition of the fact that everyone on the path has different needs and aspirations, we have since opened up the scope of the forums considerably to where The Astral Pulse is today. While it is clear that many members are deriving value from the forums, it is also true to say that many of the longer established members feel that they can no longer derive the same level of discussions as enjoyed previously for many reason, mostly relating to the consequences of a much wider range of topics and therefore members. This is a situation which the moderators and I feel compelled to resolve; we simply have to return to our original charter and focus.

Ok longer established members feel the level of the discussions have gone down, supossitly by the wide range of topics and the new wave of members it brings. Got that lets read on.

The moderators and I have accordingly considered a range of possibilities, (which?) and we feel that as so many members clearly enjoy The Astral Pulse in its current format and equally clearly derive benefit from it, we should enable The Astral Pulse to continue in its present form if at all possible for the benefit of all valued members.  Valued members. Ok Who are these valued members?

We are absolutely determined however to provide a means by which our original members, as well all those who seek much more than the existing open forums provide, can enjoy a very highly focussed, and strictly moderated range of forums which will not only provide the same focus as the  original Astral Pulse, but which will also go further thereby creating a resource of great value to its participants.

The forums which will be strictly members only and will be invisible to non-members,will only consist of the following 5 categories:

What is the reason for invisible forums, is restricting posting rights not enough? Or is that technicly not possible?)

Astral Projection (The main reason why people come here!)
OBE (same)
Spiritual Development
Quantum Physics

And of course will include all of the subjects that these encompass including for example Magic in the case of Metaphysics.

In order to reflect the nature of these forums we will be applying a subscription fee of just $10 per year payable in advance, a fee that has been decided on the basis that it should be affordable by all. The first month will be free of charge, so people who wish to cancel during the first month may do so at no cost. Fees will be payable through PayPal so that anyone with a credit card can easily join.

Ok valued members are those who pay? Not original members or others?


1) Assuming only sensible members pay.

This is the biggest problem in your way of trying to create a forum where the level of discussion higher. Paying on the net these days is easy, esp for anyone over 18. This will not in anyway make sure the level of discussion will be higher. It is likely serious members are more likely to pay, but it does not make sure the quality of the post is higher. Also you will miss the extra activity you have now on the forum, this could also inpact your discussion negatively.

2) Assuming sensible members want to pay.

Chances not every valued member wants to pay, and you need those to have a high and active level of discussion.

3) Assuming people are Ok paying over the internet,or can at all pay, for a service like this.

This may hinder some people, maybe not alot.

4) New members are less likely to pay, as they do not know the value of this forum or the member forums, this will hinder people from learning about OBE.

This could be a problem, depends on how much you value new members.

As I see it, the effects of the change could be negative, but maybe not, it also depends on the persons, some people might prefer to have smaller and hopefuly beter community.

..but ,I have my doubts if it will work.
No I would Not Never EVER pay for a forum!

well... maybe not never, but its not likely.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Euro 2004
June 26, 2004, 16:26:32

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Euro 2004
June 26, 2004, 08:21:23
Woot. Tonight we gonna beat sweden. [8D]
I had this ones too, reinstalling XP does the trick.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Euro 2004
June 23, 2004, 16:46:02
Originally posted by Qui-Gon Jinn

And Germany lost... now it´s Sweden vs. Holland in the qf´s... sorry Akensai, but you´ll have to go pack your bags on Saturday ;)

haha, we  will see.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Euro 2004
June 23, 2004, 14:18:00
Hup Holland Hup !!!

Germany has to lose!
#1. In non-duality traditions they call the identification whit the ego as you an illusion, the reality being there is no "you", only all-conscious (god, Tao, all-that-is) acting trough your mind and body in the physical dimension. So there is no real free choice, only conscious happening. What are your views on this?
psychokinesis on computer,is it possible and safe?

Safe for you or your computer? [:)]
I thought Frank had came back and was all excited, then I looked at the date..

This happened to me a few times now.

Somehow I wonder what happened to him.