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Messages - lee46

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Members' Artwork
March 15, 2010, 01:20:59
I visited a cave today and thought I'd share a couple of pictures of it

Hi, this is a really interesting topic and I have had my thoughts on that as well, I think it was when I was reading Robert Bruce's book and at that time what I thought is that the entity was surprised to see someone being conscious while out of body.

Perhaps as you said it could be refered to RTZ projections, I don't think that would be common being unconscious.
isn't going to the 2nd density plane some sort of regression??
QuoteThat's a good thing to do, some people have alot of trouble realizing the good that comes from the bad..

That's true, it may be because they focus only in the bad so they aren't able to see the good, also the more you focus in the bad, the more of that you're going to get.

QuoteAnother good thing to know is how to keep sadness, sadness.. alot of times people turn sadness into anger, because they don't know how to deal with sadness. This is alot of the time a very hard thing to do..

I agree, we do have to learn how to deal with sadness by just being aware of it, accept it to then let it go.

I like those dreams because is not only another fantasy one, but you could use them to stop some mistakes you're making or prevent future mistakes  :-)
Yeah remember that the more you use it the less it works, but hey I wish you good luck this time and I hope it works.

Last night I set the alarm to try the galantamine again after 2 weeks, so the alarm went on at 3am I woke up and took the galantamine with the choline, in the morning I could still feel the effect of it, but guess what? I looked and the glass was still with water which seemed strange because I had finished the water at night, so I realized I had just dreamt of taking the pills hahaha, it just felt so real, at least I had something to laugh at this morning, guess I was just too tired to really wake up and about the feeling I had I just figured out it was like a "placebo" effect.

I'm going to try again tonight, I hope to really wake up this time and post an update tomorrow.

I can't help telling the difference if it's an OBE or dream since I'm still confused with my own experiences, lol  :lol: , but dreams like that one that leaves you a message I call them "lesson dreams" and I think there are plenty things to learn from them, in my experiences I've had a few where I could see my "dark" side, didn't see it like that before, but it helped me realize those things to avoid in future situations.

So far through my life experience I've learned that all the bad comes for good (if that makes sense), I don't regreat the bad stuff that has happened to me, neither my mistakes because I've learned good things from them, to me your experience sounds like a spark of hope/light, that there are good and beautiful things to look at despite the bad things.
Dear Tiny,

That's great information, thank you again for the advise, I'll try to do that next time which I hope it wont be any time soon, better if it never happens again, lol :-D

Quote from: kurtykurt42 on March 04, 2010, 00:15:46
You need to set up a big shield around your house that will protect you from other beings. I didn't believe in any of this stuff until I astral projected over to Valkry's house and saw a gigantic blue sphere around here entire room with entities standing at the perimeter. Since then I have been making quite a few of these protective bubbles of blue energy. I have one around my entire house, one around my room and then one around me!  :-D

how do you make this protective bubbles?
Thank you both for your replies, I'm still wondering how do I protect myself from that.

I mean, I try cheering myself up and stuff and yet nothing happens, lucky me that one lasted only a day.

I also have gotten the thought of "I wanna be dead" I didn't mean that one either, it just kept coming (at some point it even made me think I want to be dead) and this is really unpleasant. I used to have some serious depression problems back in my teens, but I recovered from that 5 years ago! and since then I started to really enjoy life and I love it.
Quote from: CFTraveler on December 11, 2009, 14:10:00
I wondered if your friend has always had this problem and no one noticed before.
I had a friend who has two personalities (or who is possessed) and no one realized it, until one day she switched right in front of me.  It scared the living crap out of me and I avoided her ever since.  (I have a child who used to play with her daughter, so it's not just protecting myself, I have to say- if it was just me, I'd try to tackle it).  This entity showed me pure evil, and it's not something I ever want to deal with.
(previously she had asked me to do energy healing on her, which surprised me), yet it took a specific stressful situation to bring this out.  It was the most frightening thing I have ever seen, much more frightening that encountering an astral entity, let me tell you.
I have no advice, just commiseration.

This got me thinking, so it could be that the so called "bipolars" being catalogued a psychological disorder, it aswell could be some sort of an entity?

Also, sometimes I get a depression out of nowhere, I had one of those recently and I couldn't figure out why the hell I was feeling that way, I was thinking it could've been that my energy was "low", but now this got me thinking, could it be an entity feeding off my energy?  :?
I think she was trying to quote that, someone else said about the 75% thing, I believe what she was trying to say was only this:

QuoteWhere in the world did you get that from? lol
People are not born soulless, there are things that happen to people, causing themselves to become damaged and eventually they may forget who they are or once were.. That does not make them bad and/or soulless people, it means they lost their way.

Thanks a lot for your resplies, they're really helpful to me  :-)

QuoteI'll have to say that I find it very curious how fast the memory of an OBE fades until at some point, there is no way of telling whether the experience was of etheric/RTZ or simply dream nature and the only way of knowing for sure is by relying on one's journal entry that is best made within the first 10 minutes after an experience.

Yeah I missed the part of writting everything down as soon as I woke up and I know I forgot some other details when I posted this.

QuoteThere is a different quality of experience in an OBE as compared to a dream, even a lucid one.  Don't think that OBEs are always crystal clear and logical in any kind of way.  You may feel really aware and clear in the OBE but as soon as you come back it starts to become foggier and foggier.  It's just like dream memory.  I mean real memories are similar as well.  It's hard to regain the feeling of tangibility of a memory when you're experiencing a physical reality at the same moment (which is almost always unless you're hypnotized or something).

I did notice there was, in some way, a different feeling than when I'm having a normal dream, I don't get many LDs usually so I guess that's why I got all confused.

As I've read, once you do it, the next ones aren't as hard, so I'm going to keep trying these days, if that was really an OBE I should be able to do it again.
Hi everyone! I've posted a couple of similar experiences before and this is what happened this morning, which I consider it could be my first OBE, but I'm still confused:

I woke up this morning at 7:15 and decided to sleep a little bit more until 8, so I set my alarm again and went back to sleep, I thought it could be a good time for practice so I tried the "Mind awake, body asleep" but then lost consciousness, after a little while I came back to consciousness and felt the so called "vibrations" at first like my head was shacking so I tried to get out of my body (feeling kind of a magnetism), moving trying to get up, at some point I thought I was moving my physical body and that it wasn't worth it, but I kept trying until suddenly I hit the floor, the first thing that came to my mind was "great, now you ended up physically on the floor".

My surprise was that when I looked back I was still in bed I tried to get a little bit closer to see it better because muy sight was blurry, but then felt the magnetism again and this time stronger so I craweld on the floor to get away from it until I reached the door to get out, I tried saying "clarity now" and didn't work, so I just went through the door and willed myself to my house, once I got into the house I tried once again "clarity now" this time it worked, I got a kind of sight that I can't really explain, everything was shiny the walls looked different, but very beautiful, then I thought/imagined as if I was just floating in a lying down possition and it happened.

After looking at the differences in my house, I willed myself to go to my parents room, but the hallway was full of red roses (this is when I started to get confused) there were red roses everywhere on the table, hanging from the windows, pretty weird, when I finally got to the room, I looked at the bed and it was empty so I kept going to the dressing room and saw my dad there (at that time in the morning he is supposed to be still in bed) but I didn't care about it, I just said hi, and stood infront of a mirror, I knew I had just a little bit of time left and was I was about to jump into the mirror when I heard something, I knew it was the alarm so I opened my eyes, I was back in bed.

I don't know why I'm still confused, maybe I wasn't at the best point of consciousness, maybe it was just something I dreamed again, but if this was really an OBE then I was in the RTZ kind of mixed with the astral because of the differences I noticed (the hallway full of roses for example)

Well just wanted to share this new experience, I hope not to get anymore of the "confusing" ones.

Greetings to all,

It would be best for you to wait about 3 days before trying it again, otherwise it will stop working or may cause some damage, and about the 12mg I think is too much, try not to exceed 8mg. I got better results mixing it with choline/inositol 500, but I still didn't AP just got many more vivid dreams.

Good luck!
Quote from: Fresco on February 28, 2010, 21:04:38
Also there's evidence in the bible of ancient prophets projecting.  A famous one was Elisha (2 Kings), he would tip off the Israelites on invasions before they happened.  I figure if Elisha was allowed to AP then AP'ing must be a good thing, and not evil like some fundamentalists make it out to be

It's not evil at all, some may say is evil because of fear of the unknown, it's also supposed to be something you do naturally, but not consciouss/aware of it.
Welcome to Healing discussions! / Re: Healing People
February 28, 2010, 01:14:17
hahaha, lately I've been doing some research on the "Zone of Silence" which is located in the north (in the limits of 3 states) here's some information of it .

I've been interested on visiting ever since I first heard of it, just to see on my own if this is really true, but haven't got the chance to do so, hope some day I will.


wait, that wasn't the link I meant to post, but I'll leave that one and add this one:
Welcome to Healing discussions! / Re: Healing People
February 28, 2010, 00:20:33
Yes I'm from Mexico, I wouldn't doubt it, they sell quartz everywhere! I've visited some mines (also to a night club in a mine), although I've never been to one of those (wish I did) I'm guessing those are in the "center" states of the country.

QuoteHopefully one day if I get enough money I can buy a small mine, and then build a house out of crystals!

That would be a pretty cool and beautiful house!! Share some when you get it, lol! :-D


I just googled it, it's not in the center states, it's actually in the north, I'm from the north but never been to any city of that state.

Welcome to Healing discussions! / Re: Healing People
February 28, 2010, 00:06:55
wow! that looks like Superman's fortress  :-D
Quote from: zareste on February 27, 2010, 23:46:06
Yeah, that's Wikipedia for you

Some of the great shamans use drugs for a while, and then learn to use their abilities without the drugs. It's like training wheels.

Sorry I forgot about that one, it is actually true, here in Mexico some natives are complaining that the tourists are taking all of their "peyote" that they use for their rituals, but as he asked to continue using drugs and could get dependent on them, I'm guessing that wouldn't end up so nice.

I still don't trust drugs that well because some people can get easily addicted to them, is hard to tell.

Quote from: kurtykurt42 on February 27, 2010, 23:54:30
There are a few 'drugs' that will help but I just wish they weren't all illegal... Damn government doesn't want you gettin good at astral projection!  :-D

Everybody gets what they deserve
Welcome to Healing discussions! / Re: Healing People
February 27, 2010, 23:43:10
that's great to know!  guess I just found the perfect purpose of my pendant (clear quartz) :-D
QuoteIf someone accidentally has his first OBE/AP while on a dissociative drug and marijuana

how can you tell is real when these induce to hallucinations?

Got this from wiki:
Dissociatives are a class of psychoactive drugs which are said to reduce or block signals to the conscious mind from other parts of the brain.[1] Although many kinds of drugs are capable of such action, dissociatives are unique in that they do so in such a way that they produce hallucinogenic effects, which may include sensory deprivation, dissociation, hallucinations, and dream-like states or trances.[2] Some which are nonselective in action and affect the dopamine [3] and/or opioid[4] systems may be capable of inducing euphoria. Many dissociatives have general depressant effects and can produce sedation, respiratory depression, analgesia, anesthesia, and ataxia, as well as cognitive and memory impairment and amnesia.

QuoteWhat if the continue to project on drugs?

I'm sure they would end up pretty messed up
Welcome to Healing discussions! / Re: Healing People
February 27, 2010, 23:20:49
QuoteThis is their pineal / third eye becoming over active and this often happens in children too.

that's really interesting, so that means the energy concentrates in that area and there is a lack of the energy balance?
Quote from: Xanth on February 23, 2010, 10:14:43
I don't know about Heaven on Earth... but sometimes this place feels like Hell.   :evil: :-D

LOL! I'll second that
Welcome to Healing discussions! / Re: Healing People
February 27, 2010, 17:39:13
That's great!!  Maybe you should tell your little brother to watch what he eats, lol! jk  :-D

Once I read about healing others while out of body, very similar to what you just mentioned, it also said something of asking the higher self of that person why he/she was sick before healing them because sometimes it could be some sort of "lesson" they're going through. I looked for the article once more for you, here's the link

It also got me thinking of what's going on right now world wide by some other articles I've read, how stress is growing in the population, how children get stressed easily lately by other's pressure (last year I was a toddler's teacher and I couldn't understand how come a 3 year old could get a headache). You can also see that kind of "evidence" in the growing population with cancer, how the numbers are increasing.

That last paragraph may have nothing to do with this, to me it just stands as how stress/negativity can manifest in the physical.     
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Members' Artwork
February 27, 2010, 17:19:05
Thank you!  :-)

That one is also beatiful, I like the way the colors are mixed.