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Messages - toba122

That was a beautiful experience, thanks for sharing! Yeah, I've tried the "clarity now!" affirmation and it's been really helpful to me as well. Maybe I should request something like that as well when I get the chance.
So I've been reading a lot of William Buhlmann, and he emphasizes the importance of going beyond the dimensions of form and returning to your true essence. The experiences about it that's he's given sound very interesting. Excerpt from The Secret of the Soul:

QuoteAfter attending your workshop I decided to take your advice and really explore what is out there—or should I say in here. During my last OBE I moved away from my body and demanded "awareness now" then I waited for a moment and with all my heart I demanded, "Now I experience my higher self!" I was launched like a rocket, moving so fast it scared me. My mind and spirit were stretched to infinity. Then all of a sudden I was floating in what I can only describe as an ocean of pure living light. It was incredible, a magnificent state of complete bliss. Everything was so peaceful. I know this must be heaven. I felt like I was floating in the mind of God and I was absorbing all the love and knowledge in the universe. It was beyond my wildest expectations. —TIM G., SOUTHFIELD, MICHIGAN

I've been having recent success with OBEs lately, I feel like I'm really getting the hang of doing it intentionally. I want to try experiencing my Higher Self next time I'm out. Has anyone else had success with affirmations like, "I experience my higher self now!" (that's from one of Buhlmann's books) or experiments of that nature?

When I have my next obe and try this out, I'll record whatever I can.
Sometimes when you go back to sleep after waking up, you get in the vibrational state and that's what happened to me. I stayed lying down long enough to be able to feel the vibrations and there was some really weird imagery of a blond lady singing opera music or something. Anyways, the imagery cleared out and I could see myself lying down. I tried to imagine myself floating out of bed, but that didn't work so I tried dragging myself out by grabbing on to my pillow and other things and... it worked! It seems as though walking around out of body was easier for me when I treated it like I was still in the physical.

I thought to open my door by grabbing the door handle rather than walking through it. Then I was out in the hallway balcony and I felt really floaty. Then I looked to the right and there was this really strange looking window in the house that's never been there before, yet strangely, I couldn't remember how the window was supposed to look. Then I looked down over the edge of the balcony and saw a bunch of dancers in red and black.

At this point, the projection started to feel less real if you know what I mean. Like a dream or something. Once it started to feel that way, I slipped into a dream.

Does anyone know how to keep an out of body experience from turning into a dream like that? I'm sorry if I didn't explain what happened too well. :|
Thanks for uploading this! I'm in a place in my life where the message makes perfect sense to me now.
I saw this movie and was completely outraged at that part too! People who don't know anything about astral projection and saw that movie will now just think it's a joke. I blame Hollywood :-(
Hopefully some one hasn't already asked this, but why do bad or unfortunate events happen in our lives?

Is it because of karma?

Is it so we can learn something on our journey through life?

Is it to balance out light and darkness?

Is it because we attracted it?

Which one is it? I'm confused :?
You are your own satan  :evil:
But anyways, I doubt it's any satan that makes you astral project
I have a difficult time staying concentrated when trying to AP. I usually black out during the hypnagogic images part. Is there anything I can do like counting or something to stay focused?
I actually read this first from somewhere else. People are waking up! Even if its little by little...
Wow the stuff he had to say about the afterlife was really interesting. So that's where a lot of people are gonna go. Really intriguing to know! It's good to know also that there's always chances for spiritual development and that no one can really be trapped forever by their problems
Thanks for the responses, I'll try out the advice  :-)
Okay, so I've been practicing at APing but whenever I get sleepy enough, the hypnagogic images show up and what happens is that I end up thinking about them too much, lose my focus, and I slip into the nonsensical mentality I have when I'm asleep. What can I do to keep focused enough to not get distracted?