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Yep! Happened to me and I had no idea what AP was. I guess my guides decided it was time for me to find out. :D I resisted a few times then one time my guide was very strong and grabbed my feet and arms. He pulled me out that time even with me trying to resist. Once I was out, he guided me through my house. We flew up and down and through the floors and walls. When it was over, I knew I had to find out how to do it again because it was incredible!!! Not scary at all! Completely life changing and wonderful!!! You have nothing to fear. It's perfectly safe and when you want to stop, you just say so or think of your body in bed.
I just want to add that your soul mate may NOT look like you were hoping or expecting as someone else said. I never would have imagined my soul mate to be 15 years older and have a severely autistc teenaged son. Not very ideal. ;-) When I met him I wasn't looking for him actively but always had felt that the man I had married was not my soul mate. One day I started a new job and my soul mate stopped by to welcome me to the department. I immediately recognized there was something very special about him but not in a romantic way. I just really wanted to get to know him better unlike anyone else I had ever met. There was a chemistry between us, but again, the romance part was not immediate. We just wanted to be near each other and make each other laugh. We were instant best buddies. When we were together, everything always went well - good things started to happen for both of us. I knew I was on the right path and with who I was supposed to be with. As far as twin flames go, I think I may have connected with mine while meditating once. Set your intent on connecting with this person and meditate on it. See what happens. I felt a presence as if my twin flame was so near me that I could feel his breathing and his kisses. It was a wild experience and not what I was expecting to happen at all.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Past lives?
May 08, 2012, 06:10:09
Breakfast metaphors! LOL! Thanks for the insight. Basically, there is this person in my life I feel super connected to since the very first time we met. He has visited me in the astral as well. All of this spiritual awakening and AP stuff started happening to me spontaneously after we met. Makes me wonder if we've ever shared past lives as well since we seem to have this connection.  I see your point though about the oatmeal. Maybe it is more complicated than I thought.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Past lives?
May 03, 2012, 22:01:48
Has anyone used AP to find out about past lives?
So, I know I didn't get any responses here but I'd like to thank whoever the shy person was that sent me some healing.  :-)
So, what did you have on the bedside table?  :-)
I have had this intense desire to validate my experiences too. I think maybe we manifest it in the OBE because that's what we want. I've dropped the desire now and am trying to get rid of that ego-- that part if me that seeks validation so badly-- since it interferes. I'm focusing on being grateful for what I have experienced and remaining open to new experiences. I've have learned a good lesson though about the nature of the astral .... it can be whatever we want it to be. I think the validation will come with time and patience when we stop seeking it so intensely.
I've been reading about remote healing recently and practicing on my husband but he's not a believer so he won't be returning the favor.  :roll:  :wink: Any how, I have a head cold that's been kicking my butt the last two days. Can someone send some healing my way? I'm genuinely curious to know what it's like to receive now that I've learned how to give some healing. I would be so grateful for some help!
Quote from: majour ka on February 22, 2012, 02:27:33

RV3: I have placed several objects on the bedside table on the right hand side of my bed, or on the left side if laying in it.

I did this one twice because I didn't specify which side of the bed the first time. I'll post both sets of results since they were different:

1st try:
a hotdog .. LOL ... maybe I'm hungry
a pretty ring
a chain or something looped together

2nd try specifiying right side table:
a coil or spring or something like a slinky toy
a spool of thread or possibly a yo-yo
a striped ribbon or piece of fabric
I'm so excited to see the pics of RV2! I can see how I would interpret big green leaves and lots of it surrounding everything. This exercise has really encouraged me to keep practicing.
Only my second try at this. Here's what I got:


Cable car
Street with a curb
Bouquet of flowers 
Color green


Large green leaves like a tropical plant
Palm trees
Lush greenery
I'm in! I want to practice and learn. I just watched a Tom Campbell video on YouTube where he takes the audience through a remote viewing exercise. He tells the YouTube viewers how to make it work while watching the videos after the fact so I gave it a go. I only got one exercise right but I figure with practice I'll get better. Heres the video:

BTW, the other two parts of this presentation that go along with this are excellent as well. I was blown away by some of the info.
Tom Campbell did. I think he talks about the experience in this video:
Quote from: Greytraveller on February 13, 2012, 15:30:45
Greetings all
The most unusual aspect of weather during my OBEs is that the weather in the astral/ethereal plane is Rarely the same as the weather in the physical. If it is night in the physical then it is likely to be day when OOB and vice versa. Rarely it is snowy or rainy when OOB when it Is actually snowy or rainy physically. And this is true even if I remain near my house in a familiar RTZ during the OOB.
Don't really have a clue why that is though and frankly have not, up til now, given it much thought. But is Does seem a bit Odd.  :|

Regards  :-)

Same here. Even the seasons are "off" at times. I visited a friend a while back and it appeared to be Spring already since there were beautiful red tulips growing in his yard. He's never had tulips so I got curious and wondered if there was any symbolism in the tulips. I found one reference to red tulips being a sign of spiritual awakening which I thought was very applicable since AP/OBE is all new for me and I do feel as though I'm going through an awakening and he's partly responsible if not totally responsible.
Quote from: CFTraveler on February 13, 2012, 16:35:17
Was it rainbow-y?
One time I projected and it started to rain, and wow, it was like rainbows everywhere.
My best visual experience had to be at dawn- the colors were amazing, and there was a hum too.

That's cool! No rainbows for me since this was at night. It's almost always night when I go out even if the sun is already up. I usually have to be taken somewhere else (beyond my neighborhood where I usually start) to experience daytime.
Thanks for the input everyone! Interesting stuff! We are getting some rain tonight I think.
I experienced rain during an OBE this morning for the first time. I could feel cool rain drops on my skin and falling on my head. It's been very dry weather lately where I live. I don't know where this rain in my OBE came from. The weather has always been clear in my OBEs before. It made me wonder what everyone else experiences when they are out of body in regards to the weather. Is it normally clear?
I've used binaural beats since I began 3 months ago. I use them as a "warm up" so to speak. After I listen for 30-45 mins, I go back to sleep and then have OBEs. I have much better success using binaural beat as part of my routine than not using it. There are free iPhone apps with various beats available. Multidimensional Man has two good onse on his site too.

I like the one at the bottom of the page best. I've never had an OBE during meditation or while listening to a binaural beat. I had vibrations once or twice but I had fallen asleep while listening. Have you ever tried the timer method? I posted about it here:
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Your life!
February 10, 2012, 16:58:28
Quote from: Xanth on February 10, 2012, 00:02:05
Oh don't do Computer Programming... it's nothing but pressure pressure pressure.  :)

This is what I do. Some days are stressful but mostly it's fun where I work-- we are hiring Xanth!  :-) I'm at work now and reading this forum.  :-D On Fridays we break out the nerf guns and rc helicopters. We sneak attack the accounting department who are always harassing us for reports.  :evil: I've only been APing since December. My 3 kids and snoring husband are more a challenge to my AP practice than my job.
Quote from: ZiggyMike on February 10, 2012, 04:47:15
Hello there... How do keep from falling asleep. I get the vibrations but then no buzzing sound but it always in a sleep state. I mean I get vibrations in a dream, is that even possible. The only time I don't fall asleep I get the buzzing sound and I am more in control but I rather few. The question is how do I keep from falling asleep.

It's ok to fall asleep. My OBEs always happen after I meditate then go back to bed. This is the routine that works best for me and I've read that other experienced OBEers do the same. Once you are out of body, looking at your hands or feet and staying active will help you maintain wakefulness during your ObE. I struggle with falling asleep once I'm out and can't decide what to do next. :-)
I am a beginner and recently found myself in a cartoon place in the clouds after asking my guide to take me some place that would be fun to explore. I was quite disappointed at the time thinking I must be dreaming again. But maybe I wasn't now that I read this thread. One thing that convinced me further that I was dreaming at the time was that my husband showed up (he was away for the night on business coincidently) and was standing next to me at one point. I didn't even talk to him because I was convinced it was a dream and was a little mad about it. LOL! He's very much grounded and doesn't believe me when I talk about my adventures. However, the following evening when he returned, he was excited to tell me about a fantastic dream he had about flying in the clouds and how he could hear the wind rushing in his ears and feel a tickle in his stomach with each dip and dive through the air- classic OBE signs. He doesn't remember me being there but he hates being away from me so I can see him wishing to be with me in his sleep/OBE and finding me.

MDM-- love the videos and website!!! My OBE's always come after I fall back to sleep after meditating. For some reason, I thought this was not as legit as an OBE that starts during meditation. I'm glad to know that's not the case and I can reach different realms just the same with this method. As a beginner, I find the second meditation mp3 on your website more helpful than the OM one that everyone else here is raving about. I can focus a lot better with it. I've tried chanting OM during one of my OBEs (after watching your videos) to see if it would help me stay out longer but it didn't work. Perhaps it didn't work because I've never used the OM mantra to achieve focus in meditation so I haven't experienced the power of it. As I gain more experience, I will try this again. Thank you soooo much for all the info and work you've put into this! You have helped me so much!
Good!!! Congrats! I'm still trying to figure out why some things look different than they're supposed to. Let me know if you find out!  :-)
Quote from: newneuronaut on February 04, 2012, 17:42:26
So I'm still wondering if I should have felt such strong colvulsive feelings when vibrating and if it is common to have bad balance the next day...any help is appreciated.

I asked my husband about this since his son had a seizure disorder and eventually died from it. He said that after his son would have a seizure that he would be off balance, tired and would need my husband to help steady him if he got up to walk around. So you might want to have yourself checked.
Nickspry--- Those sleep phones look cool! I've been looking at bulky headphones that encase the ear and block noise that way. I worry about the comfort though. I also do not stay awake for the 45 mins it says too before trying to AP.

Question-- What software do you use to make your Mp3? I want to do this too so I can customize a routine for myself and mix it up a little. I'm a computer geek but making mp3s is not something I've done before. I looked at a program called Audacity last night. I thought there might be something for the iPad though.

Quote from: dark_forest_sings on February 04, 2012, 00:02:15
Thanks for your replies. I spoke with Rachel a little more about this. This is what she told me:

She went back to a certain point in her past, astral form, and said she changed things. I asked what and she said her teenage years when everything went wrong in her life. I asked about creating her reality and she said she did, by changing her past and making sure her life took a different path than it had.

That's all I have.

I don't remember anything else than what she is right now. She said she used to be poor, drank everyday.... so on. I can say now, she is nothing like what she said things used to be.


This doesn't sound so crazy. Even if it never really happened, just the belief that it did has greatly improved her life. You can use lucid dreams in a similar fashion. You can visit loved ones that have passed away and find peace by doing so. You can practice events that have yet to happen(like a speech or big presentation you have to give at school/work) so you are more prepared. It is a common thing to do with lucid dreaming. What your friend described is not that different. IMO, if its therapeutic and your life isn't changing for the worse, it's not crazy.  :-)