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Messages - azrael716

Quote from: catmeowMaybe the link was an advert, it didn't look like one, and Eckankar is a society which actually teaches "soul travel", so I thought you put the link there on purpose...

Yeah...  That link must have been an advertisement.  I think all of those Google advertisements just search for words that are on the page to link to.  And, well, "soul" is on my site quite a bit.

Quote from: catmeowI read one of your stories.... you should get a publishing deal, if you haven't already

I would LOVE a publishing deal.

By the way, I made some improvements to the layout and updates to the site recently...  Check them out if you feel up to it!  And sign my guestbook.  It's boring.  :lol:
Eckanker site?  Huh?   :?
Thank you!  The squirrel rant was written last year, and since then he's actually chewed completely through the screen in our window.   :?
Hey everyone,

I've posted all of my writing and such on my website and thought I would share it with you all.  Be warned, it's ad-supported, but it shouldn't be TOO bad, I hope.  Regardless, enjoy it and leave me some feedback or something!
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / "The One"...?
February 14, 2004, 23:16:01
Has anyone ever had any experiences with anything (neg or otherwise) calling itself "The One"?  Just thought this seems like a good place to ask that, and I'm kinda curious...
Welcome to Dreams! / interpretation? i dunno...
February 02, 2004, 08:45:26
i had this weird dream the other night that i just cannot get out of my head.

my girlfriend and i were laying under the stars, when she said how she resents her existence, and she stands up and slits her throat.  suddenly, i'm gone and i just see her in this huge black cube that is filled completely with water. the bottom of the cube is gone, making a dark abyss that just goes down into the floor forever. on the ceiling is a dead tree that had been growing upside-down. the tree, even though dead, starts growing really fast and grabs my girlfriend, pulling her down into the hole in the floor.  then i don't see her anymore and i think i heard a scream. then i woke up...

that dream scared the hell out of me...  think it means anything?
Nice work, SD!  I completely agree that some things are better left unsaid, but it also depends on the story and the effect that you're trying to invoke.  [:D]
When I write, I use a system that an english teacher of mine set up for describing the setting of a story (which also obviously contributes greatly to the atmosphere of a story). All the examples are from things that I have written.

General: The general description of a setting. Things like, what part of the world this setting is in. Not the most descriptive, but usually only used once or twice, at the beginning of a story. Mostly implied through the rest of the story.

Ex: "As the sun dipped below the hills of Wisconsin, the sky became steadily more orange."

Actual: The actual environment around being described. Listing of things that are around, what's going on with "extra" characters, stuff like that. Borders pretty closely on Sight.

"The endless marshlands at the foot of the hill reflected the crimson hue off of the stagnant water."

Time/Season: Pretty self-explanatory. Make sure that the reader knows the current season, the era in which the story takes place, time of day is also important. Weather also falls into this category, I guess.

"Stars glittered among the misshapen clouds that loomed overhead.  Pieces of night spilled through the ingeniously assembled patchwork of the firmament."

Sight: Self-explanatory.  What does the character see?  Remember, it doesn't necessarily have to be anything physical.

"Now the traffic lights hung dismally from their steel nooses, appearing as lifeless monuments for the few people who crossed under them."

"A myriad of colors twisted among the heavens and wrapped around the already visible moon."

Sound: Also self-explanatory. Background noise, music, environmental noises.

"Dying evergreens scraped against the barred windows, releasing a dull rattle, mocking the inmates with their own imprisonment."

Smell: Once again, self-explanatory. How things smell. I've noticed that it helps sometimes if you associate emotions with certain smells. I use smells as more of a trigger to invoke memories from the past or that kind of thing.

"The air reeked of decay and emptiness shrouded the ruins in a cover of silence."

Touch: How things feel.  Textures, temperature, any other physical properties of something.  Can also be used as an emotional trigger.

"Zias dipped his fingers into the warm, crimson pool that streamed onto the floor, and then painted a bloody symbol on the ground."

Taste: This one can be hard to do.  Unless a character is eating or the author brings lots of attention to someone's fashion sense or something like that, there's not much use for it.  If you can find a good way to use it, let me know!

Lighting: I personally use this one a LOT. Lighting can make or break a setting. Positions of lighting, how much light there is, the way that sunlight comes through cloud-cover, the color of light, etc. Lighting isn't just about light, of course, shadows and other lack of light provide a HUGE boost to the mood.

"Towers of twisted steel blocked out portions of the sky, building a spider web of shadows across the pavement."

Tone: Probably the single most important element of a good description. How does the character feel?  What happened previous in the story to make them feel that way?  Does the surrounding environment (which I know you already described so perfectly) make the character feel at ease? Or tense? Or is there something that a character is preparing for, making them nervous? Does a certain location provide a relaxing aura? Or a depressing one? Everytime that you describe anything, make SURE to use the emotional tone to your advantage. And as SD said, SHOW DON'T TELL!

"Wind quietly blew through the streets and spilled over the fallen debris like a river, echoing back a dismal stillness hushed into existence. What little remained of nature reverberated a chilling sensation throughout her surroundings."

Color: I've found, usually goes along with lighting. Different colors are symbolic of different emotions, different personalities, etc. Remember, as an author, you are God to a lesser extent. You can color peoples clothing, the surrounding environment, EVERYTHING to fit your needs.

"As she smiled gently, I noticed that her eyes seemed less blue.  They had faded to a quiet shade of sapphire and pulsed an almost cold feeling..."

Hope that helps, everyone.  If anyone wants to read anything of mine, I could always use feedback!  Let me know and I can email some.
"The demon kind is of an intermediate nature between the divine and the human." --Sydenham.

demons have willpower, silver.  and with that willpower comes their choice to be positive or negative.  it's their decision how they choose to live out their existence (material or otherwise), just the same way as any human can choose to be good or evil.  to deny that is to also suggest that humans have no free will.

if that were true, then show this to whoever's controlling you [;)]
They just live their life, working 9-5, six days a week, for some scrooge with little or no hair left, so that one day they can become the scrooge, and later on retire when they're too old to enjoy what little remains of their life because their life energy has been sapped from them in the process of earning the money to retire.

amen, man. amen. [^]
Who here believes(or knows) that they're part or all non-human(demon/youkai, dragon or some other reptillian etc.)? And how do you know.
And if you think it's bovine excrement, that's not answering the question, say why you think you know something like non-humans being incarnated into human bodies isn't possible, kay?

OHHHHHH!!!  take that! [:P] I was thinking similar things.

by the way...  when you quote something, how do you get the little "originally posted by..." thing?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / December 21,2012
March 24, 2004, 10:41:37
there's a good chance that that is the case, but neither option can be proven...  so, i guess we'll have to just wait and see, won't we?[;)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Insane Philosopher
March 24, 2004, 10:10:49
this is interesting.

You ever see the world in waves? The walls just flow like a river of time... Bending and pulsing through my eyes...

sounds like the matrix [^]

Control, methods of control. Hidden in the most inner insanity of our psyche. Makes the average man laugh. Summerian it started. Egypt ... astral... different aspect but the same level... the pyramids ... masons... the eye of rai.. horus.. the all seeing eye... watching... knowning.. invisible.... the astral. yes. god's in the astral.. watching, more advanced. 33rd degree, northern shaft, 33 degrees, masons, construction, advanced construciton .. egyptian.. priests.. knowledge.. summerian enoch... the bible.. controls.. more controls... power... the illusion preprogrammed.. programmed.

you mention 33 degrees a lot...  what significance does that hold?  you mentioned Enoch...  Supposedly, Enoch was the one who became the angel Metatron.  it's starting to sound like you want to build pyramids in the Astral, Hawk!  but why?  to contact angels?  or just to put together the lost pieces of a broken puzzle?
does the world even deserve to go on after everything that the human race has put it through?  i wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if the universe (God, fate, whoever) just chooses to "end" Earth at that time regardless.  it seems like the governing force of the universe is getting pretty ticked off that we're doing nothing but hurt this planet, and niburu would either come as total destruction or through the course of events, would end up getting rid of enough of those who have screwed it up that there's a chance (ever so slightly) of fixing it?

basically, it seems to me like this is fate's way of saying "Dammit Earth! Go cook my dinner!" *slap* the way, i'm kinda sleepy. [:D]
Welcome to Metaphysics! / December 21,2012
March 24, 2004, 08:42:33
(whoa...  nobody's posted HERE for a while...)

well the "kittens and puppies" calendar hanging on my wall runs out at the end of this year! omg!

i'd assume that the ancient people were a bit more accurate then "kittens and puppies..."
and it will continue to be, even the development of the hydrogen engine now wouldn't save us all
who or what is Niburu?  sounds kinda familiar, but i don't know where i heard it.
In the last couple of months(recent heavy poleshifts) he has been walking passed street lamps and them going out.

[:O] this has been happening to my girlfriend and I in the last couple months too!

I think that Clow is right about the when whatever is going to happen, anyone who thinks of themselves different and has made a different form for themselves on Astral then when the Astral becomes physical then those people would change.

i think so too.  does anyone have any idea when thats gonna happen?  i doubt it's too far off.  i think it was the Mayans who prophecized that the world was gonna end in 2012?  possible coincidence?
ive ticked them off ALOT

good. [:D]

i've been noticing more and more of this battle between good and evil as well. which is why this "demon war" that everyone was talking about before makes a lot of sense to me.
they say that the faces of the stone statues on easter island are those of an alien race. maybe your assailant took this form for a reason? maybe in some past life on another planet, you were enemies or something and now it's vengeful?  is this latest spirit the same one that you mentioned before?  just a thought.  take care of yourself until it's solved.

more interesting to me is the intervening force.  higher self, maybe?  or something more?  only you know for sure.
have you checked the basement thoroughly for any such "hidden rooms"? it sounds like some kind of answer may be down there.  especially if your neighbor was forced to the ground down there...  i don't know the circumstances or the layout of your house, or how often you use your basement or anything, but maybe "they" were trying to prevent her from finding something?  i'm just speculating, of course...  but don't get yourself hurt, alright?
Wow... Deep... [:)]
true...  that's the most important thing. that and how to use that information wisely.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Demon Sightings
February 19, 2004, 23:16:40
so, can anybody explain this pole shift thing to me?  or the demon war that someone was mentioning earlier?  i'm kinda interested...