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Messages - Haematite

It's really an important lesson, but could you share some ways of starting the acting?[:)] ....I mean that it's also hard sometimes - when you're ready to do everything and to use your power, but you feel that kind of barrier infront of you that makes you just stand in a bad dream...

thanks, be safe[:)]

I'm aquarious also and I'm happy to meet you here![:D]

Blessed be[:)]
Welcome to Magic! / A Black Spell
April 06, 2004, 08:16:37
That's right. For me a balanced person is someone who is capable of organazing themselves properly in all levels.
And of course I don't intend to be blindly rulled by my intuition - otherwise it looses it's point.
be safe
Welcome to Magic! / A Black Spell
April 05, 2004, 03:53:56
Well, I'm a creature made to be ruled by intuition - that's my way of perceiving everything. Some people are guided by their logic - they need to see and think over all the facts and the information, but I skip the shapes and I don't need to see them, because I feel them. Both ways are correct - it depends which one is more sutable for you.

And I don't think my body is unimportant - it's just in serve for my soul needs because it's here to mediate between rough matter with it's slow vibrations and my ethereal body. My body is my "flat" here in this life and I'm taking care of it in purpose to follow my path properly. You see, I'm not here to serve to my body needs... I'm here to develop myself as much as I can trying to do my best, to take the right decisions - in the name of my soul. It's good for a person to be in harmony on all their levels, to set everything on it's right be wise enough to know how to act. And that control should be exercised by your soul because it's the guiding power, the sparkle, the sacral core that gives meaning to everything...without it our bodys would be like vegetating dead matter.
Welcome to Magic! / A Black Spell
April 04, 2004, 15:56:07
Kiflarer, I haven't been in position like yours, but still I can say: do what you think is right - it could has some reason for that - it's your "path" anyway....

What really frustrates me is that people accept all of these new age ideas as fact without questioning them. Haematite, by saying that we are supposed to do such and such and that the universe is connected in this and this a way, is inane. you state it like it's a basis of fact, when it's a pretty controversial and abstract, out-there idea.

you say things like it's matter of fact, when in reality- you haven't arrived at any of your conclusions through sound reason. screw intuition when all you get is a bunch of mushy, useless crap that can't help anyone. Intuition is the apprehension of ideas or concepts without the use of reasoning faculties. that doesn't mean that you should discount your mind altogether. no part of yourself is more important than another- including your soul- which you seem to think is hot stuff.

Well, I do believe in what I said and I'm sorry you can't get it. And yes, my soul IS "hot stuff" for me because when my body will rot in the grave my soul will remain. And I'm curious what does person like you (who doesn't believe in intuition and non-touchable proofs) do here where people deal mostly with non-material stuff.
Be safe
Welcome to Magic! / A Black Spell
April 01, 2004, 13:25:52
Well, all of us have moments when they don't feel to be themselves, but still it's better to rule yourself and your actions but not to let to be leaded by your egoself/s... I don't accuse you, I respect you as I respect every other creature...I just think you could become one - still it's more stable in that way and you should learn how to be a nice guy without being a schizo - I'm sure you can because that kind of state is only in your mind, but your soul is just one and it's perfect[:)]
Be safe
Welcome to Magic! / A Black Spell
March 31, 2004, 03:22:33
if you were a fish you would only be able to infer about land. you are a human and are only able to guess about the universe.

That's what I mean - we could only guess about highest dimensions but that doesn't mean they don't exist. We, human beings, are supposed to develop ourselves and to search about Truth.

and how do you know that the laws you believe in are universal?

As I said I believe everything in Universe is connected in one system. For example the movement of stars reflects and has always been reflecting to everything - from worldwide disasters to single person's life.

yes, it is math- it's just that it can't be predicted unless you have the thousands and thousands of variables that make up destiny, karma or whatever you want to call it. it's so constantly changing and specific that it would take a lifetime to study one person's.. karma.

Actually it takes a lot of lifetimes to think over one's karma[:)] If it could took only few hours or days we would be at the end of our Paths... You know, it could be a bit simple if you think more: that "karma-equation" is universal and if a person is "x" in it that means it'll variate a lot (as people are different) and everyone is responsible for it's solution - it could be faster, or it could be slower if you use roundabout ways...if it's too long you'll have to "shift" it on next line and that means you're doing reincarnate...If you look up at your mistakes you'll be able to solute it faster...And of course if you try to see karma like equation you should try to see it like n-dimensional one[:)]

Heh, that example might be very stupid and incomplete - I'm sorry about that - but you'll understand me anyway if you use your intuituon[:)]
Be safe

Welcome to Magic! / A Black Spell
March 30, 2004, 03:37:13
The difference between us is that you look at the things based on youself and your own laws - and I look on everything based on universal laws. I had to overcome myself and to rise a bit higher to see there're a lot of things more important than my egoself - and I do believe costing troubles to other people is harmful to the whole harmony.
I know there're a lot of people who don't think there are universal laws - like those deepunderwater fishes with strange shapes - they might think that only existing things are their world and their laws...but we all know there is lightful water above, there is air, land, other creatures, space, Universe... And all those things are connected one with another...even those deepocean fishes which don't believe we exist.

And Karma IS something like algorithm, but it's "math" can't be get easily with our unperfect brains...if we raise up to higher level we'll be more able to understand it.

Be safe
Welcome to Astral Chat! / For women
March 29, 2004, 11:53:45
Hehe - that's a popular theory[:D]
You could call me romantic silly girl, but I do believe there's someone born to meet me... And I'm monogam - if I like 1 person I can't look at another...If I can't find my soulmate it's hard to be with anyone at all[:)]

Gwathren - lol it's a coincidence to see your quote about Sinuhe - I've been reading that book some time before I saw you... still this could be a sign - you know some answers appear "by chance" from books, people or whatever you could imagine[:)]

Be safe[8D]

Welcome to Astral Chat! / For women
March 29, 2004, 04:19:41
Gwathren - I read "Sinuhe" these days - great book...and "Turms" is also very good one[:)]

Well, for me I don't think that differences between males and females are so important - still gender is just a material shape...and that what we have in common is Soul. So I just search for a highspirited person and when I find him our souls will know and love eachothetr - no matter if he could fix the microwave or lift heavy objects[:D]
Still we all are unperfect creatures and it's important to love eachother inspite of our weaknesses - that's the true love: to know someone is damn unperfect but to love them so much anyway[:)]
Be safe
Welcome to Magic! / A Black Spell
March 29, 2004, 04:04:31
Karma isn't "new age doctrine" - it excists like gravitation. You feel the gravitation with your body as you could feel karma in another higher level using your unmaterial abilities. My intuition, my inner sight tell me it excists...and my intuition has never lied to me.
You can't touch karma, but that doesn't mean it's not something real...I can see proofs for that wherever I look...and if you want to see them you'll find them also.
I've always knew a part of me is unmaterial but I couldn't prove it until I had obe... Or I've always knew I had aura and finaly I saw it. But if you ask me why I've been sure about these things since I was a little child I'll just simply answer :"intuition". I don't see a point to give you examples or names of books about karma - if you don't want to believe in something you'll reject it anyway...
Be safe
hehehe... Try to imagine: Loopy Chickenface - that's me, people![:D]
lol thanks God it's just a joke!![8D]
And thanks Nay - all we need sometimes to get some fun[:)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / For women
March 28, 2004, 13:48:57
He should be soulmate[:)]
He should be mystic, tender, sad and vivid in the same time, melancolic, but with great sense of humour...the most special creature made to be with me...hmmm I don't see a point in being with anyone but him[:I]
Be safe all[:)]
1. I've had OBEs (the most strong one was during an operation - my astral body just took a walk around until my physical one was lying hard like stone on the surgeon table[:D]), but unfortunately I still can't controle them. But I'm trying to[;)]
2. I've been trying to reach other worlds during all my life, since I was a child. It just always seemed to me like something natural and interesting.
3. I think I can do that, but again unwillingly - sometimes it just happens to see or know somethings by chance.
4. Contacts - no, but sometimes I have the sensation of them...hmmm it's not important for me to see them - still covers are just material states[:)]
5. Well, I'm trying to improve all my skills... sometimes I manage to see my aura, to "sense" some might energy and some "events" I've never took part in... heh, most of time it's messy - like I'm somekind of radio with several frequencies in the same time[:)]
Be safe
Welcome to Magic! / A Black Spell
March 28, 2004, 13:10:22
Karma is universal law - noone could "invent" it - it just excist - no matter what names people call it with or which religion talks about it or no matter if you believe in it or not. I don't want to force my believes on you - I just wish more people be thoughtful and take responsibility for their deeds.
And Karma actually has "list of naughty things" - everything we think, say and do is "recorded" and has it's effect in the world.
Everyone has their choise - and isn't it much more easy and right to choose Not to hurt anyone?!...
be safe[:)]
Well, I agree one could visit certain places by astral travelling, but it's also truth that one could control their dreams. Sometimes I rule mine...heh and then it's hard for me to find out if I was sleeping or just dreaming until thinking[:D] You just should "tune" your mind that you want to control your dreams and then you'll feel that during dreaming you're somekind awake and capable of thinking over the situation.

Reality, in my previous post by saying that most people want things they don't really need I meant that there's a difference between body needs, egoself needs and soul needs. Sometimes people long for material things which aren't important for their spiritual development - some people's priority are their body needs and they waste their life time trying to satisfy their body or egoself... For me that isn't the right way because I consider my soul needs to be most important.
Be safe[:)]
Welcome to Magic! / A Black Spell
March 27, 2004, 05:50:44
I strongly recommend NOT doing black magic. It could only cause bad to everyone - mostly to you. And it isn't the right way for spiritual development - on the contrary : it pollutes you.
Please, be sensible and use your skills only for good purposes!
be safe
If your mental body is strong and developed enough it could rise up your physical one with it also. In that way Christ had been walking on water. Maybe we should stop wanting that ...I mean that when we stop to want anything we could acheive everything.[:)] And that's why there are only few people capable of doing such a "miracles" - because it's in human egoself nature to want so many things they don't really need...
Good luck[:)]
I just signed[:)]
I'm considered to be christian in my own way and I support gay rights - as God has made one person in that way there must have some reason for that[:)] And I don't approve any kind of discrimination - still inspite of our colour, sex, sexual preferences and mony state, we're equal in our essence[:)]
I hope that petition will have success, good for you, GhostRider[:)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Nice Horror Movies
March 27, 2004, 04:22:51
heh I like "SLEEPY HOLLOW" [:D]

Others are good also, but this one is making me push "pause" and enter in it[;)][:D]

Be safe[:)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Cryptozoology
March 27, 2004, 04:15:25
Hey, LivingDeadGirl and others[:)]
In general it isn't good to have a mirror in the room where you sleep - it could somehow "sucks" your energy out. I feel strange infront of mirrors also...and attracted by them in the same time[:)] It's one paralel world ancient people had thought to be the world of dead people. There are a lot of examples in myths and religions. If you heard about Dionis (ancient greec god of wine) - when he was a child Titans wanted to kill him but they couldn't do that when he's in our world so they gave him a mirror to play with and when he was in that "borderline" state between 2 worlds they torn him into pieces....heh I think the story becames more severe and bloody then, but still I told you bout the mirror[:D]
So, if you have one in your bedroom you could cover it with some cloth in night...
I've had some experiences with mirrors and they're a bit should just remember who you are when travelling in other worlds...hmm I still can't decide if mirror one is good to visit often, but if it's like Alisa's adventures I agree to spent more time there[;)][:D]
Be safe[:)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / I Love You!
March 27, 2004, 03:57:46
I feel so great when I hear and say "I love you" and that post seems to me like shiny ray of light through my dizzly afternoon[8D]
So: "I love you all!"
Heh love is most natural and creative emotion in people and I think we should practise it more...[:D]
Be safe all[:)]
I agree with McArthur - Jesus really had had physical abilities which every person could acheive if they're high enough in their spiritual development. He and his "pupils" had that strong energy to cure others even without touch, to walk on water and etc - I'm christian and I believe literally in these miracles...I'm pagan and a lot of things in the same time and I don't see a problem with that because as I've said many times: the Truth is one and I see pieces of it in every religion and everything in jeneral. So I think, Freefaller you shouldn't think so much about that but to feel it intuitively - then you'll see everything is connected - just the same old thing with a different face.[:)]
Be safe
I haven't tried yet, but I've been thinking about that also. And as I'm in love with art I think we could find a lot of artists (painters) who had high abilities. They say Van Gogh had been mad, but in my oppinion he had had wide open 3d eye[;)]
And I have some of Escher's works if anyone is interested in them - but you should tell me first how to insert them here from my pc[:I]
Be safe[:)]
Hi again[:)]
I know some doctors and I asked about your problem - they said you should go to examine your blood and hormone condition. Hormones are very important for body functions. There is some rare kind of diabetes (I don't know how it is in english, but it might be something like "isipid") - it's not in common with insuline and sugar, but with one hormone which regulates dehydration.
Maybe you should first check all your body state, then if everything's ok you could search for something else - still everything has it's reason!
Take care[:)]