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Messages - ninja76

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Masturbation
March 25, 2004, 09:02:07
you can also run or swim about 20 mn it's very effective... don't forget the shower before trying to AP: mens sana in corpore sano as said elders[:D]! I 've foud it very useful
try to use tattva vusualisations, such as a yellow square in front of your brow chakra opening like a window when you climb up using the rope...
The best way seems to use 10 Hz + 26 Hz with a pink noise . The effect is similar to focus 10.

Count in your head (1,2,....,10) while entering the trance state. It will create a kind of Pavlovian reflex and after a while you will be able to enter focus 10 without a support.

Good work!
Firstly use WMP to listen the MP3 file.

Then use the function "copy on a CD" it will automatically translate from MP3 to WAV and you will listen it from any CD player

It works well for me (i have WMP serie 9 for XP).

If not use "altconvert" downloadable at"" a free software which can translate any audio file from wav,mp3,ogg,wma to any format you want. After just use your CD burner!!!

(Sorry for my english...)
just use the windows media reader to create your cd it will translate from mp3 to wav and you will use your discman lol