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Messages - fanofspeed

Well I would compare each layer too a reality, every layer is beneath the other but is just as real as the last. I have always dreamt with multiple layers but when I began projecting I didn't realize how much more intense it would be.

I perceive them with most of my senses but never all of them. I have trained myself too do this onpurpose while projecting so that I don't mix up my realitys.

Dropping in feels just like trying to project straight from your shell but I mentally try to see myself as far away as i can on the data plane. But the only major difference that I could note is that when I'm already in a deeper layer it seems to happen as much on accident as it does intentionally.
Oh I see, well thanks for being helpful with the matter.  :-)
Hmm where should I start? As long as I can remember I've always dreamt in multiple layers and once I began projecting I assumed it was a similar system. I have practiced dropping into layers but I honestly don't have a lot of background info on controlling my ascent out.
Quote from: Lionheart on January 28, 2013, 19:05:03
Very interesting!

Normally all you need is the just the thought of your physical body, to return back to this waking reality.

You must be so deep and involved in your experience that you don't have the abiltiy to change focus back to this reality. But you should know that no matter how deep you may be, you will always return back to this reality unless of course your physical shell has perished.

I find your "layers" conversation to be very interesting. Could you Please continue this conversation in a new thread, as not to hijack the current one.

Thank You! :-)

Whoops! Sorry, I just started a new thread.
I'll just dive in then.
I have had trouble awakening from multiple layers while projecting and am looking for input on the topic. I have a system of triggers that I usually use to keep myself in check but they are limited and not as effective as I'd like them to be. I'm not shure if being stuck in a deep layer is dangerous, but it has happened and is quite stressful. so I'm trying to look for other ways to keep myself in check.   
Quote from: Lionheart on January 28, 2013, 18:29:05
I'm sorry, I don't quite understand this. :?

Could you elaborate a bit more on what you mean here, please?

Before I'd start I'd like to point out that I'm new to discussing this with people so my terminology is a bit nieve but I will do my best.
Well, when I project most of the time I have three to five plots layered in one session on top of eachother, like a cake. But every time I go into a deeper layer (false awakening) each layer becomes more vivid and yet pliable. At this point it becomes harder to react to the triggers I set to pull myself out. At one point I got lost and it was quite the experience trying too find my way back too my body.
Quote from: Lionheart on January 28, 2013, 01:59:56
You are already there!  :-)  

You are already experiencing the non physical reality.

Why not try to experiment while in a False Awakening, instead of trying to leave something you are already out of?

I only haven't because I still have trouble awakening from that many levels. I am practicing on pulling myself out consistently. But I always try and play it safe because I have gotten careless with how deep I have gone in the past prefer to not do that again without guidance  :-P
Yea its a odd sensation that seems to be as random as a flip of a coin.

I will start trying that out and ill post how it goes.
And thank you for your input.  :-)
I also get false awakenings quite often but as a personal preference I have never attempted a obe while in one. I always had the feeling that it could cause to many layers stacked on top of one another but now that I hear it can be done I think ill explore it further. Thanks for the info, and congrats!
In LD sight issues of my lucid dreams I get the sensation that my eyelids are very heavy. Like something is weighing them down to the point where I have to use my hands to hold them open or I can't see. I'm curious about this because I have no idea as too how to alleviate this problem. But from meditating I feel as though it's a external force being applied to me while I'm traveling. Any input is much appreciated. Thanks and safe travels
I have to agree, i have tested the binural beat and it was a good "warm up" but thats the extent of it.
I'm going to have to agree with Xanth and Ident.
i am a new member but i can astro and find people very well. the problem with trying to delve into someone elses past is you will find fault in everyone, you have to learn to trust her if you are at all serious. this trust builds the connection from you to her and that is whats important. if shes not for you i say have fun and see where it goes.
hope all ends well
I find this very interesting. all of my astro is from personal traing and i have found when you can travel to very high levels i think based from multiverse therory and the combination of string and caous theory that what she is doing is searching for a perfect reality in the infinate amount of other dimensions. i do this all the time for fun because i can control base elements and feel the physical effect. i only caution that she never try and recreate death
i have been able to astro for quite some time and have found that time is not relative when traveling. i havent figured out how to control seeing into the future but i get chunks. and have met people years ahead of time.  :-D