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Topics - luffy28

I wanted to ask what happened to Hitler after he died ? Has anyone on here seen him or his condition while projecting (I haven't projected yet) in the astral planes.

Can he ever reincarnate ?

Also what happened to Anne Frank ? Did she reincarnate ?
I started this thread to ask if I have to do energy work in order to project. I'm reading the tenth anniversary edition of Astral Dynamics and I'm getting real impatient with doing the energy work.

Did you do energy work in order to project for the first time ?

I also have "The Secret of the Soul" by William Bulhman (both I checked out from the library) and want to know if that's easier than Dynamics.

I'm reading the newest version of Astral Dynamics (check it out from my library) and I'm on the part about affirmations. I can't seem to make up a good affirmation. According to the book it has to be present-tense. The one I was thinking about was "I'm going to astral project by 2012" or "I'm going to astral project before 2012".

Could anyone edit these affirmations to make it present tense ?

I'm trying to achieve astral projection with the techniques from the school of obe. So far there's only been one time where I've been able to stay still upon awakening.

Is it alright if I get up in the middle of the night and then try the indirect techniques as I go to sleep ?

Can projectors learn skills from obes.

Let's say for example in my previous life I was a calculus teacher and in the current life I'm having problems with calculus. Would that help me with calculus more ?

Also has anybody communicated with Tesla ?
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Trance State
February 24, 2011, 19:32:13
I'm reading a couple of books on ap and want to know what is the right way to get into a trance. Are there any guides on the internet.

Typically when I try to get into a trance. I just lay in the position that I sleep in, then I relax my whole body part by part.
How do professional projectors go into a trance before they project. I'm asking cause I don't know if I'm really in a good trance state.

Also I'm reading a book that says you should tap your finger before you go to sleep to experience the hypnagogic state, but so far all I've experienced is my mind either wanting my finger to tap or to stop tapping.
I wanted to ask what is the usual process you go through to achieve  Astral Projection ? I'm asking this because there was only one time where I came real close to achieving Astral Projection, but that was years ago. I'm currently reading Mastering Astral Projection, Astral Dynamics, and a treatise by Robert Bruce. I've read Astral dynamics before but I could never achieve Astral Projection, but because of this book I almost achieved Astral Projection. The real reason I want to achieve Astral Projection is because I want to see if there is an afterlife (Currently an Atheist) and if Jesus actually existed.

Could any professional projectors tell me how they first achieved AP, and what type of books/methods worked for them. Also are there any good books just about achieving the trance state, or any videos.

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Can't project
December 22, 2010, 17:17:28
I'm starting this thread because for years I've been trying to AP but every time I lay on my back and relax. But the only part I can do is relax. I've never got the vibrations,seperation etc...

Is there any way I can get past just the trance state ?