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Topics - tjhunt37

Alright, so I heard that when you Astral project you can see 360 degrees, I had also heard some people can view the future etc, well anyway, this was a few weeks back, I thought I had astral projected that morning as I sort of saw myself who had asked a girl out, we were sitting in a cafe and there were tennis courts outside and me and this girl who I had asked out were having a nice chat, but things just seemed obskewered if thats even a word lol, but yeah it was me and her together and I could see us from pretty much any angleand I could see everything around me, but yeah, its pretty weird, so I was wondering if it was AP or just a dream? I had pretty much remembered everything after that...

Note: I had asked this girl out well sort of, I hadn't see her in quite a while I had met her like once and I ran into her and I pretty much asked her too have a drink with me and she was like, "Yeah sure you seem like a funny guy" But I am just wondering if this could be the start of something or was it just a dream?
Well anyway, I am not too sure if it were a dream but not too sure if it were an astral projection either, anyway I had dreamt or astral projected  about my room mate, she was wearing a red dress, anyway we were all of a sudden looking at eachother, she had started stroking me and I loved the sensation it was giving me, but it felt so real, like it felt like such a powerful kiss....That morning when I saw her I had some weird feeling about her not too sure why though...But yeah could someone tell me if I had AP?
Alrighty, So I am a college student and I had always seen this guy around the college campus and I did not really know him. I am currently living in an apartment and each building is distinguished by there colors, say red=building 12 so anyway, I had took a nap one day and I had found myself outside his building for some reason and he was in a yellow building with all his friends.....Anyway a night out at our local pub I ran into him one night and I finally introduced myself too him I asked him what college residence he was living in and he told me he was living in building 16 which was the yellow building, which was weird because I saw him in a yellow building and he was on the ground floor too! I knew nothing about this before hand as well/ So I was wondering if I had recognized that I was in the middle of an astral projection?? Or was it just simply a dream and just lucky that I happened dream of him??