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Has this happened to someone else?

This morning was pretty great. I just had at least 10 astral projections in a row. Each time I would lose awareness, come back to my bed, feel the vibrations again, and lift out again. I kept projecting to the same place each time and I would go from my bed to that place. Each time I came back to my body, I would do a quick recap, "Okay in astral projection #4 this happened... in #5 this happened..." Once I felt like I could remember what just happened, I would leave again for the next one. It didn't work though because now I don't remember a lot of it and I certainly can't separate the experiences like I was trying to in my head. I just thought that if I got up and wrote it down, I would break the cycle. I wrote down about 7-8 different things that I remember (the main things). Looking at my hands and touching different textures and objects helped me. Each projection was a few minutes.
Hey, my first time posting on a forum like this. I would like to know if anyone else has similar experiences as me. Sorry if this post becomes lengthy.

During normal sleep paralysis, I would wake up in the morning. There was a loud noise in my head that sounded like when the TV channel goes out. And I couldn't move my body. I would feel something, like a force, trying to pull my body out through my crown. I always fought it because it was a terrifying thing. I decided not to be scared and I started to relax into it when it would happen. A few times I came out of my body. Once I floated around my room and the other time, I went through the wall, entered some other place, met up with some "people" and we did some things.

More recently, the experience has changed though. I wake up to a small buzzing sound. It's no longer the really loud noise that I used to have. I have the same feeling of floating but it's more gentle. When I relax and let it happen, it does. I don't have to do anything but lay there and I come out. So I start flying around my room. Sometimes I go into other rooms. Sometimes I go outside to the front yard or back yard.

After a little while, things get weird. I've read that distortions are normal in RTZ, but these are major distortions. Events that I know are not really happening and they usually knock me out of my experience.

Let me tell you what happened this morning. I had two experiences. The first one happened around 4 am. I woke up the same way with the noise and all that. Then I floated out and went through my wall to the back yard. I decided for some reason to go to Walmart. So I started going down the road in a bumper car (my main method of travel because when I fly too fast I get this overwhelming adrenaline feeling in my stomach that feels like attack of the butterflies and I hate it). And I got to Walmart, got out and went in the front door. The greeter at the door greeted me and my experience started to fade, like I was losing connection or something. Later, it didn't make sense that the greeter would even be able to see me.

Then around 7, I floated out again and went through the front door. I was going to explore some unknown part of my neighborhood so I could verify it later. A little girl was near my door and she was bothering me to play with her. I didn't want to lose the experience so I tried to get rid of her nicely. I went back inside and she followed me so I got annoyed and came back to my body.

Some other times I've had experiences where my husband was up doing this or that and I know for fact he's asleep next me.

I know I'm coming out of my body. I can feel it. But these things that are happening are so weird. What is this? Is this how RTZ is or is this something else? I don't feel like I'm making these things happen. It's more like I stumble upon these weird situations.

I have noticed something. As soon as I see something weird and I think to myself, "Is this real" and I begin to doubt my reality, I can feel the connection to my physical body strengthen and I start to lose consciousness of my energy body or whatever it is. Almost like the fact that I'm doubting whether or not it's real, makes it less real to me. So things are only as real as we believe them to be?