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Topics - bjb1234


Ive been thinking again lol!

Basically Ive been thinking about what the universe actually is without life and consciousness aka a intelligent mind to observe it and experience it.

Is it just a load of vibrating particles?  Vibrating at different frequencies?

I mean....  what really exists without life?

Its this question which keeps me believing that there is more to the universe and life than just some random chemical accident in the universe that somehow learnt how to duplicate itself and then evolve from there to what we have now.  I just cant believe the idea life is some sort of accident, science has no idea where life came from, sure there are plenty of ideas out there but none of them really answer or prove anything.  It maybe one of those things we never know.

With the way our planet is going, life as we know it may not be around for much longer.

Peace guys, where ever you are in the world, what ever color, country, religion...   peace and i love you
Hey everyone,

Ive been doing some thinking today, and i want to know what your ideas are about what the soul is?

Is the soul consciousness itself?  Or something which connects to a part of the body or the brain to sort of "take control" of the body?

Is the soul the life force of the universe?

Is the soul some sort of quantum or maybe a particle at a even less dense frequency than quantum mechanics?

What exactly is the soul?  I guess this is a question which has been troubling people for thousands of years...  Will we ever really know?

What are your ideas?
I just watched a program about identical triplets in the UK, most of the show was just fluff really nothing interesting, just the triplets talking about their experiences and seeing if people can tell the difference between the triplets if they switched places.

But there was a interesting part which was to do with these 3 male triplets from the UK.  They put all these sensor things on their head to read there like emotions etc...  And the triplets were almost entirely emotionally in tune, with the way their emotions work.  Only slight differences (when compared to the emotional make up of 2 random humans).

After this they did a test to test for ESP (physic connection between triplets).  None of the triplets believed this existed.

Right now time for the test to start (the triplets didnt know at this time what they was been tested on). 

Each triplet was put into a room on his own, and given head phones and i think blind folds.  2 of the triplets listened to music while the third one was involved in a game, where he had to press a button at a certain time and if he failed he would get a electric shock.  While this was happening the scientists were reading data from the sensors looking for reactions etc...

The triplet playing the game was shocked 2 or 3 times.

Later on the scientists compared the readings from the sensors on all 3 triplets, and saw that every time the triplet got shocked, his 2 siblings had a subconscious reaction at the same time as the shock, and this happened every time he got shocked.

So this experiment would suggest there is some sort of link subconsciously between the triplets.

This does open my mind abit to certain theories and ideas about physic abilities and the nature of our universe.

It was interesting

Does anyone else know anything about this ESP sort of thing?

I have been doing alot of thinking about the astral world etc... recently...

Please bare in mind ive never had any myself, i havnt had the energy to put the effort in really, im just lazy...


Is it really possible for our soul/spirit/consciousness to leave our bodies and travel around and view our own world in physical time, like real time zone.  For example you could leave your body, go into another room and try to see somebody in the shower for example...

I dont know to be honest if this is possible, but personally  i would think it is not possible...

Our minds as we know them right now are generating our reality...  our brains interpret data put into it via our senses like our eyes and ears...  Our brain then generates our reality.  Without cosciousness / the brain  what really exists?  Is it just different frequencies and energy waves?  Without any brain to interpret this data... nobody can be sure whats there and what isnt right?

So the astral worlds we dont have physical eyes and ears etc...  so its safe to assume that maybe the astral realities are generated by information already interpreted by our brains right?  Therefor we can change things in the astral worlds using our thoughts?

Or maybe consciousness itself has its own type of senses which takes in new data from the astral worlds and interprets it in a different way to the physical universe, as the 2 dimensions (astral and physical) are not the same, and are not governed by the same laws of physics.

My point with all this is... our physical reality is generated by our brains, i dont think astral worlds are any different... i just think the astral worlds are more flexible and energy is easy to manipulate for the brain to create what ever it wants.  It doesnt make the experience any less or more real.  It just means the 2 dimensions are different and governed by different rules.  So maybe it isnt possible to see our physical world 100% accuratly while out of body...

What are your thoughts guys?

I was wondering if any experienced hypnotists could help me create a mp3 tape to help program peoples minds into having out of body experiences.

I may even be willing to pay for the tape to be made.

Wouldnt want it to be any longer than 20 minutes, and would want it to be perfect for people to listen to just before they go to bed.

Hey guys,

What are the best websites you all know that are good resources of reliable information.  I have some books on astral projection which are suppose to be good books , but they are so boring.  I cant focus on reading them at all.  OR they are filled with rubbish.

Cheers for the help
Hello everybody,

I havnt posted here in a while and im sorry about that, been a little busy :)

Anyway,  I am writing a book on astral projection which is going to be published.  I am looking for experienced or novice projectors to share with me there stories, testimonials to what projection is like, and give a tip or 2 on how they achieved projection etc...

I cant pay you for your donations, and i cant be assured every testimonial will be included in the book. 

Anyone willing to talk to me about this?

Have any of you guys ever met any of your friends in the astral worlds somewhere? maybe someone you know in person or somebody you know online, spoken with eachother in astral then talked about your experience in our world?

Ive heard stories of people doing this, would be interesting to know if anybody here had experiences like it.

I realise the astral worlds are very complicated and hard to make sense of (which is probly why we wont ever make sense of them scientifically).

I have had one experience where i met a american woman in a chat room, she told me put my cup anywhere in the room then focus on the cup, so much i could see it when i closed my eyes.  She said she wud tell me where i put it in the room.  She said its behind the printer on the floor, you kept focusing on the printer by accident.  And she was right, and she did similar things with other people in the room.  I was only about 12 or 13 at the time and it was a pagan room.  Was interesting, this woman claimed she trained her psyic skills and could also project.
Hey, i cant across this site a while ago, they claim scientific proof (with repeatable experiments) for life after death has been proven over 100 years ago, by a group of possibly the best scientists great britain has ever produced.

Thats the site, loads of articles and videos and things on there, does anybody know anything about this?

I had an idea today i wish some scientific group would do lol. 

Lots of people have "past life" regression via hypnosis.  And come up with very accurate accounts of a previous life and some of the details they give are very accurate (TV show in UK called have i been here before, they regress a celebrity then a historian goes and tries to get evidence for all the details).  Alot of the time most of the details can be verified.  But this isnt proof, the celebs could have been exposed to for example history of victorian england as a child and the imagination just taking what its seen/heard and made up a story.

It would be a good idea to take 100 kids (with there parents), move them into like a appartment complex and have them lead some sort of experiment (from when the kids was born).  Like control all they are exposed to, what they read, what they watch, what they learn at school.  (But have them and there family lead the most normal life they can possibly do).

One thing not to do would be teach them history but they can still learn other subjects. etc...  Family can still work, lead normal lives.

Then when they are teenagers or 18, do the regression, and see what stories / details they come up with that can be checked out.

For example if they had never learnt or even read about victorian england then come up with all this information about it thats accurate description of the time, it would not directly prove past lives exist.  But it would deffo make the idea more plausable to the scientific community.

Those 100 kids could change the whole outlook of the world.

But it would be very expensive experiment, the kids would need private education, and everything.

You guys rekkon anything like this will ever be done?
Afternoon ladies and gents

Ive just come across a product

That claims you listen to this like mp3 and the waves been let off affect your brain and will induce a OBE in 10 minutes or less...

I have had some of these brainwave things last year, one of them put me to sleep, one of them made it so i could not move any of my body.  So they do kinda work.

But has anyone got a OBE one like the one in the link above and can verify it works?  Or do you know of any out there, that people do not want money for!!!! so greedy.   Thanks guys...

Ive heard abit about NDE and i know there is thousands and thousands of cases that happen around the world every year.

You know when somebodys heart stops for like 5 minutes and they get brought back to life.

Some of them DONT remember anything like  NDE or a OBE, does anyone more educated on the matter have any explanation to this or theory?  I am still a begginer in this business.

You guys are the best, cheers!!!!!
I have recently been studying Islam, and have decided i want to actually convert to Islam and lead a more spiritual life.  (I will follow other spiritual practises too, like meditation, chakra meditation etc...  The Quran doesnt teach them, but doesnt forbid them)  I believe holy books to be more guidelines than strict rules.  After all the Quran says religion is not compulsary.  That to me says "You dont have to do this, but this is my advise for you to lead a better life"....

Anyway back to the topic.

I have noticed a few mentions in the Holy Quran of astral projection.

The prophet muhamed (may peace be upon him) one night it is said that he was taken by angels from MECCA to JERUSALEM (floating), and then up to the highest heaven where he met other prophets and spoke to God himself.

Nobody saw his psyical body float, and his wife said he never left his bed.

So my conclusion is, he was taken by his spirit guide or "angels" to a high level of the non psyical worlds, where he met the spirits of other prophets in a so called paradise realm.  This sounds like astral projection to me.

The other mention of astral projection in the Quran (that i know about) is this:

It is Allah that takes the souls (of men) at death; and those that did not die, during their sleep: those on whom He has passed the decree of death, He keeps back, but the rest He sends (to their bodies) for a term appointed. Verily in this are Signs for those who reflect.

[Holy Quran 39:42]

So according to the Quran, servants of Allah (God) takes your soul out of your body while you sleep, and when you die.

Many astral projectors also make this claim that we leave our body during deep sleep where our soul can roam freely with no limitations.

This also proves that our bodys can live and work perfectly without a human (creative, God-like soul). 

Which means evolution still makes sense combined with Quranic version of events.

Quran doesnt give an age for the planet earth or the universe.

Its all down to interpretation really.

So what do you guys think of this???  Is astral projection mentioned in any other ancient texts from other cultures?

Hey guys, some of you may have read about a few of my psychic experiences  i just posted on the VALIDATION thread.

The man i talk about in that post, also mentioned something about a date very close to the 21st December 2012.

He either said 23rd December 2012, or 23rd December 2013.

What is special about this day, i just looked on the page for the ebook "ultimate reality" and saw the date.

Any one know what its all about?

Hey guys,

What experiments have you guys done, that prove to you beyond any doubt , that astral projection, and your soul leaving your body and for example walking around your house.  Is real 100% REAL

Meaning no way could it have been  all in your head like your imagination.

Thanks in advance
good morning everybody,

I bought a self hypnosis mp3 download yesterday, that relaxes your body and everything and suggests you leave.

And well i did all the relaxation, and felt that i had 2 bodys and when i moved my astral leg (i didnt see it my eyes was all closed), my body tingled and went a lil dizzy.

But then that was it, i tried opening my eyes with and i didnt seem to be able to move my body, all cept my head, until finally, i told myself i can move my body, and started to move around (my psyical body).

Any ideas on what i did wrong here?, i really want to experience projection of some sort.

Thanks guys
Hello,  I am very interested in astral projection, and have just bought a CD that apparently should help me achieve projection.  its a self hypnosis CD.

But that is not why i am here.

I want to know say for example, you think of a person  while your in astral... say somebody you have never met, but have seen a picture, could you go to that person by thinking of them?  IF you have never met?

I have heard storys of people who will think of a friend (they have met), and they will go to the place where that friend is.

I just want to know is this possible with people you have never met???

For example, a little british girl, kidnapped in portugal like a month or so ago.  If in astral you thought of her picture and face and her name, could you actually go to her and find out where she is???

Any opinions or advise would be appriciated, i intend on becoming a full time member of this forum.

Thank you in advance :D