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Topics - Ribcage

Greetings to all :)

I'm fairly new to projection and a bit more savvy to Yoga, but not by a whole lot.  I had a question, if I may be so bold:

One of the most frustrating, more recent occurances have been episodes of exacerbated vertigo whenever I begin gathering energy and has hampered the ability to have some of the nice alpha waves kick into my brain.

I am very certain that this issue revolves entirely around a bit of an unfortunate habit I've adapted -- That being a tendency of heavily rolling and also crossing my eyes (while closed) as a way of jump-starting a hypnagogic effect and subtle vertigo/vacuum effect that I could peacefully settle in and draw upon to begin some basic meditation.

What has been happening more recently is that the initial transition into my meditative trance is being broken apart rapidly due to a reflexive jarring of the transition occurring to what I feel is a sort of too-much-at-once change in energy state and then a snappy motion sickness I get as a result of my unpractical eye-moving when the rest of my body hasn't discovered enough stimulation to venture forth.

Sorry if this seems a bit odd and incoherent  :oops:  Thanks for your help.