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Welcome to Astral Chat! / Dream recall
December 01, 2002, 09:40:43
i normally try to rember my dreams in the morning but i only ever rember about one dream and hardly ever write it down straight away, if i do at all.

but this morning i got up late at about 1.30 and rembered loads of dreams. i wrote them down straight away and kept rembering more and more. i ended up writing nearly 5 pages of a notebook and was really suprised.

i rembered 6 different dreams but i could rember how each one flowed into the next. when i was writing the dreams seemed like a part of my life but its 4.40 now in england now and i have nearly forgotten what i wrote. i will have to read it again.

i just thought i would share this with everone.


Don't worry, sounds like energy related sensations....don't worry too much about "attacks" my friend.

fides quaerens intellectum
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / 1
November 20, 2002, 12:59:56
OBE's take time. Just keep practicing and you will eventually get it. I havnt done one yet, but im trying and practicing a lot. Dont get discorouged.


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Thou rage overcomes, Thy fate is near.

The energy is inside all of us... you just have to let it out.