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Topics - VagusEques

Just last night I had a dream (big deal, right? =P). It ended as I watched a clock with its hands spinning wildly. As I reached wakefulness, there was a deafening ringing/rushing in my ears.

Do you know how you can get that rushing sound in your ears if you yawn sometimes? It was like that, but amplified by a LOT.

Anyone experienced that before? It seemed familiar, like I'd experienced it as a child, so I thought it might be linked with projection/phasing.
I'm a writer. I think most writers (and probably other creative types) will identify with me when I say that there are times when I'm writing when it becomes almost automatic. It's sort of like psychokinesis where you tune out everything but the object you're concentrating on (in my case, the story). Then other times I'll be sitting at the computer and the words will barely come at all. Think there's a connection here with other more "paranormal" abilities?
It seems that, pertaining to the metaphysical or spirituality, people tend to make a lot of assumptions about the importance or cause of their experiences. It is normal human behavior to group small subsets of information into a larger category for easier processing (say, the names of individuals in a family).

But when applied to the metaphysical which transcends our ordinary method of operating (at least as we have been taught to think of it), this actually works against us.

For example, assuming an energy force that appears living to be an "angel" or "demon" when in fact it could simply be a wave of psychic energy or something else we don't even have a name for.

The assumptions we make about our metaphysical/psychic/astral surroundings are innumerable. I believe we must question all such assumptions if we're really to ascend to the next stage of our spiritual evolution without clinging to our three-dimensional way of thinking.

I was just experimenting, and I've come to the conclusion that, ironically, you are at one with the universe when you're at one with the universe.

In only slightly less-obvious terms, your metaphysical ability will increase as you give up your individuality, until it is no longer you remotely viewing (for example), but simply your consciousness being absorbed into the universe. Once you no longer acknowledge the term "I" and your self-awareness vanishes only momentarily, you find what you're looking for.

I've only had success with this in my precognitive experiments, but it seems as though it should apply to other areas of metaphysics.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Beating the Odds
April 13, 2008, 23:41:01
At what odds do we start breaking the bounds of probability with ESP? I mean, do the odds need to be 1:10? 1:100? 1:1000? Before we can say it is most likely ESP? I ask because I recently ran a test of my ability and only scored 1:27 which is pretty good, but probably still within the realm of probability.
So there's this rumor going around that astral projectors can actually help someone else out of their body... I'm thinking there's a potential for hands-on OBE training by helping someone out enough times that they get a knack for the entry and exit. I'm also thinking someone MUST have thought of this already and there must be some reason it doesn't work, or it seems like people would be doing it all the time. Thoughts?
This is a call to those who have or are interested in psychic gifts, which I mean to encompass everything from AP to ESP to Telekinesis. By "Christian" I mean someone who believes the Bible, Old and New Testament, is the Word of the one God who sent His Son, Jesus Christ.

If you believe the Bible is the perfect, infallible Word of that God, I am trying to build a group to examine these psychic gifts through the objective lens of Scripture and accumulate enough Scriptural evidence to one day convince the Church that these gifts are legitimate uses of God's creation.

I am not interested in propogating traditional prejudices or anything like that. Non-Christians are also welcome, but understand that we're using Scripture as the absolutely final authority, so if it says something is wrong, then it is.

If you're still interested, find the "Christian Psychics" group on facebook. If you don't have a facebook account but still want to help, let me know. I am happy to work with you.

Welcome to Dreams! / Irrational Fear & Switching
March 06, 2008, 02:10:44
I've been trying the counting method for lucid dreaming without much success. However, I recently encountered something I thought was a good sign.

I was dreaming some storyline roughly parallel to the LOST TV show (deserted island, beach, struggling to survive). However, at one point I looked up and saw a "bird" perched on a branch. It looked like a canary except that its entire body (head to tail, including the eyes) were brilliant red. And its head was like an elephant's. For some reason I was absolutely terrified of it.

My focus was on it for a few seconds during which I was completely terrified. After that, I switched to a different dream.

But what strikes me as encouraging about this is the fact I noticed the seam between dreams. Even though I fell unconscious soon after the second dream began, it doesn't seem like I should have remembered the "bird" and certainly shouldn't have noticed the abrupt change.

Am I reading too much into my apparent awareness? Any thoughts about why I would have been terrified of a harmless bird/elephant?
First off, hello everyone. Glad to be here.

Now that's settled, I had a question. I've been experimenting with binaural beats and meditation, and finally decided to start learning chakra control. It's coming slowly, but I think it's going somewhere.

I've been hearing spontaneous ringing in my ears just randomly going about life as normal. It only lasts for a few seconds at a time and then everything's normal again.

It doesn't happen very often, so when it does it's distracting. Could this tie into the energy body in some way or should I see a physician?