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Topics - Kieran99

I've said in my first post on here titled... 'life' that I wanted first hand advice before I began Astral projection myself so...feel free to help me here  :|   

I feel quite confident that this will come quite naturally to me going by my dream history and sixth sense. I'm quite comfortable with other worldly things and saw dead people when I was quite young. I feel on fire with this project in my life and have a burning desire to make this work and bring projection to a wider section of the population. I don't need to verify it because I instinctively know that it is as real as anything I can touch and feel. Thanks in advance people 8-)
Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Life
December 20, 2014, 00:05:17
Hi,  I go through 'life' just like most people but the difference is I will give validity to things that most people will dismiss because it scares them or 'proof' can not easily be offered.

I love dreaming.....going to sleep is a pleasure to me and I never know what to expect. I remember just before Princess Diana died in 97, I was 15 at the time and dreamt 5 days before of crashing in a racing car into a wall with a blonde woman in the car with me. After she died it took me a few days to realise the significance of my dream and tbh the significance of dreaming as a whole. Since that 'wake up' moment I have always looked upon dreaming as an extension of my life rather than 7-8 hours in bed revitalising myself for 'life'

'Life' to me is what I perceive so when I dream I give it as much respect as when I am in the waking world. Dreams fascinate me. I've had phases where I will analyse them to the nth degree about meaning and had belief they were some scheme to help me work out my waking moments(to me they can be) I've also had the prophetic moments like I mentioned but the dreams that fascinate me is when you become lucid and the dream becomes..'life' To begin with these were sometimes quite negative and I would find myself confronted by some negative entity/person and I would get quite angry and become quite confrontational...I would literally attack some horrible things with pure anger that they were any where near me. But over the years my dream lucidity has become ever more positive and mellow to the point where I rarely have a bad experience asleep.

In relation to the above though how much do you consider your experiences asleep with your waking moments in terms of 'living life' How real are they? Do you see them as prophetic? A way to work out waking world problems? Or as real as that waking world?