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Topics - Nje789

Every time I become lucid in a dream, AND something doesn't attack me right when this happens, I'll try to go somewhere-I'll slowly rise off the ground, then blast off, I'll see this blue energy aura around me for half a second, then I'll find myself in a very dark place, I'll see yellow eyes or something, a lot of them, hear laughing, then I'll feel something well, sorta just poking at my ribs, but it's all very creepy, and frustrating that I can't seem to go where I want AND go where I'd rather not go, and it's the same stupid place. [:(!]
I tried to self-heal my eyes yesturday, and after continuing to do the last part of the healing method I read about a few times, I'm not sure if I got strobbing to occure or not.  I could feel a lot of energy flowing through me, like warm waves, some of them made my sweat a little even, and my whole body felt like it was pulsing, but I don't know if it was a strobe or not.. It wasn't really pleasurable, not moreso than a good energy rasing session.  Btw, I've been practicing the NEW system for two months now, if it matters.
Don't reply unless you've healed something that normally wouldn't heal, like damaged eyesight or something.  I don't want a reply from someone that might not know what they're talking about.
Oh- and if I am getting the strobe, how long should it take to heal eyesight that's a little blurred in the distance?
I'm trying to clear up some of this confusion on which beliefs are true.  I'm doing this because I want to be free of this incarnation cycle.  First, there's "karma".  I don't believe in karma.  It's wrong, or it's not true.  Just astral' yur self over to onea those hells, and try to justify how someone can deserve that.  Next, there's two different main beliefs.  One is that you're in control of every incarnation you do, the other is some higher force is forcing you to reincarnate.  I don't know which one's right, but there's a few bits of evidence that it's actually the former.  For one thing, those hells are said to be created by beliefs, and those heavens suggest that you can atleast do what you want if you believe it's suppose to happen.  I'd like to hear some well educated opinions on this.  I don't want the opinion of someone that's done nothing but read a book, I only want veteran astral traveller experience-based opinions, from people aware of how to clear their perception from being interpreted in a distorted way.
Hello, Nje789. I have same problems, just can't go where I want to make my projection usefull. I guess you'll gain more control with more experience. Perhaps level of control depends on some other factors. Who knows?

robert says the same about doing too much energy work too fast.  if you go slow you should be fine.  

the feelings that accompany energy raising are due to friction or blockages.  the feel good energy type stuff is due to the energy not flowing as freely as possible.  i read somewhere that someone who is very experienced w/ energy raising will only feel a slight tingle when massive amounts of energy are moving through them.  

if you are feeling something substantial in your foot, there is a good chance it's a blockage.  just work on it slowly.  don't spend too much time on it.  have you tried the bandage tek that is in astral dynamics?  

i believe robert said it could take a whole lifetime to fill all of your storage areas.  why do you want to know if you sub-naval is full or not anyway?   you would still draw energy up through there if it were.  honestly, i think you would no w/out a doubt if it were full or not.  maybe that you asked is an indication that it isn't.

There are different ways of experiencing non-physical realms. The most difficult being in the way of a full-blown "out of body" style experience. The reason is because it takes an exceptionally high degree of mental control which generally takes a *lot* of practice to attain.

I always say that it's one thing talking about entering the Astral by flying through some entrance-structure (such as the one depicted on the back cover of Astral Dynamics) but it's quite another thing to actually do it!

The Focussed Attention methods of Bruce Moen rely on a series of concepts which are much "kinder" to the individual. With the traditional route, it's a full-on, right-in-your-face experience that's there is no getting away from (except for being zapped back to Physical). The Moen-route is a step back from this. Rather than experiencing situations directly, they are taught to build-up a mental picture from using a number of non-physical "tools".

The immediate advantage is that the moment anything starts to go awry, an individual is able to take a step back from the experience and hold it at arms length, so to speak. They are then taught to call on an "interpreter" to act as a kind of go-between. An interpreter's job is to offer advice on how best to proceed, or explain the nature of the circumstance, and so forth. Which is all very much easier on the senses.


Greetings Nje789,

Thank you for your comments.

I have to say that I haven't noticed any spam on these forums, and if I saw any the post would be deleted. There is a zero tolerance of spam here.

If anyone does notice any spam, then please send me a private message, and it will be dealt with.

With best regards,


Try some removal techniques, there are lots on this site, and in this forum. Learn to shield. Negs are annoying, but then so are mosquitos.

Hey nje789

Start reading the site and this forum, there is a lot of stuff suggested.

Best to you
Ive tried focus factor, not for astral projection but to enhance stuff.  It actually worked great I could feel my brain tingling where it was becoming more active.  It has those fatty acids though that help out.  My sister took some too when she was trying to study for liscense exams.. they really work.  

i didnt know about astral projection then..
I dont really know if enhancing your brain function would lead to OBE's.
Please let me simplify things for you. There is energy that you feel in yourself and have direct access to you. If you want to label it "chi" or "ki" or "prana" or "jing" or just plain "energy" that will not change its nature. You do not need words to feel your energy, to make use of it, and to increase it.  Whatever energy you have in you, this is the most powerful sort there is. When you read articles, books, web sites, and so on you are reading the experiences of other people put into words for the purpose of communication. It is still necessary for you to have the experiences for that communication to be completed. When this is done you can drop the words. No, there is no way to be certain that you are having the same experience which is being described. That can't actually be precisely done. Fortunately, the only authority you need is your own experience and judgment. What else do you need?
Hi Nje789

 You might be experiencing an succubus. Also negs sometimes try to attach to your root chakra & can cause sexual stimulation.  First off ---purchase Robert's book Practical Psychic Self-defense it has got the info that will help you to fend off attacks & stop it for good.  
 When did it begin?  In the meantime there is great info on this site under resources & also in the articles at You can also do back searches by typing in a word and see what others have written. There is a lot of helpful advice on these pages, you just have to look for it.
Here's some links-

  Some measures to try-- When feeling the attack do a cleansing ritual in the bath.  Take a handful of salt, sprinkle it in the water & Bless the water by praying over it...Submerge yourself a few times and visualize all negative energy coming off you & going down the drain.  You can also use some rosemary oil in  the showergel & shampoos for protection--always using prayer as this is what makes it work.  Get some protective herbs. Using prayer (always in whatever measure you use) bless them &  sprinkle them around your bedroom (rosemary & marjoram work well)  
Pray & ask God for the assistance of Archangel Michael to defend and protect you. A pentagram with a circle around it is protective so is a solar cross. They can be drawn on clothing with blue ink. I'd try one or the other & see which works the best for you. burning  moxa sticks is a good neg repellant too. you can find them on the net. I like the smokeless moxa.
  Post to let us know how you are doing. You need to start doing these things & get the book. You will feel better & have more energy.  
