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Topics - javey

.is always strikes me what a difference there is between religion and spirituality.If it were my experience,my interpretation would be that some part(s) of herself are telling her to at least be more open-if not believing- to and of these kinds of experiences,instead of being judgemental.I am not surprised by the fact that she is christian, as I have found many "good christians" to be very closed minded and very judging, if something doesn't fit into that particular belief system.
"Go home"-my interpretation is that of a higher self (the mother figure-kind of like a teacher or guide) telling her to re-discover who she really is.maybe she needs to ask herself-"do these experiences threaten the stability of my world view, and my view of what life is?"
I can tell her from direct experience (and I am absolutely sure I am not the only one!)that astral projection is not evil.It is a realization of our true nature,and a return to our true, expanded conciousness.It is an incredibly beautiful thing, that can help lead to the unfolding of a sense of compassion and love for others,as well as a love of freedom,and a generally expanded view of what we are.We, and I suspect, animals as well are made of light and vibration on various frequencys at the same time.this is what seems to create a percieved solid (lower vibration) and astral (higher vibration)bodys.
exploring these kinds of experiences could very well be seen as "going home".[:)]