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Topics - Fourthdimension

Whenever I project I can feel my brain move its really strange. Last time I projected "well i dunno how to describe it' but i kinda pushed eerything off of the table and the walls in my astral reality and i wanted to increase the energy but i felt if i continued my physical brain in my body would just malfunction.

Anyone else had any brain movements when projecting?

Which leads me to the different types of exits. when i first started the energy would build up from my legs and then increase at my head where i would hear the white noise and pop i was out. these were really realistic obes but then there are other exits where i just hear the noise or feel an intense feeling in my head and pop i'm out but these usually end in false awakenings are unreal scenarios in the aastral.

How can you control the type of exit and does the way you exit matter?

Lastly does the physical environment matter? when i was in england I projected and had realistic ap's of english scenario but in ukraine all of my ap's have felt very sinister and unreal. they always have ukrainian type landscapes in them too and i never dream of english landscape anymore.

I was thinking about chernyobl and i was wondering if radiation affects projection
Because i'm careless sometimes i might be walking along the road and the car slams its breaks in front of me or maybe in another instance i  will hit my head off of something.

so i continue walking down the street and because of all these false awakenings and understanding how fragile reality is......i get a thought.

"look behind you to make sure the car never ran you over and your not lying in the middle of the road dead"

so i turn around and check to make sure i haven't been killed without noticing it lol.

I dunno if this makes sense to you guys but i hope it does :)
Hey guys,

I have been registered here for many years now but I haven't been active in the last year and a half because I relocated to Ukraine, Kyiv from Britain,Newcastle.

Nice to see you all again. I hope the forum is still active as it use to be.

Finally I would like to ask if anyone here is Ukrainian or living in Ukraine? Although I highly doubt it.

See you guys around the forum

Sometimes it gets a bit frightening.
I somehow project and then I return to my body and think I'm awake. Everything seems so real. The texture of the bed, the wood. The room looks perfectly normally and then I wake my wife up beside me and she acts perfectly as I expect her too but all the while I'm still asleep and this has all just been a false awakening.

So, I try to wake myself up and there I am again in the same scenario until I realise I'm still asleep and this can happen 10 times a night and it makes me feel trapped as if I am starting to loose touch with reality and as if reality is just temporary perception.

Somehow I always wake myself up.

What this has led to is a:) the appriciation of how powerful the subconscious mind is because I suppose those whole scenarios were fabrications of my subconsciousness. B:) a contingency plan to somehow wake me up from my dream.

Ok, so setting an alarm to go off 3 hours after you go to bed can prevent this problem but I have been looking for other tecniques such as when I wake up I would say to my wife "am I dreaming". I told her to say "strawberries" if I'm not dreaming.

So, I begin to have false awakenings and I say "am I dreaming" and my wife says "strawberries" so I thought great am not dreaming.
but I was dreaming. some how my subconscious intergrates every contingency plan or idea i have to prevent false awakening into my false awakenings so it's impossible to tell if i'm dreaming.

has anyone got any ideas how A:) use these false awakening to my full advantage, B:) find an exit method to wake up from them?

Has anyone experienced something like this?

Sometimes I can even project from these false awakenings
I have had many years experience at projection. I have noticed that there is different types of projection which is dependant on the exit.

Firstly, there is the projection exit where before i project i get vibrations running up my legs and all the way to my head before pop....exit.

These usually result in RTZ projections and i believe these are real however I still havent seen enough valid evidence to prove this.

Secondly, there is the projection where i just get vibrations in my head and pop...i'm out. Sometimes I can even feel parts of my brain move when I pop out. Ironically I searched up the part of the brain that I feel moving and it's the Amygalda which is closely linked to projection.

These kind of projections result in very surreal but not higher realm projections. more like lucid dreams.

Has anyone else experienced different exit symptoms which result in different types of projections?

I'm not saying I disbelieve in projection. I'm just saying there is no validation for it for instance when I project it might be night but in my projection it's day. On the other hand when I lived in england I use to project into my local city but now that I have moved to Ukraine I project into the ukrainian environment which does have some validation.

Either way, I don't care if these projections are my psycholoigcal problems or something with a more spiritual meaning because either way I enjoy them
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Pre-projection imagery
October 21, 2014, 07:32:29
Hey guys,

I haven't posted for a long while but I have been accumulating my questions and experiences till I had time to post them.

Here is one of the questions in relation to my experiences.

Every now and then I will be mediating and pretty much as soon as I start meditating I will get imagery behind my eyelids while still awake and lying in bed and fully conscious.

Usually, it's just an everyday mundane scnery such as a man and a woman cooking in the kitchen and I'm watching them.

What is this?

I don't bel;ieve in aliens or anything else. I'm not crazy but this is just a question that I have been wondering for awhile.
Does anyone see different shades of darknbess within the darkness and some of the darkness moves as if it is different from the other darkness around it.
Hi sometimes I project by letting a unexplainable feeling take place betwenn my brow and third eye that only symptoms are a type of pulsating vibration which increases and then I phase.

Last night I had 3 very short obes on the last I felt the pulsating vibrations coming but they were strongest I ever felt and for sone reason I felt at risk. So I asked to view what I was feeling and seen this huge spiralling green vortex in which  you could see ring upon ring of green energy which spiralled and got bigger as they reached the outer edges of the circle.

I felt threatened as if once i enter I wont be able to come back.

so i came back to physical.

anyone else experienced this or know what it is?

Yesterday I projected and found myself with a negative entity which took the form of my brother and I felt threatened by it as if it wanted to posses or consume me.

This isn't the first time its bhappened a few month back I projected but rather than seperating I just slightly moved my focus so it was non-physical and then practiced energy work but then as I turned around to view my body body's face was awake and laughing at me and I had a type of infection on my face that looked like lots of cuts.

Is this possible? What is it?

Hey :)

Thiis aint got nothing to do with astral projection so I dont know where to post it. I know there is lots of good movies with good effects but this movie I just watched I felt inclined to share because its meaningful in its message.

Enjoy :)
Hi :)

I dont drink much now i have quit heavy drinking for more than a year (apart from the bottles i decided to buy now lol I decided to treat myself ) anyhow.......I have also quit cannabis and amphetimines however when i use to be high or drunk and attempt energy work i would feel like they disturb or disrupt my energy techniques and energy body?

Does intoxiacating substances disrupt or disturb the energy blody or techniques used?
During my projection i fell outside my bedroom door anmd couldnt move then i noticed a black tube lodged in my shoulder (deltoid). I grabbed the tubed and pulled it in order to tretch it from wherever its orign was to outside my bedroom so i could move again.

what was the tube? it definatly wasnt the silver cord?

Thanks :)
Hi...another quick question,

I was gonna walk through my back door......I put my hands through it and was about to walk through it but instead door just opened.

I know..again....I could just be confused because i was thinking maybe i never walked through the door but instead intent could have manifested myself astrally on the otherside of the door.

anyone else had any similar experiences ? or any suggestions explaining this?

thanks :)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Question about RTZ?
June 06, 2012, 23:10:48
Hi :)

In brief........

I just spent about 2hrs trying to project into RTZ. I projected and I noticed some differences in the way things looked such as.............
-doors open that wasnt open
-houses in different locations in relation to where i was

I thought about it and thought maybe i was disorientated or confused or misjudged where i was in my haste to achieve what i intended to do and the houses that i seen could be other houses nearby which then would make sense.

so the question is.......if things i seen that were in different locations assuming i never misjudged then was this still a projection into the rtz?

I usually try to avoid energy work before bed or whilst lying in bed but sometimes I don't get much time so the latter is my only opertunity to practice energy work and proection.

I practiced energy work and meditation ust 4 hours ago for a duration of 1 and a half hours but couldnt project so I decided to roll over and try to sleep but I ust couldn't 'click-out' even after lying in bed for 3 hours I couldnt click out lol :)

Does anyone else experience this ?

Is it ust because of my body recieving more energy or charging up or whatever that it causes insomnia because it happens quite often or is it placebo or can anyone suggest/give another reason?


P.S. Looks like my 24hr day turned into a 30+hr day :( lol
Hey People , Well I aint posted in a long while and since I last did my life has went through drastic changes and i feel  i must first  describe these changes in order to be more specific. Although the extra info i have included might not be relevant i have included it just incase it is.

A change in thought process and a switch from been highly spiritual and projecting often and having efficent dream recall to been not as spiritual and having inefficient dream recall if any and some projections but without been able to recall them (I know wierd to explain how i can say projections without recall because without recall how do you know you projected).

As for diet i went from been 13stone 9 too 9 stone 9 in three months i started using ephedrine then stopped , cannabis then stopped and now amphetimine (not meth) the reason i use phet is becase i want to develop a bettter body to be brief and so use it too train

Also i have got aspergers syndrome and people with aspergers tend to be prone to bi-polar or depression and although i have drastic mood swings i cant say i am depressive in general just over contemplative and i cant say I hhave bi-polar at all.

With that said I would like to start to describe what brung upon the thoughts I am about to describe...............

Saturday 14:00hr I woke up and Last ate at 23:00 hours on Saturday before going home from work at 01:00hr Sunday morning and smoking alot (not cannabis or intoxicating substances) and Snorting 1gram of Amphetimines from coming home till 16:00 hours Sunday. The last time I had drunk any liquid was about 04:00 hours Sunday morning and from I spent all of time from Sunday 01:00 till 04:00 hours Saturday on the laptop chatting and went a total of 38 hours without sleep, 36 hours without food and about 24 hours without water

As I woke up 12:00 Monday morning and went to the shop for food and coffee.
I got home and was arguing/discussing something with my friend when i had what i think is a dream recall....I dont usually recall dreams in this way but for a second i had thought something or something was said that bought me to this memory that i felt submerged in and then when i clicked back to reality i could still see it like a screen over my eyes but i could still see everything normally but i could see this mental imagery of the screen and on the screen i felt like it was me but everything about *him was different but down at the core i knew he was me just not in this reality but i couldnt see the screen and it was all blurred but it felt like i already knew what was happening i just couldnt tune into it and I believe it to be a dream recall i believed that if i could pluck the strings in my memory and find a relation between me and the screen then i could once again submerge my self into the dream imagery and recall it in my physical waking state.

I have had this a few times and it happened alot when i was 15 ,16 years old and when i can recall the dream it makes me feel an amazing feeling of inspiration,motivation,love ,happiness,perfection,understanding its like all those combined and its like the feeling we call butterflies but this time i couldnt recall it but in my stomache it still gives me a feeling i cant describe nor determine what it is.

Anyhow , I told my friend about this and this lead us to stop arguing because we just talked about that out of interest and then I was apologising for my behaviour and said am not just like that with you recently I have been like this with everyone avoidant of people , feeling lost , without hope, down, unmotivated and uncaring not only uncaring that i feel that way but turning from been very caring person who gets attatched to people and adds sentiment to everything to been very objective about people like not attaching meaning or sentiment and in general the feeling of been lost while seeing so many routes to take but doesnt know which one so i just sit down and not take any (all though sitting down not making a choice may be a route in itself)

From this i told her i remember when this started and it wasnt just in the last month (it has been only a physical manifestation in the last month until then these feelings ande life style was not significantly present in my life) It started sometime near the start of the year........(as if scrying my memory) It was January ....Mid January , from about the 20th or round about that time...........

My friend asked what happened for things to get as they are.........was it Minor event A(I dont wish to disclose this) ......No i said thats irrelevant it was ..... I dunno what it was ....Then i remember but my answer is nonsense..."its the darkness and the cold".....I dont directly remember this event I remember in January feeling this and It felt like In 2007 November which bought me into this state of lost and depressive from november 2007 till september 2008.

I know there has been times before November in 2007 this has happened but in 2007 i remember clearly what happened.
I had cycled 20 miles to kayak and then when i finished kayaking i realised my  bike had broke and it was 7pm , dark, cold and i had ate all my food and drank all my drink and had left my money at home so i had to walk 20 miles home with the bike and 2 stone rucksack along the beach and i was feeling inadequate to my own self image of having endurance stronger than steel and motivated ect because i realised i was weaker than i thought which lead me to been low in moral and I was looking out at the ocean at the darkness because thats all there was blackness and I thought life was worthless there is nothing and no hope and me myself and life in general is worthless whats the point in doing anything when in the end there is nothing and it felt like there was something in the darkness not a manifestation of anything maybe just the  darkness itself that makes me feel like this that plants a thought in my head like this

I was thinking of been home with mmy family that i then lived with by this luminated fire that glows stronger in my mind than it ever could in reality and the heat and warmth and the glow that brightens up the darkness  and food and the eleborated thought of love which was all an exageration and i thought even when am home with my family in the light what will it matter the darkness will always be there and a nice life a good life is only a temporary because sometime or another that light will cease and love will fade and the food will be ate and young will be old and life will be death  and with the abscense of all these only the darkness whats the point.

I know myself or so i thought till now and so i knowing myself i realise that i need to pick myself up so i do and at the time i thought i erradicated this seed of thought that infects me but really i just hide it by covering it with motivation and ideals and ideas and hopes and dreams but if this is just nothing more than a not been able to live up to my self expectations then no amount of optimism can erradicate the seed thats planted until the expecations are met

and so slowly emotions change and optimism slowly decays to pessimism maybe it wasnt anything maybe just the cold and the dark nights that lowered my moral and slowly the seed of thought becomes unburied till an event at that time it was a specific event 21st of april 2008 sends me crashing in spirals of avoidance and feelings of lost as this event finally seeps the last optimism and lets the seed of thought overtake.

It happens once every few years but i always recover maybe its hard and slow maybe slow isnt the word and it feels like torture

so the question is can anyone give me advice to what this ? of is it spiritual? is it psychological? pshsyiogical ?maybe just bad philosophy?

any replies would be good

Note: sometimes it really does feel like a manifestation that intentionally lures me in and seeps all this optimis
delete please
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Comedy concerning religion
September 19, 2011, 10:16:36

Note: may offend some and views expressed are not of my own although he has a good sense of humour :)
Hey Guys,

I was just walking home today and was thinking to myself about plants and there consciousness . Well firstly i must say i am stoned now and i was stoned when i thought this (I know AP does not promote the use of drugs :P ) and also as a child i was scared of flowers which is the most unsual fear of all but it would seem alot weird of i told you the psychology behind it haha :)
Anyhow i thought or assumed that although we dont come from hear instead we just create this to use for our experiences but i feel that whilst inhabiting this body we are mainly rooted here and this feels like the only possible reality and state of mind and that we could nt possibly have a etheric body or astral body although i know we do but what am trying to say is that whilst we are in this body we feel like this earth is home but yet when we sleep we unconsciously seep our consciousness into the depths of the astral and all other planes but then this idea came to me whilst walking past some plants as i have been studying there biology alot lately and so was randonly thinking about them and i ll explian the string of thoughts i had......I thought that if you clone a plant which means taking a cutting and putting it in water till it grows leaves and can be repotted. if when the plant is cut there still must be life energy in it in order for the plant to still grow roots so this means that when we eat fresh vegetables etc which are extremely good for us and onions which are bulbs which still grow if planted then this means we are consuming there life energy in order to benefit for our health. I wonder if vegeterians would see plants different if they knew that lol or at least assumed it. Anyways i was thinking from then that if its alive it does nt do much but grow and can be stimulated with energy to grow but other than that it has no traits or characteristics which define it in a specific way so i was thinking what happens if plants are just as alive as me and you and can act in an animated way but only in the astral because the astral could be there home the place they feel rooted and just as we uncounsciously drift into the astral during sleep the plant has a bi product of its animated exsistence in the astral which is its growth on earth as an unanimated object . just a crazy thought
Hey guys,

I took the week off to chill and relax and enjoy myself and during that process i enjoyed the movie Inception.
Firstly, i was pretty high when watching this movie and it was so surreal and amazing so if i make any mistakes about the role or storyline its probally because i was'nt straight headed when i watched it.

For any that dont know the storyline i thought it was about mind control.  How we can be made to shift consiousness between different realities and just as when dreaming most of the time not realise anythig had changed. There is then a team of architects, forgers ad other job roles such as chemist who extract information or implant information and ideas in te persons mind via dream state. the architech creates the dream scape and the more obscure and unfamilliar the landscape is to the dreamer the more the person realises it is a dream . There is also a role for the subconsious in this film which defends itself like whiteblood cells defend the body but the subconsious defends itself from implant and extracted information and the people responsible for this and the lead guy has a subconsious problem about the role his wife played in his wife and so gets attacked by his subconsious also.

Great movie .

I was just curious about this.......

Ok , well we all know lucid dreaming is possible and used by psychology so since that is more reliable tha bringing projection into this lets just stick with ld

Now , lets theorise without assuming things , lets theorise that dreaming is a shared ,social type interaction. where dreamers interact with each other and each others dream scape where there is a lot of subconsious effects underlying the whole dream.

Now giving this as fact for the time been which of course it is nt fact but just for theorie sake lets say it is.

IF all the above is true then that means the idea of stealing information or planting ideas . it makes it possible. giving that the majority dont know there dreaming and only a few can really use the dream to great potential.

I truly belief that this would be possible.
without been a conspiracy theorist i could just imagine what would happen if goverments got there hands on this type of technology if they have nt all ready.

the power of been able to do this is limitless.

on the other hand maybe am talking rubbish

take care
Guys this drives me crazy. I lie in bed and begin my technique or method to project and then some where during this i click out and then just as i am about to exit i become consiously aware again.

Sometimes i even practice and then roll over too sleep to get exit sensations during my sleep and seperate form my body to project.

its like i put conscouse effort in to find myself click out and then be pushed back into awareness later on. its so weird
Guys , for everyone who does not keep a dream diary i would like to post here the same post i posted in the astral pulse facebook forum which i have coppied below

QuoteFor the people who take a dream log foregranted haha - no names mentioned "Kimmmmmmmmmmm" haha. Well Kim, you know about my recent lifestyle and how it has prevented me from projecting in the last few months and how during this time i lost interest in keeping a dream journal but for the last few nights i have started to compile a new dream journal. Trying to maximise my dream recall which is slowly making progress. Well, last night using Ryan Tasker (xanths) phasing primers but once i got out into the 3d blackness i remember thinking "right all geared up to go" and then setting off on my journey hhaha but i can only assume that because i have not been practicing dream recall alot in the past months i totally forgot my experience upon waking. So guys KEEEP a dream journal haha otherwise when you project you might just be wasting your time and effort like done last night
take care
Hey guys, I had a few weird dreams lately where in my dreams i have been an observer actively participating and interacting in the dream scenario. I know that is contradictory i mean how can i observer a dream whilst interacting as well. It does'nt make sense.

In the dreams i feel like i am me but i am in a diffrent dream body or have a difrent role in society or a diffrent life most are fictional and based in fantasy. I feel as if i am choosing my actions in these dreams but maybe i am not , maybe these characters have already choosen the choice that i will pick in those dreams.

I know that for people with our unorthdox beliefs we get labelled alot as new age dreamers, people living in a fantasy, dullusional by members of our society although as we know for ourselves most of us not including kurtykurt are more grounded and down to earth and aware than the rest of society (only joking kurtykurt mate). So in my approach to astral projection as with most members who actively participate in this forum i try to use a scientific approach aswell as not jump to conclusions and never conclude anyhting irrational unless there is no room for ratioanlity.

In saying that , at first i broke my rule and jump to irrational cunclusions that maybe these dreams are my lifes in parelle universes or maybe in the past but the fact is i am not able to rule out the rational to be able to conclude the irrational thought that maybe i am right . The thing is although instictively i am sure that this could be true but whole heartdley i know this is wrong because the characters in those dreams have ranged from assasins to princes lol. so i guess ratioanlity steps in and kicks my butt back to reality and lets me know this cant be true.

But then what could these dreams be? I was consicous and aware in these dreams but they were nt lucid but felt luvid in a diffrent sense. they were very diffrent.

Thanks Guys, take care
Hey guys,  Xanth feel free to move this if i posted in the wrong place.

Have you ever had those days were time seemed to be going faster or slower? I myself have agreed with others that pheraps it never went any faster or slower in pace but instead it is how i percieved it because i was having too much or too little fun. maybes?

What happens though if time does speed up or slow down maybe its depeding on some external factors such as the sun or the moon or something in the universe that just makes time speed up faster than or slow down. ?

I watched a program a few months back which i can barley recall but do remember them sayin that time slows down or speeds up depending on the speed of the object percieving it and its location in our universe and it was actually einstein i think who said that. something about how when a large enough mass such as the earth is placed in the universe the space around it moulds into a diffrent shape to hold the mass which in turn distorts time and gravity? i think.

I also remember reading that for everything in this universe there is an exact oppsoite so in that case if there is time here on the other side of the universe there must be a galaxy just like ours with people just like us but no time or maybe theres just nothingness.

I also read that if an atom moves on one side of the universe then the counterpart of the atom on the oppsite side of the universe moves at exactly the same moment and in exactly the same way but does counterpart not refer to an opposite ? if it does then how can the opposite of time move just like time at exactly the same moment is nt that just the same as time? now i have confused myself.

anyways see you guys later
thanks for reading my pondering thoughts
Hey guys, I was meaning to write this yesterday but got distracted. I was talking to some members from this site and read some posts here regarding sex and masturbation and that they are unhealthy spiritually and phsyically. something which i dont think is true. I was going hiking yesterday so on my journey i had a think about what was said into discussion.

my friend thinks that masturbation is unhealthy and so is watching porn and when i say unhealthy i refer to both physically , mentally and spiritually.

If this is true then sex must also be unhealthy since the same process happenes except its with another person.

I think its not unhealthy and its the total opposite i think its healthy ... spiritually i think thaty sex and masturbation help unblock the root charka and develop it. physically sex helps us reproduce, to some extent gives us exercise and feels good and menatally sex helps us explore the other person and ourselves and gain trust etc and masturbation mentally helps us explore ourselves and fantasies.

for millennia, sex has been used in religous practice and rites ...what changed was the rise of christianity in our modern day society and fear of ourselves.

I wanna conclude by explaining why i think people think masturbation is bad. as it is pretty obvious why sex is considered bad and thats mainly because of christianity and because of the movement during the 60's and all through the 20th century.

I think masturbation is considered bad firstly because when we do it we try to think of what turns us on and our own fantasies. People are not comfertable with that as most are nt about sex there about power and people dont feel comfertable known that  they find this attractive or that they are beings capable of thinking some bizare stuff . Are simply they just dont wanna feel un moral (if thats a real word)

I cant remember what else i was gonna right so i ll just leave it at that.

bye :)
Lol firstly i bet some people take this serious and belief me or belief that i belief this which i dont. I am just in a light hearted mood in between sad and happy listening to a local band called dire straits whom happen to be the first band to make a music video that showed on mtv

Anyways , I done good and i have nt drunk any alcohol for 2 month and my emotional problems now seem so distant but today i had a stressful day although am not sad about as we all know life only throws at us the cards we need to learn our lesson before we go to eternal bliss

I just drank a bottle of wine which is not much compared to what i usually drink and you know theres something i have missed about been in this state of mind it sort of enlightens me to the irony of life and the joke of life :D

Apart from tis site i dont really tell everyone at leat not in detail about my own beliefs i guess the opening paragraph to monroes book was right when he said one soon learns to keep this to himself  but on occasions when people mention death to me and talk to me about some past experience i have this is what i tell them

" You know you all put death down like its some gloomy place but look around you can you see any thing that makes u wish this could go on for ever. war, crime, betrayl and much more and even if there was none of that why would i want to be limited to this physical plane. I am not scared of death i look forward to the bliss it vrings to the eternal peace and the limitless exploration , its here and now that is the chore it is this life that is the misson death is but the prize . People then talk about my experience i had in life which am gonna not bother putting into this and they somehow assume that because i say the above i am sucidal but i tell them that we only get prizes and presents if we deserve them and so quitting now and killing oneself does not make us worthy. Quitting makes us weak.
If i want to EARN this prize called death i am gonna give life my best so when i get to there ever after i can say to myself....look son yountried your best and when excrement hit the fan you never quitted so just enjoy what ever bliss you can get"

When i was younger and more eager i lived by two sayings mainly becaus eof my personality type and because of what the sayings meant

HE WHO DARES WINS - you put yourself in a postion no man wants to be in and you see it through you ll be on top if you loose at least you had a life of experience in what others did not

either way there is no in between no matter what people thing....she cant love you then like u. she either loves you or hates you.

you cant settle for the foot of the mountiain if you wanna get to the top

and hey if u stumble down in an avalanche of snow at least you tried

so keep your chin up , pull those gloves tight and beat the excrement out of life so at least he knows u aint a ******
To be honest although i have at times felt the presence of astral entities or seen humans in my astral projection i have never encountered an entity that is not of human form or a form i am not use to such as a cat but this morning i was keep annoyingly been woking up by this woman who was keep ringing me every hour or something it felt like torture haha anyways during this i remember waking up and thinking to myself "ok am a wake lets get out of bed" but instead just lied there and in that moment i saw something land on my foot which i thought was an insect so i just moved my foot to get it off . It stung felt like a very sharp bite and then i started to notice one or two floating above my head and they looked like they were trying to catch me off huard to bite or suck something from me but as i kept looking i noticed there was loads of them in the air and that my mouth was open.

I was trying to shut my mouth but could nt and i was trying to move but at the time it did nt feel like i could nt move it felt more like a delay in what i wanted to do and what i am doing as if something between my thought and physical body was not in sync. I then woke up and was unsure wether i had actually been asleep or if i actually did see them but since i have not seen them again i presume it was sleep state that this happened and that the part where i could not move was a form of sleep parylsis

I woke up because that girl had called my phone again and this time i was very grateful.
When i woke up i could still feel/recall those bites and i just thought maybe it was just a very lucid dream but then as i kept thinking of it i remembered that a while ago i had the same dream with the same sort of insect creatures in them which felt just like this one.

The creatures looked like a moth except imagine the moth as a razor blade looking thing of course made of flesh not metal.

Now though i am really curious and wondering if this was actually some sort of entity trying to feed from me?

What do you guys think?
Firstly , I am not a person who believes in conspiracy theories or David Icke nor do i believe in aliens are search the skies for flying saucers.
I do not dismiss these claims. I do toss those ideas around in my head but none of them really enters my mainstream belief of reality i prefer to seperate the two.

Today whilst tossing these ideas around i decided to ask my friend her belives and she looked at me as if i need sectioned and threw in a cage and locked away.

I dont understand how mainstream religons such as christianity can claim there is a manifestation of a man in the sky that created everything and some how find this literal idea sane whilst dismissing ideas of aliens and astral projection as insane.

How can they find this any less sane than there ideas and concepts of god.

another thing i wanna moan about is that christianity and most other relgions agree that i have a soul. if I HAVE a soul then my soul is in my posession which must mean i can use it however i want since i am it and it is me.

so if i am this soul how is it cray to belive that i can use this soul and experience the world and others as purely just a soul. Ok well maybe it would sound a bit insane to some people but considering that christians say that I HAVE a soul but a man in the clouds sitting on a throne decides wether it goes to heaven or not. if it does nt it will go to hell . a place below the earth engulfed in fire with demonic figures whom torture and rape my poor soul . so then really if this is the case and i cant use my soul at all and god controls what happens to it then i cant really say I HAVE a soul.

so how can christians and other religons judge us on our belief when they sound like the total crazy people whos belief is based totally on some fantasy book created by over exagerated stories and a millenia of killing and murder and war all in the name of that man who according to them sits in the clouds.

damn hypocrits if there beliefs correct i must be able to shoot lighten bolts from my butt and melt objects with my eyes.

no offense to anyone of a main stream religon unless your one of the hypocrits in which i mentioned above who think there belives are the only right way to so called f****n salvation and if you are you need to get a life and stop dreaming and stay away from magic mushrooms cause there what got you into this mess to start with

thanks for reading
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Irrelevant chit chat
March 19, 2011, 19:43:35
Hey guys, as i said in my last post my head is bogged down with distractions from everyday life that i cant think of anything constructive to post and relevant to astral how about something irrelvant   :D

Firstly, How is everyone?

Secondly, despite my girlfriends objections i went for a walk with my ex on the beach as me and her or good friends and considering whats been happeneing in mine and my girlfriends relationship she has a cheek to object. anyways as i was saying as me and my ex walked on the beach we got talking and she likes to visit abandoned asylums as she studys psychology the same as me and is pretty intriqued by the paranormal / unexplained side of things.

Upon our walk i decided to come out the bag about projection and try and explain this to her. She is very educated and of course she is a damn shrink in training so i had a hard job explaining this to her and in the end quit before i failed.

I briefly asked her if she new anything about the subject or NDE's . but she never

i started to relate it to lucid dreams and explain but i heard myself saying it and realised that to the average person i would seem crazy and so to a shrink i must seem like i need severe help haha.

So i gave up and decided that i would try it from a diffrent angle and bring god into the equation but of course she never believed in god.

so i had no ground to explain astral projection and seem sane . so i just gave up till another time.

Has anyone else experienced this? problems explianing projection without seeming insane?

p.s dont hesitiate to post about random stuff in this thread and get to know each other

to xanth , sorry again if this is spamming the pulse :D
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Good website
March 19, 2011, 19:30:53
Hey guys, I have not been active much in the past few months. I keep sitting down and attempting to post on here but my thought process is either interupted by knattering women, work, study or just plain fatigue lmao

So i have nt posted alot.

I do read posts alot though that you guys post and i remember about 5 years back when i started searching for more information on astral projection the first site i found that i learned the fundementals from was

its not a forum its purely just articles she writes and stores for refrence.
unfortunatly it does not seem to be very active anymore if at all.

Anyways, if the creator of that site visits this forum sometimes i would like to thank her for providing me with the fundemental knowledge to experience the astral and make my own descions on it.

Xanth, if this is spam i apologise

Thanks guys
well me and my gf have been having some disagreements. she said she was going to leave me yesterday before i went to sleep.

so of course i went to sleep lamenting about her.

i dreamt that i awoke in this cabin.
it was wooden with only one floor and small like a builders cabin.

i was lying on a bench as i was adressed by a woman
there was another woman and a man with her
i recognised these to be my great nana (dead), my aunty(living as far as i know), another guy who i know from somewhere other than this reality.

I was ill, weak and fragile as if i was missing something vital. My love maybe?
these people were comforting me and making me feel better . They told me not to bother trying to get back with this girl because she wont and then they set off to get some fire wood. they opened the door to the cabin and outside was snow. it was like a russian climate.

i felt guilty that i could not follow them and help them with the wood as they were old and what if they tripped?

i could nt though i was nt strong enough. as i lay draped with a thin cotton blanket as i watch them disappear down a slight slope into the forest which must be in a valley . they leave the door open but am too weak to shut it as a child sees my weakness and throws snowballs at me through the open door.

this has a meaning it stood out.
i dreamt about both my nan's dying the day before they died and they were telling me they were going so the first thing on my list to check is if my aunty who i think is living is still alive.

if she is then i have know idea what this means.

anyone else have any ideas?
Hey guys ,
well without a doubt i wank alot probally 6 times a day sometimes if i dont have sex.
anyways i am starting a new health regime and i had time to kill during workout sets so i decided to search up wether wanking is good or bad for you.
upon finding its not bad i also found out that it uses alot of bio-energy .
i did nt know what bio-energy is and since its 2am i did nt really care but nevertheless i just googled it and whilst reading numerous articles i scanned 2 keywords of great interest.....aura and astral body.
one website claims that bio-energy is the same as the astral body.

so i thought well.....if i dont wank for a week ..noit even once....."how am gonna do tht ,god only knws haha"
then i will have more bioenegry so the more you have of something the easier it is to use.

so maybe the less i wank the more i project

so if anyone else wants to join in this experiment and not wank for at least a week and record how many projections you have using the same methiod all the way through it will be interesting to see wether it we get good results or just the same

take care
Hey guys, Well today am feeling rather patriotic not about my country but about the town where i was born. In my personal oppinion the western world is to overated and i deeply despise it but out of all the west there is just one place i like and thats my home:)

I'm a Geordie and if people dont know what that is. It is a person from Newcastle upon Tyne in England.
Back in a colourful history we have been invaded by saxons,vikings,Scots, English and so our dialect is very weird. It has norweign words in it and sounds scottish. It use to have lots of vocab diffrent than english and still does but at one time there was a lot more and it use to be like our own kinda language now its no more than a regional dialect.

The town was built in AD122 to protect the bridge that goes over the tyne and so they established a fort there. Alos we have the start of the hadrians wall which was one of the borders of the roman empire later in history the border was pushed far into scotland but they could nt hold postion and so the only defensive remains left is the hadrians wall.

We are an industrious town and use to live from the river. We are renowned for our boat building skills and mining and it was home to st bbede and so at one time was one of the main parts of the roman empire.

There is lots about our town
here is a few music videos


jimmy nail - big river

cushy butterfield -

am coming home

lambton worm -

How about everyone else come tell us about your dialect or country :)
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Define love?!
November 13, 2010, 21:10:31
Ok firstly i just finished work and its 2am so am not feeling the love right now lol
But what just is love?

Define unconditional love between a child and mother?
The love between two lovers?
The love for god and life?
Define love as an energy or without a manifestation through actions?

Just what is love and what gives all the above types of love a connection for those to fit in the same catagorie.
most people i know see love as an action between two individuals such as sex or giving a present to someone or a compasiionate remark.
but as a no physical manifestation what is love is love an external force which influences us to act in a loving way

well thts my 2am ranting over
night night take care :)
Well as i said in my last post that i never projected in a while except a few minor dreams until last night.

Firstly the minor dreams.......

I was in bed with my friend sanda(just sleeping lol there had been a mix up with rooms). She had told me to stop snoring all night so at one pint i just got up and sat by the window and looked at the beautiful romanian city. I finally attempted to sleep and instead of sleeping i was about to drift off when i heard my self snore and became lucid in my dream. In my dream what i thought was sanda was vomitting on my neck and i felt she was viscous as if she wanted to consume me and then i roled off of the bed to prevent it and woke up.
as soon as i lied down i feel back into a lucid dream and the same happened again except this time i realised it was nt sanda but i felt i recognised the entity and it was female.
Then before i rolled off the bed i shouted "help" to sanda in hope my physical mouth would move and she would wake me up. yet she never heard me and i discussed this with her and she felt a bit insulted at the way i thought of her as the monster in my nightmare.


I was in moldova at sandas mams house and sanda slept in the spare bed room and said i could have her bedroom because it had a nice view of moldova. When i slept the cats cuddled up with me and set off my allergies but nevertheless the broken sleep patterns from sneezing made me project and again in the room i briefly remeber that woman coming to get me vomitting on me.

I told sanda this but she never thought much of it she thought it was rude of me as if i was suggesting the entity was from her.

From all this i thought to myself maybe its not a lucid dream maybe it is some sort of entity attached to me but then came last nights dream.

Last nights dreams:

First lucid full blown dream i have had in a while and at first i thought it was a projection. i settled in my bed and prepared myself for to project.

When i first projected i never realised that i went back a few years and i was in my bedroom with my brother and sister and for some reason they were sleeping in a big large bed with me and my brother started to be sick on the back of my kneck just as the woman had and i felt he was evil and wanting to extinguish me.
So i phased out in an oblivion style just scattered my energy in a void of nothingness then decided to go back and again my brother was doing the same by been sick on me and evil so i decided instead of running i ll send all my positive energy to him to stop him from hurting me and it worked.
I then decided i wanted to go to the moon and so i floated as high as i could but never quite seemed to reach the glowing white orb of a moon in the sky but around me were people floating with me and so i thought to myself the most silliest thing ever. I thought that if what ever is making them float stops and they all fall i ll be the only one floating cause am projecting so i ll float down to save them. Then i went back to my bed and woke up in the lucid dream again back in my mams house in bed with my bro and sis and then i deceided i wanted to project and see if i can walk down the stairs and open the kitchen door and it worked so i woke back up in my room in bed with my bro and sis and then i decided to projected to my next door neighbours house. so i got up and i walked outside and down the stairs and around and visoned the gates open so i did nt have to try and open them and then i went in to my neighbours room and she saw me and the thing i did was so unexpected. i had some sort of material in my hands that i rubbed on her neck violentkly before waking up. My brother woke up screaming to although i was still in my lucid dream. I asked him what was wrong he told me about the neighbour and i explained to him that it was nt him it was me and broke down in tears saying i dont know why it happened.

Then i woke up from my lucid dream and realised that my room back from a few years ago and my bro and sister were all a lucid dream.

I realised i could nt have projected other wise i would nt have been in the room with my bro and sister and my neighbour would nt of saw me also the people floating to the moon with me would nt of been there also.

my guess is either it was a lucid dream or maybe something subconsious i need to solve.

But the question still stands after all my experience i understand every part of it except the woman been sick on my kneck. If it was nt a projection she could nt have been really she had to be a manifestation of my self.  a metaphor but of what i cant say. :)
thanks for reading take care
Hey guys just wanted to let you know about a weird experience i have had and my explanation for it.
Well recently (as in the past 3months) My friend has helped me find a solution to past problems and i told her all about my past and in she knows all about my believe in astral projection and although she is open to experience new stuff she is still ver critical towards astral projection the last time i seen her she told me that "now my problems have been resolved i most likely will stop projection as projections is my own little manifestation of a world where nobody can hurt me etc" i never took her comment seriously but some how since i have nt had one projection or vivd lucid dream till last night which i ll explain in a diffrent post.

I had mild occurences of slight lucid dreams which also i ll explain in my next post anyhow all in all this is why i think i have nt had a projection in a ,agrrement,disagreements all welcome

I think its because i really trusted her alot and everyword she says is difested into my tiny little brain as "true" so i guess i trust her alot and when she said that i wont project cause its blah blah blah and down to all my problems well i guess my mind might have took that as a suggestion even if i did nt consiously recognise it and so no matter how hard i tried to project i could nt because somewhere in my mind it realised i had no problems and thus no projections. like the suggestion she made could have somehow made me condition myself to asscociate my projections with my problems.

Thats the only explanation i could find.
Going off topic and on a more interesting note i just had the most crazy woman politly demand me to remove my tea and coffee from the college library because....shes allergic to coffee.....god i felt like telling the damn puta that am drinking the coffee not her so i dnt give a rats arse wether she is allergic or not lmao.

anyways thanks for reaidng
Hi guys long time no speak , sorry just been a little busy.

Anyways ,I recently downloaded google earth and had a mess around with it and i guess like you guys i am curious and checked out places like area 51 etc.

Firstly am not asking whats at area 51 or anyother crazy place . I am just saying suppose that area 51 is only a weapons testing ground and we all believe that its some mysterious place. Well since our thoughts can manifest in such cases as hollow heavens and hells and in our everyday life but in the astral they manifest quicker so do you thinnk that if we astral projected to such places like area 51 that we would find things that believers manifest in there minds.

If you know what i mean. am not sure that i explained it too good so if not let me know and i ll explain more

take care
Hi Guys,
Well recently me and my friend went for a week away in a seaside resort. Well, my friend has a degree in psychology and her friend works as a psychologists sectioning people lol.
At one point during our stay we had a few beers and decided to try meditation.
I can meditate well but it was there first time trying but they claim that they are well intouch with energy as they can easily feel it.

So i meditate, i start with a basic counting breath awareness type technique and then do energy bounce and open my charkas as described in NEW by robert bruce. During this i feel sensations as i always do but i am always content with just knowing that maybe i am making all this up and its all in my head but nevertheless i enjoy it and feel like i gain some well being from this.

My friend asks randomnly out of the blue, She said "hey michael do you think you can transfer energy to me".
I felt really shy and timid and stupid but told her i d try. So she sat by me as i was on the couch and had my hands on her head. I start slowly breathing in imagining me giving her energy and taking energy from her as i slowly do some breath aware ness

"michael stop!" she says in her throat she can feel a pain like needles sticking in her and she can hardly breathe

so i stop and suprised but nevertheless think well maybe shes making this up to mock me or maybe its in her mind
so a bit later i do the same with her friend.

feeling more confident i put my hand on his head and i can feel his skull throb as if it had a heart and slowly it feels like there is no scalp no more just my hands and his brains so i imagine placing my hands into his skull and i imagine my hands were electric and i that i am reviving his brain by shocking it with my hands.

He pulls away looking very frightened and says he started to feel little feelings like energy build up in his head until they made one huge energy and it felt like his head would pop so he had to stop

What does all this mean?
Was that my enegry?
Why does it hurt people?
Did this really work do you think?

Any help would be appriciated thanks
Hi All and Hi OMCASEY hope you get to read this,

Firstly i dont consider myself as limited by boundaries of religion nor denomination and they do not create a person a person creates them.
I am currently spiritualist and when i say i am spiritualist i dont mean i am bound top believe and follow all of spiritualism nor does it restrict me from beliving in other beliefs instead i mean that at this time in my spiritual development the closest most relevant belief system is spiritualism and so to express my beliefs in one word and not in depth when someone asks my belief i say spiritualism.

So i have recently decided to read some buddhist theory and started examining the theories of reincarnation and karma and then studying the four noble truths and the eight fold path

for those who are unaware of these the four noble truths are suppose to be the guidance notes on how to rid onesself of suffering as is the eight fold path but the eight fold path is more so a set of rules rather than guidance.

Anyhow i decided to do an honest self anysalis and ask me self how many of the rules on the eight fold path do i follow and it was more than half it was almost all of them and i think most people who are devoted to been a better person thus most people on this site also fall into the same catogory as following more than half of these rules. So if we follow a majority and its suppose to rid us of suffering then why am i still suffering.

I mean of course life is full of suffering and i dont mean i am suffering in any major way but most people will agreee that life aint exactly bliss. and in the four noble truths it says to rid oneself of suffering follow the eight fold poath and i follow most of it without even knowing.

I mean am not saying oh look here am still suffering and so is everyone yet we follow these am just simply stating that until death i dont think following these rules will cease suffering i think they will definatly make you a better person but as for ceasing sffering i dont think its likely because suffering is part of life its what makes living living.

just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this and if you could provide me with any information about this om or thoughts you have on this.

also i will probs write a post on desire and cravings in relation to buddhism cause i had a thought about that today .i mean am not picking faults in the religion by no means because i think that buddishm is one of the good religons am just finding out errors in the equations

Hi when ever i project or fall into deep sleep or even take drugs that alter perception i usally get 2 places in my head that throb and pulse as well as intense ringing that is not titinus.

The first throbbing secotr i ll ask about is on  the right hand side of my head near the back but not at the back and almost located near the apex of the cranium so i done some googling and came up with this image

according to the image the place that throbs in my head is called the Parietal lobe

so i done some wikipedia search and came up with this....
but since i am stupid could someone please explain to me what the hell wikipedia is talking about lol

What functions happen in this part of the brain and what is fit used for?
has it got any relation to perception and consiousness?

ok the other part which throbs is on the left hand side of the brain and its at the very back and i googled again to come up with this picture

according to this picture the part of the brain that throbs on the left hand side is called
the occipital lobe and wikipedia says this lol

again could someone explain this to me please
also because both lobes are active at the same time does this make anything diffrent occur

thanks for your help