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Topics - Nayru

Welcome to Astral Chat! / My 201th post. :D
October 06, 2003, 16:03:44
Well, congratulations Astralpulse. :D I usually don't stay longer than 50 posts max on a board, so this certainly is an exception. Know what that means? It means that this board rules. [:D]
do you mean something like, you become another person when you post and browse the forums? someone other than the person you are when you are out and about in the real world?

Nayru, kids are just... kids.  Most dbzers are like 13-15 years old boys; you shouldn't expect them to act as adults...  15 years ago, I was just like them, dreaming of being a super-hero with mega powers...  except that I kept my dreams for myself instead of showing off and that I was maybe less aggressive than some of the kids here.

Hum... enough talking of me!  [:D]
Maybe they should re-label the thread names...

PS: But sometimes I am a little scared to see some 15 years old "masters" teaching energy work to other kids... [:O]
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Shields.
August 25, 2003, 16:25:35
Hi Nayru,
I might disappoint you, cause I won't name certain shielding devices in this post. But I hope that none the less its briefness the following is helpful.

Many people are convinced that shielding is very essential. Somehow the forum title 'Psychic Self Defence' even implies that there is a need to defend yourself. But I disagree. In my opinion shielding sucks. It is a nice tool to mark and protect a training ground. It can be a haven in which you can develop your skills as long as you are unfamiliar with your environment, with yourself, with your energies, your emotions and your capability to deal with them. However, it is a crutch you actually should get rid off as soon as possible. Unfortunately people get used to this crutch and fail to keep its side effects in mind. Instead of getting rid off their shields little by little they are developing and strengthening them.
The major side effects of shields are their energy consumption and their affect on someone's clarity to see and perceive reality as it is. But the most important side effect shows itself in case of an attack on someone who does shielding. It is environmental pollution [xx(]. Of course, you might argue that the deflection of negative energy into the environment seems to be the better and healthier choice. A sacrifice you have to make in order to avoid an injury or getting hurt. But there are other and better ways to deal with an attacker.

One is a bit tricky and reminds me on a character in a Japanese anime called 'Dirk Side'. It is to absorb the energy of an attack. You need a very calm mind for this. A mind which is concerning emotions smooth as glass. A mind that is able not to react on thoughts and feelings. A mind that does not cling to an 'I'. A fearless mind that is not assuming that the conscious part of ones self is this notion of 'I' and that this 'I' needs to be protected and pleased. Such a calm mind wouldn't give an attack a handle. The attacking flow of energies and emotions will enter such a person, but as long as this person doesn't react on them, they won't be able to harm. Instead they will transform into something different, lacking any negative quality. This digested energy can be safely drained of into the environment or it can be used internal for strengthening reasons.

Another method is less tricky, though it can be unpleasant for a beginner. Just as the method above it's main emphasise is to make a connection between you and your attacker. If you use a shield, you are deepening the separation between you and your attacker, strengthening the blindness of your mind through which you are watching each other, watching each other in a distorted way. The thing is to search for the energy level of your opponent on which this person is a loving being. But it is not just a searching, you have to move yourself on that level. This can give rise to aversion and may feel disgusting, but as long as you don't give up, you are going to find that level or state of mind. As soon as you have found it, as soon as you are able to see that the other person loves, send as much love as you can. There will be no space for doubt or fear. There is just love. Try to overflow this person with love and see what will happen.
You should try this technique in advance. Just pick people in your surrounding, choose people around you you least like. This will make it easier for you to apply this method in future.

Of course the greatest way to avoid any attack is love and trust. Do not think that your conscious part of your mind is going to save you, e.g. by means of a shield. As one of the greatest mind scientist put it into words, the sub consciousness always protects the consciousness (Milton H. Erickson). It is not the other way around. Learn to trust and to let go. Trust your sub consciousness and trust and love this world. Wu-wei tzu-jan. This way you will fight similar to an experienced Tai Chi practitioner. There just happens no attack and it seems like you are having a cushy job [:)]. Wo-wei-erh-wei.


Make use of the Infinite Improbability Drive of your personal 'Heart of Gold'.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Psivamps? Any?
August 20, 2003, 14:31:42
Psivampires?! What´s that? I hope that they don´t exist...our world is bad enough to have psivampires.
Are you refering to vampires that drain life while someone is Astral Projecting or refering to vampires from flesh and bones that are capable of draining emotions?

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Empathy.
August 17, 2003, 05:34:56
See the following for posts about empathy and me.  You should be able to draw the conclusion of how I feel about it from there.

Hope that helps....

Oh and I might as well say it..  Some times having the ability is fun and other times its not.
What is light working?  And just out of curiosity did you get your screen name from the goddess in Zelda games for nintendo?
as far as i'm concerned, OBE's and Astral Projection are the same thing, no differences whatsoever[|)]