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Topics - APGuy

After doing some reading I would have to say that the hypnagogic imagery was more like an astral screen, my first experience with this effect.  Next time I'll try going into screen and then perhaps I'll have an astral projection!  However I would probably prefer to be OOB in my house for awhile before I go to the astral, does trying to go into the screen make you go into the astral counterpart of the screen or would you be able to just OBE into your house through it?  If not then was what I was doing the right way to go into a an OBE through it?  Also please give any comments on my experience.[:D]
Welcome to Dreams! / 1 Dream 3 People
January 26, 2004, 17:50:33
Good dream experience. A common phrase for this is called dream sharing or mutual dreaming. It does happen from what I hear. One theory is that this kind of thing can happen if the persons involved have a mutual problem or dilemma. What food is involved? Just the fact it is about food makes me think about it being a "consumption" or a "taking in" issue. Something to be, or not to be digested (accepted, believing something, etc.). This shared dream is suppose to result in a benefit to all participants (thought to be the reason the dream is shared).
My personal opinion is that is better to be the one doing the chasing, than being the one being chased. This may mean you have an upper hand on this issue being played out. [:)]Or...on a negative,you're being the aggressor.
What mutual interest or issue do the three of you have?
There's more questions, too bad I'm not well informed in mutual dreaming. If I run into any info in books or internet sites, I'll place it here.

Though I may be off, it seems I've read these kind of dreams have an emotional basis. In this case, anger perhaps.

Since your dream took place in a gym setting, I would think about competition,strength, relays,control or power issues, just to name a few. This dream taking place outside the gym, may mean your in a hallway, a place of transition. Any more ideas come to mind?
I'd say you are close.  Keep working at it, you are going in the right direction.

Relax.  Pay less attention to your surroundings.  Concentrate on your wordless intent.  breathe deeply to bring about a falling sensation.
Oh and I forgot to mention.  The method that gave me vibrations in the first place could help beginners.  The one where you imagine you are in a stream in a setting that you find calming near a water fall.  You are tied to the sides of the stream by yourself so that you don't get pulled down stream.  This is what got me the vibrations the first time.  Or maybe it was imagining I was the water flowing.  It's kind of blurry because of how close I was to sleep.  I think I imagined myself to be the water first and then myself in the water second.  I might have done this a couple of time changing back and forth.  Sorry I can't be more specific[:(].
i can say you are definetely close to having an OBE, but about that pain i would guess that it was some kind of muscle cramp or an energy blockage.  if you dont already make sure you relax every part of your body with physical relaxation, which is in Astral dynamics, by Robert Bruce if you dont have the book.  it walks through in great detail how to physically relax your body so you wont only stay comfortable, but you can slip into a trance faster from what i experienced.  i dont really think there is any negative entity effecting you so just try that out
Oh I forgot to say.  Just in case nobody has seen James Bond one of his famous catch frases is "I'll have a martini.  Shaken not stirred."  And just in case this dream is important in some way the building I was touching down in front of I thought for some reason was a witches house and then when I was in the car we were on the way to a baby shower. [:P]
Oh and please reply if you think that the dream means anything, if you want to comment, if your vibrations are like this, or if you think I'm close![:)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Question
November 06, 2003, 19:34:38
I thought her sister screwed the man.
I was looking around the net and Jonas Ridgeway says he saw through the eyes of a lady artist (seems she's moved on to comics[:P].)  Oh ya and I just realized that when I saw the other me rolling before I started moving there was stuff on my belt.  It might have to do with me trying to move into the comic book perhaps I was going to go to the astral proper and be the main character (Batman) with the utility belt[:P].  I don't really know what to think about this so if someone could try it out and maybe tell me what my experience sounds like (if it was just a hypnagogic hallucination or if when I saw myself I was starting to project.)  And also has anyone's astral body changed by going to a different locale?  That was a little... different.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Names Of Your Guides
October 06, 2003, 21:50:32

I'm not exactly sure what my guides name is, it seems I have more than one, but I'm not excatly sure, one I get to my AP stage, I will find out who my guide(s) are and let ya know.   So far I know one is a very beautiful mid-aged woman, about 25 or so.  The other is male, and seems to know me from a past life(?) he is not super talkative[:)] but he gets his point across when it needs to be done.  My female guide's name starts with an "M".  Or so I think!  Good luck with your replies!

Humans are animals.
Oh I forgot but I did do some energy work right before I tried to project to so it was probably that and not the unintended work thing earlier.