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Topics - GottaGetLow

No offense taken.

The answer is fairly basic. If you speak to a Tai Chi instructor they will tell you that the chi is simply - breath.

Might sound pretty unexciting, but consider all that breath entails - for us it is life.

Another straight forward description of chi/ki is life energy. it is the basic stuff of our energy body.

Hope that helps.

I already read this manual a long time ago and I though that everything there was real, so for your own information, not all the info in the manual are real or at least as real as you think, but there is a bigger real part than unreal.

I'ts like when you read the ki flame technique and you think that in hard progress you'll be able to create a big green flame arround you powering you up, well it's true, it can heal you and power you up but in a really high level and you'll sure not be able to see it, and I doubt other people will do.
About the Fa-jing, this man doesn't know what he is talking about. A fa jing is a special hit learned in Kung-fu or Tai-chi, it can be a fist or a kick but both are just creating a transfer of a great flow of energy to the opponents. so it's not a special attack, I would just call it "the right way to make a good hit".

The thing about jing, I am really not sure, but there are ppl like James from the site of the teachings of ki who says that he has 4 holes in his room from jing blasts lol well... he is a poor guy that says bullshits! Jing is sexual energy and not the evolued version of ki.
When you manipulate your ki and make it to flow in your bone narrow then it gets a constant rhytm of flow and its speed and force is much higher, then when you release it, it gets a little more powerful and sometimes with a physical effect, but it's not called jing but a denser version of ki.

You should ask tai-chi masters who learn the chi ways all their life, they will tell you all about ki.
Good luck in your research, hope I helped.
Originally posted by GottaGetLow

[...]or taking it from the enviorment[:D][8D][:)]

Errr NEW is all about this in fact ...
could you please tell me what energy you do.
Techniques or using energy to change things?
There's a "Wheel" in that area, yes. Not too many people call it the Bowel Chakra.

I never really made that connection, either. Thank you very much. You've given me a little insight. Whenever I do energy work, my bowels tend to act up. I guess it would be the stimulation of that wheel which causes it.

PS: 500 posts. w00t. Golden stars!
Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / help
January 31, 2004, 18:59:34
Hello GottaGetlow...Although I am new to energy practices and astral projection and whatnot I do have an idea about what you saw(although it is probably wrong). I think it may have been negative energy flowing into your chi ball. Where you having any negative thoughts or anything to maybe make this blackness appear??Anyways I hope I was of some help...but even if I am wrong im 100% sure another Astral Pulse member will correct me or give you an actual answer. good luck finding an answer.
Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / demons???????
September 01, 2003, 03:24:12
*sighs* Again, demons are not evil. Damnit, I'm so sick and tired of all those 'demons are evil' things.. What makes people think that Demons are evil is the bible. The demons the bible speaks of are evil, yes. They are everything God isn't.

But the demons you talk about are astral creatures. Some are asses, most aren't. Most are just hanging around. I mean, do you have any idea how many demons you come across in your daily life? A LOT. Did they ever harm you? No. Did they ever tried to kill you? No.

I cannot deny that there may be some demons that will kill, but hell, if one human kills others, it doesn't mean all humans are like that, now does it? Same goes for demons.