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Topics - xxSaffronxx

I had a spiritual assessment last night which basically means that my future teacher whom is a medium tapped into me to find out my strengths in mediumship & psychic abilities.
She said that my strongest skills are physical mediumship (using spirit to write and draw pictures of spirit), and she is 100% certain in 5 years that I will be teaching it myself! LOL
She said I will have no problems in being able to do any type of mediumship & psychic things, but she said although I will be able to do healing, that it wont really "float my boat", so to speak.
Also told me my spirit guide is a Roman Soldier :D

Additionally Gary (my fiancee whom is in spirit) came through again and gave her a few bits of information which was great. One of the things being he told her about the things on the bathroom shelf that he sent crashing into the bath. At the time the items were on the shelf over the other side of the room and nowhere near the bath (with no windows open and no feline intervention as the door was closed), so I thought it was strange at the time, but then forgot about it. But he was very pleased with himself that he managed to tell the medium it was him that did it LOL. I was warned he would play tricks on me :D
Welcome to Dreams! / Lucid Dream?
June 01, 2010, 11:22:12
Ok i dreamt I was flying in the sky last night but my arm was stretched really really really long and someone on the ground was holding onto my hand to help me control it. I remember thinking it was good, but felt a little bit nervous about lack of control.

I dont think I had any control over my dream though and from what I have read you are meant to have control in a lucid dream.

Any thoughts on this experience? Or was it just purely a normal dream?
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / What Next?
May 28, 2010, 10:06:03
Ok so im doing the Gateway Programme and am on Disc 1 which is mostly about Focus 10.
I am almost at the end of the disc tho now, but when I am in Focus 10 i see blackness and lots of swishing swirling lights. And sometimes I start to see faces quite clearly and then they disappear. And one time the blackness was 3D and I could see very bright stars. And sometimes I feel like I am floating on water or I am laying at a funny angle.

I have not managed to AP yet - but do you think this is a good start?
I know this isnt about AP directly, but it does has some link because it refers to another parallel dimesion with the afterlife (sorry if this is in the wrong area).
Im also asking about this as it seems from lots of other posts that we all AP when we are asleep - perhaps this was some kind of AP?

I dreamt my fiancée (whom is in the spirit world) told me that he was still a part of my life but just that I could not see him. He said he was there with me everyday and our home was still his home. He still lived his life with me but more on a parallel dimension which is similar to ours and that he still continues to come home after he has been busy doing the stuff he needs to do and that he still sleeps in our bed with me.
He also told me that his mum was back in hospital (although I don't remember anymore about that, I can only assume he meant the mental hospital as she is mentally ill)

That's all I can remember, but I know there was more – just wish I could remember it.

Do you think perhaps its him trying to get through to me again and let me know he is around?
Its funny cos Monday night when I was chatting to my counsellor I told him that even though I have had it confirmed numerous times by other people that this is life after physical death and that he is with me all the time (including what the medium told me), that I still sometimes doubt it, purely because I cannot see him with my own physical eyes.
Im wondering if last night was him trying to let me know he is still with me.
Does anyone know where I can find out the detailed information on each of Monroe's focus points?
I have 2 of his books - Far Journeys and Ultimate Journey and so far Im half way through Far Journeys and its only telling me about his experiences rather than his theory behind the focus points.
I dont want to buy yet another book of his unless I know it has these explanations in
Some of you know I have bought the hemi-sync for out of body.
Tried it for the first time last night and thought i was actually getting some success!!!

I got to the point where I could not feel my body and kept drifting in and out of consiousness - everytime I felt i was drifting to sleep something would trigger in my mind to keep it alert (and i was aware of this happening). And was in total blackness with strange thoughts and images rolling around my mind - like a movie in sort of negative pictures (by negative i mean when you used to get photos developed and were given the negatives). I also kept seeing lots of swishing yellow light randomly within the blackness.

However, this experience was short lived as the telephone rang!!! grrrrrrrrrrr

So when I tried again, the telephone rang again and the cat jumped on me!
By this time I gave up and tried again later, but I could not get back to the state i had felt previously so hopefully will try again tonight
Now reading through Franks AP article - he talks about his perspective on past lives (near the end).
He says that people usually assume past lives are sequential, but in fact they are simultaneous. But that the person you see suring a past-life regression is not actually you.

I cant get my head round the fact it is not you, but i agree with the theory of them being simultaneous somehow.

Can anyone else shed more light on this theory?
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Hemi-Sync
May 11, 2010, 05:15:32
Not sure if this is the right place but i have heard hemi-sync can be effective for meditation and AP.
Can anyone suggest a really good one to get?
Ok so I have read numerous books on AP and tried several ways. But Im really frustrated.
I find the excercises and mantras that you have to do before bed and during the waking life are quite a lot (referring to Belzebuub mainly).

I have not tried to AP for a month now because i am losing interest because the excercises are too time consuming and having to remember how to do certain things and chant mantras. And because I have only managed to AP once (and that was without trying) the lack of success is causing me to lose interest.

Any suggestions?
A couple of you have mentioned to me about the film Butterfly Effect and the Chaos Theory.
Well I watched this last night (and i am rubbish at interpreting films) so if you can shed some light as to why this is relative to Astral Projection? The guy in the film keeps going back in time to change his life and outcomes, but how is this Astral Projection?
Ok last night im not sure if this was a dream or not, but i woke up and sat up in bed and then turned round and realised i had AP'd. I saw my body asleep in the bed and touched my hair to make sure.
I got so excited and decided to touch the wall, and my hand went through it.
So I then decided to leave the house and find my fiancee (who passed recently) and found myself at the river where we walk the dog.
I found him but he didnt recognise me at first, but did eventually. And we were hugging and kissing - pleased to see one another.
A couple of times I felt like I was being pulled back to my body and told my fiancee that I had to go, but that I would be back. I resisted some of the pullings back to my body but ended going back in the end.

Then I think i woke up and remembered what had happened, and was going to write it down but i fell back to sleep.

Anyway during the night everytime I apparrently went to sleep, I had AP'd without even trying, and again saw my body asleep in the bed. I dont remember too much more about these additional AP's except that they were not so real as the first one because I went to my parents old house where my mum was asleep in her bed (they dont live there anymore) and tried to go through the dressing room door, and couldnt so I had to open it which didnt wake my mum up, and I remember my fiancee being in there and then we went back out and opened the door again - but thats all i remember of that bit.

When I physically started to wake up this morning someone was saying a word over and over again that was not in english, and the more i woke up the more it started to fade until it stopped alltogether (I think it was a womans voice) - what is this??? I cant remember the word that was being said.

Now what do you reckon - were these dreams of actually AP?
The first time could be AP i guess but surely if that were true then my fiancee would have recognised me straight away, and he didnt?
And the second one where it involves my parents old house, must be a dream right? Cos they dont live in that house anymore?

I appreciate thoughts on this. Perhaps it was a dream but is a good indicator that I am ready to AP?
After unsuccessfully trying to AP last night, I went to sleep (I have only tried twice so far)
I remember dreaming that I had AP'd and I saw my fiancee (who is in the Spirit World not the physical) and asked him if he could see me and he said yes!

Thats all I remember - i would say it was a dream rather than AP - what do you think?
Well I tried to AP last night for the first time, and although it didnt happen, my whole body was tingling right to my finger tips.

Is this the start of AP?

I also remember seeing complete blackness, but eventually little sparkles of red or tiny red lights flashing
Hi All

Im here to learn and experience Astral Projection.
I have not had an experience yet, although I attempted my first AP last night with no success.

My main reason for wanting to AP is because my much loved & adored fiancee passed away in Dec 09 and I really want to be able to contact him.

I look forward to meeting you all and sharing experiences!
