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Topics - Phong

Well, each to there own. The OBEs I've experienced in the past 15 years or so have generally been fantastically exciting !!

For you, checking out rooftops may be boring....for me, flying over the neighbourhood and skimming the rooftops is pretty amazing.

hahah is that for real?
I used to do this when I was really young (5 or 6) and I started to think that if I kept doing it I would dematerialize (like on star trek). You're right, it is one of the most difficult things to do.

Something I'd always daydream about, while trying to comprehend infinity, would be imagining a ladder that went both up and down towards forever in both directions. I imagined myself on the ladder, looking downwards and seeing through the vanishing point and then upwards. But I cannot, for the life of me, keep the ladder from bending inwards or curving, eventually collapsing itself into a circle. I've tried and tried, but there's nothing for the bottom of the ladder to ground on and there's nothing for the top of the ladder to rest upon. Whenever I do this, I become troubled that my imagination has this annoying "limit."
hi there phong !

I've had an experience identical to yours...though I've never been able to decide whether or not it was a dream or otherwise.

I was in a large dept store, in the cosmetics section. People were going about their shopping normally...My first thought was, "how can I get their attention?".

At this point, I wasn't sure whether it was a dream or waking reality...but I took a gamble on it being a dream (!) and dropped a large glass ornament on the floor. As it shattered, people looked over at me. An employee rushed over to sweep up the mess. Amazingly everyone went back to their shopping !

I was relieved to wake up in my own bed, instead of being forced to pay for breakages... !!

isnt that basically the same thing as karma?