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Topics - Nomesb69

Dream or astral realm and what would they be?

What is about one foot tall, translucent and wears robe like clothing?

I was at ground level in a doorway looking down the hallway in a house that had kids toys scattered about. While picking up toys I looked in the hallway and out of the corner or my eye I saw something move from behind one toy to the other. When I looked there was nothing.

But then it happened again...

So I really looked. And then I saw them again. They were short humanoid creatures hiding behind the toys. If I would shift my visual focus slightly out of wack I could see them. The visual shift felt much like looking at one of those 3D posters that you have to kind of un-focuss your vision to actually see the 3D scenery.

They looked much like a cartoon character that was just outlined with thin lines and never colored. They were completely see through but yet you could see outlines of the figures and there robe like clothing. The outlines was still translucent but you could still see a distortion that was visible enough to see them. Kind of like the predator movie when he was cloaked but when he moved you could see a distortion of his outline.

With a little practice I was able to shift my focus at will and see them. They completely was aware of me and observing me. No one else in my dream could see them no matter how hard they tried.

So my question, what were these little people? This may have transpired in the astral realms or could be just in my dream scape.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Found a calling
June 08, 2011, 15:46:21
I haven't posted in awhile really because I have been busy with a new baby and in between that and my new calling I haven't had time to post much :( but if anyone is interested in orgonite I have found my calling so to speak. Well it speaks to me at least, lol.

I have just completed my new personal powered portable orgonite protection device. I have some pics and YouTube videos on my website I am working on. I am still working on the site so it's not clean or tidy yet.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Law of attraction
May 01, 2011, 17:13:00
I am trying to use the laws opf attractions. I have several phrases that I repeat in my head each day to try and obtain the results by putting it out into the universe. But how much is enough and how much is to much? 20 times a day 100?
Kinda off topic here, sorry. But I am curious as to how to make a larger crystal resinate to a certain frequency? Say I had this quartz crystal and I want to resinate it at 7.5 Hz, is it sufficient to hold a speaker close to it and generate a 7.5 Hz signal via the speakers or is there a way to directly interface the crystal?
Question being when you need to use visualization for anything such as seeing white light flow into your body, moving the light around inside you or sending energy out of your body into something, etc... Does it really matter if you visualize what is happening to your body in 1st or 3 person ? Is one more effective or less effective than the other? Reason I ask is I'm a better, way better third person visulizer than I am first person visualizer. Don't get me wrong I can first person visualize but it takes allot more effort for some reason than sitting back and watching my self from a third person perspective.
Welcome to Magic! / Black mirror
March 29, 2011, 15:22:59
Recently discovered black mirror scrying. I tried it for the first time and it was really interesting. I saw my face change into many different human faces even of different ethnic origins. I also saw some human animal type hybrid faces along with a deffinate alien origins. What I like about the scrying is I can actually see this with my physical eyes not my minds eye. But the question is who or what were those faces in my black mirror ? They would constantly change, could only hold onto them for seconds before the next would appear.
Welcome to Magic! / Amulet ... Talisman?
March 27, 2011, 15:45:00
Got some stuff in a lot from eBay. This was in there does anyone know what it is? Here is pics of the front and back of it.[/img]


Welcome to Astral Chat! / 1:11, 2:22, 3:33 etc
March 24, 2011, 22:42:09
What is the significance of seeing the frequent recurrence of the time being all the same numbers. Such as 1:11, 2:22, etc? I have been seeing this a lot lately over the last few weeks.
I had a very unusual dream last night. I was a viewer of a type of war being waged on a planet, unknown if it was our own planet or some other planet. However what I did know was the war was not a traditional war such we know war, it was way more advanced. I was there observing but yet did not physical exist, I was more a point of existance only. I was high in the sky watching these war events take place from above. The last part I remember must have been the most important I guess. From my skyward view I could see different parts of the ground light up in a triangle or pyramid type shapes. The pyramid type shapes were energizing to reach critical mass. I could feel the opposing party did not want these pyramid ground shapes to fully energize and knew the opposing party was trying to stop this from happening. However each pyramid site fully energized and once they did each site released a blast of triangle shaped black matter that shot into the heavens. The war was over and you could feel the energy left in the air.

I was then taken down to ground level to one of these pyramid power sites. I was told these site are the power source for all energy things wheather it is magickal works or scientific or anything else all power is derived from these sites. The energy pyramids 32 degrees has been around since the beginning always. It allows for universal communications and knowledge base access.

I then remember I was left at the pyramid site and placed on a floor made of crystal which had a person inside the crystal sheet. The person was more like a computer based avatar than a real person. I asked the person questions and there was never a response. The only thing that happened was when I asked the questions the computer avatar would flicker, pulsate and vibrate to my voice during the time i was talking. I remember trying to get knowledge from this crystal sheet but couldnt do it. I even tried grabbing handfuls of information a trying to place it in my head. Nothing worked.

This dream was very real and it stood out when I woke up. The only thing I lost in wake was understanding. When I was being told about the universal energy that is available from these sites and how it powered all things magickal and science alike, I did fully understand at the time. I remember the feeling of , "It all make since now". However in my waking state I did not retain the understanding of what was told to me only the fact that it was explained to me and i did understand at the time it was explained to me. Maybe somewhere deep in my subconscious the information is still there.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Destruction of souls
March 12, 2011, 23:50:52
I have been noticing it being mentioned a lot lately that a soul can be destroyed. This seems a contradiction to everything I have read and or been told. It was my understanding that energy can not be created or destroyed only transformed. I also been told that the soul or our spirit side of our physical existence is ever lasting. So how can a soul be destroyed? I also been told you are completely safe doing whatever you want while obe. But it seems that if a soul can truly be destroyed then you are not as safe as people are saying while obe. So what is it?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Symbols
March 10, 2011, 01:49:06
During a session today I listened to several Tom Kenyon tracks and some Hemi sync I perceived the following symbols today. Does anyone recognize anything?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Bermuda triangle
February 24, 2011, 03:42:32
Has any one ever projected into the burmuda triangle? If so what did you find?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Time travel issues
February 18, 2011, 02:43:44
Ok so say I discovered a means to physically manipulate time. And also for this example say there was a person that was killed in a plane crash in 2005. It is now the year 2010 so for five years this person has been deceased and is living their after life currently as well as the last 5 years. So I enage my time device in 2010 and go back to the day before then plane crash and some how convinced this person not to get on the plane. The individual listens and does not get on the plane and there for does not die in the crash. This means he would now be alive in the year 2010 and has been alive all this time. However what about his spirit time he spent dead before the timeline was changed? Is that erased? Is he now compelled back into his physical existence against his spiritual will? I know people have theorized before on different time lines in the physical but when the physical stops the spiritual begins. What if this spirit while dead reincarnated during the 5 years he was suposed to be dead before I went back and changed the events that lead to his death. He would have to be alive in the new time line physically and his physical body needs his spirit but how could his spirit encompass two body's?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Grays
February 16, 2011, 15:54:42
I was thinking about the gray aliens for some reason yesterday. What if the gray beings that people report seeing and interacting with are not actual beings? What if the gray it's self is just a biological machine which allows a point of consciousness or other entitity, though form, spirit or other being that does not have physical pressense in this dimension to enter this gray vehicle and have an exsistance in this dimension. The gray machine would allow it to be able to exist in our dimension/focus level or vibration level during it's occupancy of the gray machine body.

So if something happens to it while physically manifested via the gray body it just goes back it's original form and then gets another gray body and comes back to continue its work. Just as if you where going on a trip and crashed your car and you finished your trip with the rental car, lol. Same concept.

Much like a medium and allow a spirit or other nonphysical being to use their body as a vehicle to speak and act through.

Sorry for the random thoughts just wanted to share.
Dream or OBE?

Today I had to get up early for an appointment so last night was an early to bed night. Around 9 p.m. I prepared for bed. Knowing that I had to be up early I took an ambien (10 mg) and went to bed. I listened to the holo sync track one the dive. Frustrated i was still awake I went and took half another ambien (5 mg) and came back to bed and then listened to Hemi sync focus 10 exploration sleep track. I dozed off a couple times and eventually turn it off. I turned to my side and rested for a bit and then heard a loud buzzing in my ears and then my face felt a vibration and the vibration slowly went from my face to my whole head then down through my body. After a minute I was able to role out of my body. I walked away from my bed towards the bedroom door and I remember seeing my dog on the floor. I was curious if he could see me but I don't remember if he could or not. When I got to my bedroom door I tried to see if I could push through it but could not so I opened the door with the door handle. I walked out of the bedroom and headed outside which i was standing in my driveway. I remember looking up in the sky for the moon and when I found it I was trying to jump up in the sky to fly to the moon. But all I could do was jump not even high let alone fly to the moon. This was all I remember.

Now the reason I don't know if this was an actual obe or a dream of an obe is because when I take my ambien I remember all my physical activity at night like a dream. For instance I take my ambien and goto bed and the next day I wake up and think that's weird in had a dream I made scrambled eggs but then go into the kitchen only to find a pan that had eggs scrambled in it, lol.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Seeing your meditations
February 13, 2011, 03:08:06
Ok. Question, how do you see your meditations? What I mean is when I meditate and see things during the time meditating I see the images and scenes as if I would recall a memory. So in other words it isn't as if I am experiencing them visually. This disappoints me as I want them to be as if I am seeing them with my eyes. Is this how everyone else see's their meditations? or am I just lacking in development?

Is the The Hyperdimensional Resonator way far fetched?


The Hyper Dimensional Resonator is one of the most advanced instruments of it's kind in the entire world. An advanced Psychotronic two dial, one bank unit that has many uses. It is primarily designed as an astral projection/time machine and unlimited white light generator. The unit comes with a witness well, rubbing plate, multidimensional stabilizer, clear switch, power switch, and time-coil. It is the only unit of it's kind in the world. If you have ever had difficulties astral projecting then this device can help you to succeed. Strictly a research tool.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Dream machine
February 11, 2011, 17:33:39
What is everyones take on a dream machine ?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Sudden jerking
February 10, 2011, 00:47:22
When your meditating and or going to sleep sometime I notice the whole body do a sudden violent jerk. It's almost like you were falling and caught your self but your obviously wasn't, nor did it really feel like it. What causes this?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Today's meditation
February 05, 2011, 16:49:34
Well just casual conversation here. I was meditating today and towards the end of an hour long session I  start getting thoughts of a wire pyramid with crystal points wire wound something cobalt and electric current then eye of horris, a crook and an ankh and a few other things. After ending the session my nose started gushing blood. Was weird.

Has anyone heard of a combination of any of the above items before?
Welcome to Dreams! / Dream in a dream of a obe
February 05, 2011, 01:02:05
Ok I was lying in bed and closed my eyes. Then started counting backwards from 16 relaxing even more with each breath and each count backwards.  I got to around 8 and felt vibrations and heard almost a freight train sound. Then I could see the wall but my eyes were closed yet I could still see. I was questioning weather I really had my eyes closed so I open them and snapped out of it. My eyes were closed but I could see right through my eyelids like they were open. So I started the count again and once again around the 8 count I got the vibrations and the loud noise and vision through my eyes. I was thinking this is it I need to get out so I rolled and part of my came out but I couldn't get the rest to roll out. I struggled hard and pulled on the edge of the bed and more of me came out. I could now reach the night stand I pulled more and after a lot of struggle I fell out of my body onto the floor. I was out! I stood up and though I did it, I finally did it. So I turned so I could see my body lying there and when I looked there was no me. Then I realize I must of dreamt it but now I was awake. But then I actually woke up again to realize I was just dreaming about the dream. So I was dreaming "that I was dreaming" that I was in obe!?
I can reach deep levels of relaxation to the point of being aware my body is there but more or less lack of feeling anything more than and outline. I can achieve this state and remain there awake mentally for hours waiting for some type of vibration and nothing ever comes? I imagine my self swaying, rolling, floating and anything else I can think of, but end the end never vibrations for separation. What could be wrong?

Observation , the "show unread posts" link seems to not be accurate. Is there a know issue? What I see is I click on it and then read a post list and click again and a good portion of the listings that was there are no longer listed. Even though I did not read them?
What would cause pressure between the eyes? Driving today this evening to eat I felt a pressure between my eyes like I get sometimes when I meditate. But I was driving and not meditating so it wass odd and my head also felt balloony ? The eye pressure isn't really like pressure to say but more like if you hold your finger between your eyes and barely touch your skin you feel this sensation.

Is my energies wack or something for me to feel this while not meditating?
Completed another round of wave 1 track 2 of Hemi sync last night nothing really. Listened to brainwave entrainment delta wave tracks for around 20 minutes. Fell asleep listening to the brainwave entrainment lucid dream tracks.

Not sure if this was lucid or not. Not the standard dream, this felt like I was watching a scene from a movie but actualy being in the scene as an invisible observer as it happens. This was and ancient room inside something old. Very dark but what stocks out the most was a wall a stone wall. There was two men working on the wall attaching shelf like objects for illumination purposes. I do not know if these were ancient people in an ancient room or modern people in a ancient room. I also do not recall if the lighting being installed was modern or ancient as in torch vs. Lightbulbs. The guy on the left side of the wall was trying to hang the light ledge about 7 feet up but having problems with the wall crumbling and the second guy was up higher on the right climbing and his foot went through a stone decorative panel. The second guy came down to see what his foot went through. I watched as he knocked away the rest of the crumbled decoration to reveal something behind the wall in a little alcove. He picked it up and held it to examine it. It was like a small pyramid made up of small blocks that rotated. Each side of the blocks had letters and some had symbols. You could move the blocks in the pyramid thing to make different combinations of letters and symbols. When I seen what it was I said to my self, "oh my, they just discovered _______!" the blank is what they discovered, I do not remember what it was now but in my dream I knew exactly what it was and was surprised they discovered it.

Early waking I layed back down and listened to Hemi sync wave one track 3

Never clicked out but see the word nredom one letter was off but realized it was spelling modern ? Also remember strange symbols nothing recognizable and they were floating.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Shakti helmet?
January 25, 2011, 02:59:09
Has anyone used the shakti helmet? Got the good, bad or ugly on it? I am seriously thinking about saving up for one. Just want some input first.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Melatonin
January 23, 2011, 17:10:02
Is taking melatonin while trying to project a productive thing or counterproductive thing?
Hello all. I have been lurking and reading the forums here for about a week and half now. I just joined this am and wanted to say hello to all. I am not sure I will be off any great contribution here as I am just getting started with my learning. I hope to become a resource one day.